#blonde and brunette

“What the heck is a ‘mud festival?’” Brad asked his wife, Sue.“I dunno, but Emma and a few of the gi

“What the heck is a ‘mud festival?’” Brad asked his wife, Sue.

“I dunno, but Emma and a few of the girls from work asked. I’d really like to go. You know, some girl bonding,” Sue said.  She worked with a lot of girls who were almost ten years younger, so she didn’t always have an easy time fitting in.

“Yeah, sure. Have fun,” Brad said without much thought.

A few weeks later, Sue packed a light bag with not much more than a bikini and a spare pair of shorts and a t-shirt.  Emma picked her up and explained that their other friends would meet them at the festival. 

“It’s cool that we’re sharing a room,” Emma said. “Liz and Sheila can be a bit catty,” she said. “You’re always nice…to everybody,” Emma added quickly.  “But you never make fun of me for…well, these,” she said, jiggling her large breasts. Sue hadn’t really thought of Emma that way. Until just then.

They had interesting conversation on the way up. Mostly Emma talked about boys she was seeing. Sue was shocked at how casual Emma’s generation was about sex and commitment.  She tried not to sound like a boring married woman, but limited her input to snippets about her and her husband.

They got to the small town near the festival site and checked into the motel.  They quickly got changed and met their coworkers for the drive to the festival site.  The festival itself was a lot of fun, and mostly involved play wrestling, flinging mud and swimming in the cool, thick fluid.

“We should head back,” Emma suggested before the sunset. “We promised those boys we’d meet them at the bar,” she reminded everyone.  

They covered the car seats with towels and drove back covered in mud.  Back at the motel, it was Emma that suggested they shower together to save time.  “We’re wearing bikinis,” she said with a shrug.

Suddenly, Sue’s stomach filled with butterflies. She had been having odd feelings all day, watching her friend slide around in the mud, feeling a tingle every time they touched. Now, she was in a hot shower, lathering up Emma’s enormous breasts.

“Ugh, I’m carrying five pounds of mud under these,” Emma joked as she wiped under her breasts.

“Don’t be ungrateful,” Sue said. “You’ve got great…um…”

Emma laughed as Sue seemed to struggle with her words. “I like yours better,” Emma said, gently caressing Sue’s small, perky breasts. “Mine are just big…giant…bags,” she said, still caressing Sue’s breasts over her bikini. “Yours are pretty.  Classic and firm,” she said. “They make you…seem…” Emma and Sue were drawing close, “Sophisticated,” Emma almost whispered into Sue’s mouth.

In a heartbeat, Sue’s lips were pressed against Emma’s. They were grinding their bodies together, pressing Emma’s massive breasts between them. In a flash, their wet bodies were writing around on the bed, their fingers and  lips exploring their bodies. 

Sue came first, hard, as Emma’s lips pressed against her pussy and her tongue flicked her clit. Sue’s orgasm was so intense she nearly passed out. Half asleep, she heard Emma on the phone, calling their coworkers.

“No, I think we’re staying in for the night. I’m not feeling well and Sue said her husband gets jealous,” she lied. “You guys have fun.”  Noticing Sue was awake, she climbed on top of the bed and pressed her naked body against Sue’s.  “I thought we might want some more time together,” she said with a kiss.

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Had the best weekend with ma bestie! we just ate for two days straight, literally, just ate stuff.Had the best weekend with ma bestie! we just ate for two days straight, literally, just ate stuff.Had the best weekend with ma bestie! we just ate for two days straight, literally, just ate stuff.

Had the best weekend with ma bestie! we just ate for two days straight, literally, just ate stuff.

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tb to when we celebrated valentines day like true single ladies

tb to when we celebrated valentines day like true single ladies

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“So, you know, you’ve got a brunette and a blonde, so they bound to sleep together, right?” (Cate Blanchett)


“Hmmm. I’m sorry sir, but I don’t believe I can service that type of request by myself.”

“Perhaps if I asked my colleague to assist me, we could give you what you need?”

Well for the next hour they most certainly did - and it was worth every dollar of the room rate tip I handed them each in cash as they left.

But while her colleague skipped off happily, the first maid lingered, looking embarrassed. So I reached for my wallet and, with a smile, asked how much extra she wanted.

“Oh no, Sir. That’s not necessary! I was just wondering if could come again?”

So I said they both could, after their shift ended.

“No Sir. I mean…can I please “come” again, once more, right now?”

This photo we posted a while ago was also removed by Tumblr censorship… there is no sexual ac

This photo we posted a while ago was also removed by Tumblr censorship… there is no sexual act representation nor any close-up on private parts. 
It’s just an artistic photo of two beautiful naked girls.
So we repost it give them the love they deserves :)

Cette photo que nous avions postée il y a quelques temps a également fait les frais de la censure de Tumblr… Il n’a pas de représentation d’acte sexuel ni de gros plan sur les parties intimes.
C’est juste une photo artistique de deux belles femmes nues.
Nous la repostons donc montrez-lui/leur l’amour qu’elle(s) mérite(nt)

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