#bnha fic rec



New fic rec!

Yuuei Survival Guide

by Lowlywriter

Izuku can see ghosts! He makes friends with one named Oboro when he starts at UA. This is probably my favorite of the ‘Izuku sees ghosts’ au’s.

I don’t think its been hinted yet if this is a fic where Kurogiri is or is not also Oboro, so I guess we’ll see. Luckily the author usually updates realitivly often, which is always a plus!

This fic also has Dadzawa and Dadmic, which instantly makes it ten times better. Sorry Inko, but you’re a bad mother in this one, too.

Theres maybe a liiitttttle bit of All Might bashing? If you squint. I imagine it’s just there because it’s seems difficult to make a fic where Izuku both has All Might as a mentor and yet gets put in Aizawa’s custody instead, without bashing All Might at least a little. He still comes off as being in character though, so there’s that.

I’m really anticipating when Izuku finally comes clean to Aizawa and Hizashi about seeing ghosts, and of course specifically Oboro…

⚠️ Nothing major I can think of to warn for, except ghosts maybe. Oh wait also homelessness, child neglect, and abandonment, that too.

Plot: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Writing: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Izuku steps towards the other teen, holding his hand out to shake, “I’m Midoriya Izuku by the way. We haven’t officially met yet, right? I don’t remember seeing you at the Entrance Exam?”

The blue-haired boy pauses, studies his hand uncertainly before shrugging. “Shirakumo Oboro,” he introduces in return, hand phasing right through Izuku’s when he goes to return the handshake. Shirakumo doesn’t seem surprised by it, but Izuku whips his hand back when the intense chill climbs up his arm.


Izuku tries to pretend eveything is okay even though his homelife is crumbling around him, there’s an insanely powerful Quirk that’s not entirely his coursing through his veins, he suddenly knows his childhood hero, All Might, and to top it all off, he seems to have befriend a pastel blue-haired ghost that has way too much insider knowledge on Izuku’s new homeroom teacher, and English teacher. He’s really just trying to survive Yuuei…

This one is only a chapter long and makes no promises about updates, but the premise is so great and honestly even after only a chapter it’s competing for my favorite ghost quirk Izuku, so I’m recing it, five stars. And sense they’re both ghost quirk Izuku I’m tacking it onto my previous ghost fic rec.

Sometime Before Dawn


Plot: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Writing: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

⚠️Warning for death, grief, and just a lil bit of gore.⚠️

Izuku’s got a secret.

He’s a quirkless UA gen-ed student by day and professional consultant for the dead by night. He writes his chem homework before breaking into houses, finding lost rings, uncovering long-buried family secrets— anything to help the ghosts he can see on a daily basis peacefully pass on. All for a price, of course.

He’s doing fine all on his own. He stays under the radar, hidden in the shadows, content with leaving the rest of the world alone if it means going about his own business.

But when something breaks into his school and pro hero Eraserhead is presumed dead, Izuku is the only one who can see him, much less help. He’s thrust straight into the path of a villain who can bend the rules of life and death itself, uncertain of who he can trust, evading capture from both the bad— and the good— guys. All while being followed around by a sleep-deprived ghost, of course.



New fic rec!

So I have been on a Humans Are Space Orks/Earth is Space Australia kick, and here are the results, my top three starting with my absolute fav Bright Stars!

I have been addicted to this fic sense I first read it, look in the comments and you’ll see I leave essay length reviews on nearly every chapter, lol.

⚠️ Most these feature sentiant beings in captivity, so keep an eye on the tags and warnings.

Bright Stars


There had been rumors of a human who wasn’t performing well in fighting rings, constantly ignoring their lesser opponents and trying to go after the very loud, very violent crowd instead.


Not only did Hizashi allow himself to be caught by the alien trafficking ring he and Shouta were trying to bring down, he was also stuck in a cell with a Deathworlder.

It goes better than expected.

