#gotham villains


I’ve been thinking of trying for something a little closer to comicbook style? what do you guys think?

Also I did redesigns for some villains

Riddler is up in the air still need to work out his main outfit some more. While I liked the Batman movie, that interpretation of riddler is not my favorite. I like Gotham’s Riddler but the costumes in the last episode timeskip doesn’t do it for me.

I’m happy with scarecrow, I was going for something a bit more safer around his own fear toxin. This scarecrow is kind of neurotic and anxious, this man could be spooked by his own shadow. A coward to the core and hates confrontation. His fear toxin will trigger panic attacks not hallucinations.

Joker is Joker I don’t like this character I don’t find him all that compelling the best joker on screen is Cameron Monaghan and I don’t care for all the crazy for crazy Heath Ledger wannabes.

Selina…I have plans for her later down the line.

I darkened clayface so he’s not weirdly orange brown like a melty turd. I don’t know if I did great but I think he’s decently spooky looking.

I don’t think there’s ever been a real definitive look for two face so here’s another one to all the variants. I did a small comic for him I would like to expand on his relationship with Bruce and his trauma.

I loved the brief look at pink haired ivy from batman ninja and will continue to roll with it. I think it allows for more focus on the parts to make her look more unnatural like maybe her eyes of strangely sharp teeth. This ivy is not really human, talking to her feels like making deals with a devil who takes payment in dead bodies. So I try to convey a bit of that.

Lastly is penguin who I tried to make him more of a reflection of what I imagined an older fox’s Gotham penguin would look like. Half of his face is scarred and shredded from a grenade and the monocle is on the eye that still sees. This penguin is a classy sharpshot with silver and blue color scheme.

I made an original character for Riddler, her name is Peggy Boniface and she’s his therapist. I was thinking it would be quite fun to have a character that is the opposite of Harley Quinn with Riddler. This therapist is very professional and pragmatic. She appeals to Ed’s sense of reason and always plays along with his games. She has far more patience with him than anyone else he’s interacted with, even staying late to try to solve his puzzles. Ed used to mock her for being too dumb to get them but came to be mildly amused to impressed with her persistence to try to solve his games.

I think it would be funny for Riddler to fall in love with her while she’s feels pretty neutral towards him. But when it comes to confronting feelings he’d be a bit dumb at recognizing it and when he does he’s even worse at flirting. His first thought is trying whatever he did to become friends with Penguin.

the answers to those question
- He left it in his cell because he hates getting blood on his glasses
- Arkham security sucks he could leave whenever he wants he’s only stuck around because Peggy is nice
- Regular Arkham breakout, he’d usually follow every else in the riot but he’s been having a good time.
- He’d suggest burying the bitch alive but the therapist wouldn’t be happy with that response ( he could not give less of a shit about Harley or Joker)
- He sticks them to the ceiling of his prison cell in the arrangement of actual constellation, he’s only ever seen stars in books because the city has so much smog and light pollution

I did a reimagining of a character from batman the animated series, though this one has a couple changes to her. She’s the granddaughter of the ventriloquist with a desire to rule her own criminal empire one day. She’s an adversary Jason Todd robin, being kind of a jerk to him because he’ll always just be some scrappy street kid to her. Though as robin she’s intrigued by him and reluctantly ends up becoming his friend and one of the first members of Robin and the Outlaws. She’s less of an adult woman with the inability to grow up and more of a conniving and unassuming little girl. She’s a bit like penguin in a way. The Ventriloquist is still the ventriloquist taking orders from Scarface.

I really liked gotham so I figured these two belong together, I’ll be drawing more of their shenanigans together in the future. Here is Riddler hanging out at clubs on occasion telling jokes, pretty much everyone in gotham’s villian circle agree that Riddler is funnier than Joker. As for penguin I slimmed him down a little to be more shortish dad bod with a more aristocrat edge. I was thinking that he’s be more intimidating/amusing as he wears heeled shoes to be at a more average height, nobody is really aware of it except for riddler who knows how tall Oswald really is.

Everybody Harley needs some plant love ❤️
