#book love

Michelle Obama loves books. So who was her favorite character as a child?“Pippi Longstocking was my

Michelle Obama loves books. So who was her favorite character as a child?

“Pippi Longstocking was my girl. I loved her strength — not just her physical power, but the idea that she wouldn’t allow her voice to be diminished by anyone. She’s independent, clever and adventurous — and she’s clearly a good person, someone who always does right by her friends. What I loved most was that she was a girl, and she was a little different, and she was still the most powerful character in those books.”

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Title: Stargirl


Author: Jerry Spinelli

Date Read: 5/13/2020

Pages: 186

Publication Date: August 8th, 2000


Format: e-book on kindle

Rating: 2 stars –

Synopsis (taken from GoodReads): A celebration of nonconformity; a tense, emotional tale about the fleeting, cruel nature of popularity–and the thrill and inspiration of first love. Ages 12+

Leo Borlock follows the unspoken…

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May has some absolutely amazing books coming out. There are so many, my bank account is seriously going to be hurting after this month. Here are all the books that I absolutely cannot wait to come out this month.

May Fifth 

May Twelfth 

May Nineteenth

May Twenty-Sixth

Those are my anticipated releases of the month! What are your most anticipated releases for May? Let me know down in the comments!

As always, happy reading!

May Anticipated Releases!

May has some absolutely amazing books coming out. There are so many, my bank account is seriously going to be hurting after this month.

May Anticipated Releases! May has some absolutely amazing books coming out. There are so many, my bank account is seriously going to be hurting after this month.

April Wrap-Up and May TBR!

I know I am posting this a bit late, but finals are finally over so this blog and reading can finally be my primary focus again! Despite this, I did manage to get a good chunk of reading done last month and am already knocking this month out of the park. Without further ado, here are the books that I managed to read in April!

April Wrap-Up

(Any books in italics were are books that I had to read…

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So the reading rush was this weekend, and I did not accomplish nearly as much as I had initially hoped to.

Here is a link to my initial post, to see the challenges and the TBR that I had planned for this weekend.

The general TBR was…

I managed to only complete Locke and Key. I read 109 pages of Red, White, and Royal Blue and 63 pages of Cracked Up to Be. I was also able to finish Henry IV, Part I, but that was because I had to due to class.

Overall, I finished two books and got about a quarter into two other ones. While it’s not the greatest, it is absolutely better than nothing.

Did you partake in the reading rush? What was it that you read this weekend? Let me know down in the comments!

As always, happy reading!

Reading Rush Wrap Up

So the reading rush was this weekend, and I did not accomplish nearly as much as I had initially hoped to.

Reading Rush Wrap Up So the reading rush was this weekend, and I did not accomplish nearly as much as I had initially hoped to.

It’s half over, but last minute I decided to join the reading rush. Do I think I will be able to achieve all of these goals? Not entirely, but I can sure as heck try.


Here is my TBR

Read a Book with a House on the Cover


This one I already read and wasn’t a big fan of. I’m still going to watch the new show though.

Read a Book in the Same Room the Whole Time

For this I chose two, as I am in a weird reading mood at the moment where I pick something up and then put it down quickly if I am not immediately hooked.

Read a Book Set Somewhere You Wish You Could Go


I truly want to go to England and sadly, some of my really close friends had their study abroad semester cut short due to the craziness in the world right now.

Read a Book that Will Make You Smile


V.E. Schwab is my absolute favorite author and her stories always tend to put a smile on my face.

There is my TBR. With half the reading rush already done, I’m not sure that I can get everything I plan to read completed, especially with all the schoolwork, but I have a rough outline for what I would like to complete.

Are you participating in the reading rush? What’s on your TBR? What have you already accomplished? Let me know down in the comments!

As always, happy reading!

Reading Rush TBR

It’s half over, but last minute I decided to join the reading rush. Do I think I will be able to achieve all of these goals?

Reading Rush TBR It’s half over, but last minute I decided to join the reading rush. Do I think I will be able to achieve all of these goals?

WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Sam from Taking on a World of Words.

WWW Wednesday invites you to ask just three simple questions:

  1. What are you reading?
  2. What did you just finish reading?
  3. What will you be reading next?

What are you reading?


I am about half way through this! It’s pretty good, but there are some really heavy political elements within the book. Based off of the current political climate, I find myself unable to stay focused at times and I’m not sure this is the right book for me. I might have to put it down for a bit and pick up something else, just due to the intensity of it at moments.


I am also currently reading The Late Mattia Pascal for my European Tradition course. I am not really enjoying this and mostly skimming through it, to be completely honest. It’s also just hard to focus, doing school work from home.

What did you just finish reading?


Another book for class that I just skimmed. I did not enjoy this at all. It was for my world literature course, and if it weren’t for that, I probably wouldn’t have picked this up.

What will you be reading next?

I truly want to pick up All the Light We Cannot See, but again, I’m unsure if this is going to be too heavy. I would also like to pick up Every Other Weekend again, after starting it on the train coming home for spring break, and then just never picking it up again.


I also need to start reading this for my Shakespeare class, for tomorrow actually, so this will be the first thing I pick up before anything else.

So here’s my WWW Wednesday! Let me know if you have read any of my above picks and what you thought of them!

As always, happy reading!

#11 WWW Wednesday -4/8/20

WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Sam from Taking on a World of Words…

#11 WWW Wednesday -4/8/20 WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Sam from Taking on a World of Words…

Well this month is finally over. It did not seem like it was ever going to end! Thankfully we are on to the start of a new month and hopefully it does not feel as long as March did. With all the craziness of moving back home and doing online school, I still managed to get an immense amount of reading done. Here are all the books that I managed to read this month!

(Any books that are italicized…

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Title: I Love You So Mochi


Author: Sarah Kuhn

Dates Read: 3/23/20 until 3/26/20

Pages: 320

Publication Date: May 28th, 2019

Publisher: Scholastic Inc.

Rating: 3 stars –

Synopsis (taken from GoodReads): Kimi Nakamura loves a good fashion statement.

She’s obsessed with transforming everyday ephemera into Kimi Originals: bold outfits that make her and her friends feel like the Ultimate versions of…

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