#billy russo x reader


Pairing: Billy Russo X Reader (from A Woman Scorned)

Rating: R / 18+ only

A/N: This is a sequel to A Woman Scorned and takes place a few years after the events of AWS.

MasterList (includes links to AWS and previous chapters here)

Summary: You and Billy are happily married when tragedy strikes, jeopardizing your relationship and everything you two have built together. Can the two of you find your way back to each other or is the special bond you once shared broken forever?


You kissed him, madly, passionately, dazed and spellbound. Billy’s mouth -  oh, his mouth - it was a divine thing, designed to drive you crazy and out of your mind. He worshipped you with his lips, his tongue, praying at youralter.His hands tugged at your hair while you undid his jacket, desire building in your core and throughout your blood, making it impossible for you to think, to breathe.

“Billy…” you groaned, frustrated, trying to unbutton his jacket but having a hard time doing it. He cupped your face, his dark eyes bright, lit up with such emotion that it made your heart flip-flop repeatedly in your chest. It was pounding so hard you wondered if it would explode. Your hands trailed up to caress the base of his neck, peppering his skin with staccato kisses.

You whimpered when his lips placed an achingly-sweet kiss on your temple, on your left eyelid, then right, following the trail down the length of your nose. You opened your eyes, met his piercing gaze that melted the last shred of resolve left in you.

“You touch me like this and you wonder why I can’t give you up,” he whispered in awe, reverence laced in his voice.

You sucked on his bottom lip, tugging at it.

“You see me. The real me. You always have.”

You nodded your head, acknowledging his words. You knew the horror Billy was capable of, the things he did to get ahead and you loved him for it. You understood his drive to make something of himself and his need to destroy anyone who got in the way of his ambitions. Because you were exactly like him.

Breaths shallow, every nerve in your body heightened with anticipation, you slid off his jacket. He didn’t move, watching you hungrily, a man possessed. Your hands paused when you saw his white shirt stained with blood. Roger’s blood. You met his gaze, spotting the all-consuming need in the molten depth of his eyes. “If he’s not dead, he’ll run to the cops.”

“What if he does? Would you miss me? Or would you be fucking ecstatic that I’m gone?”

You stared up at him intently. “You know the answer to that, Billy.”

“I don’t.”

He swallowed audibly, eyes shimmering with vulnerability yet also anger. Conflicting emotions, he was the epitome of that. The man who loved you beyond your wildest dreams was also the same one who ripped you to shreds and cast you aside.

“Maybe before, when we were married, yeah, I fucking convinced myself you loved me. Almost as much as I loved you.”

Sadness weighed heavily in his voice, making your insides hurt so much you couldn’t bear to look at him. You lowered your gaze; instantly he grasped your chin and lifted it, forcing you to stare into his soul.

“But now?” He shook his head. “I have no fucking idea.”

Every inch of you ached to tell him you loved him, you always would, but the fear flooding over you stopped you from confessing. Somehow you managed to get through the trauma of abusive parents and build a life for yourself, then through some sheer stroke of luck you even fell in love. Billy crashed through all your walls and defenses and ingrained himself into your heart and soul, and in your enraptured state the last thing you thought about was self-preservation. You left yourself open, completely raw and vulnerable, so when the worst happened and he hurt you – you crumbled completely. It wasn’t just your heart that broke, you did too.

And you were still broken, fractured in your soul. There was nothing left in you to give.

“We need to destroy these clothes,” you said. “Take them off. I’ll put them in the wash and then get rid of them.”

He smirked, the smile a mixture of mirth and sadness. “Want me to strip for you, sweetheart?”

“Stop fucking around!” you snapped. “Roger could be with the cops right now. We don’t have time to lose.” Determined you started to unbutton his shirt and threw the fabric aside before proceeding to unzip his trousers. As you freed him from his clothing one by one, you tried your best to stay detached and not get sidetracked by your husband’s beautiful body. You turned away from him and gathered all the pieces together. “Go take a shower.” You didn’t wait for a response, instead heading to the washing machine located off your bathroom. You were starting the machine when you felt him press up against you from behind.

“You don’t even look at me now.”

His lips were right next to your right ear, blowing warm air on your skin that made your body shudder with need. His one arm snaked around your waist while the other was draped along your chest, pulling you close to him. He may have been naked but you weren’t, yet the dress felt like nothing, as if the two of you were touching skin to skin, scorching you with his heat.

“Before, your eyes would always be on me. It didn’t matter what we were doing. I’d look up and you’d be fucking staring at me, watching me. Like you couldn’t get enough of me.”

You closed your eyes, swaying towards him even as you fought mentally against it. Billy was right. Throughout the course of your relationship you were obsessed with studying him, because just being around him made you feel alive and filled you with excitement.

“There were so many times I’d wake up in the morning and there you were, beside me, smiling at me.”

“You make me sound like a creep,” you grumbled.

He chuckled softly, nipping at your earlobe. His tongue probed the sensitive skin just below and you gripped the edges of the washer to stop your knees from giving way. “I was a creep too,” he continued, his husky voice arousing you as much as his growing erection against your ass. “I could never stop touching you.”

You were caught up in a whirlwind of desire while his fingers slowly caressed your right nipple. Friction from his fingers against the satin fabric of the dress added a layer of stimulation that made your body sing and you reached back to grip the back of his head, your other hand fisting his hair.

“Nothing felt right if I couldn’t touch you.”

Just as much as you needed him in your sight, he needed you physically close. You remembered him coming home after a long day of work and just sinking into you, or even when he’d be tinkering around things at home and his hand would often reach out to caress you or he’d drop a kiss on your temple. You often squealed when he’d be wet and sweaty after a work-out and would wrap his arms around you in a tight hug but deep down you didn’t mind. You never did. You loved the obsessive part of him.

“If I couldn’t smell you…”

His words pulled you out of your reverie.

“And it’s a hundred times worse now.”

Your heart lurched, anguish sweeping over you.

“I wake up every morning, expecting to see you next to me but you’re not there.”

His words may have been enveloped in sorrow but his hands were navigating an entirely different path, gliding up your thigh thanks to the slit in your dress, stroking up your skin until he snuck past the lace fabric of your panties and found your cunt. You tried to focus on his words, but what he was doing to your body was making it impossible – and you suspected Billy was doing it purposely.

“I’m a fucking mess without you.”

He slipped his finger inside you, probing and teasing you, slipping in another finger, thrusting in a rhythm that was driving you wild.

“Take off the dress.”

Your eyes flew open. “Billy-”


There was urgency in his voice, there was also desperation. You knew he could easily rip it off of you within seconds but he wanted you to do it. As much as you wanted to protest, you couldn’t, not when he was simultaneously fucking you with his fingers and messing with your head. You could feel his erection against your ass, and you wanted so badly to feel him inside you again.

Suddenly he removed his fingers, yanking you out of the haze of pleasure you were in.

Your knees almost buckled while you turned around but he held you firmly, encircling your waist.

“Why’d you stop?” you demanded.

“Because I want to fuck my wife.” The predatory glint in them made the deep pools of his eyes appear completely black, like he was a fucking demon demanding a sacrifice. “Not just with my fingers.” His slick fingers, inside you mere moments ago, brushed against your lip, sliding inside your mouth so you could taste yourself. The hunger in his eyes grew as you sucked the digits, taunting him. “And I want to see her naked.”