Humans Are Space Orcs - Midoriya Izuku Edition


Izuku is a normal human kid… Okay, well, actually, he can’t say that! Only .009% of kids who apply to study in space at the battalion satellite actually get accepted, and even then, only one has ever gone missing! (It sucks that that one kid is Izuku.)

Humans are rare to see in the galaxy - but seeing a living being who’s seen a pissed off human before? Even rarer. Humans are monsters - some of the best fighters in the galaxy and some of the strongest will powers of all known creatures. To most, they seem stupid. Dumb as hell. They can’t even learn a language, can they?

How to Train Your Terran


Sho'a Aiizwa knows three things about Terrans.

1) Terrans are a new addition to the Intergalactic Sapients list

2) The HSPC has yet to establish proper contact since the unspoken incident

3) They are violent and dangerous.

So when he gets shoved into a cell with two students, the last thing he expects is for a Terran to be thrown in with them. Or for Terrans to be so… different to the stories.

Mmm first things first, Humans Are Space Orks Midoriya Izuku Edition has updated several times sense I first made this post, go check that out.

Second, I somehow missed recing a space ork fic my first time around, so here it is now, Accidental Human Acquisition, by Cittsah! The plot is very similar to How to Train Your Terran (or is it the other way around?) But it’s pretty good, and also features feral Mamadoriya in later chapters, which is always a treat. Unfortunately short, but well written and with an entertaining plot.

Accidental Human Acquisition

by Cittsah

Plot: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Writing: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Humans are a new addition to the Galactic Federations sentient species list. They had been around for thousands of years, but other denizens of space had only become acquainted in the past decade or so. The interactions have been rocky at best and not much is known about the species. They are rumored to be reclusive, violent, illogical, and reckless. An exhaustive list of every trait any sane sentient would want to avoid. So when Training Vessel 1-A, rather unconventionally, acquires a human of their very own no one knew what to think. Nothing could have prepared them for the whirlwind of chaos they now had among their ranks.

Last, I decided to add a rec that isn’t technically Humans Are Space Orks, but it is a space/alien AU, and it has Erasermic Fam, and Hitoshi is adorably kitten sized compared to his new adopted parents, which instantly absolves it of all sins. Plus, the author is my absolute favorite for non human AUs! This isn’t my favorite fic of theirs, but it’s still pretty good, and I highly recommend you take a look at all of Badum_tsh’s work too, because they are amazing!

You’re an Alien?

by Badum_Tsh

Plot: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Writing: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

It was just an average space storm. Until his lightning rod suddenly malfunctioned and his ship was sent careening to a nearby uninhabited planet. Luckily for him, he’s not the only alien on this horrible rock.

Got another one that’s pretty good.



New fic rec!

So I have been on a Humans Are Space Orks/Earth is Space Australia kick, and here are the results, my top three starting with my absolute fav Bright Stars!

I have been addicted to this fic sense I first read it, look in the comments and you’ll see I leave essay length reviews on nearly every chapter, lol.

⚠️ Most these feature sentiant beings in captivity, so keep an eye on the tags and warnings.

Bright Stars


There had been rumors of a human who wasn’t performing well in fighting rings, constantly ignoring their lesser opponents and trying to go after the very loud, very violent crowd instead.


Not only did Hizashi allow himself to be caught by the alien trafficking ring he and Shouta were trying to bring down, he was also stuck in a cell with a Deathworlder.

It goes better than expected.

Humans Are Space Orcs - Midoriya Izuku Edition


Izuku is a normal human kid… Okay, well, actually, he can’t say that! Only .009% of kids who apply to study in space at the battalion satellite actually get accepted, and even then, only one has ever gone missing! (It sucks that that one kid is Izuku.)

Humans are rare to see in the galaxy - but seeing a living being who’s seen a pissed off human before? Even rarer. Humans are monsters - some of the best fighters in the galaxy and some of the strongest will powers of all known creatures. To most, they seem stupid. Dumb as hell. They can’t even learn a language, can they?

How to Train Your Terran


Sho'a Aiizwa knows three things about Terrans.

