#and so it is




(sigil for success in job applications for @nebulasclera)

A messy spell for my messy life, a charm, and fires to burn through to August.



good things will happen 

things that are meant to be will fall into place 

need this. now.


the universe is constantly offering me what i need. i choose to respond to these gifts with gratitude and wonder

Super Black Moon Lughnasadh

Blessed mother, blessed father, and Lammas God Lugh,

Grant me the sight of dreams true,

So I may start my life anew.

What you’ve sown, now you’ll reap;

Will you smile, or will you weep?

Each day shorter than the last,

Remind us of the seasons past.

Darkest moon of this month’s sky,

That which can’t be seen with naked eye,

On this eve of powerful night

I call upon you to put things right.

Transform this pain and let my life be whole again.

Let me wake in light of morn

Where my life will be reborn.

And so it is

Ascend Fitheach

a job she needs without delay

obair a dh'fheumas i gun dàil

an interview she has today

agallamh a tha aice an-diugh

she needs no worries and no strife

chan eil feum aice air draghan no strì

it’s time to move on with her life

tha an t-àm ann gluasad air adhart le a beatha

with questions asked she’ll feel no stress

le ceistean a chaidh fhaighneachd dh ’fhaodadh nach bi cuideam sam bith oirre

her interview will yield success

thig toradh soirbheachail air a agallamh

with maiden, mother, crone, and she

le a mhaighdinn, a màthair, a ‘chailleach, agus ise

thus as i will it so mote it be

mar sin nì mi e mar sin e


ᚳᚻᚱᛁᛋ • ᚢᛚᚺᛕ • ᚛ᚋᚐᚅ᚜

A scatter shot ..my brain thoughts ..are racing through my head. Can’t tell ..fact from fell ..to utter nonconviction. Are we living ..or are we dead ..this is what we sought

A blind eye is treasure wrought ..I xx thee finder fought ..lucana’s call a siren drawl ..luring hidden guise

Grasp full ..your actions past ..and wounds that have since festered ..a septic root does wither ..the entirety of the lot

And so it is