You blinked, digesting his words. He wanted you exposed completely, be vulnerable with him – the same man who destroyed your confidence.

You pulled his hand away from your mouth. “You should go take a shower. In case there are any remnants of Roger left on you.” Your eyes lingered down his body, noting his toned physique and the ridges of his abs. You always appreciated that he was more lean than bulky, physically fit but not roided up. And then there was his cock. Long, beautiful cock that stood erect, that brought you so much pleasure, the only man you ever enjoyed sucking off.

“You want my cock, sugar? You want me inside you?”

His words played havoc with your sanity, with your heart. Your breathing grew shallow, your body pulsing.

“All you gotta do is take off your clothes.”

He smiled, a languid, charming, manipulative smile designed to weaken your resolve, and – fuck it – it was working. You wanted him, you wanted him so bad, desire for him strong enough to drown out your insecurities. It was pathetic, you were dickmatized by him, you needed to stop – yet when his hand clasped yours and he led you backwards to the bathroom, you followed.

You swallowed an audible breath, hands trembling when he stopped in front of the tub.

Your eyes scanned over the wounds on his face, wanting to kiss every inch of them.

He brushed his fingers through your hair, tugging on the strands affectionately. “Love this haircut.”

“Really?” you prodded, surprised. “I thought you liked my hair long.”

“You could wear it shaved and I’d still love it.” He nudged your chin up, eyes gleaming over your features. “Anything that shows me more of this face.”

“This was my ‘fuck you’ haircut.”

He quirked his eyebrow. “It worked. I’m ready to be fucked.”

Laughter escaped you, and he replied with a beaming smile, nuzzling your nose with his. The easy intimacy between you two, so reminiscent of your marriage and before everything went to hell, made your heart ache. You didn’t want to pull away from him, not right now. “Why aren’t you more worried about Roger? You usually don’t leave loose ends.”

“Who gives a fuck?”

“You should! This isn’t like you. You’re not an idiot.” Panic unfurled in your belly. “If he talks-”

“He’s not gonna say anything. He has no idea who attacked him.” Billy pulled you into his arms and maneuvered you around so that you were both facing the mirror. Eyes glued to your reflection, he smiled. “But I’m happy you still care.”

A part of you yearned to tell him you loved him, you always would, but you didn’t.

“Take the dress off for me, sweetheart. I’m beggin’ here.”

Gazes locked with his, you took a deep breath. Slowly you started to undo the zipper on the side, feeling nervous, even more nervous than the very first time you had sex with Billy. And you’d been a fucking mess then. His ravenous eyes roved over your body in the mirror as the dress dropped to your feet, leaving you clad in your strapless corset bra and underwear.

Slick, snarky, always in control Billy was gone; in his place was a man looking at you like you were the most amazing thing he ever saw. And it was the wonderous expression on his face that gave you the burst of confidence you hadn’t felt in a long time. You turned, facing him. “Want me to take everything off?”

His voice was a raspy growl. “Yeah.”

“Then beg me.”

His left eyebrow shot up, but he didn’t respond.

“Or were they just words, Billy?” You taunted. “Were you bullshitting me?”

Butterflies fluttered in your stomach when he gave you an incorrigible, lopsided smile, his eyes twinkling with mischief. He got down on one knee, then the next, and his fingers interlocked with yours. With his head reaching your breasts midway, he settled his face in your cleavage and inhaled you in. Often you’d wake up halfway through the night to find his head snuggled there, his favourite sleeping spot, and you’d brush your fingers through his hair affectionately, amazed at how much happiness your boobs seemed to bring him.

You watched as he placed a tender kiss on both of your breasts before raising his head to meet your gaze. Your heart melted, taking in the puppy dog expression on his face.

“Please, babe, let me see your body.” An angelic smile curved his lips, he was obviously enjoying this. “I’m dying here, might even be hauled in by the cops at any second. You wouldn’t deny a dying man his last wish, would you? Not when he’s begging you…”

“Maybe I will,” you retorted. “Maybe I’m a cruel bitch who enjoys watching you suffer.”

Your words were meant to be facetious but his smile tensed, regret looming over his features. “If I could go back and change everything, I would. I wish I never hurt you. I know you don’t believe me, you don’t trust me – but I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry for everything I did.”

Gaze fixed on Billy, you undid the hooks of your corset and threw it aside. His eyes, always so ominously dark, seemed to light up with a spark, hope blossoming in them that swiftly turned to a wild storm as you pulled down your underwear. Grasping his shoulder, you stepped out of your clothes and kicked them aside.

Naked and exposed, you stood in front of him.

And that’s all it took to completely unravel him.

It was dizzying how quickly he pulled you into his arms and lifted you up, carrying you inside the bathtub.

The two of you were completely lost, clawing at each other, as if every second the two of you weren’t touching was time wasted. Your mouths devoured one another, tongues and teeth clashing, his hands on your breasts, yours on his ass, groping and leaving marks so there was permanence to this moment. Forever entwined.

Water drizzled over your heated skin, a respite from the insanity that swirled around you. Even though you two had sex earlier, this was different, not driven by jealousy or anger but something more real and sacred. Love. And for the first time in years, the two of you were not in sync with other. You were both in a rush to experience everything in each other as quickly as possible, as if afraid this moment would end at any moment. While he wanted to kiss and taste every inch of you, you wanted to do the same and feel his cock in your mouth.

Despite the push and pull and the urgency to consume each other, you two finally managed to connect and be on the same wavelength.

With his chest pressed against your back and you trapped against the wall, he fucked you from behind.

In bed your wet bodies tangled together and you straddled atop, you rode him hard.

He went down on you, you did the same.

You loved having sex with Billy. You loved it, loved him, and the intense bond you two shared, but more than that it was the aftermath you craved. That feeling of intimacy as the two of you laid in bed, feeling happy and fulfilled and in a complete state of euphoria. Like you were right now.

Your bodies were sticky and glistening with sweat, the only sounds in the room being your labored breaths when he reached for your hand. Fingers threaded together, he brought your joined hands to rest over his heart.

For a long time the two of you didn’t speak, worried that the wrong word would utterly shatter the peace between you two.

But then his stomach growled, breaking the silence, and you started laughing and he did the same. The awkwardness instantly dissipated.  

It took a few seconds for you to finally catch your breath. “Hungry?” you teased, turning to him.


Pulling your hand away, you started to get up. “I think I have some Chinese in the fridge-”

“No.” He pushed you down, sliding his body partially atop so you were nestled underneath him. Balancing his weight on his elbow, he cupped your face with the other hand. “You’re not going anywhere, babe. You’re staying here with me.”

You closed your eyes, breathing him in.

For the first time in a long while, you felt at home.

Pairing: Billy Russo X Reader (from A Woman Scorned)

Rating: R / 18+ only

A/N: This is a sequel to A Woman Scorned and takes place a few years after the events of AWS.

MasterList (includes links to AWS and previous chapters here)

Summary: You and Billy are happily married when tragedy strikes, jeopardizing your relationship and everything you two have built together. Can the two of you find your way back to each other or is the special bond you once shared broken forever?


Gif credit: @bilyrusso

You kissed him, madly, passionately, dazed and spellbound. Billy’s mouth -  oh, his mouth - it was a divine thing, designed to drive you crazy and out of your mind. He worshipped you with his lips, his tongue, praying at youralter.His hands tugged at your hair while you undid his jacket, desire building in your core and throughout your blood, making it impossible for you to think, to breathe.

