#book photography



I needed a pick me up after the last couple books I’ve read and this was perfect! It gave me all the feels!! It was nice to learn more about Professor McGonagall and Lupin. J.K. Rowling gives us a more in-depth look, a mini-history if you will, of a few of the beloved characters from the Harry Potter stories. This Is Such a short book that I am not sure if it can be added to the number of the books read in the year, or to a challenge.


This Book Is A Short Book And I Feel It Is A Gems Of Wisdom. I Really Love This Little Hardcover Book Which Comes With A Small Pendant Which Can Be Used As A Bookmark Or You Can Wear It As A Necklace Too. It Is A Treasure For Every Woman To Reflect On Her Life. This Book Contains Excerpts from the original Anne Morrow Lindbergh bestseller on love, happiness, solitude, and contentment. This was a delightful little book - using shells and the sea to talk about women, their lives, and their relationships.


From my childhood, I’ve been an avid reader and so, last year when I started struggling with a few health issues, my grandfather gifted me a copy of #HealYourBody by #LouiseHay. Yet, the book languished on my shelf until a few months ago, when I was hospitalized for medical supervision after suffering from an anxiety attack. Eventually, I was diagnosed with a set of medical issues, all of which have established links to human stress levels.

Coincidentally, this book too is based on a similar premise and reads, as a kind of encyclopedia where you can look up any specific health problem and its probable mental cause alongwith a suggested “healing affirmation” to use as a remedy. But what gives it that sensitive human touch is the description of the author’s personal battle against cancer, including her reliance on alternative medicines in the form of affirmations for holistic healing.

After I came back home from the hospital,I ensured, I read the entire book and could find many parallels between my own illness and it’s probable psychological reasoning. Luckily for me, I actually implemented the author’ suggestions and remodelled my thought process to the extent, that in the last 3- 4 months, I have repeated a few affirmations every day without fail.

Today, I am in a much better space both mentally and physically, as this book helped me deal with psychological factors that triggered my illnesses. But every medical condition may not necessarily be linked to stress levels and therefore, one must refrain from considering it as the ultimate solution for a patient in pain. At the same time, it can be of help to anyone suffering through any physical ailments and looking for adjunctive treatment options.

silly me, i thought places like this only existed in fairytales-6:18 pm; mar 11 2019silly me, i thought places like this only existed in fairytales-6:18 pm; mar 11 2019

silly me, i thought places like this only existed in fairytales


6:18 pm; mar 11 2019

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I recently created this blog so if you’re a book blog or know any good book blogs, especially YA ones, it would be much appreciated if you reblogged this so I could follow you or could send me some blogs to follow. Also just anyone who wants to talk about YA books and random stuff ❤️



I’ve just unfollowered 1000 inactive blogs!!

If you post about:

  • Books
  • Writing
  • Langblr
  • Studyblr
  • Harry Potter

Just generally book post, then please reblog this so I can check out your blog and follow you

Memes, books, and fandom crap I like.


“Living by your wits is always knowing where the wasps are.”- Stephen King, The Shining

thefaithfulreader: Books & Cupcakes Book Photo Challenge - November 7 | Leaves


Books & Cupcakes Book Photo Challenge - November 7 | Leaves

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‘Never trust anyone who has not brought a book with them’

- Lemony Snicket

-Assassin’s Apprentice by Robin HobbPet Sematary by Stephen KingThe Last Escape by Ruth Klugera coup-Assassin’s Apprentice by Robin HobbPet Sematary by Stephen KingThe Last Escape by Ruth Klugera coup-Assassin’s Apprentice by Robin HobbPet Sematary by Stephen KingThe Last Escape by Ruth Klugera coup


Assassin’s Apprentice by Robin Hobb

Pet Sematary by Stephen King

The Last Escape by Ruth Kluger

a couple pics of my fave reads from my last blog, basicbookie, which I can sadly no longer log into :,(


11:52 am; mar 9 2019

spending my 19th year the way that I love, with words in my head and in my heart

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