

no one will know the pain i feel or how broken i am when i say i wish that i could just be normal.

#thoughts    #spilled ink    #poetry    #brokenballads    #broken    #normal    #suffering    #longing    #desire    

You pulled me into the blast radius of a bomb I unwittingly helped you create. ‘I wonder, did you ever love me?’ I think as I fly through the air, 300 ft.

#thoughts    #spilled ink    #brokenballads    #poetry    #heart break    #explosion    #explosive    


ratching at my ribs, prying me open. Blood splatters and bones splinter while I fade away. Howling, I reach for my heart, now free. Snatched in an instant, you dash away. A devilish grin, your feat achieved.

Here’s to the undoing of me.


#thoughts    #spilled ink    #brokenballads    #poetry    #heartbroken    #broken hearted    #undoing    