#bipolar poet


Just posted my first Post+ exclusive poem!! It’s $3.99 a month and I’m offering exclusive poems and other short writing content such as prose and maybe some short stories in the future. Also social media shoutouts and reblogging of your posts although please don’t spam me to reblog like 10 posts in a week try be reasonable in reblog/shoutout requests no spamming basically.

I hadn’t really thought about the shoutouts thing until it had it as a suggested perk I could offer and I thought sure why not add that in.

Anyways I’m excited and will be making sure to post content regularly for subscribers. Idk if this will actually take off or it’ll be a flop but doesn’t hurt to try I suppose. Also let me know if you’ve got feedback like do you think $3.99 is fair or would you rather it be cheaper?

Tumblr gives me a few options on pricing the lowest it goes is $1.99 then it jumps straight to $3.99 but I would consider lowering it at least in the beginning if people are interested but the price is just a bit out of reach for you guys.
