#bird girl


My submission for the 100 birds book recently!

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A little bird person I painted recently

Another bird girl painting- this one was inspired by the oriental dwarf kingfisher.

Another bird girl painting- this one was inspired by the oriental dwarf kingfisher.

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Thirteen Days of Halloween TFs Day 6 Harpy CrowWhat an adorable coat she thought, lifting the black

Thirteen Days of Halloween TFs Day 6 Harpy Crow

What an adorable coat she thought, lifting the black garment from the clothing rack and inspecting its feather like surface. With this outfit she could dress up like a crow for Halloween. She took the coat to the front of the store and quickly paid for it, then rushed to her car with a bounce in her step.

She got home soon after that, having enjoyed her quick car ride home listening to the radio. She was humming some catchy tune as she walked inside her apartment.

“Oh yeah, gotta see how this coat looks! I didn’t even try it on…” In her excitement she hadn’t even seen if it fit. As she put it over her shoulders and tried to get her hands through the arm holes she started to frown. It didn’t seem like she could managed to get her hands through it, for some reason it didn’t fit.

After a few minuets of flailing around she gave up and went to take the coat off, but she found she couldn’t grip anything with the feathery material over her arms. She was starting to feel itchy too, as if the skin of her legs was being irritated and her feet were very dry and scratchy.

“Great I’m stuck in this stupid cot, that doesn’t even fit, and I’m having an allergic reaction.” She tried once more to dislodge the coat, flapping her arms up and down, without any feeling in her hands. It looked like she had wings, and did feathers fall of the coat and onto her legs? She looked down…. no… no those feathers were coming out of her leg.

She watched in shock as her legs started to quickly become covered in feathers, and anything below the knee started to become scaly. In a quick and unpleasant pop, she felt her legs shift into a digitigrade stance and she let out a caw of fear.

She tried to run to her bedroom, wanting to escape the coat, but she only made it part way up the stairs before nearly falling. Her new legs would take some getting used to and she had no hands for grabbing the railing. Her body was setup like some sort of… crow harpy.

“This CAAAAWWWWn’t be real, this CAAAAWWWWn’t be happening…” She slumped down onto the steps, sitting on her feathered butt. “I’d better not start laying eggs.” She grumpily flapped her arms at her sides and was surprised when she lifted off the ground a little. “Did I just…” She hopped down the stairs to the middle of the room and started flapping in earnest.

Her large breasts jiggled and bounced heavily, and she wished she was wearing a thicker bra under her dress. She doubted she would be able to get a bra on now, but at least she could fly. She could FLY! She was heavily beating her wings and maintaining a ungraceful floating motion four feet off the ground. It wasn’t much right now, but at least being half bird had one advantage…

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Pickled Predicament Valery was looking for something to prove to her friends that she did have a wil

Pickled Predicament

Valery was looking for something to prove to her friends that she did have a wild side, that she wasn’t as uptight and reserved as they portrayed her to be. She had eagerly joined them on this girls night out, and while this bar wasn’t her ideal place to spend a night, it was a good place to try and embrace being spontaneous. It was this attitude that had her asking the bar tender for one of the pickled eggs from the jar at the counter. The other girls had said that it was always full, and that they had never seen anyone order any from it, it had apparently become somewhat of an ongoing joke that it was the same jar from when the bar opened up over a decade ago.

Valery was determined to prove she was some sort of maverick and ignored the incredulous looks from her friend as she sat down and set about consuming the appetizer. She ate a rather large bite and was immediately assaulted by the pungent garlic and sour vinegar of the egg. It burned her sinuses and she nearly coughed and choked. It took Valery a great deal of willpower to finish off the egg and not look like she had been ruined by the overwhelming taste. The eggs had definitely had quite a long time to marinate in the brine and the taste had been anything but subtle.

Her friends were amused by her reckless consumption of the mystery eggs and they ordered a new round of drinks. Valery felt good about herself that she was able to do something unexpected, even if she nearly gagged doing it. It was almost a half hour later when Valery started to get stomach cramps. At first they were so minor that she didn’t notice them, but after some light dancing they started to really get uncomfortable. She was considering going to the bathroom or the hospital when one of her friends asked her something that caught her off guard.

“Woah, nice ears val! Dressin’ up for Halloween early or something?”

Valery looked at her friend in confusion, the song playing in the bar was pretty loud, but she thought she heard her friend say something about her ears. She reached up and felt to large pointed shapes that didn’t feel like how her ears should. She ran, nearly stumbling as she pushed past people to get to the bathroom, leaving her stunned friend behind.

She looked at herself in the dimly lit bathrooms mirror, sure enough she had oddly pointed ears that looked like she was dressing up as an elf for Halloween. As she fretted and poked at them she began to feel a tense and itchy feeling from that spot on your back that’s hard to reach. She tried to turn and she what was going on in the reflection, but lifting her shirt didn’t allow her to see much at this angle. Her feet felt constricted by her overly tight heels and she was about to take them off when a clawed toe ripped through the fabric. Valery stared at the talon-like claw that had shredded her favorite shoes. More talons burst free and soon the shoes were destroyed by her growing feet.

Valery tumbled onto her ass, her balance was quite off after a combo of alcohol and.. bird feet? She couldn’t describe them as anything else, and at that moment she wished she had been drunk enough that this could be some sort of alcoholic hallucination, but it was as real as the feathers that were poking out the front of her pants. She pulled off her pants and panties to find she had a short tail of sorts, covered in long brown feathers. It was no stranger than the clawed and scaly feet, but she was really started to freak out now. A sudden pressure and a woosh of noise as her wings burst free of her shirt and unfurled jumped her and Valery tried to scramble away before figuring out that it was just her wings.

