#katsuki bakugo headcanons


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DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of these characters, they belong to Kohei Horikoshi

Welcome to the second of seven works of the Candy Heart Club! Our second boy up is Katuski Bakugou with the candy heart saying “Kiss Me”. Let me know if you’d like to be added to the event taglist, and as always, the event masterlist is linked right above! Stay sweet and happy February!

Prompt: Katsuki Bakugo loves you, he knows he does, but just why is he having trouble saying it? No matter how many times the two of you are alone and the scene is just right, he gets too in his head and can’t say it. So, what else can he do?

A/N: Here is the second fic about our dear, beloved, Katsuki Bakugou! So sorry this one took a little bit longer, but you all can now expcet one of these works almost every day now - how else am I gonna get them all done before the 14th? The day of all days? I hope you all enjoy, and as always, just comment or message me if you’d like to be added to the masterlist! ENJOY!!!

Word Count: 1.6K

He was an A+ student. An example of perfection. A winner. Katsuki Bakugou was not a quitter. But, right now, he sure as hell felt like one. He loves you with a kind of love he didn’t think he’d ever be able to feel, and he thinks of you - often. When Ectoplasm is droning on about anti-derivatives and random numbers to the power of 4, his mind wanders and takes a trip to wherever you are. In training, sometimes he catches a quick glance of you and then he can’t remember what he was going to do next. And at night, right before he goes to bed and closes his eyes, he sees your smile - and then he can’t sleep. So, he has to do homework, or workout, or something. Anything he could possibly think of to get you out of his mind, but dammit, he just can’t. It scares him sometimes, to think that there is such a person who captures so much of his attention. But if he’d had to pick someone, he’d pick you every time.

There was something about the way you held yourself that made him so attracted to you. Your confidence never reached a level of arrogance - something he struggled with, even though he didn’t care to admit it. Your leadership capabilities were strong and sound, rivaling both him and the class representative. And your power - your athleticism and efficiency in training and on the battlefield was admirable. Bakugou had met his match in you.

The sun felt nice as the two of you were laying in the greenspace just to the side of Heights Alliance, relishing in a moment of peace. It had been Bakugou’s idea, actually, to get away from the clamor that was the common room, what with board game arguments running rampant and debates over homework answers. It was nice outside. Calm. Unlike most people, you could attribute those adjectives to time spent with Bakugou.

Your eyes were closed as your face was up towards the sun and there was a relaxed smile on your face. It had been a little while since either you or Bakugou had spoken, so you opened one of your eyes to get a peek of him, trying to see if he had fallen asleep. To your surprise, his gaze was trained on yours and then flicked away the second he saw you look at him. You let your eyelid flutter closed again, but a larger smile spreads across your face.

“What, do I have something on my face?” You say, already knowing you don’t.

“You know you don’t, you just want me to know that you knew I was looking at you.” Bakugou retorts warmly, seemingly reading your mind. You laugh a bit and roll to your side so you could meet his eyeline more easily and he does the same. Crimson meets Y/E/C. 

Bakugou’s face is placated but his mind is in turmoil. Why can’t he just end all this and say it? He knows, or is at least 98% sure, that you have feelings for him. But, what he also knows, is that he has to be the one to say those three little words. And it wasn’t in some weird, backwards, gender stereotyped way that he had to be the one to say it, but it was because he needed to be the one to commit. You didn’t have a problem with committing to a relationship, and since you’ve known him, he’s given no indication of even wanting a relationship. So, now, he has to buck up and do it.

“What rusty gear is trying to move around in there,” you say, poking his forehead. He shakes his head a bit and grabs the hand you had raised towards it, keeping his palm enclosed around yours. You smiled a bit and shimmied your body a bit closer to his. The grass was tickling your legs and the warm breeze was swirling around you but the only thing that was making you feel something. You take a deep breath, then exhale.

“Katsuki, I-”

“Shut it.” He says quickly, squeezing your hand a bit to satiate the sting that his words left. Your eyes were wide, though, as he cut you off. His gaze flickers with a bit of regret from his word choice and his lips fight a frown. “I know what you’re gonna say.”

“Then just let me say it.” You murmur, slipping your hand out of his to instead mess with the grass. You pluck out blades and then pick those apart, leaving a litter of green on the ground. He takes you in one last time. The sundress you have on is pretty - something you don’t wear normally. The fabric spills around both of your sides, rumpling it a bit and ensuring that you’ll need to iron it out. Your knees are grass-stained along with your fingers, the pale green rubbing onto your skin to give it a somewhat sickly hue. It made you seem so real, so tangible. How can anyone like you truly be real? But his hand was on yours. Your knees are almost touching his. And the way he can almost see the pores on your face, the individual lashes adorning your gorgeous Y/E/C eyes…

“Close your eyes.” He says, receiving narrowed brows from you. You propped your head up with your elbow and your Y/H/C hair cascades around your shoulders.

