#my spells



War water causes hex but it also repels and remove them. Add war water to your bath water and soak yourself with the water as you focus upon your desires. Do this once a week.

This will help to remove all negative energy/hex upon you and keep you open to receive good things and no more obsactles this year.

This is tested and trusted spell that works with no side effect.


Ori Power

9/10 it be the you cursing you. Your actions have consequences. If you won’t leave that lady husband alone, and you got bad relationship juju after that, that’s you sis!!! If you out here sending evil eye to any and everyone, but you can’t come up, it’s you!!

This ain’t to say, people aren’t out here throwing brujeria on you, but let’s be real….ain’t nobody bout to spend the time , the energy, the resources, and the money to hex you….unless you made some terrible choices.

customizable emoji spell

swap the first two and last two emojis for what you need to get there and what you want the outcome to be!

for me it’s :

phone interview——> job/$$——> apartment

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hi lovlies ❤️❤️

making an emoji manifestation spell because my boyfriend has a phone interview on wednesday and once he gets the job we can move out asap!

i am claiming this as reality and manifesting our future

  • this is pretty specific to my situation but if you are counting on a job to get you where you need to be, in my case a new apartment, you can use this too. change the last two emojis to what it is the job will manifest and make possible in your life and change the first two if it isn’t a phone interview.


phone interview/resume

✅ successful interview, got the job!

paychecks, money flow

manifest, all of this above leads to:

our apartment!

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EMOJI SPELL - like & reblog to cast

✨ ☄️

to keep money flowing, to put your resume in front of people, to get on the schedule, to turn the fire into flames that get you where you want to be

This WORKS!! Seriously.

okay another update, i told u last time i was transferring to a new store and now i have moved out of the department i was in and i’m a cashier! i get to talk with other women as opposed to old men selling lawn mowers lol! and the hours are better, i don’t think i will be working until 11pm now! share this spell and put your intentions OUT THERE. i’ve said it before but as i’m now living with my parents again i’m not really able to practice and do spells and stuff like that at home, and also while struggling with different ailments mentally and physically it can be hard to keep up with your craft, and sometimes an emoji spell is the best you can do. but if the intent is there, it’s just as good.

EMOJI SPELL - like & reblog to cast

✨ ☄️

to keep money flowing, to put your resume in front of people, to get on the schedule, to turn the fire into flames that get you where you want to be

This WORKS!! Seriously.


* manifestation emoji spell *


manifest peaceful change and exciting new beginnings that you have been wanting and waiting for

* your wishful thoughts will turn into a beautiful reality *


i know emoji spells aren’t much but they represent my manifestations for me and so i just wanted to update you on how everything went.

my partner had an interview on wednesday, was supposed to find out on thursday whether or not he’d get the second interview on friday

but he got a call on thursday they wanted to the the second interview that day, he did the interview ended and he told me he would possibly know about the job by friday

but later on thursday he got a call that they offered him the position!!!! so that day i emailed the apartment complex we want to live in and we are going to tour on tuesday! and apply!


haha YES i know how to hit the bong chad, pass it to me *starts moaning and making out with it*

31 Days of PC Spells, Day 3: Write a spell based on a lesser-known and/or less popular fairy tale

Based on the fairytale “By the Pike’s Will” from Russia. This is a really quick and simple jar spell!


{Image source}

What you need:

  • a natural source of water (ocean, lake, river, pond, etc)
  • a glass jar (relatively large)
  • paintbrush (fine) and paint
  • a seashell, smooth stone, or sand dollar — you must be able to paint on it and it must fit in the jar you’ve chosen.
  • a wish to make

How to:

First, fill your glass jar with water from your natural source, and then return to your home/place of witchcraft. On the outside of the jar, paint the words “By the pike’s will, at my command” in any placement that pleases you.

Now paint your wish on your seashell/stone/sand dollar. To represent your wish, you may use words, drawings, or sigils — whatever suits you most. When you are satisfied, add this into your jar.

Instincts are very important in witchcraft, and here’s the time to rely on yours. At some point, you will take the wishing jar back to the natural source of water to release your wish. Do this only when your intuition informs you that it is the most appropriate time.

After you release your wish, refill your jar with new water. Make sure this water is completely foreign to the wishing jar; walk some distance down the water bank if need be. Collect a new seashell/stone/sand dollar for the next time you have a wish to make. Your current wish is already out there, waiting to be found and (hopefully) granted by a particular, very generous pike!


