#bitch wtf

blackness-by-your-side: I am fed up with the media nowadaysblackness-by-your-side: I am fed up with the media nowadaysblackness-by-your-side: I am fed up with the media nowadaysblackness-by-your-side: I am fed up with the media nowadays


I am fed up with the media nowadays

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Basile: So, to put it long story short, I stole Arthur’s airpods.

Lucas: His what?

Basile: You know, those wireless earbuds that rich people use.

Lucas: You mean his hearing aids??


Basile: Oh no—











a penis will never be female and a vagina will never be male! and you know why this isnt validating to trans people? because neovaginas and phalloplasties arent real vaginas and penises! because an open wound that serves as a fuck hole isnt a vagina, and a tube of flesh from your arm isnt a penis! the dictionary is on google!

Oh my look at that edge….looks like mutilation lingo’s back in TERF fashion this month.

ok but a neovagina is literally an open wound, that’s why you need to dilate it? and that’s how you do a phalloplasty tho??? like it’s literally how it works??? ksjdksjs

And there ya go just digging deeper.

You really do need to do this stuff really badly don’t you?

I also didnt say anything about mutilation bro but ok

Not a bro, never a bro.

And yet you still went with the theme even if you didn’t use the exact word.

Strawman all you want on this but ya literally went there and you’re hard defending the choice.

Like I said you really do need this kinda of stuff badly.

Can we discuss the hypersexualization of trans people by this terf? “”“"open wound that serves as a FUCK HOLE”“”“”“

But then they accuse us of being predatory??? The only people I’ve heard use the term “fuck hole” in place of vagina are incels and rapists. And now terfs.

hello??? a transwomans surgery hole isnt a vagina

Neither is your skull, but you’d flip shit if I called that a fuck hole

this is the dumbest shit I’ve seen in my life

you cant fuck a skull

a neovagina serves NO PURPOSE besides fucking

you know why?

because it cant give birth

You can, in fact, fuck a skull. Google it livestream your response lmfao some weird shit.

Vaginas, which they are called stop with the neo shit, aren’t there for the sole purpose of having sex with. And its pretty fucking gross to say that about anyone, especially a woman. Why do you sound like an incel

FP Jones is a murderer and an alcoholic….and he gets named sheriff ??
