#binary sunset


For Star Wars Appreciation Week 2022: Favorite movie.

It will always be A New Hope. It got me into it. It’s the classic hero origin adventure. And it has my favorite scene with the binary sunset. (Of course, lol)

So here’s the time lapse video I originally made for Star Wars Day

“All his life has he looked away… to the future, to the horizon.”

Happy Star Wars Day! May the Fourth be with you!


Binary suns

I finished!

Thought I’d add the simple background I originally had. Couldn’t decide, at first which one I liked better. But full background won in the end.

Must have been about five or six the first time I saw Star Wars. It was the 90s, so my mom got us th

Must have been about five or six the first time I saw Star Wars. It was the 90s, so my mom got us the trilogy in VHS and sat us in front of the tv. More than twenty years later, and every time the music swells and Luke looks out at the twin suns I still get chills. 

Not a single word of dialogue and yet we experience all of Luke’s emotions, hopes and dreams in a single scene; and THAT is what made Star Wars magical. 

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The beginnings of my tribute to Star Wars. My buddy David Poe @ Golden Age Tattoo in Austin, TX is aThe beginnings of my tribute to Star Wars. My buddy David Poe @ Golden Age Tattoo in Austin, TX is a

The beginnings of my tribute to Star Wars. My buddy David Poe @ Golden Age Tattoo in Austin, TX is a brilliant artist. More to come!!!  

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