“Why.” You say.

“Just do it.” Bakugou sighs.

“No, I wanna know your reasoning.” You insist. Another reason why Bakugou likes you - you push his buttons.

“Because if I’m gonna say, I need you to close your eyes. Makes me nervous when you look at me like that.” He admits, avoiding your eye-contact. Bakugou catches the shock and excitement in your expression, and so quickly, you close your eyes. His breathing grows more shallow by the second as he looks at you. Wherever the two of you have been within your friendship, it has been teetering towards a romance for what felt like forever, and he just wants to see you once more when you’re just his friend. It’s weird how he feels bittersweet about the whole thing - obviously, he wants more with you. He wants the late movie nights with you tucked under his arm, the dinner dates to that takoyaki place, the hiking trips to the tops of mountains where the both of you feel like you’re at the top of the world. But this Y/N - the one who is so nervous yet so thrilled to hear your first “I love you” from him. You are so, stupidly adorable. He thinks, shaking his head a bit.

Unfortunately, he can’t give you what you want. But maybe he can give you something better. He moves himself so that he’s so, so close to you and his nose is now inches from yours. Still oblivious to his intentions, you pout a bit.

“So are you gonna say it or-” In true, Katsuki fashion, his lips press to yours before you can finish your sentence. You inhale greatly through your nose and your eyes fly open, effectively breaking the one rule Bakugou had set for this whole thing. Your hand cards through his soft, blonde hair and pulls at it a bit. In return, Katsuki cups your cheek sweetly with his hand, rubbing his thumb softly across your smooth skin. It’s languid, the way he kisses you. Like he has all the time in the world with you here, so you just give in and sink into the kiss. You let yourself fall back across the earth while Katsuki slowly falls on top of you, his other hand holding your waist right where, if he moved his fingers a couple of inches to the right, it’d tickle. 

It feels so right. Having his lips against yours, his hair in your hands, the both of you sharing each others’ breaths. Finally, he gives you a peck one, two, three times before he pulls back completely.

“That get the message across?” He says, slightly breathless. You can’t help but beam, making the skin on your nose and around your eyes crinkle.

“I dunno, maybe I want to hear it,” you giggle, rolling the both of you so that you are now laying on top of him. You sweep his hair off of his face and place a kiss to the place on his forehead that rarely shows itself. He rolls his eyes playfully and wraps both of his arms around your waist, pulling you flush to him. Bakugou’s nose brushes against your ear.

“I love you, Y/N.” He whispers, gaining a shiver from you. You sigh in content and place a hand lightly atop his chest, playing with the fabric of his soft, cotton shirt.

“And I love you. Now,” you say, grabbing his face with both your hands. “Kiss me.”

Event Taglist:

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Regular Taglist:

@luluwiie​​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@maiacroson​​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@nerdypuppytimemachine​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@voilawind ~ All-Flora Florist

@catguinsstuff​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@vdoesthings​ ~ All-Flora Florist


— He Need a Hot Girl!


TW: Swearing, possibly suggestive (playful innuendoes), a bit of Enemies to lovers tone to it, a little ooc? Bakugo is very flirty in this

Reader is gn despite the title! They/them pronouns used

Note: First fic for what is hopefully my summer comeback

This was originally for multiple characters but I got carried away with bakugos so I cut the others out because I didn’t want a long hc for one character and small ones for the others


⇶ Cocky as the explosive blonde may seem, he has no idea how he pulled you.

⇶ The two of you had a rocky start, naturally due to his rough exterior

⇶ But you absolutely did not take a drop of the shit he’d say to you, always having a comeback to everything and anything

⇶ This caused you two to argue almost constantly, with you coming out victorious a majority of times

⇶ And honestly, he both loved and hated it

Keep reading

— He Need a Hot Girl!


TW: Swearing, possibly suggestive (playful innuendoes), a bit of Enemies to lovers tone to it, a little ooc? Bakugo is very flirty in this

Reader is gn despite the title! They/them pronouns used

Note: First fic for what is hopefully my summer comeback

This was originally for multiple characters but I got carried away with bakugos so I cut the others out because I didn’t want a long hc for one character and small ones for the others


⇶ Cocky as the explosive blonde may seem, he has no idea how he pulled you.

