#bbc elyan


ImmortalLeon Rangles Reincarnated Knights AU

  • In S3 ep12, “The Coming of Arthur: Part 1”, Leon drank from the cup of life. Since this, many fans have headcannoned him as immortal.
  • For a while I’ve been in love with the idea of mixing reincarnated characters with immortal/resurrected characters in the same story.
  • There’s potential for angst in that these are your friends but not.
  • Maybe they regain their memories, but their new lives are more prominent, so they’re freaking out that they’ve got this other version of them inside them now overlapping and it feels like it’s taking over and they don’t have autonomy.
  • Lol
  • Anyway the actual au idea is that Leon is immortal and has to find, unite, and get the reincarnated knights + Co. to remember their past lives.
  • The story would deal with the conflicts that arise from that. Just for fun, the reincarnates all have low level gifted magic ;)
  • This is less part of the au, than a headcannon, but gifted vs learned magic
  • In gifted magic, you have magic inside of you and can bend that magic to your will through spells and rituals you make up.
  • Learned magic is magic naturally occurring in nature, in movement, heat, light, etc. You weird it through spells and rituals involving words in the language of the Old Religion.
  • Someone gifted magic can learn, learned magic spells
  • With gifted magic you have to wait for your magic supply to build up naturally, or through a spell performed by another.
  • Learned magic if you run out, you can just go somewhere where there is more magic/ do something to create magic (striking a match for example, through it won’t even provide enough for a spell)
  • Gifted magic can accomplish one thing or one type of thing in a more efficient way/ only way than learned magic
  • Gifted magic emerges after birth or a significant event/trauma
  • Back to the au
  • Leon watched Camelot fall and the Saxons invade. He watched all his friends die. No dragon ever gave him any prophecy, so he thought everything was over.
  • He spent a few hundred years mourning, but eventually he realized that if he had to live forever, he didn’t want to be miserable for eternity.
  • So he traveled, he read books. He learned about the new world that was forming around him.
  • Then he saw Elyan.
  • But of course it couldn’t be Elyan, right?
  • …Right?
  • Elyan and Leon have their meet cute
  • Leon only knows for sure that it’s Elyan because while he looks exactly like himself, Elyan is also gaining back some of his memories before Leon met him
  • Elyan is really freaked out about it
  • You see most people in the modern time know about magic and it’s definitely not as bad as Camelot was
  • But the numbers of know magic users are few and they kinda have a bad reputation
  • Because the first magic user in recent times, the one who sort of brought belief in magic back into the public consciousness, did a Bad Thing
  • Yes this mysterious magic user will be plot important :)
  • Anywho, while Elyan was freaked that he had magic, Leon was also freaked that Elyan had magic
  • Because Merlin never opened up about the whole being a sorcerer thing
  • Leon is still pretty iffy on the whole magic thing, he’s cool with the druids (remember the cup of life?) But has an instant bad impression of everyone else, even though he won’t be rude about it
  • He’s worried for his no longer dead friend now having magic
  • Elyan was gifted with spirit sight after the death of his father
  • Haven’t decided whether or not Tom would be reincarnated, or if it’s a separate dad
  • If Tom’s reincarnated, that would imply that so were other non-knight characters. And I’ve got to think about how far that would extend

  • Uther?

random headcanon, but i bet, in modern times, Elyan listens to Mitski and cries.
