#bike lights


People who steal bike lights: 

No it’s not that I have to spent a few more bucks for a new one. And not because I have to make plans and to emotionally connect to a spanking new piece of plastic. I am glad it entertained you. And quite frankly, if happiness comes so easy, I will be giving out free bike lights on the street.

You see, I forgot to bring the lights in. And it’s most likely my fault, that I deserve to navigate unlit side streets, hitting every potholes and bumps and jolt my brain. And that, I cannot find the keyhole to my door in the dark patio. And that, a drunk person may run out in their stylish black attire. And that, it will be hard for the parked driver to not “door” me. And that, I may not give enough notice to a car at the crossroad. I shouldn’t have biked. Too physically or mentally weak to push my bike up the slope home. It’s all my fault. Thou I did enjoy the fact you’ve granted me excuse to curse and swear in different manners and languages.

No it’s never about the bike lights. It’s the value in safety. If you steal my wheels and seat, I will understand that buy you happiness that last more than a few minutes and maybe a few beer. You, my friend however, use the light well. You better be dancing to that thing like it’s a disco ball.
