#house of sky and breath


Am I the only one who doesn’t love the new Crescent City cover? I feel like the first is so much more artistically rendered and steers away from the whole “main character on front” vibe. I know there IS a woman on the front, but I feel like the art and design comes forward first and the woman is less prominent whereas the second book it’s obviously Hunt and he’s the most forefront of the design.

I don’t know. I’m just less enamored with it after how much I adored the cover art of the first book. I do really like the color scheme though.

Hi it’s my first time logging in in months because I burned out of reading but I finally finished House of Sky and Breath and THE ENDING OH MY GOD.


Frat House Rebels

How long did this drawing take?


Character/s by: Sarah J. Maas @Therealsjmaas

Book series: Crescent City

the fandom when hunt got a haircut:

Ayyo how are we all forgetting the women’s rights movement of 2021 when our feminist icon rhysand chose not to tell his very pregnant wife that the birth would 100% kill her

He pretty much went around battling misogyny with his mountain shaking roars y'all could never-

Here’s my interpretation of Bryce Quinlan from the Crescent City series. Hope you like her!

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Day and Night

⚠️ Beware of possible spoilers in the tags ⚠️

I ship it so harddddd the side characters were all so supreme in HOSAB I looked forward to Ruhn’s chapters so much, I like being in his head ngl Also, Einar aka the Autumn king needs to die can I get some knives in the chat pls

Character/s by: Sarah J. Maas

Book series: Crescent City

The way they carried the entire book

 i painted this piece a while back. this artwork was commissioned, character is Danika Fendyr from C

i painted this piece a while back. this artwork was commissioned, character is Danika Fendyr from Crescent city book series by @sjmaas also whos excited about House of Sky and Breath?

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Ski Lift Duty

Just a regular day on the slopes for Ruhn, Flynn, and Dec. Which, of course, starts off hungover all thanks to Flynn.

Warnings: Language; Referenced Sexual Encounters

Word Count: 2,011 | Mount Valbara Masterlist|Read on AO3

a/n: Written for a prompt that was sent into @sjmkinkmeme.

“Well, aren’t we chipper this morning!”

Ruhn turned his head slowly and glared up at Tristan Flynn. His chestnut-haired friend was grinning widely at him and Declan, the two of them currently leaning against each other as they fought off sleep.

“Shut up and give me the coffee,” Declan groaned, holding out his hand. 

Flynn handed one of the travel cups to Declan, laughing as he handed a second to Ruhn. “Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed…no, wait, table." 

Declan’s responding growl was justified. Flynn had invited a host of people to their house the night before - mostly out-of-towners traveling to the mountains for a skiing vacation - and that was all Ruhn could accurately remember. After that it was a haze of drinks, drugs, and a woman only his tongue seemed to have any recollection of.

She was gone before he woke up, his room proof of the chaos they’d wrought. Considering the crack he’d found on his chest of drawers, Ruhn really wished he could remember more of it. 

At least he’d managed to make his way to his own bed. Declan found himself sprawled on the table Flynn had painted, face down right against the depiction of a "Fae” male that bore an uncanny resemblance to Flynn. Self-indulgent, as always. 

Ruhn brought the coffee to his lips and managed to take in a full gulp before spitting the liquid sugar out onto the snow-covered ground. 

“What the fuck is this shit?” he asked, holding the cup up. 

“That would be a Cinnamon Dolce Latte. You’re welcome.” Flynn sipped his own happily as he started toward the office on the outskirts of the mountain resort. 

Declan and Ruhn locked stares for a moment and then both rolled their eyes as they dragged behind. How Flynn managed to always be so perky in the morning was beyond Ruhn. He’d never once seen his friend hungover. Considering how heavily the three had been drinking since freshman year of high school, Ruhn couldn’t understand how that was possible.

The dark wood building was designed to look like a homey cabin from the outside, welcoming to visitors who needed help or to pick up their lift tickets. Surrounded and covered by a fresh layer of sparkling snow, it would’ve looked quite idyllic with the rising mountain in the background, if Ruhn couldn’t see the massive parking lot in his peripheral vision.

“Good morning, Lele!” Flynn flashed the older office manager a heart-stopping smile as he leaned against the counter. The woman looked up from her computer, her wild tangle of red and gold curls shimmering in the light like a flame. “How are you doing today?”

Lehabah blushed softly as she met Flynn’s stare. “Oh, better now,” she sighed. “How are you three?”

“Wishing I had real coffee,” Ruhn groaned, stepping up next to Flynn. “I don’t suppose you’d be interested in this? It’s far too sweet for me. Just like you.” He sent her a wink that had the older woman blushing wildly.

“Don’t be too nice to me, Ruhn. You’ll make me fall for you.”

Flynn let out an exaggerated gasp. “What about me?!”

“My heart is already taken,” she decreed, a blush spreading. 

Ruhn let out a laugh, giving Flynn a shit-eating grin before he asked, “So, what’s on our schedule today?”

“Ski lift duty again, boys. Bottom.” They all groaned. “I know,” Lele sighed. “But we’re just not getting many ski lesson sign ups ever since Malakim Slopes opened up across the street." 

