#beauty potion



a potion to make you look and feel your best: dedicated to aphrodite


  • cucumber: beauty, healing, youth, aphrodite
  • almond milk: beauty, luck, universal love
  • cinnamon: healing, protection, love, lust, aphrodite
  • avocado: beauty, luck, attraction, lust
  • rosemary: love, protection, aphrodite
  • a cauldron or pan to boil the liquid
  • a jar to hold the liquid


  1. Pour two cups of almond milk into the pan and put it on a medium heat
  2. cut the cucumber (i did about half)
  3. cut the acacado and mash it up to be as smooth as you can
  4. put the cucumber, acacado (including the stone), a few pinches of cinnamon and some rosemary into the pan
  5. keep stiring in a clockwise motion and bring to a simmer, changing the temperature if needed
  6. pour your intention intention into it and say some affirmations that represent what you want to achieve. pray to aphrodite (or your chosen deity if you work with one) as well.
  7. once the milk has turned a light green and you think it’s ready take it off the heat
  8. filter the potion so you just have the liquid and put it in the container

You can use this as a body wash or put it on your face and leave it on and then wash it off. I used it to shave. Make sure you’re not allergic to it first .