1) Terrans are a new addition to the Intergalactic Sapients list

2) The HSPC has yet to establish proper contact since the unspoken incident

3) They are violent and dangerous.

So when he gets shoved into a cell with two students, the last thing he expects is for a Terran to be thrown in with them. Or for Terrans to be so… different to the stories.

Mmm first things first, Humans Are Space Orks Midoriya Izuku Edition has updated several times sense I first made this post, go check that out.

Second, I somehow missed recing a space ork fic my first time around, so here it is now, Accidental Human Acquisition, by Cittsah! The plot is very similar to How to Train Your Terran (or is it the other way around?) But it’s pretty good, and also features feral Mamadoriya in later chapters, which is always a treat. Unfortunately short, but well written and with an entertaining plot.

Accidental Human Acquisition

by Cittsah

Plot: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Writing: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Humans are a new addition to the Galactic Federations sentient species list. They had been around for thousands of years, but other denizens of space had only become acquainted in the past decade or so. The interactions have been rocky at best and not much is known about the species. They are rumored to be reclusive, violent, illogical, and reckless. An exhaustive list of every trait any sane sentient would want to avoid. So when Training Vessel 1-A, rather unconventionally, acquires a human of their very own no one knew what to think. Nothing could have prepared them for the whirlwind of chaos they now had among their ranks.

Last, I decided to add a rec that isn’t technically Humans Are Space Orks, but it is a space/alien AU, and it has Erasermic Fam, and Hitoshi is adorably kitten sized compared to his new adopted parents, which instantly absolves it of all sins. Plus, the author is my absolute favorite for non human AUs! This isn’t my favorite fic of theirs, but it’s still pretty good, and I highly recommend you take a look at all of Badum_tsh’s work too, because they are amazing!

You’re an Alien?

by Badum_Tsh

Plot: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Writing: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

It was just an average space storm. Until his lightning rod suddenly malfunctioned and his ship was sent careening to a nearby uninhabited planet. Luckily for him, he’s not the only alien on this horrible rock.


New fic rec!

So I have been on a Humans Are Space Orks/Earth is Space Australia kick, and here are the results, my top three starting with my absolute fav Bright Stars!

I have been addicted to this fic sense I first read it, look in the comments and you’ll see I leave essay length reviews on nearly every chapter, lol.

⚠️ Most these feature sentiant beings in captivity, so keep an eye on the tags and warnings.

Bright Stars


There had been rumors of a human who wasn’t performing well in fighting rings, constantly ignoring their lesser opponents and trying to go after the very loud, very violent crowd instead.


Not only did Hizashi allow himself to be caught by the alien trafficking ring he and Shouta were trying to bring down, he was also stuck in a cell with a Deathworlder.

It goes better than expected.

Humans Are Space Orcs - Midoriya Izuku Edition


Izuku is a normal human kid… Okay, well, actually, he can’t say that! Only .009% of kids who apply to study in space at the battalion satellite actually get accepted, and even then, only one has ever gone missing! (It sucks that that one kid is Izuku.)

Humans are rare to see in the galaxy - but seeing a living being who’s seen a pissed off human before? Even rarer. Humans are monsters - some of the best fighters in the galaxy and some of the strongest will powers of all known creatures. To most, they seem stupid. Dumb as hell. They can’t even learn a language, can they?

How to Train Your Terran


Sho'a Aiizwa knows three things about Terrans.

1) Terrans are a new addition to the Intergalactic Sapients list

2) The HSPC has yet to establish proper contact since the unspoken incident

3) They are violent and dangerous.

So when he gets shoved into a cell with two students, the last thing he expects is for a Terran to be thrown in with them. Or for Terrans to be so… different to the stories.

Mmm first things first, Humans Are Space Orks Midoriya Izuku Edition has updated several times sense I first made this post, go check that out.