{Image source}

Forchaosundone‘s 31 days of pop culture spells challenge, Day 2: Write a curse inspired by the first fandom or character that made you interested in pop culture magic.


Purpose: To curse your target to cold and loneliness, rendering them invisible when they want to be seen and silent when they want to be heard.

What you need:

  • cloth
  • scissors
  • sewing needle & thread
  • lemon juice
  • black pepper, poppies (whole flowers), and rice
  • optional: mint leaves and apple seeds
  • two liquid-proof containers, one larger and one smaller
  • a sharpie, or something to write on cloth with
  • something to represent your target — a picture of them, their name written on a piece of paper, etc
  • water
  • a freezer, ice box, or somewhere else really cold

How to:

Fill the smaller container with lemon juice. Add the representation of your target first — their picture, a scrap of their handwriting, their name, etc. If you’re using the optional ingredients, the mint leaves and apple seeds, add those next. Then the black pepper, poppy flowers, and rice go in. Try to pack the ingredients down so they’re all in the lemon juice — you can add more juice if needed. You’ll be leaving this to marinate while you prepare the poppet. 

With your sharpie, trace a human figure on the cloth. Double side the cloth and cut it out so you have two identical silhouettes. On one side of one silhouette, write out longhand what they have done to incite your wrath, and on one side of the other, why they deserve this curse. 

On one of the unused sides, draw two eyes and use the scissors to cut a mouth open. Then sew it shut again, to silence them so they cannot be heard.

Now sew the two cut-outs together into a poppet, with the writing you did on the inside. When you sew it up, leave a small un-sewn gap at the top of the head.

This is where we come back to the ingredients you left marinating at the beginning. This is what you’re going to use to stuff the poppet through the little gap. Make sure the representation of your target gets in there! When it’s full, sew up the gap.

Next, fill the larger container with water. This container only needs to be large enough to hold the poppet you made — you don’t necessarily need to have a container for this, you could just fill up your sink if that’s easier. Submerge the poppet. You can do this for as long as you like, but it only requires to be long enough to get the poppet soaking wet.

Once it’s soaking, stick it in your freezer, and you’re pretty much done. The curse stays in effect for as long as you keep it in the cold.



Offering Comfort Spell

One of the hardest situations to be in is when your friend, partner, family is hurting and you are unable to act to ameliorate that hurt. When my partner is in a dark place my heart feels pinched and every breath catches. I know that it is the same for her when I am in a dark place. This is a simple charm to send love and support to those you care about who are hurting.

You Will Need

1. One yellow candle (can substitute white)


[Recommended for this spell] If it is part of your practice, cast a circle. As you sit with your ingredients before you, centre yourself. Ground yourself in the present moment by focusing on your breath, the sensations of your body, and your connection to the earth.

This spell can be cast with the person you are directing your energies toward sitting across the candle flame from you or directed outward toward a person who is not present.


Sit comfortably on the floor with the yellow candle in safe holder in front of you. If the person who you are directing your comfort and energy to is present, have them sit on the opposite side of the candle from you.

Light the candle and sit quietly for a minute. Visualise your love, comfort, and energy as a golden light building inside your chest. As it expands, push it outward with your mind toward the person who you wish to comfort. Repeat the following with conviction:

Friend of mine with aching heart

Let this gift from me impart

You with peace, a fresh new start

May all your sorrow soon depart

Sit together in the light of your love and comfort for as long as you both need.


Yellow Candle: comfort, confidence, joy

This week was rough for a lot of us. I’m reposting this so it’s easy to find for everyone.

Autumnal Cleansing

We often associate cleansing our space with Spring. I remember going to my maternal Grandmother’s house every March and breaking out the bleach, mops, polish, and rags and scrubbing every shelf and baseboard until they shined. But my Grandmother was not satisfied with a deep once a year cleaning. Every September we repeated the ritual. She said, When the snow and the dark come we will be glad for a warm, clean place to rest. Here is a simple spell as we draw the light half of the year to a close and enter the quiet dark.

You Will Need

• One (1) white candle in a safe holder

• A bowl of saltwater

• A cinnamon broom or hand whisk


If it is part of your practice, cast a circle. As you sit with your ingredients before you, centre yourself. Ground yourself in the present moment by focusing on your breath, the sensations of your body, and your connection to the earth.


Light the white candle in your living room or another central location in your living space. Hold the bowl of salt water in your left hand and cinnamon broom in your right hand.