⇶ The two of you had a rocky start, naturally due to his rough exterior

⇶ But you absolutely did not take a drop of the shit he’d say to you, always having a comeback to everything and anything

⇶ This caused you two to argue almost constantly, with you coming out victorious a majority of times

⇶ And honestly, he both loved and hated it

⇶ Always barking out insults and eating yours up with a shit eating grin

⇶ Call him crazy, but there was something he found both oddly and extremely attractive about someone that was actually willing to fight with him, especially as consistently as you did

⇶ And to top it off, he’s always found you as a whole attractive

⇶ They way you carried yourself in such a self assured and confident way, thinking and knowing you’re honestly the shit, not to mention that you knew how good you looked all the time without even saying it

⇶ You did and said as you pleased, and didn’t care about outside opinions. You wore what you wanted, even if some people said it wasn’t setting or wheater appropriate. You said what you wanted, even if others said it was unnecessary or “not that serious”. And Bakugo loved that.

⇶ And the way you had him feeling some type of way was something everyone had lowkey picked up on from the get, but decided to keep quiet about

⇶ Gradually, your back and forth bickering turned into flirting

⇶ You started it, actually. Because why not?

⇶ And surprisingly, Bakugo entertained it

⇶ But what really surprised everyone, was when he asked you out, and you actually said yes

⇶ He played it off as a joke, but you both knew it wasnt

You were just trying to make yourself some instant ramen in the dorm kitchen microwave, when you felt a pair of eyes burning holes into in the back of your head. Turning around, your gaze met a red hot stare from Katsuki.

You raised an eyebrow at him, but in the language the two of you spoke to each other that just meant ‘got a problem?’ In a silent way. He smiled and let out what what sounded like a scoff and laugh mixed together, but never broke eye contact.

You smiled back before asking, “See something you like, pretty boy?” As you turned to face him fully.

“Nah, I’m just trying to see when you’ll be done with the shitty microwave, fuckface.” Katsuki said sarcastically.

You kissed your teeth.

“Then how 'bout you go back to your lame ass room and wait, 'cause I ain’t done, bitch nigga.” You retorted, a smile still etched onto your features.

“What fun would that be? I wouldn’t get to be with you that way.” He told you, walking around to your side of the kitchen island.

“Oh? Be with me? Wasn’t I 'fuckface’ minute ago?” You questioned, your eyebrow playfully shooting up once again.

“So?” Katsuki said, trapping you against the island with his arms on either side of you. “You don’t seem too mad about being with me, so what’s the problem, doll?” He asked, leaning in close to your face.

Honestly, Katsuki kind of took you by surprise in this moment. Usually, it was you that took your moments to this dangerously flirty extent. So the switch flip actually had you at a near loss for words

“I– I never said I had problem—”

“Oh really? Then what do you think about being with me for real then?”

Your eyes widened as you looked at him.

His expression was his usual mischievous grin, but his eyes were dead serious.

You gave a short laugh before taking a sharp breath in to regain your composure.

“I’m all yours then, Katsu.”

His facade cracked, face dropping in surprise as he blinked.

“Wait- really? Like you’re serio—”

You gave him a peck on the lips, leaving a glossy mark from your lip gloss on him.

“Yes, I’m serious, baby.” You laughed, emphasizing the 'baby’, just to watch him squirm more as he turned as red as his own eyes. Placing your palm to his chest, you gently moved him away from you and to the side.

“Now move, my noodles are done.”

⇶ And that’s how the two of you began dating!

⇶ From there on it’s been a ride for both of you

⇶ On the surface level, not much has changed. You have your playful banter as usual, but more often than not it’ll be when you’re embracing each other, and having a cute little moment while exchanging not so cute words.

⇶ And instead of them ending in one of you kissing your teeth before storming off or a near fist fight, it ends with laughs and a kiss

⇶ The more romantic side of your relationship was something you both eased into naturally as your relationship progressed

⇶ It started with little gestures, like quick pecks whenever you saw each other, hugging each other good morning and goodnight, and hanging around each other whenever you had free time, but it was usually in a group

⇶ And then, it turned into more intimate and private things

⇶ You found yourselves having little movie nights together, falling asleep in each other’s dorms (which led to having actual planned sleepovers together), and him helping you do things like pick out your outfit and matching/color coordinating your outfits together

⇶ You of course got on his ass like there was no tomorrow when you realize he has absolutely no style, despite his own parents being designers

“Boyyy, ain’t no fuckin’ way you actually leave the house looking like that. I’m assuming your mother don’t know about this, because from what you’ve told me about her she wouldn’t allow… that. If I knew her I sure would have went and told her 'bout her own son by now.”

