#birdy talks


This is the first time I have ever felt the need to truly record my dream but it was uncanny. 

Yesterday, I did not get a call back from a job I interviewed for. That should have meant I did not get the job, as it was the latest I was meant to hear from them. I do not have the BA they want, I am lacking the ‘preferred’ quality of bilingual English/Chinese. But I have work experience. Yesterday, I also reached out to someone on Twitter who I thought did not ever want to see me again, but still I sent a follow request and a PM, because I miss our friendship.

Last night, I dreamed we reconnected, and I dreamed I got the job. It was surrounded in my usual medication-induced bizarre dream nonsense, with a giant sized cafeteria and cats the size of lizards, but still!

This morning, she accepted my follow request, followed me back, responded to my PM. I called the company, and the reason they didn’t call is because someone broke a bone yesterday by falling! I got the job!

It could be nothing. This is not something I have experience with. But I was wearing a charm for days straight, burning a sigil marked and herb infused candle for days, and praying to Hermes. One time is interesting. Two times will make it coincidence. Three times will mark a pattern. I’m at one weird dream guessing the coming day’s events.

I am thinking of joining a Hellenic church. I want a community, and if I could just find two other people in my area who follow the Theoi and only the Theoi, I could! But I guess that is a lot to ask for (and finding people is step one, then comes research into the church to make sure it is in the green with the IRS, figuring out if I can claim dues and a PO Box as a founder of the potential chapter on my taxes, making sure I like those two people since they would have leadership roles if the community grew, which I would want…)

I just want to become More in my worship, and I want a community with which to do that!

Locally sourced Hellenic, tired and listening to birds!

They Them

A messy spell for my messy life, a charm, and fires to burn through to August.

so i almost posted a loki x reader fic but then i realized it would be a multi parter and i literally would never write the second part because my writing inspiration comes in short bursts randomly

like theres a rwason i only write oneshots unless its a really short series that i really care about i-


