#ba’sura goldenfoot



I call this one “I draw my character too much: Ba’Sura Goldenfoot Edition” my 13th level stout halfling barDbarian (8 levels totem barbarian, 5 levels swords bard)

Just some of the drawings from the past two years of our campaign. She has grown quite a bit both figuratively and literally. I can’t help but love my sensitive, flower-loving, ass-kicking gal.


-sometimes you run away from the mansion built by your family’s fashion empire, steal from a hag in the woods, and get turned into a raccoon for 50 years.

Some backstory doodles- Including Bakkah- the hag whose scarf she stole.

-when your hardiest party member goes down with one shot, and you find out it’s from the same guy that killed her mom.