“Billy…” you groaned, frustrated, trying to unbutton his jacket but having a hard time doing it. He cupped your face, his dark eyes bright, lit up with such emotion that it made your heart flip-flop repeatedly in your chest. It was pounding so hard you wondered if it would explode. Your hands trailed up to caress the base of his neck, peppering his skin with staccato kisses.

You whimpered when his lips placed an achingly-sweet kiss on your temple, on your left eyelid, then right, following the trail down the length of your nose. You opened your eyes, met his piercing gaze that melted the last shred of resolve left in you.

“You touch me like this and you wonder why I can’t give you up,” he whispered in awe, reverence laced in his voice.

You sucked on his bottom lip, tugging at it.

“You see me. The real me. You always have.”

You nodded your head, acknowledging his words. You knew the horror Billy was capable of, the things he did to get ahead and you loved him for it. You understood his drive to make something of himself and his need to destroy anyone who got in the way of his ambitions. Because you were exactly like him.

Breaths shallow, every nerve in your body heightened with anticipation, you slid off his jacket. He didn’t move, watching you hungrily, a man possessed. Your hands paused when you saw his white shirt stained with blood. Roger’s blood. You met his gaze, spotting the all-consuming need in the molten depth of his eyes. “If he’s not dead, he’ll run to the cops.”

“What if he does? Would you miss me? Or would you be fucking ecstatic that I’m gone?”

You stared up at him intently. “You know the answer to that, Billy.”

“I don’t.”

He swallowed audibly, eyes shimmering with vulnerability yet also anger. Conflicting emotions, he was the epitome of that. The man who loved you beyond your wildest dreams was also the same one who ripped you to shreds and cast you aside.

“Maybe before, when we were married, yeah, I fucking convinced myself you loved me. Almost as much as I loved you.”

Sadness weighed heavily in his voice, making your insides hurt so much you couldn’t bear to look at him. You lowered your gaze; instantly he grasped your chin and lifted it, forcing you to stare into his soul.

“But now?” He shook his head. “I have no fucking idea.”

Every inch of you ached to tell him you loved him, you always would, but the fear flooding over you stopped you from confessing. Somehow you managed to get through the trauma of abusive parents and build a life for yourself, then through some sheer stroke of luck you even fell in love. Billy crashed through all your walls and defenses and ingrained himself into your heart and soul, and in your enraptured state the last thing you thought about was self-preservation. You left yourself open, completely raw and vulnerable, so when the worst happened and he hurt you – you crumbled completely. It wasn’t just your heart that broke, you did too.

And you were still broken, fractured in your soul. There was nothing left in you to give.

“We need to destroy these clothes,” you said. “Take them off. I’ll put them in the wash and then get rid of them.”

He smirked, the smile a mixture of mirth and sadness. “Want me to strip for you, sweetheart?”

“Stop fucking around!” you snapped. “Roger could be with the cops right now. We don’t have time to lose.” Determined you started to unbutton his shirt and threw the fabric aside before proceeding to unzip his trousers. As you freed him from his clothing one by one, you tried your best to stay detached and not get sidetracked by your husband’s beautiful body. You turned away from him and gathered all the pieces together. “Go take a shower.” You didn’t wait for a response, instead heading to the washing machine located off your bathroom. You were starting the machine when you felt him press up against you from behind.

“You don’t even look at me now.”

His lips were right next to your right ear, blowing warm air on your skin that made your body shudder with need. His one arm snaked around your waist while the other was draped along your chest, pulling you close to him. He may have been naked but you weren’t, yet the dress felt like nothing, as if the two of you were touching skin to skin, scorching you with his heat.

“Before, your eyes would always be on me. It didn’t matter what we were doing. I’d look up and you’d be fucking staring at me, watching me. Like you couldn’t get enough of me.”

You closed your eyes, swaying towards him even as you fought mentally against it. Billy was right. Throughout the course of your relationship you were obsessed with studying him, because just being around him made you feel alive and filled you with excitement.

“There were so many times I’d wake up in the morning and there you were, beside me, smiling at me.”

“You make me sound like a creep,” you grumbled.

He chuckled softly, nipping at your earlobe. His tongue probed the sensitive skin just below and you gripped the edges of the washer to stop your knees from giving way. “I was a creep too,” he continued, his husky voice arousing you as much as his growing erection against your ass. “I could never stop touching you.”

You were caught up in a whirlwind of desire while his fingers slowly caressed your right nipple. Friction from his fingers against the satin fabric of the dress added a layer of stimulation that made your body sing and you reached back to grip the back of his head, your other hand fisting his hair.

“Nothing felt right if I couldn’t touch you.”

Just as much as you needed him in your sight, he needed you physically close. You remembered him coming home after a long day of work and just sinking into you, or even when he’d be tinkering around things at home and his hand would often reach out to caress you or he’d drop a kiss on your temple. You often squealed when he’d be wet and sweaty after a work-out and would wrap his arms around you in a tight hug but deep down you didn’t mind. You never did. You loved the obsessive part of him.

“If I couldn’t smell you…”

His words pulled you out of your reverie.

“And it’s a hundred times worse now.”

Your heart lurched, anguish sweeping over you.

“I wake up every morning, expecting to see you next to me but you’re not there.”

His words may have been enveloped in sorrow but his hands were navigating an entirely different path, gliding up your thigh thanks to the slit in your dress, stroking up your skin until he snuck past the lace fabric of your panties and found your cunt. You tried to focus on his words, but what he was doing to your body was making it impossible – and you suspected Billy was doing it purposely.

“I’m a fucking mess without you.”

He slipped his finger inside you, probing and teasing you, slipping in another finger, thrusting in a rhythm that was driving you wild.

“Take off the dress.”

Your eyes flew open. “Billy-”


There was urgency in his voice, there was also desperation. You knew he could easily rip it off of you within seconds but he wanted you to do it. As much as you wanted to protest, you couldn’t, not when he was simultaneously fucking you with his fingers and messing with your head. You could feel his erection against your ass, and you wanted so badly to feel him inside you again.

Suddenly he removed his fingers, yanking you out of the haze of pleasure you were in.

Your knees almost buckled while you turned around but he held you firmly, encircling your waist.

“Why’d you stop?” you demanded.

“Because I want to fuck my wife.” The predatory glint in them made the deep pools of his eyes appear completely black, like he was a fucking demon demanding a sacrifice. “Not just with my fingers.” His slick fingers, inside you mere moments ago, brushed against your lip, sliding inside your mouth so you could taste yourself. The hunger in his eyes grew as you sucked the digits, taunting him. “And I want to see her naked.”

You blinked, digesting his words. He wanted you exposed completely, be vulnerable with him – the same man who destroyed your confidence.

You pulled his hand away from your mouth. “You should go take a shower. In case there are any remnants of Roger left on you.” Your eyes lingered down his body, noting his toned physique and the ridges of his abs. You always appreciated that he was more lean than bulky, physically fit but not roided up. And then there was his cock. Long, beautiful cock that stood erect, that brought you so much pleasure, the only man you ever enjoyed sucking off.

“You want my cock, sugar? You want me inside you?”

His words played havoc with your sanity, with your heart. Your breathing grew shallow, your body pulsing.

“All you gotta do is take off your clothes.”

