#both is good



Hey Dannypocalypse gang! quick question: is it wiser to send all one’s edits within the first few hours or to spread them throughout the third?
I’d like to help it trend, but I’m not certain which path is most beneficial. I have no idea if there’s been a pattern for when it trends either.

Do both

BOTH IS GOODgeometric “mountains” in pink, purple, and blue (the colors of the bisexual flag), with


geometric “mountains” in pink, purple, and blue (the colors of the bisexual flag), with a lighter reflection and the words “both is good” written in between. displayed as a framed poster on the floor, leaning against a wall.

The Holidays/Cyber Monday are coming! Get this and variations for other sexualities here as mugs, posters, tote bags, shirts (adults and kids), stickers, etc. My other gay-as-hell art is here.

Post link

i can’t decide if kenobi is finally going to make me a kenobi girl or if it’s going to reinforce that i have always been a vader girl







hell world hell world hell world



Your soap does not need to connect to the internet. Your fridge does not need to be able to track the temperature in other countries. Your stove shouldn’t talk to you

This is not “technology bad” this is “these corporations are tracking you and your movements at ALL TIMES OF THE DAY.” They know your every move down to when you wash your hands after you take a shit. Alexa and Siri were the first introduction to this, and once people got used to them on their phones, they put them in their own little gadgets for your house.

And then they connected those gadgets to the lights. To the doors. To the window locks. To the thermostat.

You should be TERRIFIED at how many things are becoming “smart” these days. It’s yet another way for companies to sell to you, and, in a worst case scenario, it can be the thing that puts you in harms way.

Imagine you’re running a little late on your electric bill, and your fridge is a “smart” fridge. And because you’re running late on your payment they just….lock your fridge. Not shut the electricity off. Lock your fridge. Because fridges can now be locked remotely. You can no longer access your food until you pay them.

Cops want to know if you’ve been to any protests recently? They can track that handy dandy smart watch you decided to wear, even though you left your phone in the car. They can tell if you were home all day or lying.

Abusive partner or family member? They can shut off your support systems everywhere. Decide when you get to eat, if you do. Decide how hot or cold the house should be to make you suffer. Turn off the oven in the middle of you cooking dinner bc you upset them. Lock you in. Lock you out.

Your appliances, your LIFE, should not be surrounded by smart tech. Buy normal clocks. Get normal soap dispensers. Keep a pen and paper on the fridge to write down your grocery list. Set a manual timer for the oven. Wear a normal watch that only tells time. Get a step counter that clips to your belt.

Phone, laptop, TV. Those are the only things that make sense being “smart.” Everything else is one step closer to a dystopian novel that you don’t want to be in.

Your phone already tracks your every step. Don’t give every other thing in your life that ability.

And here’s the thing! It’s not only something that can cause you problems if you’re late to pay bills or have abusive partners/family or are doing something the government may not take kindly to!

Let’s say, hypothetically, you do literally nothing. Well, turns out there’s a bug in the fridge software that sets the temperature to 60 degrees when it receives some unexpected input from your fridge app. Or the manufacturer pushes out an involuntary fridge update and now, while the update is downloading, sorry! your the fridge doesn’t open until the update is done.

And these are only the issues that affect you. Generally, Smart Device manufacturers do not think for even one second about the security of their devices. So, this means that hackers will see well known and publicized security holes that have been easily available for literal years but the manufacturer is simply too lazy to fix, use those holes to get into devices, and use those devices as bots to attack whoever they please (and, as a bonus, it look like it’s coming from your home!)

You’d think that this sounds like something out of a horror movie but this is the reality we live in RIGHT NOW. Many of the largest botnets (e.g. the Mirai botnet) in the world consist largely of compromised smart/IoT (internet of things) devices.

So uh just give it some thought before you buy the SmartChair3000 – it’s probably not as cool as it sounds :P

Ah ableism at its finest. You see this device, that thing would be great for reminding people who have memory troubles that it needs to be refilled.

Yes big tech companies/the police/government tracking people is bad VERY BAD. But I’ve seen so many people complain about things that help make disabled peoples lives way easier. THIS IS WHAT AN ACCOMMODATION LOOKS LIKE!

It’d be way better to fight to make sure these things don’t share information to people you don’t want it to rather than limiting disabled people more than they should be.

Everything can be improved upon, safety, usability, ease of use and security. YOU can help to make these products safe and secure even if you don’t want to use them, but please stop scaring people away from them, especially people who these products can seriously help out in their daily lives.