Second, I somehow missed recing a space ork fic my first time around, so here it is now, Accidental Human Acquisition, by Cittsah! The plot is very similar to How to Train Your Terran (or is it the other way around?) But it’s pretty good, and also features feral Mamadoriya in later chapters, which is always a treat. Unfortunately short, but well written and with an entertaining plot.

Accidental Human Acquisition

by Cittsah

Plot: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Writing: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Humans are a new addition to the Galactic Federations sentient species list. They had been around for thousands of years, but other denizens of space had only become acquainted in the past decade or so. The interactions have been rocky at best and not much is known about the species. They are rumored to be reclusive, violent, illogical, and reckless. An exhaustive list of every trait any sane sentient would want to avoid. So when Training Vessel 1-A, rather unconventionally, acquires a human of their very own no one knew what to think. Nothing could have prepared them for the whirlwind of chaos they now had among their ranks.

Last, I decided to add a rec that isn’t technically Humans Are Space Orks, but it is a space/alien AU, and it has Erasermic Fam, and Hitoshi is adorably kitten sized compared to his new adopted parents, which instantly absolves it of all sins. Plus, the author is my absolute favorite for non human AUs! This isn’t my favorite fic of theirs, but it’s still pretty good, and I highly recommend you take a look at all of Badum_tsh’s work too, because they are amazing!

You’re an Alien?

by Badum_Tsh

Plot: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Writing: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

It was just an average space storm. Until his lightning rod suddenly malfunctioned and his ship was sent careening to a nearby uninhabited planet. Luckily for him, he’s not the only alien on this horrible rock.



a/n: Projecting some arospec goodness onto Bakugou today. Bkdk pride week day 4: love / green

1k, rated g

“Hi, Kacchan!”

Ba-dump, ba-dump, ba-dump…

It was the simplest in middle school. Everyone around him was crazy about girls, ogling the nearby girls’ school students as they walked home in their skirts and button downs. Meanwhile, Katsuki wondered why all these extras around him were so interested in dating. It wasn’t like they were going to marry anyone they met in middle school so what was the point?

Idiots, honestly.

High school was harder. The proximity provided by a co-ed school was more than some of these halfwits could take and suddenly most everyone was interested in dating. They would try it, it would fail after three months, and the whole time the dumbasses were distracted from their school work. A goddamn waste of time, as far as Katsuki was concerned.

He was trying to be a hero. And if being the only person in the room not fretting over who they were going to hold fucking hands with at lunch gave him an edge, he’d take it.

It wasn’t just his determination that was doing this to him. Himself aside, the most determined person he knew was damn Deku, and even that nerd was having some kind of flirtation with Round Face. So he just wasn’t into people like that. Fine. He barely liked people to begin with.

So why then, years later:

Katsuki was still working under the manicured thumb of Best Jeanist. He thought he’d be solo by now—Hawks had done it. Fucking Endeavorhad done it—but the way it was looking, that wouldn’t happen until he was twenty-five, and probably no earlier. So he was largely at the mercy of whatever that coiffed head of hair needed from him. And when Jeanist hired on some interns on as sidekicks he shuffled everyone’s patrols around.

Including Katsuki’s. And who should he see on his first patrol but—

“Hi, Kacchan!”

Katsuki felt his palms begin to sweat, which was goddamn unusual, because he had worked for years to master complete control over the sweat glands in his hands. He looked up to see that stupid old familiar face, barely slimmed since elementary school. The only real difference from childhood was how weatherworn Deku’s skin had gotten; he was tanner, more deeply freckled, and crow’s feet had just begun to walk their lines across his skin from all that goddamn smiling. It had been months since Katsuki had seen the fucker.

And yet, his heart went: ba-dump, ba-dump, ba-dump…

Keep reading

omg Ana this was so well written!!! For a second, I literally thought the quote you used in the summary was from a famous novel or something



“A quirk effect and Float prematurely activating makes for a terrible situation, in Izuku’s opinion. Not that he can really do anything about it when he’s stuck in place and can only hold on for dear life.” 

My first fic of the NWA challenge this month ><

Dadmight lovers come get your bread 