He smiled, a languid, charming, manipulative smile designed to weaken your resolve, and – fuck it – it was working. You wanted him, you wanted him so bad, desire for him strong enough to drown out your insecurities. It was pathetic, you were dickmatized by him, you needed to stop – yet when his hand clasped yours and he led you backwards to the bathroom, you followed.

You swallowed an audible breath, hands trembling when he stopped in front of the tub.

Your eyes scanned over the wounds on his face, wanting to kiss every inch of them.

He brushed his fingers through your hair, tugging on the strands affectionately. “Love this haircut.”

“Really?” you prodded, surprised. “I thought you liked my hair long.”

“You could wear it shaved and I’d still love it.” He nudged your chin up, eyes gleaming over your features. “Anything that shows me more of this face.”

“This was my ‘fuck you’ haircut.”

He quirked his eyebrow. “It worked. I’m ready to be fucked.”

Laughter escaped you, and he replied with a beaming smile, nuzzling your nose with his. The easy intimacy between you two, so reminiscent of your marriage and before everything went to hell, made your heart ache. You didn’t want to pull away from him, not right now. “Why aren’t you more worried about Roger? You usually don’t leave loose ends.”

“Who gives a fuck?”

“You should! This isn’t like you. You’re not an idiot.” Panic unfurled in your belly. “If he talks-”

“He’s not gonna say anything. He has no idea who attacked him.” Billy pulled you into his arms and maneuvered you around so that you were both facing the mirror. Eyes glued to your reflection, he smiled. “But I’m happy you still care.”

A part of you yearned to tell him you loved him, you always would, but you didn’t.

“Take the dress off for me, sweetheart. I’m beggin’ here.”

Gazes locked with his, you took a deep breath. Slowly you started to undo the zipper on the side, feeling nervous, even more nervous than the very first time you had sex with Billy. And you’d been a fucking mess then. His ravenous eyes roved over your body in the mirror as the dress dropped to your feet, leaving you clad in your strapless corset bra and underwear.

Slick, snarky, always in control Billy was gone; in his place was a man looking at you like you were the most amazing thing he ever saw. And it was the wonderous expression on his face that gave you the burst of confidence you hadn’t felt in a long time. You turned, facing him. “Want me to take everything off?”

His voice was a raspy growl. “Yeah.”

“Then beg me.”

His left eyebrow shot up, but he didn’t respond.

“Or were they just words, Billy?” You taunted. “Were you bullshitting me?”

Butterflies fluttered in your stomach when he gave you an incorrigible, lopsided smile, his eyes twinkling with mischief. He got down on one knee, then the next, and his fingers interlocked with yours. With his head reaching your breasts midway, he settled his face in your cleavage and inhaled you in. Often you’d wake up halfway through the night to find his head snuggled there, his favourite sleeping spot, and you’d brush your fingers through his hair affectionately, amazed at how much happiness your boobs seemed to bring him.

You watched as he placed a tender kiss on both of your breasts before raising his head to meet your gaze. Your heart melted, taking in the puppy dog expression on his face.

“Please, babe, let me see your body.” An angelic smile curved his lips, he was obviously enjoying this. “I’m dying here, might even be hauled in by the cops at any second. You wouldn’t deny a dying man his last wish, would you? Not when he’s begging you…”

“Maybe I will,” you retorted. “Maybe I’m a cruel bitch who enjoys watching you suffer.”

Your words were meant to be facetious but his smile tensed, regret looming over his features. “If I could go back and change everything, I would. I wish I never hurt you. I know you don’t believe me, you don’t trust me – but I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry for everything I did.”

Gaze fixed on Billy, you undid the hooks of your corset and threw it aside. His eyes, always so ominously dark, seemed to light up with a spark, hope blossoming in them that swiftly turned to a wild storm as you pulled down your underwear. Grasping his shoulder, you stepped out of your clothes and kicked them aside.

Naked and exposed, you stood in front of him.

And that’s all it took to completely unravel him.

It was dizzying how quickly he pulled you into his arms and lifted you up, carrying you inside the bathtub.

The two of you were completely lost, clawing at each other, as if every second the two of you weren’t touching was time wasted. Your mouths devoured one another, tongues and teeth clashing, his hands on your breasts, yours on his ass, groping and leaving marks so there was permanence to this moment. Forever entwined.

Water drizzled over your heated skin, a respite from the insanity that swirled around you. Even though you two had sex earlier, this was different, not driven by jealousy or anger but something more real and sacred. Love. And for the first time in years, the two of you were not in sync with other. You were both in a rush to experience everything in each other as quickly as possible, as if afraid this moment would end at any moment. While he wanted to kiss and taste every inch of you, you wanted to do the same and feel his cock in your mouth.

Despite the push and pull and the urgency to consume each other, you two finally managed to connect and be on the same wavelength.

With his chest pressed against your back and you trapped against the wall, he fucked you from behind.

In bed your wet bodies tangled together and you straddled atop, you rode him hard.

He went down on you, you did the same.

You loved having sex with Billy. You loved it, loved him, and the intense bond you two shared, but more than that it was the aftermath you craved. That feeling of intimacy as the two of you laid in bed, feeling happy and fulfilled and in a complete state of euphoria. Like you were right now.

Your bodies were sticky and glistening with sweat, the only sounds in the room being your labored breaths when he reached for your hand. Fingers threaded together, he brought your joined hands to rest over his heart.

For a long time the two of you didn’t speak, worried that the wrong word would utterly shatter the peace between you two.

But then his stomach growled, breaking the silence, and you started laughing and he did the same. The awkwardness instantly dissipated.  

It took a few seconds for you to finally catch your breath. “Hungry?” you teased, turning to him.


Pulling your hand away, you started to get up. “I think I have some Chinese in the fridge-”

“No.” He pushed you down, sliding his body partially atop so you were nestled underneath him. Balancing his weight on his elbow, he cupped your face with the other hand. “You’re not going anywhere, babe. You’re staying here with me.”

You closed your eyes, breathing him in.

For the first time in a long while, you felt at home.

A/N - Initially this part was going to end in a cliffhanger, but I decided to end this chapter on a happy note. However, shit is about to rain down very soon on these two.

As always, thank you for your thoughts and feedback. I know this has been a long story and fatigue has started to set in (I feel it myself) but the end is near for these two (maybe in another 4-5 chapters or so). 