"Fucking ‘we only allow skiiers, so we’re specialists’ crap,” Flynn grumbled. “And let me guess, the boarders are packed with lessons.”

“Afraid so. I try to handle the schedule so that some boarders help with the lift, but it’s a busy time of year for lessons, since most schools are out on break over the next few weeks. We do, however, have a new ski instructor starting today, and next week we are getting some calls for ski lessons, so you’ll get more variety, at least.”

“I’d just like to get Holstrom on the lift one time,” Ruhn muttered. The idiot was one of the best snowboarders they had, and a great instructor. Since day one he hadn’t once had to operate the ski lift, always being the first instructor booked for lessons, especially by teenaged and college girls. 

Worst of all, he was dating Ruhn’s sister. 

Ruhn supposed Connor was a decent enough guy. And, yeah, he seemed to love Bryce. But, Ruhn hated Connor on principle. And he definitely didn’t enjoy watching them flirt whenever Connor was on break and Ruhn went into the store. 

They all thanked Lele and headed out toward the main lift. It was right in front of the main lodge where all the skiers and snowboarders would keep their stuff, eat lunch, take breaks, and so on. 

A few early birds were already waiting by the lift. Tharion and Ariadne were already standing there, both holding travel mugs that were steaming from their small openings. 

“They’re alive!” Tharion called out, spotting Rhun, Flynn, and Declan walking across the snow. 

“Barely,” Declan breathed as they reached the two ski instructors. “You two at the top today?”

Before either could answer, Flynn shoved closer to Declan, resting an elbow on his shoulder as he said, “Hey, Ari! I didn’t see you last night at our party." 

"I didn’t go.” Her crimson eyes were flat and indifferent as she met Flynn’s gaze. 

Of course, the idiot wasn’t discouraged. Never. “Well, that’s quite a shame. You missed out.”

Ari sighed, “I doubt it.” Then she turned and walked to the lift, fastening her skis and sitting in the chair that was waiting for the lift to be started. 

Flynn’s eyes followed her fervidly. 

“Wrong tree, my friend,” Ruhn muttered with amusement. He loved watching them interact. After years of Flynn being far too smooth with every female he met, it was an enjoyable difference to see Ari constantly turning him down. Not that Ruhn wanted Flynn to be rejected, of course.

Muttering incoherently, Flynn began to set up the guides for where the line would be. Ruhn joined him as Dec started the lift to get Tharion and Ari to the top. 

Soon enough everything was set up and they were letting the skiers waiting onto the lift. And then it was business as usual. The resort filled up over the first hour, until the line at the lift was averaging at least five minutes. Ruhn and Flynn did their best to organize the line and help people onto the lift as needed. 

“Delay on top. Estimated ten minute solve time.” Declan’s voice crackled over the old walkie talkies they all held just after the lift screeched to a sudden stop. 

So close. They were so close to lunch and making it through the morning without incident. Ruhn groaned internally, knowing he had to keep on a calm, composed face. 

“Why’d it stop?” a teenaged boy whined from halfway down the line. 

“Just a small technical issue,” Ruhn explained. It was always the answer, no matter the case. Unless Dec called them in to tell them something big had happened, the answer was 'a small technical issue’. “We’ll have it up and running as soon as possible. And we do have two other lifts that lead to other runs, if you’d rather not wait.” He pointed behind him toward where he could just see the first of the two lifts in the distance.

The boy let out an exaggerated sigh but remained in line. There was always one.

A chorus of giggles sounded behind him and Ruhn looked back to see Flynn making good use of the delay. He stood on the other side of the guides from a group of four girls who looked to be about twenty. He watched Flynn say something he couldn’t quite make out and then the group laughed again. Two blondes and two brunettes, and far too many for Flynn to handle on his own. 

Ruhn sauntered over to them and slapped Flynn on the back as he gave the girls a half-smile he’d used many times when seeking out a new bedroom guest. “I do hope my friend here isn’t bothering you, ladies. Blink twice if you need me to get rid of him.” He threw a wink to the girl closest to him, a dirty blonde with deep, chocolate eyes that were watching his lip ring with intrigue. 

The girls laughed again, Flynn joining them. It was one of the best things about his friend. He didn’t take anything seriously, which included himself. 

“Blink three times if you’re perfectly happy chatting with me,” Flynn added, nudging Ruhn out of the way.

“And four if you’d like me to stay. I’m Ruhn, by the way.” He held out his hand and watched with satisfaction as the dirty blonde and chestnut brunette raced to take it. 

The chestnut brown won. She slid her hand into his and said, “I’m Dahlia. These are my cousins, Chrysti, Calla, and Amber.” As she spoke, she pointed to the dirty blonde who’d been staring at Ruhn first, then to the platinum blonde, and lastly the girl with dark brown hair with auburn highlights. 

All four of the girls were beautiful, each with a dusting of freckles that seemed to be one of the few traits they all shared. Ruhn never would’ve known they were cousins without being told, and to be honest, he would’ve preferred they not be. It spoiled some of the plans he was starting to make in his head.