Wings!? She had wings, like real wings. Could she fly? Was she turning into a bird? Her thoughts raced and she was breathing heavily as she tried to figure out what was going on. Everything had been fine until she ate that damn egg earlier. Eggs, something about the word felt ominous. Maybe it was the corresponding cramp that accompanied the word, or maybe it was the connection to a bird, either way, Valery knew they were what was responsible. No wonder nobody ate them, they turned people into birds. Valery tried to stand but still was having difficulty maneuvering. As she got onto all fours she felt something, a pressure and a need, a need to..

With a groan and a small push Valery felt like a huge weight had been lifted. The pressure was gone and after a quick plop and a thud, a large egg slid across the bathroom floor. Valery had laid an egg. A football sized egg had just come out of her. Valery picked the egg up in shock, it was very warm and her first instinct was to wash it off after it had been on the floor of the bathroom. As Valery cleaned the egg she heard a knock on the bathroom door. It was one of her friends checking up on her to see if the pickled egg had killed her yet. Valery looked herself over in the mirror, talons, feathers, wings, her pointed ears, all the while carrying a huge egg. Maybe she was dead, the old Valery certainly was gone, and this new Valery felt more wild than ever.

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[ Jubjub ] Família: HarpiaTipo: Mulher-pássaroHabitat: País das MaravilhasPersonalidade: Lasciva, pr

[ Jubjub ] 

  • Família: Harpia
  • Tipo: Mulher-pássaro
  • Habitat: País das Maravilhas
  • Personalidade: Lasciva, precipitada, mansa
  • Dieta: Onívora, come qualquer coisa

Registro na enciclopédia: 

Uma variedade de harpias únicas do “País das Maravilhas” que dizem estar sempre no cio. A progenitora desta raça foi uma “harpia” do tipo original que foi alterada quando a “Rainha de Copas” lançou um feitiço para fazê-la constantemente lasciva durante todo o ano, depois que ela se cansou de como as harpias não se incomodam em atacar os homens a menos que esteja na estação.

Elas mantêm a personalidade amigável das harpias, no entanto suas cabeças estão cheias de nada além de pensamentos de copular com os homens, e dizem que elas estão cheios de desejo sexual desde o nascimento. Assim que elas se tornam conscientes, elas começam a procurar homens, e a luxúria continua a se acumular dentro delas a ponto de deixá-las loucas, se não por serem monstros. Por causa disso, seus órgãos para detectar o odor e a mana dos homens humanos são extremamente desenvolvidos, e parece que todo mundo sabe logo depois que um único homem entra no País das Maravilhas porque as Jubjubs se tornam turbulentas.

Sua genitália está constantemente pingando de secreções, e assim que avistarem um homem, elas vão atacar a toda velocidade e saltar sobre o homem em uma tentativa de copular em um estado de excitação máxima. A maioria da família harpia tem corpos pequenos que são leves e flexíveis, especializados para voar, mas elas têm corpos macios que são especializados para se sentirem bem quando abraçados, em vez de voar. Elas têm seios aumentados que são inadequados para seu corpo pequeno. Suas asas também priorizam a beleza durante o voo, e sua plumagem fofa é especializada para fazer um homem se sentir bem ao ter seu corpo envolto em suas asas, mas elas têm dificuldade em voar por longos períodos de tempo. Por essa razão, elas têm o hábito de tratar o homem que se torna seu marido como seu “poleiro”. Elas pegam seu pênis e o seguram profundamente dentro de sua vagina e envolvem suas pernas ao redor dele para afixar seu corpo ao marido tentando viver assim enquanto se juntam constantemente.

Quer estejam dormindo ou se movendo, elas tentam não se separar do marido, e só o fazem quando não têm escolha a não ser voar, ou quando põem ovos. Mesmo sendo separados por um curto período de tempo, elas ficarão meio enlouquecidas, e quando se juntarem mais uma vez, de modo que não serão separados novamente, elas baterão vigorosamente seus quadris contra os dele como se quisessem bater o próprio colo do útero com o pênis. Além disso, elas têm personalidades nervosas. Se seus quadris coçarem, elas ajustarão sua posição e  frequentemente e persistentemente tentam se reajustar para levar o pênis ainda mais fundo, puxando-o para trás com os quadris e empurrando-o para dentro novamente, seu marido geralmente libera sêmen dentro delas quando visitado pelo prazer súbito e inesperado.

A maioria dos homens ficará desnorteado com elas no início, mas à medida que se tornarem maculados pela vida no País das Maravilhas, acabará sendo unido ao quadril com uma Jubjub e sentindo que o prazer se tornará uma coisa natural. Por outro lado, esses homens se tornarão incapazes de se acalmar sem isso. Enquanto um homem estiver com uma Jubjub, ele poderá manter uma ereção indefinidamente. Um homem vai até começar a agarrar seus quadris e sacudi-los, derramando ativamente seu desejo dentro delas.

Além disso, há uma teoria de que a origem de seu nome vem de uma variante dos sons molhados “jupu jupu” que eles estão sempre fazendo, mas a verdade é incerta.

Relação com as Humpty Eggs:

Quando um homem humano se aproxima dos ovos de Jubjub antes de chocarem, ele pode causar a mutação dos ovos e transformá-los em um monstro slime conhecido como Humpty Egg, com um corpo capaz de acasalar desde o nascimento. Sendo uma raça mutante, Humpty Eggs colocará ovos de  Jubjub normais, embora eles tenham uma chance maior de se transformar em um ovo Humpty do que ovos colocados por Jubjubs.

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You and your adorable harpy wife are sharing a deep, longing kiss full of passion… when suddenly, your son and daughter walk in! “Ewwwww!!” they shout, and you and your wife just laugh. One more funny memory to share…