Tag List:

@yourfavoritefruitybitch@voyevoda-thejoy@adreamemporium@queenmalhinewahine@gubleryum@galaxyjane@xceafh@maralisa124@tomhollandisabae@daybleedsintonightfa11@lil-baby-nor@all-art-is-quite-useless@tanyaherondale@nashibirne@dour-trash@thetallassgirl@athenamikaelson@agent-jbarnes@primadonnasdream@aleksanderwh0r3@elisemockingbird@nihilismworld@archisur@nemesis729@lysawayne@kaqua@ladyblablabla@lemasonda@advictedtohim@24-martie@tarkanelima-blog@shinebrightlikeafanbase@krystal-clear1@damalseer@dontjinx-it@darkishx@wanderlusting-about-life@thatguppienamedbae@happypepperdog@bat-revival@sassygirl25@consulting–heroes@the-celestial-kitsune@mackaywhore@ablxssm@competitive-dust@red-head011@exo-1204@sunsetenigma@millieb-3199@chatnain@licensedcheek@tinkertailor1212@vertesalope@safetyhtom@acourtofglassandroses@eliwinchester-barnes@finnismyoriginalsin@weallhaveadestiny@beananacake@beauty-and-the-beast97@smurfelle@fire-treasure-iii@charly-0@kestrafagnor@pigwidgeonxo@damagelove@allegra-writes@pensandthings@jad3djay@batshitbarnes@kashimayuki@secretsthathauntus@odetostep@awesome-eccia@mackaywhore@stories-you-wont-hear@vvsdiamond28@supernaturalcat7@arieltwvdtohamflash@iknownoqueenbutthequeeninme    @devs-stufff@ticosas@moodacheeks@myakai13@carlywhomever@fvckthisbxtchup@its-evita-here@papapapadumb@talesfrommycell@bat-luna-cat@fific7@elluvians@dailydoseofchoices@everythinghappens-love@papapapadumb@mylife-love-and-other-things@bigcreatorwombatdreamer@ancientbeing10@natty2245@stuckysavedmylive@kasslucilfer@simp-for-ben-barners@originaldeputycalzoneegg@bdffkierenwalker@kimoranelson03@sadbi-hours@haushinka27 @haushinka27    @caylaxwrites @extraneousred @agentmstark @crazywitchkitty @its-an-idea-not-a-blog @partypoison00    @fictional-hooman   @hoglady   @helnicks    @luckyfreakfishpeach @chiquitita18   @rachlovesactors @icecream50055 @doloreschanal @lupinsfavslytherin    @swthxrry    @wanderlusting-about-life   @dreamer7black @leahnicole1219@superawesomegeek@weallhaveadestiny @toxicenough@tiiffanym @dark-twisted-and-mechanical-mind@cap-just-said-language @edithsvoice @natashasilverfox   @ohsorandomlyme@lupoliatova  @alltheloztboys  @bl0ckedurl@nothingbettertosay81@antideppresants@clarissahunter @profoundme444 @shazianazir05  @zos-things@my-day6 @thelightinmyshadows @lincerad @ramadiiiisme  @blanchedelioncourt  @wondergal2001 @aunicornmademedoit@sarcasm-n-insomnia @outlawadvocate @loki-yoursaviourishere@littlebobree  @daybleedsintonightfa11 @fire-treasure-iii @binooo98 @ilsalicechepiangeva @lilypad-55449 @arimistery@evanscavillstan @theblogofb @iamgettingalife  @eginv-blog  @profoundme444@derangedcupcake @just-a-harmless-patato@simp-for-ben-barners @itzzzzcookie@iammyownloverr @lieselottec @evanscavillstan @emmamooney @severewobblerlightdragon @supermegagayhell @bxtchopolis

Here’s a little sneak peek at the next chapter

You kissed him, madly, passionately, dazed and spellbound. Billy’s mouth -  oh, his mouth - it was a divine thing, designed to drive you crazy and out of your mind. He worshipped you with his lips, his tongue, praying at youralter.His hands tugged at your hair while you undid his jacket, desire building in your core and throughout your blood, making it impossible for you to think, to breathe.

“Billy…” you groaned, frustrated, trying to unbutton his jacket but having a hard time doing it. He cupped your face, his dark eyes bright, lit up with such emotion that it made your heart flip-flop repeatedly in your chest. It was pounding so hard you wondered if it would explode. Your hands trailed up to caress the base of his neck, peppering his skin with staccato kisses.

You whimpered when his lips placed an achingly-sweet kiss on your temple, on your left eyelid, then right, following the trail down the length of your nose. You opened your eyes, met his piercing gaze that melted the last shred of resolve left in you.

“You touch me like this and you wonder why I can’t give you up,” he whispered in awe, reverence laced in his voice.

You pulled his bottom lip with your teeth, tugging at it.

“You see me. The real me. You always have.”

You nodded your head, acknowledging his words. You knew the horror Billy was capable of, the things he did to get ahead and you loved him for it. You understood his drive to make something of himself and his need to destroy anyone who got in the way of his ambitions. Because you were exactly like him.

Breaths shallow, every nerve in your body heighted with anticipation, you slid off his jacket. He didn’t move, watching you hungrily, a man possessed. Your hands paused when you saw his white shirt stained with blood. Roger’s blood. You met his gaze, spotting the all-consuming need in the molten depth of his eyes. “If he’s not dead, he’ll run to the cops.”

“What if he does? Would you miss me? Or would you be fucking ecstatic that I’m gone?”

You stared up at him intently. “You know the answer to that, Billy.”

“I don’t.”

He swallowed audibly, eyes shimmering with vulnerability yet also anger. Conflicting emotions, he was the epitome of that. The man who loved you beyond your wildest dreams was also the same one who ripped you to shreds and cast you aside.

“Maybe before, when we were married, yeah, I fucking convinced myself you loved me. Almost as much as I loved you.”

Sadness weighed heavily in his voice, making your insides hurt so much you couldn’t bear to look at him. You lowered your gaze; instantly he grasped your chin and lifted it, forcing you to stare into his soul.

“But now?” He shook his head. “I have no fucking idea.”

Inspiration has struck for a new story idea once AWR is done and I’m super excited about it!


I’ll Take Care of You, Chapter 18: Coffee

Just some plot advancement, nothin’ spicy. Hope it’s not too boring!

Fic Summary: Reader works in the hospital where Billy Russo keeps his mother. They’ve caught each other’s eye. But she thinks he is the devoted son… little does she know what hides behind a handsome face and expensive suits.

Posted on my ao3as well :)

Pairing: Billy Russo x Fem!Nurse!Reader

Chapter Summary: Your bestie finally meets Billy. Is her reaction to him a good or bad one?

Warnings: minor swearing. PDA?

Words: 2.2k

Masterlist~~Chapter 17


Thursday came by quickly. You had another day shift on Monday, and then night shifts Tuesday and last night. You hadn’t talked to Billy much with him being back at work and you sleeping for the majority of the days you had your night shifts. You had texted your bestie the location of a coffee shop a few days ago, mentioning that Billy had been the one to suggest it. She was impressed.

You were getting ready to go to the coffee shop now. Billy said he’d pick you up at 4, which was soon. You didn’t bother putting on lots of makeup, just the basics to cover up some of the fatigue showing on your face from your previous nightshift.  

Your bestie had told you how excited she was, but also reminded you that she hadn’t forgotten when you’d texted her in frustration about him. When he spoke to your boss without telling you and giving a donation to the hospital after you almost got fired. The time when he left in the morning before you could talk about that issue that you had refrained from telling her… when he had brought over tons of cash and weapons and scared the shit out of you.

Keep reading

Updates to this story could never be boring! Something tells me that the friend is going to be doing some digging in the next few chapters.

Amazing story! Can’t wait for the next chapter!


Take Me

A/N: This is just a little one-shot I randomly came up with after some BS that happened in my own life. I hope you enjoy it ❤️

Fic Summary:  Reader is fed up with the dating world. She’s given up hope on meeting anyone and decides all that’s left for her is a one night stand. Lucky for her, Billy Russo buys her a drink.

Pairing: Female Reader x Billy Russo

Warnings:18+, smut, PIV, explicit sexual content, explicit language, Switch!Billy Russo, Billy asks reader to step on him and she complies, unprotected sex with use of BC pills (in reality, babes, let’s use condoms)

Words: 3.3k

Posted on my ao3 as well :)


You were so annoyed. Why did it turn out that every guy you talked to ended up wasting your time? What was so wrong with you that you couldn’t attract anyone that wouldn’t lose interest in you or ended up being a dickhead?