Recite the following:

Holy fire pierces dark

By salt water now depart

Swept away by blessed bark

Cleansing through the witch’s art

Sprinkle the salt water about your rooms or living space starting from the back (backdoor or window) and moving toward the front (entry way or main door). Hum or whistle as you do so, driving the negative energy forward and out the main entry. Be sure to sprinkle at each window, divider, and door, as boundaries are thin places that need extra care.

Now, moving in reversed direction from front to back, sweep the cinnamon broom across your floor. Continue to hum while you work your way about your home space creating a pleasant atmosphere.

When finished, repeat the charm and extinguish the candle.


White candle: purity, protection

Salt water: cleansing, dissolution

Cinnamon: associated with fire; used for protection, cleaning, and purifying


• An electric tea light or votive candle can be used in spaces where you cannot light fire.

• Cinnamon incense or potpourri can replace the broom.

HEY forgive me for this awful formatting, I’m on Tumblr mobile.

But my Third Eye sucks!!! Im terrible when it comes to more than recognizing a spirit exists in my general vacinity. Made a small blend to help myself– put it in a currently charging pendant to help me with this hell.

**So here it is**

Wolfsbane (Optional)

(DO NOT BURN OR INGEST. Wolfsbane is poisonous, and Mugwort is dangerous to those pregnant and nursing.)

Key To Success RitualI’m not the most diligent student. I think a lot of people can connect to that,

Key To Success Ritual

I’m not the most diligent student. I think a lot of people can connect to that, too! But I’m pretty damn bad about my academics– As in the part where I, you know. Have to do work.

I’ve been doing what I can to push myself and get better, since my terrible work ethic has been following me around elsewhere, but to do that, I felt as though I needed a little push. So I constructed this ritual! It’s serving me well, and I hope it’ll do the same for you.

What You Need

  • Oil Diffuser - Preferably one like this! Electronic ones work too, but you’ll have to follow a different plan
  • Allspice Oil
  • Oak Moss Oil
  • Basil Oil (Can replace Oak Moss or Allspice)
  • Cinnamon
  • Glass of Water - Doesn’t have to be fancy
  • Personally Crafted Success Sigil - Should be pertaining to what you want success in! I wanted success in my academics, so I made a sigil pertaining to that specific thing

How To Do Something

  • Get all your stuff ready, lay your tools out, etc.! Do any beforehand rituals you do, yadda yadda. Place your diffuser on the surface containing your sigil. I’d recommend keeping it fire safe, but I put my put my sigil on some paper and said “fuck it” and everything went fine. Don’t sue me if you burn your house down.
  • (Also pro-tip that drawing your sigil with chalk on a surface that’s fire-safe is cool ‘cause you can just wash the sigil off later and it saves hassle.)
  • Then, a little mantra. This should be personalized towards what kind of success you’re aiming for, but if you need a loose script:

Through sleet or shine, through sun or hail;
I am successful, I do prevail;
At[Insert things you want to be successful], well I will be;
As it is, so shall it be.

  • I recommend lighting your candle now. Put the diffuser dish above it, and add your water. Fill it near full, but leave room for the oil and the cinnamon.
  • Now! Here comes the oil recipe. You can make this outside of this ritual too for general success.

3 Parts Allspice
2 Parts Oakmoss
(OPT. 1 Part Basil)

If needed, substitute 1 Part Basil for any one of these oils.

  • Plop that oil in there. (Pro-tip #2: You don’t need too much. Really, I just recommend dripping it in, and 1 drop = 1 part in the recipe above. Also PLEASE don’t go crazy on basil that oil is STRONG and you will HATE ME.)
  • Plop your cinnamon in there. It can be any kind of cinnamon, but I used cinnamon chips.
  • Sit back and let the magic do it’s work

Electronic Diffuser Tips

  • Place your diffuser on your sigil still, but craft your oil above the sigil as well. 
  • I always like to craft my stuff by candle light, because I love the energy, so. Extra points if you got candles.
  • Instead of Basil Oil, you can add 1 part Cinnamon oil to the mixture. NOT A LOT. I don’t want you to die. (If you’re going to do this, please leave Basil out of the mix. Just don’t do it. Don’t do it. I’m no aromatherapist.)
  • That, or you can just deal with the cinnamon on it’s own. Maybe a sachet of Cinnamon and Basil? Cedar, for good measure? Or you can go off and burn it as an incense on its own.
  • Really, this is just a groundwork. This ritual is for you to make yours. Whatever feels right? Do it. You won’t mess anything up if you change stuff around.

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A messy spell for my messy life, a charm, and fires to burn through to August.


I am manifesting Trump going to go to jail during pride month ️‍️‍⚧️️‍

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