Y’all sound like those people who whine about tv infomercial products

this is important: these devices could be a boon for folks who need better accessibility and assistance. they could enable millions to live alone with greater freedom. they could be incredibly useful for everyone

instead they’re spyware doing surveillance for their corporate masters, designed to report everything about us and update in the shadiest, least secure ways

now’s the time to demand greater transparency and control of these devices before they become ubiquitous


honestly people on here need to realize that a good majority of users on here are just here to be silly

like i keep seeing people in the dracula daily fandom/craze saying shit like

“I think people on here are missing the point of dracula because they keep saying that Jon is interested in dracula-“

OR,or they aren’t missing any point at all actually, my guys this is tumblr. theres a good chance they are just kidding around and poking fun at how some things are written, like stop treating people like their stupid, they dont owe you anything that proves they are getting it, a portion of users just wanna mess around and not have a serious analysis conversation with some rando

Some of you have gotta accept that people on here probably do get the point of of the story but they just want to joke around and have no desire to have an in-depth conversation with you, like you gotta



It is madness
says reason
It is what it is
says love

It is unhappiness
says caution
It is nothing but pain
says fear
It has no future
says insight
It is what it is
says love

It is ridiculous
says pride
It is foolish
says caution
It is impossible
says experience
It is what it is
says love.

Holmes - “Poetry or Truth? Which is it?”

The Abominable Bride. 


Sorry no, not just flowers. But if you are serious about starting a relationship with me one of these may sway me more than pretty roses that will wilt soon:




btw you all have to stop talking about gargoyles when you actually mean grotesques. not because i actually care that much about using the correct technical terms but because those wretched beasts deserve your love and recognition too.

basically, for those unaware of the difference:

gargoyles: freaks with a job, created to drain water from the roof

grotesques: freaks for the hell of it, created when one guy dared to ask the question “what if there were some absolutely disgusting creatures just hanging out on the roof”

both:swell guys who deserve your admiration and make architecture look metal as hell

both is good

I bet you can’t guess where my mind has been lately

(Obv used screencaps as refs :p)


are you actually reading for fun or is it to distract your mind from the current state your life is in and to keep you in a blissful fantasy where all the monsters could be slayed and problems could be solved with simply the turn of a page?


Levi: Shirtless or wearing a suit?

↳ To me, both are incredibly hot


mother I crave violencedopamine


The choice should not be Ed or the Kraken. Just as the choice shouldn’t be Stede or Izzy. 

OFMD is about self actualisation through the love and support of community. Characters are rewarded for doing things which allow them to be themselves, and (generally speaking) when they cage away parts of who they are or repress themselves the narrative throws negative consequences at them. 

This is why is can’tbe Ed or the Kraken. Because bothare Edward Teach. It’s also why the choice can’t be Stede or Izzy as epitomised by Stede brings out ‘soft Ed’ and Izzy brings out ‘harsh Kraken’. 

Because if Stede is going to be the love interest Ed needs (and this is a love story, so he’s going to be) then he cannot be just an opposite version of Izzy. He cannot be a person who brings out one side of Ed and punishes or ignores or berates Ed for the other side. It won’t work. That’s Izzy’srole, as an antagonist who is fighting against letting Edward self-actualise. Stede can’t be in that boat too. 

No, Stede needs to fall in love with allthe parts of Ed, if Ed is going to be able to chose him in the end. And no, this doesn’t mean Stede should forgive him for the whole…crew thing, because like I said, another very strong theme is about love and support through community and Ed was destroying his own community in his heartbreak. But like. Stede can’t be Izzy 2.0. It won’t work. It won’t be suitable. 

Edisviolent, he doeslove a good maim. He also cries in bathtubs and fancies a fine fabric. He likes fuckery, and can make friends easily, he’s charismatic as fuck - but he’s also scary enough that he managed to build up a legend where people see him and immediately surrender or throw themselves overboard rather than deal with him. He is both. 

And I think this also comes back to why we love Stede/Ed in the first place. Ed ADORES all these things everyone else in his life has belittled him for, the secret wardrobes and books and the fanciness. He’s immediately interested in pretty much anything Stede has to say, listens to him, laughs with him. And he shares his own life with Stede; fuckery, raids and yes, that soft part and Stede loves all of that too. But Stede has to give him that in return! He has to! He has to love all the pieces that don’t fit right in everyone else’s books which includesthe Kraken and Blackbeard. AND I feel if Ed finally does feel accepted for both, he’ll no longer be so liable to these intense swings because he’ll stopseeing himself as fragmented pieces. Like. Stede leaves him and the last conversation they had Stede said ‘yuck’ about making people eat toes - so Ed IMMEDIATELY makes someone eat a toe when he ‘switches back’ to his old persona because he’s trying to PROVE SOMETHING instead of just like. Being himself.

IDK man, I just. I think it’s way more complex than some people are making it out to be with an Ed vs. Kraken, Izzy vs. Stede thing with Ed’s identity. It’s very similar to what the Dragon Age fandom does with Iron Bull vs. Hissrad actually. But Ed is both.And for their love story to work, Stede should accept him that way. 

The choice should not be Ed or the Kraken. Just as the choice shouldn’t be Stede or Izzy. There isn’t a choice. It’s just Ed, and who is gonna accept Ed enough for him to be who he actually is, all of it, not just a few pieces.


Continuation of this!

A little snippet under the cut~

Keep reading


Idk what’s hotter, Louis’ burned scar or William