You knocked back the rest of your drink and slammed the glass down on the counter. Your date had left, claiming that he didn’t really have the time for anything serious right now, even though that’s what he claimed he was looking for. Now you sat alone at the bar, and you had decided to get wasted.  

Initially on your dating search, you were looking for a good guy for the long term, but in this moment, you were just craving anything. You felt desperate for a man’s touch. It had been so long since you’d ‘gotten any’. It didn’t help that you were so particular. A couple of guys had moved in for that right away but the thought of them taking you home with them made your insides twist.

You’d never had a one night stand, but you were wondering if that’s what you were going to have to resort to.

You sighed and picked up your glass, then frowned when you remembered that you had finished it.

“Since that one’s finished, can I buy you the next?” A voice said beside you.

Keep reading

DAMNNNNN BESTIE. I can’t stop blushing at work! This was hottttttt.


Don’t worry! The good kind of trouble ;) 

comments and reblogs are my life source   just sayin’

Fic Summary: Reader works in the hospital where Billy Russo keeps his mother. They’ve caught each other’s eye. But she thinks he is the devoted son… little does she know what hides behind a handsome face and expensive suits.

Posted on my ao3 as well :)

Pairing: Billy Russo x Fem!Nurse!Reader

Chapter Summary: Billy finally calls reader. It’s not a PG-rated conversation.

Warnings:18+, heavy on the smut, phone sex (one sided?), mentions of masturbation, PIV, oral (f receiving), fingering, edging as a punishment, Billy calls reader a brat, unprotected sex (use of birth control), swearing

Words: 2.8k

Masterlist~~Chapter 16


After learning about Billy’s past, you found yourself lingering near Carla Russo’s room. You so badly wanted to go in there and rip her apart about what an amazing person she had given up and the resulting trauma that Billy had been through because of her. Ultimately, she was the one responsible for all of his pain. You wanted to make her feel bad. You wanted her to hurt the way Billy had hurt, even though she probably never would. Not with him taking care of her, set up in a private hospital.

But you knew that you couldn’t speak to her. Instead, you settled for something else. When her door was opened, you made a point of standing right in her eye line. She saw you looking at her. Her eyes were calm, as they usually were when you were with her. But you didn’t smile as you usually would. You kept your mouth in a thin line, eyes cold. You crossed your arms over your chest. Carla’s eyes didn’t remain calm. You watched them turn panicky the way you’d seen them when Billy left after a visit. You stared at her for another 10 seconds or so before you turned and walked away.

Keep reading

Bestie you keep slaying with these updates! I’m a living for themmmmm. And as for the feeling of impending doom, I’ve learned not to trust things that could seem 100% perfect. So ironically the fact that they haven’t gotten horrible my attacked or angsty yet is a plot twist for me.

And what you said about Billy thing that he doesn’t deserve love and affection??? That is 1000% what he would believe and you got his characterization down so well! I can’t wait to see how he grows with reader and how she grows with him.




*dumps this at your feet and runs away*


Fic Summary: Reader works in the hospital where Billy Russo keeps his mother. They’ve caught each other’s eye. But she thinks he is the devoted son… little does she know what hides behind a handsome face and expensive suits.

Posted on my a03 as well :)

Pairing: Billy Russo x Fem!Nurse!Reader

Chapter Summary: Billy reveals some of his past to reader, showing her his vulnerable side.

Warnings: Mentions of sexual abuse on a minor, mentions of physical abuse on a minor, swearing,

Words: 1.7k

Masterlist~~Chapter 15


Your day with Billy was lovely. You’d packed some pants, a few tees, and several pairs of underwear. You didn’t bother with sweaters because you’d just steal his if you needed to. You also packed a toothbrush, hairbrush, shampoo and conditioner, and some body lotion and some simple skin care items for your drawer at Billy’s. He’d given you the top right, and you cleared the very same drawer in your own dresser when you got home. He had brought his own things for his new drawer.

You’d gotten coffee from a nice café, went for a walk, then went back to your place to have lunch and spent the afternoon watching Now You See Me. The credits were rolling and you stretched your arms over your head.

“Can I take you out for dinner?” Billy asked.

Keep reading

AHHHHHHH THIS FLUFF AND VULNERABILITY???? His confession????? Bestie you are killing me and I love it!!!

But why do I feel like something bad is about to happen? Confessions usually come before bad stuff and I’m too attached to these two.

So glad you loved itttttt ☺️☺️☺️

Honestly, I wasn’t intending on anything bad happening! Billy was just so vulnerable with reader and he never had been with anyone before, so he was like damn my little lady is special

Maybe I should cause some devastation… …

I’m so conflicted because chaos is fun, but I don’t want the two of them to suffer. Loving the story!


*dumps this at your feet and runs away*


Fic Summary: Reader works in the hospital where Billy Russo keeps his mother. They’ve caught each other’s eye. But she thinks he is the devoted son… little does she know what hides behind a handsome face and expensive suits.

Posted on my a03 as well :)

Pairing: Billy Russo x Fem!Nurse!Reader

Chapter Summary: Billy reveals some of his past to reader, showing her his vulnerable side.

Warnings: Mentions of sexual abuse on a minor, mentions of physical abuse on a minor, swearing,

Words: 1.7k

Masterlist~~Chapter 15


Your day with Billy was lovely. You’d packed some pants, a few tees, and several pairs of underwear. You didn’t bother with sweaters because you’d just steal his if you needed to. You also packed a toothbrush, hairbrush, shampoo and conditioner, and some body lotion and some simple skin care items for your drawer at Billy’s. He’d given you the top right, and you cleared the very same drawer in your own dresser when you got home. He had brought his own things for his new drawer.

You’d gotten coffee from a nice café, went for a walk, then went back to your place to have lunch and spent the afternoon watching Now You See Me. The credits were rolling and you stretched your arms over your head.

“Can I take you out for dinner?” Billy asked.

Keep reading

AHHHHHHH THIS FLUFF AND VULNERABILITY???? His confession????? Bestie you are killing me and I love it!!!

But why do I feel like something bad is about to happen? Confessions usually come before bad stuff and I’m too attached to these two.


Back in Time

Pairing: Billy Russo x Reader

Summary: With you by his side, Billy returns to the fire station in Albany where his mom left him as a baby.

A/N: this was a heartbreaking idea I had, so I tried so soften it with a bit of fluff at the end.

My Masterlist

The reinforced door slams shut behind Billy, and he feels the echo of it thrum through his entire body. He’s dressed in his long wool coat, leather gloves, and scarf tucked neatly between his lapels. Even under his layers, the chill of the empty fire station makes his shoulder ache.

The Albany Fire Station had been relocated ten years ago. The building that Billy had been left in as a baby was now run by a charity that wanted to preserve the city’s historic buildings.

Emotion wells in Billy’s throat as he looks around. He always shrugged off his past, claiming that it didn’t bother him. His mom had made a choice, and he had been forced to live with the consequences. It had made him a stronger man.

Keep reading

Stooooooooopppppp this is the sweetest thing ever!

I love the look you give into his past and how the firefighters all loved on him as a baby. And the BEAR. AND THE PICTURES. You’re killing me in the best way. He deserved so much better.

