

Fact: You don’t have to choose a side. Orientation is not a binary between gay and straight, and even if you end up in a monogamous, long-term relationship, you continue to exist outside of that binary because who you are is not the same thing as who you are with.

Fact: Bisexuality is an identity, not a lifestyle. Your relationships don’t make you more or less bisexual.


Abusive men deliberately target bi women for violence. Abusive men will act with the knowledge that many if not most bisexual women feel socially isolated and often guilty for their bisexuality to further isolate them, leaning into that guilt to control the woman. Making her feel his abuse is her fault because she isn’t trustworthy because she’s bi.

So like, to be like ‘I don’t care about bi women who are with men’ is just. Being willing to let bi women suffer any level of violence because you hate bi women, but hiding behind it being because of the guy lmfao. Evil.


People need to start believing in bisexuals more. No more “oh you’re overreacting”, “get over it”, “it’s not that serious” when it comes to biphobia. LISTEN TO US when we tell you something you did or said, whatever, was biphobic. Call out biphobia when you see it. Be an ally to bisexuals. Cause sometimes it feels like we’re only there for each other. No, it’s not a competition, but we need you to be there for us. Now more than ever. Please listen to us, respect us, and most importantly, uplift and be there for us.
