#boku no hiro academia


Aizawa as things I’ve heard from family or friends (mostly my dad):


Aizawa, after getting test papers back: I’m gonna go over here, but ignore me if I start sighing and crying, I’ll just be grading your papers.


Bakugou: Hey can you hand me a pencil?

Aizawa: *throws it at the back of his head*


All Might: Have you ever run a red light?

Aizawa: Uh, maybe. It was a gray area.

Present Mic: I was in the car when you ran a red light.


Izuku, after he breaks something: Uh oh, what do I do?

Aizawa: You pay. With your life.


Present Mic: Speaking of the Dumbass (in reference to their cat), have they been fed yet?

Aizawa: Who, the students?


Mic: Why is it so dark down here?

Aizawa: Because the lights are off.


Aizawa, to the other teachers: I’m just trying to connect with you guys on a personal level. Sadly, we have nothing in common.


Mic: This ketchup tastes weird.

Aizawa, exhausted: that’s not ketchup, that’s cocktail sauce.


Aizawa, to Izuku after he didn’t do the dishes: You’re the problem child.


Mic: I don’t think I actually liked it, I just wanted you to like me.

Aizawa: It didn’t work.