⇶ But being the amazing s/o you are with great style, you fixed him up nicely and the two of you had a little shopping date

⇶ And if you’re someone who’s a shopaholic or just enjoys shopping, Katsuki actually makes a good shopping partner, and on late nights he likes to go through online stores looking at clothes with you

⇶ Katsuki is your personal photographer for your Instagram

⇶ The first time he offered to take your pictures you were a bit skeptical, but let him do it… and honestly he really did his thing

⇶ Not an angle was missed!

⇶ Due to the two of you (especially him) being a bit famous from the sports festival, you actually do get quite a bit of questions about your relationship

⇶ The first time you posted each other on your socials, your DMs nearly broke

⇶ Katsuki especially was bombarded with many questions about you, and it didn’t help that he had so many fangirls

⇶ You were known to be very outspoken, and someone who does whatever they please with no regards for what the next person has to say, and if they have anything to say you’ll shut them up real fast

⇶ Some of the things he was asked mainly entailed of “You let them dress that way?”, “What about all their attitude?”, “Why don’t you start controlling them so they learn how to act?”

⇶ And honestly, your attitude isn’t much far off from his, so you better believe the two of you were out there telling people off left and right

“My fuckin’ s/o can do whatever the hell they want, and if you have a problem with that, you need to be worried about actually getting some bitches first.” (Bakugo)

“The fuck you mean 'he let’s me out of the house like that’? Do I look like a dog to you, nigga? I go out in whatever I want, bitch.” (You)

⇶ Katsuki takes immense pride in having you as his s/o, and he’ll be damned if anybody has anything to say about it

⇶ And more than he likes to admit it, you make Katsuki lose all types of composure

⇶ He’ll just look at you and start blushing

⇶ And don’t even get him started on when he’s helping you pick and outfit or send him a a fit pic because he’s not there

⇶ And if you enjoy wearing dresses, Katsuki is a goner. Not to mention when you wear a sundress, you’ll have him thinking up wedding vows

⇶ Katsuki actually introduced you to his parents earlier than either of you anticipated, and it was totally by accident

⇶ He needed to swing by his house to pick something up, and he thought that his parents weren’t home so he brought you inside while he went upstairs and grabbed what he needed really fast

⇶ Only to come back down and see you having a full conversation with his mother

“Oh! Katsuki, you should’ve told me you were stopping by with your s/o today, I would’ve prepared better.” Mitsuki said.

“Ha, yeah maybe next time gottagomom–” Katsuki tried escape, only for Mitsuki to grab him bye the ear and pull him back into the house as you laughed at him.

It’s not that he didn’t want you to meet his parents, he just imagine it going differently than it was, and he wasn’t happy that it was on accident.

“Come and make yourself at home sweetie, I’ll make you some tea. And this little shit can show you around the house while I do that.” She spoke politely, though she was twisting Katsukis ear as he yelped in pain.

He showed you around his childhood home until Mitsuki called you into the living room for the tea she made, you spent the evening talking with each other, and eventually Katsuki was more okay with how the meeting went than he expected by the end of it.

You went back to the campus around 6:30 because it was getting late, and Aizawa had already called for the two of you to come back.

Before leaving, you briefly met Katsukis dad, Masaru, who gave Katsuki an approving pat on the back after greeting you.

Mitsuki gave you both tight hugs, and as she hugged Katsuki you heard her whisper to him.

“I really like them, this is a good one sweetie.”

⇶ Despite the rocky start the two of you had together, and the slightly odd way your relationship began, and again, how he has no clue how you got with him, Katsuki cherishes every moment that he spends having you as his s/o

Katsuki Bakugou not giving a fuck about you while he drives away from your place.

You’d yelled at him to leave, tears streaming down your face, angry that he had led you on only for him to act like he felt nothing for you.

He thought about how little he cared about your smile. How few shits he gave about all the times you’d run your fingers through his thick, unruly blond hair. He rolled his amber eyes at the idea that his heart especially ached on the nights and days you didn’t spend together. The great explosion user gripped the steering wheel harder, the leather protesting and smoking underneath his sparking death grip.

You’d cried and told him that he was too scared to be loved. He had scoffed and told you he wasn’t scared of shit.

But now he was scared shitless.

Scared that he might lose you forever.

He white-knuckled the steering wheel, strategically yanking it around while pulling on the hand brake before speeding off in the direction from whence he’d come.

He didn’t give a single fuck that he scraped the front scoop of his expensive Audi R8 pulling back into your driveway.

His voice came through louder than the banging on your front door. “Oi! (Y/n)! Come open the damn door!”

You approached the door slowly, hugging yourself. If he forgot something, couldn’t he at least have the sensitivity to wait another day to come back for it?

Not yet knowing that, no, it couldn’t wait. He could never forget you.
