

What I really need to see in season 2 is Michiru becoming a pillar of the beastman community and Nazuna becoming an advocate for social equity.

I want Nazuna to use her platform to have beastman/human friendly concerts and events, introduce each species to the non problematic aspects of the others’ culture, and just all around start to bridge the gap between both societies.

I want Michiru to unite the populace and combat the “every beastman for themselves” and “only the strongest survive” mentalities in beastman society. I think she’d do this by reforming and expanding the baseball league to give the city another identity to rally behind (the first being Ginrou). I’d like to see her making a point of using the league to make a safe, nonviolent space for the residents of Animacity to let loose and have careless fun in. I’d like to see the revenue from the games invested back into the poor communities, with a focus on aiding those in the slums and fighting beastkid trafficking.

Don’t think too hard girls we wouldn’t want you to hurt yourselves

alan: prime minister, im trying to sneak around but the clap of my ass cheeks keeps alerting ogami

you think fursuits are offensive to beastmen

why is he always either fully clothed or completely naked

im about to beat the shit out of whoever designed shirou

anyway reminder that shirou is actually eastern european and we don’t know his real name because im pretty sure a bunch of medieval europeans wouldn’t know what japan is

Michiru is such a cutie! I’ve really been loving BNA so far!