“Beautiful names for beautiful women.” Flynn flashed them all a grin. “So, tell me, do you lovely ladies have plans tonight?”

“Nothing set in stone,” the one named Calla replied, her bright hair shimmering in the light of the sun. Her ice-blue eyes were locked on Flynn as she gave him a feigned coy smile. 

Flynn smacked Ruhn on the back just as Ruhn had him and then wrapped his arm over Ruhn’s shoulder. “Great news! We’re hosting a little party at our place. Some locals, some beautiful visitors. What do you all say?" 

The girls all looked at one each other, their eyes flashing as if they were having an unspoken conversation. 

"So long as you’re both there, we’re in,” Dahlia replied, blatantly eyeing Ruhn. He probably should’ve been uncomfortable with the way she was trying to undress him with her eyes, but that wasn’t his style. He’d much rather let her.

It really was the only perk of working in this place. The regular influx of snow bunnies visiting the mountain.

Well, that and the easy access to the ski slopes. And the chance to ski for work. If anyone ever started booking ski lessons at their resort again. 

“I’ll be sure to make you all a special drink. Maybe we c-”


The shout interrupted him, drawing his attention to a familiar colleague with waist-length, dark hair. Hypaxia was waving him toward her, which had Ruhn sighing loudly. "Pardon me, ladies. It seems I’m quite in demand.” Sending one last crooked grin to them, he pivoted and jogged toward where Hypaxia was standing, a blonde beside her.

The woman, just a year or two younger than Ruhn, turned to face him, a pair of golden eyes freezing him in place and emptying his mind completely. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. 

“Ruhn,” Hypaxia started, “we’ve got a new ski instructor starting today. I’m on vacation starting this afternoon, so you’ll be training her." 

He wasn’t certain whether he should be thanking whatever deity was looking over him, or cursing the demon who was likely hoping he’d make a fool of himself. What did he know of training a newbie? He knew the ropes of the place, sure, but typically they leaned on Hypaxia or Declan for this. He’d just have to rely on his charm. It had never failed him before.

"This is Lidia Cervos.”


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..ok I haven’t read the series and I don’t plan to lmao, but evidently Bryce met the inner circle? Can someone summarize what happened so I don’t have to read it

Is it to the point where it’ll affect the ACOTAR universe? Or does Bryce pop in and leave by the end of the book ‍♀️

Pre-Order House of Sky and Breath!

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Get ready to return to Crescent City! HOUSE OF SKY AND BREATH is coming out in January 2022! Pre-order now, and keep following for more updates.

SJM has simply become too big for her boots and her books are suffering for it. 

Yeah…I really hated the ending to House of Sky and Breath. 

“Our love is stronger than time, greater than any distance. Our love spans across stars and worlds.

“Our love is stronger than time, greater than any distance. Our love spans across stars and worlds. I will find you again, I promise.”
― Sarah J. Maas, House of Sky and Breath

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“My Sofie”

GODDAMIT SARAH, I just wanted these two to be happy but I guess they were together in the end? When I read the last chapters of CC and Cormac wanted to sacrifice himself, I knew internally that was because he lost his Sofie


AUTHOR: @therealsjmaas


‘’ʏᴏᴜ ʀᴇᴍɪɴᴅ ᴍᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɪ’ᴍ ᴀʟɪᴠᴇ,” ꜱʜᴇ ꜱᴀɪᴅ, ᴠᴏɪᴄᴇ ᴛʜɪᴄᴋ. “ʏᴏᴜ ʀᴇᴍɪɴᴅ ᴍᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɢᴏᴏᴅɴᴇꜱꜱ ᴄᴀɴ ᴇxɪꜱᴛ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴏʀʟᴅ.”

The sketch I posted two days ago is finally done into thisssssss! Okay but Sarah has given us LITERAL forbidden romance, day/night aesthetic AND a badass female and a badass male! Also, the way these two care for each other is so beautiful

⚠️ You can use this art in edits, and shares, and also as a banner etc, just PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE credit me!⚠️


Ahhhh, I LOVE THESE TWO SO MUCH I’ll be posting the finished piece tomorrow! But for now, have a WIP ❣️



Okay so who’s here shipping Ruhn and Lidia like, A LOT???? This is literally my FAVOURITE ship in the whole of Crescent City and honestly? IM OBSESSED

Anyone know the ship name for these two? I’ve seen DayNight, NightBright, Ruhnlidia, Runhlia??? I don’t know, but either away you’ll be seeing A LOT of fan art of these two!


WHO IS SO EXCITED FOR TOMORROW???? I literally cannot wait to read House of Sky and Breath, I’ve just finished reading CC on my audiobook and I’m sobbing!

ANYWHO, here’s Bryce and Hunt

Bryce and Syrinx from Crescent City series by Sarah J. Maas


Bryce Quinlan and Hunt Athalar from Crescent City series by Sarah J. Maas



Frat House Rebels

How long did this drawing take?


Character/s by: Sarah J. Maas @Therealsjmaas

Book series: Crescent City
