#be a good human


I haven’t posted in many many months, maybe even over a year! Just redownloaded the thmblr app since I got a new phone in the springtime. 2020 has been a strange one but on a positive note all this quarantine has lead me to do some soul searching. My mental health has been great and I’m eating clean again. Finally seeing the results I’ve been day dreaming about. I realized I have to do it for myself and can not rely on anyone else. A few of my friends said they were in it with me, “let’s do this together” they would sing. But they continued to poison their body with alcohol, cigarettes and mostly junk food. I’d spend so much energy on trying to help them stay motivated that I’d run out of steam for myself. There was no one cheering me in the background. I was too busy helping those other people that I didn’t realize I was in a sinking ship with them. I’ve also realized that sometimes you have to leave people behind. I can’t carry their baggage as well as my own too. Im focusing each day on how to unpack those bags so I can walk the road on a lighter foot. It’s not easy, everyday is a struggle. I’m learning to relove myself, forgive myself, learn from the past and look towards the new future. I never expected this weight loss journey to be easy, so I’m speaking from my heart and from my experience. I know I can do it and I know I have to do it. My health is so important, I only have one body, there’s only one me. I am a mother and want to be here on earth for my son. I want to make memories together, teach him life skills, explore nature together, laugh with him, give him a shoulder to cry on, see him accomplish his goals and grow old. Life is a beautiful thing!! Make sure you look in the mirror today and smile at yourself, you deserve it, be kind to yourself and remember to love yourself!!
