#biological essentialism




is this weird terf in my notes seriously using animals to back the argument as to why its a moral failing to have a penis. get off of my post and get a fucking life

“animals don’t understand the concept of consent, therefore penis bad”



Man, terfs fucking looove to be like “we need to protect and support women! And we all know that women are too fragile and weak to compete against BIOLOGICAL MEN in sports! Those MEN are just too advantaged over us silly weak girlies we could never ever compete against them!”

Fuck I remember when the most progressive thing you could say about gendered sports was that they shouldn’t be segregated by sex because women are just as capable as men at sports. Now they gotta resort to sexist bioessentialist nonsense because they can’t fucking stand the idea that they might have to meaningfully interact with trans people in sports settings.

God it’s incredible they’re saying the quiet part out loud now. Just outright saying saying that afab people are biologically worse at sports


The majority of the people in the trans community (irrespective of assigned sex) are potential targets for the dual framing device of “you’re either an incompetent hysterical woman or a dangerous oppressive man, depending on what’s most politically convenient for me.”


its important to me as a detrans woman to be vocal about it. its important to me as a detrans woman who initially only had radfems to talk to about detransition, because i couldnt find a single trans inclusive detrans person for over a year, to make sure other people know they have options.

radfems arent your aly if you’re questioning your gender. they dont have your best interest at heart. they dont care about helping you explore who you are, theyre only interested in sucking you in to be another transmisogynistic pawn for their violent ideology.

if you’re trans/nonbinary now, but are wondering if it isnt right for you, know that you have options. you can talk to me. there are people who have not done a 180 into bigotry who are here to support you.

please reblog, do not just like, this post.

i dont have a large platform. i want this to get spread. i want to remove terfs from the forefront of detrans/reidentification awareness & support. they cannot continue to be the first contact for questioning people.

i am begging you, yes you personally, to please reblog this, and comment or reply in the tags if you’re a safe, trans-inclusive detransitioned or reidentified person to approach.
