#bd wong


Barbarian (Path of the Totem)

Bard (College of Glamour)

Cleric (Light Domain)

Druid (Circle of the Land)

Fighter (Battlemaster)

Monk (Way of the Open Fist)

Paladin (Oath of Redemption)

Ranger (Hunter)

Rogue (Mastermind)

Sorcerer (Wild Magic)

Warlock (Pact of the Tome Fiend Patron)

Wizard (School of Enchantment)

 “Sam always said from the very beginning that Whiterose should only be utilized on the show in very

“Sam always said from the very beginning that Whiterose should only be utilized on the show in very small doses to maximize her impact, and he stuck to that for all three seasons. So even becoming a series regular, he’s still stuck to it. I don’t doubt he’ll continue to stick to it. I’m not going to tell you how because I can’t, but he has stuck to it. It’s very cool that he has done that because he’s protecting her impact by doing that.”–BD Wong


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“Hell Money” - where Mulder and Scully spent time with Lucy Liu and B.D. Wong.“Hell Money” - where Mulder and Scully spent time with Lucy Liu and B.D. Wong.

“Hell Money” - where Mulder and Scully spent time with Lucy Liu and B.D. Wong.

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