

Kameelah Janan Rasheed lecture for RISD Graphic Design’s Spring 2020 Lecture Series

Why? See ALL THE TAGS (and, if only, the fifty plus more that got cut off when posting).

#kameelah janan rasheed    #unschooling    #writing    #reading    #how we read    #how we write    #learning    #education    #graphic design    #revision    #unfinished    #change    #impermanence    #layering    #east palo alto    #vernacular    #collage    #bricolage    #photocopies    #collecting    #waywardness    #hypertext    #undoing    #gathering    #collaboration    #community    #togetherness    


ratching at my ribs, prying me open. Blood splatters and bones splinter while I fade away. Howling, I reach for my heart, now free. Snatched in an instant, you dash away. A devilish grin, your feat achieved.

Here’s to the undoing of me.


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