Tag List

Hey guys! So I’ve decided to start a tag list so if you are interested in being on it, please comment below or message me! I hope to restart my two big series again, but they take time since I have to sit down and make sure that they line up with the plot of the show. But I am definitely getting back into the Shadows and Scars mindset so that would probably be written first. As always if you have any requests you can send them in! I also started writing for Steven Grant, Marc Spector, Jake Lockley, and Steve Kemp. (Note: I will try to write DID as well as I can for the moon knight boys, but if you have any tips please send them in!) Now that I finished up my classes, updates should be more regular.



Another Billy Russo Drabble

Dark! S2! Mob! Billy Russo x Ex prostitute (now sugar baby)! Reader

Warnings: smut, voyeurism, kidnapping, dub con? Idk?

Sorry I haven’t posted in a while, just got inspired to write this small Drabble so I whipped it out! Hope to write more soon! Low key this may become another series or smth because I enjoyed writing it a lot and what kind of writer would I be if I didn’t have 5 wips? Also does anyone know how to do that “Read more” option for stories?

You gasped as Billy’s cock hit your cervix.

The man underneath you gave a deep grunt as he continued thrusting up into you.

Through your blissed out haze, you managed to watch as he shut his eyes together tightly and his nose scrunched as he rolled his hips deeper into you.

He said nothing, rutting into you ruthlessly, causing your head to rest on his shoulders.

Mr. Russo had been coming to you for your services for close to three months now. You remembered the first time you met the scarred mobster and he had bought you a drink. One drink turned into two, then two drinks turned into lingerie he loved to rip off of you. Then that turned into tips. Big tips that would pay your rent. He had claimed that you only had to worry about pleasing him, being at his beck and call.

You didn’t mind. He was nicer than your previous clients. He always made sure that you came before cumming himself and his once rough grip on your hips had become more gentle. More loving.

You screamed as the heavy door to his office swung open. And scrambled to get off of him.

“Ah ah ah.” His strong hands shoved you back into his cock and he gave you a devious smile. “Stay.” He looked over your shoulder at the person who had come in. “What?”

“Frank Castle paid a visit to the Haze.” Billy hummed in thought at the mention of his club.


“He killed 10 men sir.” You heard the goon stammer as you stayed frozen where you were. Billy never let you listen into his work conversations. “He also uh… took those files you wanted.”

You felt him stiffen under you and saw him clench his hands tightly. “Bounce on my cock sweetheart.” He ordered gruffly.

“But he-“ You tried to gesture to the man behind you.

“Now.” His tone left no room for arguments so you slowly started to lift yourself up and down his cock.

“I’m assuming he got past the firewall. Well Micro did at least.” He sighed and leaned back in his chair.

You shuddered as you felt all of him shift inside you.

“We believe so.”

“We’ll have to move my plans up then. Prep the room. Then that’ll be all.” He waved his hand dismissively as watched with a smug smile as you fucked yourself on his length. “Good girl. Taking me so well. You always take me so well.” You closed your eyes and let your face relax into his hand as he cupped your cheek. He hadn’t praised you much before, and you had to take his affection in when you could get it.

You moaned as you felt yourself get closer to your release.

“You gonna cum baby? Do it, milk me sweetheart.” His breath sped up as and you saw his nose twitch the way it always did when he was close.

You came with a loud moan and leaned into the crook of his neck, shivering when you felt his balls twitch and warmth speed inside you.

The two of you stayed like that for a while, breathing heavily before Billy tilted your chin up to look him in the eyes. “You’ve been so good for me sweet girl, but things are gonna have to change.”

Your eyebrow raised in confusion. “I do’n understand.” You mumbled weakly.

“You will.” Your eyes shot open as you felt a sharp prick in the back of your neck and a numbness spreading throughout your entire body quickly.

“Wh- Billy why?” You whispered, only able to watch as he lifted you off of him and into his lap.

“He knows where you live.” He said bluntly. “Frank.” He explained. “He knows where you live. Probably already been there.” Your blood froze at the mention of the Punisher.

“I can’t lose you sweetheart. I tried not to get too attached, but you were just too sweet. Too perfect. I couldn’t just leave you out on the streets.”

You had no control over your limbs now, but your eyes darted to his hands as they reached for a drawer behind you and pulled out a silk robe.

“I’m gonna make sure you never have to live like that again. You’ll have everything you need here with me.” He gently picked up your arms and one by one, slid them into the cool fabric. “I never thought I deserved to be happy. To have a family.” He continued, knotting the tie around your waist. “But then I met you. You didn’t care about my face, or what I do, you know why?” He caressed your cheek again softly. “Because you’re too pure for this world.”

He laid a small kiss on your forehead as he continued and you felt darkness creep upon you. “I knew you’d never pick me, so I made an executive decision. I’m gonna keep you safe and happy.”

Your eyes fluttered closed as you caught one last snippet from his mouth. “Because I love you Y/n.”


That was hot as fuck even though this was short, I was totally engaged in it!!! Amazing!

Please do tag me if you make this a series!!

Thank youuuuuu! I was reading a book and this just popped into me head. I may start a tag list! Not a 100% sure if I can figure out how to or not.



Another Billy Russo Drabble

Dark! S2! Mob! Billy Russo x Ex prostitute (now sugar baby)! Reader

Warnings: smut, voyeurism, kidnapping, dub con? Idk?

Sorry I haven’t posted in a while, just got inspired to write this small Drabble so I whipped it out! Hope to write more soon! Low key this may become another series or smth because I enjoyed writing it a lot and what kind of writer would I be if I didn’t have 5 wips? Also does anyone know how to do that “Read more” option for stories?

You gasped as Billy’s cock hit your cervix.

The man underneath you gave a deep grunt as he continued thrusting up into you.

Through your blissed out haze, you managed to watch as he shut his eyes together tightly and his nose scrunched as he rolled his hips deeper into you.

He said nothing, rutting into you ruthlessly, causing your head to rest on his shoulders.

Mr. Russo had been coming to you for your services for close to three months now. You remembered the first time you met the scarred mobster and he had bought you a drink. One drink turned into two, then two drinks turned into lingerie he loved to rip off of you. Then that turned into tips. Big tips that would pay your rent. He had claimed that you only had to worry about pleasing him, being at his beck and call.

You didn’t mind. He was nicer than your previous clients. He always made sure that you came before cumming himself and his once rough grip on your hips had become more gentle. More loving.

You screamed as the heavy door to his office swung open. And scrambled to get off of him.

“Ah ah ah.” His strong hands shoved you back into his cock and he gave you a devious smile. “Stay.” He looked over your shoulder at the person who had come in. “What?”

“Frank Castle paid a visit to the Haze.” Billy hummed in thought at the mention of his club.


“He killed 10 men sir.” You heard the goon stammer as you stayed frozen where you were. Billy never let you listen into his work conversations. “He also uh… took those files you wanted.”

You felt him stiffen under you and saw him clench his hands tightly. “Bounce on my cock sweetheart.” He ordered gruffly.

“But he-“ You tried to gesture to the man behind you.

“Now.” His tone left no room for arguments so you slowly started to lift yourself up and down his cock.

“I’m assuming he got past the firewall. Well Micro did at least.” He sighed and leaned back in his chair.

You shuddered as you felt all of him shift inside you.

“We believe so.”

“We’ll have to move my plans up then. Prep the room. Then that’ll be all.” He waved his hand dismissively as watched with a smug smile as you fucked yourself on his length. “Good girl. Taking me so well. You always take me so well.” You closed your eyes and let your face relax into his hand as he cupped your cheek. He hadn’t praised you much before, and you had to take his affection in when you could get it.

You moaned as you felt yourself get closer to your release.

“You gonna cum baby? Do it, milk me sweetheart.” His breath sped up as and you saw his nose twitch the way it always did when he was close.

You came with a loud moan and leaned into the crook of his neck, shivering when you felt his balls twitch and warmth speed inside you.

The two of you stayed like that for a while, breathing heavily before Billy tilted your chin up to look him in the eyes. “You’ve been so good for me sweet girl, but things are gonna have to change.”

Your eyebrow raised in confusion. “I do’n understand.” You mumbled weakly.

“You will.” Your eyes shot open as you felt a sharp prick in the back of your neck and a numbness spreading throughout your entire body quickly.

“Wh- Billy why?” You whispered, only able to watch as he lifted you off of him and into his lap.

“He knows where you live.” He said bluntly. “Frank.” He explained. “He knows where you live. Probably already been there.” Your blood froze at the mention of the Punisher.

“I can’t lose you sweetheart. I tried not to get too attached, but you were just too sweet. Too perfect. I couldn’t just leave you out on the streets.”

You had no control over your limbs now, but your eyes darted to his hands as they reached for a drawer behind you and pulled out a silk robe.

“I’m gonna make sure you never have to live like that again. You’ll have everything you need here with me.” He gently picked up your arms and one by one, slid them into the cool fabric. “I never thought I deserved to be happy. To have a family.” He continued, knotting the tie around your waist. “But then I met you. You didn’t care about my face, or what I do, you know why?” He caressed your cheek again softly. “Because you’re too pure for this world.”

He laid a small kiss on your forehead as he continued and you felt darkness creep upon you. “I knew you’d never pick me, so I made an executive decision. I’m gonna keep you safe and happy.”

Your eyes fluttered closed as you caught one last snippet from his mouth. “Because I love you Y/n.”

This was wonderful! Even though this was drabble length there was so much story!! Thank you for sharing!

Thank you I loved writing it and it came out of nowhere in my head. Thinking about doing a part two.

Another Billy Russo Drabble

Dark! S2! Mob! Billy Russo x Ex prostitute (now sugar baby)! Reader

Warnings: smut, voyeurism, kidnapping, dub con? Idk?

Sorry I haven’t posted in a while, just got inspired to write this small Drabble so I whipped it out! Hope to write more soon! Low key this may become another series or smth because I enjoyed writing it a lot and what kind of writer would I be if I didn’t have 5 wips? Also does anyone know how to do that “Read more” option for stories?

You gasped as Billy’s cock hit your cervix.

The man underneath you gave a deep grunt as he continued thrusting up into you.

Through your blissed out haze, you managed to watch as he shut his eyes together tightly and his nose scrunched as he rolled his hips deeper into you.

He said nothing, rutting into you ruthlessly, causing your head to rest on his shoulders.

Mr. Russo had been coming to you for your services for close to three months now. You remembered the first time you met the scarred mobster and he had bought you a drink. One drink turned into two, then two drinks turned into lingerie he loved to rip off of you. Then that turned into tips. Big tips that would pay your rent. He had claimed that you only had to worry about pleasing him, being at his beck and call.

You didn’t mind. He was nicer than your previous clients. He always made sure that you came before cumming himself and his once rough grip on your hips had become more gentle. More loving.

You screamed as the heavy door to his office swung open. And scrambled to get off of him.

“Ah ah ah.” His strong hands shoved you back into his cock and he gave you a devious smile. “Stay.” He looked over your shoulder at the person who had come in. “What?”

“Frank Castle paid a visit to the Haze.” Billy hummed in thought at the mention of his club.


“He killed 10 men sir.” You heard the goon stammer as you stayed frozen where you were. Billy never let you listen into his work conversations. “He also uh… took those files you wanted.”

You felt him stiffen under you and saw him clench his hands tightly. “Bounce on my cock sweetheart.” He ordered gruffly.

“But he-“ You tried to gesture to the man behind you.

“Now.” His tone left no room for arguments so you slowly started to lift yourself up and down his cock.

“I’m assuming he got past the firewall. Well Micro did at least.” He sighed and leaned back in his chair.

You shuddered as you felt all of him shift inside you.

“We believe so.”

“We’ll have to move my plans up then. Prep the room. Then that’ll be all.” He waved his hand dismissively as watched with a smug smile as you fucked yourself on his length. “Good girl. Taking me so well. You always take me so well.” You closed your eyes and let your face relax into his hand as he cupped your cheek. He hadn’t praised you much before, and you had to take his affection in when you could get it.

You moaned as you felt yourself get closer to your release.

“You gonna cum baby? Do it, milk me sweetheart.” His breath sped up as and you saw his nose twitch the way it always did when he was close.

You came with a loud moan and leaned into the crook of his neck, shivering when you felt his balls twitch and warmth speed inside you.

The two of you stayed like that for a while, breathing heavily before Billy tilted your chin up to look him in the eyes. “You’ve been so good for me sweet girl, but things are gonna have to change.”

Your eyebrow raised in confusion. “I do’n understand.” You mumbled weakly.

“You will.” Your eyes shot open as you felt a sharp prick in the back of your neck and a numbness spreading throughout your entire body quickly.

“Wh- Billy why?” You whispered, only able to watch as he lifted you off of him and into his lap.

“He knows where you live.” He said bluntly. “Frank.” He explained. “He knows where you live. Probably already been there.” Your blood froze at the mention of the Punisher.

“I can’t lose you sweetheart. I tried not to get too attached, but you were just too sweet. Too perfect. I couldn’t just leave you out on the streets.”

You had no control over your limbs now, but your eyes darted to his hands as they reached for a drawer behind you and pulled out a silk robe.

“I’m gonna make sure you never have to live like that again. You’ll have everything you need here with me.” He gently picked up your arms and one by one, slid them into the cool fabric. “I never thought I deserved to be happy. To have a family.” He continued, knotting the tie around your waist. “But then I met you. You didn’t care about my face, or what I do, you know why?” He caressed your cheek again softly. “Because you’re too pure for this world.”

He laid a small kiss on your forehead as he continued and you felt darkness creep upon you. “I knew you’d never pick me, so I made an executive decision. I’m gonna keep you safe and happy.”

Your eyes fluttered closed as you caught one last snippet from his mouth. “Because I love you Y/n.”


“Call it Magic”

Prologue: Unfitted

Billy Russo x Reader

Teen and up (for now)

Warnings: Language, brief depiction of war setting, self esteem issues. I’ll be honest here, this turned out angstier than intended.

Series summary: Single dad Billy Russo doesn’t feel qualified for parenthood, so he hatches a plan to get his baby girl the perfect mom. Needless to say, he isn’t looking for a love match… but that’s exactly what he is going to get.


“Come on, dude! You can’t do this to me…” Billy knew his case was weak, his plea a useless, unconvincing hail Mary. Frank had already made his mind up, and Billy knew he was as unmovable and unyielding as a monolith. He usually loved that about his friend, made him the most reliable business associate a man could have, but right then, he thought it was the bane of his existence. 

Keep reading

Ahhhhhhhh Dad! Billy is the cutest!!!!!!!

Can’t wait to see where you take this!
