#bts taehyung


Vmin at the carwash

Instead of washing your car, they flirt with you first

So I’ve realized I’ve released a few drabbles recently but no series’s

So in order to fix that, I’ll be posting the first part of a new series amidst my drabbles that will be coming out soon!!

So please be on the lookout for it. I can’t tell you how excited I am for it!!



Chapter One | Fighter

Summary: How many men will it take to save you? To be honest, you’ve gotten pretty used to saving yourself. Even though you’re far from a delicate thing, Los Angeles is a dangerous place you can’t seem to escape no matter how hard you try. The top 7 members of Bangtan should never have crossed your path, but they soon find they’d do just about anything to help you escape your past and make it safe for you to stay. But will you?

Genre: mafia au, poly ot7, angst, some smut, honestly a lot more fluff than i expected, POC reader/oc

A/N [very important please read]: This story takes place in LA. Reader (AKA Val) is a Mexican national. The members are part of a Korean gang operating in LA known as Bangtan. There’s some Spanish thrown in here or there but I think context explains most of it. Dialogue in italics indicates that the speaker is using either Spanish or Korean in order to exclude some of those present while talking to others. Another important thing to note about the reader is that although I typically try to describe the character’s body as little as possible to be inclusive, this character has very specific physical traits related to her biography, so just be aware of that. I reall hope you enjoy reading it. I LOVE interacting with the readers so please let me know what you think about the characters, theories, my use of commas, whatever.

Chapter warnings: cursing (as always, but this time in Spanish!), mentions of sex, jimin’s a hoe, both Tae and reader are orphans so yeah, alcohol

Word count: 6.6k


Taehyung left Namjoon’s office feeling rather satisfied. Tonight had been an easy night, smooth and according to plan. He received the shipment at the docks, everything in order and two grand to pad his pockets. After reporting to his boss,  the rest of the summer night was wide open and hot with possibilities. 

There wasn’t a thing Taehyung didn’t love about his life. And why should he? He had it all. Incredible good looks, money, and power. And if he had to commit a few crimes to keep it that way, what did he care? It was the only life he’d ever known or wanted, to be part of the Bangtan gang that ran LA’s Koreatown, among other things. 

Taehyung walked away from the back office, out to the public space on the second floor. Jimin was waiting for him, but they’d both agreed they were looking for something—or someone—else tonight, though a threesome didn’t sound like a bad idea, if they agreed on someone. Taehyung met him at the edge of the second story that only extended through half of the club, giving him a view of the large dance floor in the main room below. He gripped the railing and scanned the space below, waiting for something unknown to catch his eye.

And that something was you. 

Keep reading

WHEN YOU REBLOG A MEMBER OF BTS KQFNCJABC I’m dying and this was such a good start!!! I love it already

Something tells me he was the beneficiary of your good deed.

Im so glad you liked it. Thank you for reading and reblogging!


taehyung is honestly such a vibeee

I did some research but was still a little unsure, I hope this reaction wont offend anyone or make people mad. I did my best and hopefully it is not inappropriate.  

Kim Seokjin/Jin:

Jin would let them explore the world through food, food from other parts of Asian, Europe and so on. This way they would travel the world together through something that both could enjoy. The smells would help with the imagination and movies about unbreakable love would make their bond stronger. Jin would be singing lovingly to them whenever they asked or just over few things he loved about them like their smile, eyes and passion. Jin would be there by their side through anything and everything, nothing could stop his love.

Kim Namjoon/Rapmonster:

Namjoon could never imagine what they went through and he always tried his best to make any situation better with anything from music to poems. He wanted the pain, he wanted to take it himself and let his love being able do anything. Nothing was more important than them and at any moment he could he would show his love and how he was there for them, he promised he would not leave their side, not even for the worlds weight in gold. They were his true love and nothing could ever come between such love as this one.

Min Yoongi/Suga:

I think Yoongi would be very determined to make every day count, I also believe he would be the most heartbroken and would use his music to consult himself when things became to difficult for him. Whenever they need him the most he would be there day and night not being able to sleep, he needed to be awake for them no matter what. He wouldn’t leave them alone in hard times just like they wouldn’t leave him when he had hard times. His love for them was stronger than anything, he would stay with them until the end of the world.

Jung Hoseok/J-hope:

As someone who smiles through pain and everything dark he would be devastated. No matter how hard things were and how painful it was to see them like this he knew he had to keep on supporting and smiling so that they would never give up and continue giving them days with endless wonder and love for everything beautiful and amazing about this world. Everyday would be a new with new adventures and places just waiting to be discovered, he would make life now as beautiful as ever before.

Park Jimin/Jimin:

He would be so in pain himself knowing he was powerless to do anything about everything. Some days it might be too though on him and he needed some time to sort everything out, but he would be there tight by their side through thick and thin. He knew he couldn’t be selfish in these times no matter how tired he was or how exhausted, he knew it was not time to be selfish. He would smile and be as caring as anyone could possible be, he knew he was important for them and they were important too him, nothing could tear them apart.

Kim Taehyung/V :

He hates seeing anyone in such pain and especially when he don’t know how to fix it, I think he would find comfort in making them smile or laugh on days when everything seemed to be grey and nothing could bring back their smile. He would be constant worried but only showed more affection and love whenever he saw them, making sure they knew he was there when they needed him. He would have different themes nights with games, food and movies if of course they loved one felt like it.

Jeon Jeong Guk/Jungkook:

Jungkook is still so young and this would be extremely difficult for him as this is a new situation where he cant really look up what to do. He hated seeing the one he loved in pain and suffering without him being able to do anything about it. He would seek comfort in his hyungs when times were the most difficult and he had no clue what to do with himself. He would use his time alone to sort out his thoughts and get a grip on himself. I do think he would struggle a lot with this but at the same time he would be there whenever they needed him.

Stubborn Hugs pt. 25

Pairing: Hybrid Namjoon x Reader, Occasional OT7 x Reader, Occasional character x character ✨

Warnings: Angst

Word count: 3k

You stay close to each other for some time, taking in each other’s warmth.

“If I got them back, would anything change..?” You ask quietly as he plays with your hair, your head on his shoulder.

“This position would be a little more difficult if you did.” He jokes and you playfully slap his chest, making him laugh.

“No, nothing would change.” He leans back to get a good look at you, brushing your cheek with his thumb repeatedly. His eyes roam your face and you can feel the heat in your neck returning

“What?” You ask and he smiles, dimples on full display.

“Nothing, I just missed you..” He whispers, lips close enough you feel his breath on your lips.

“Y-you did..?” You ask, receiving a nod in response.

“I missed how pretty you look when you blush at me.”

You gasp, leaning away from him.

“I have never blushed at you.”

“You think I didn’t notice the look on your face when we first met in the shelter?” He smiles, making you look away.

“Which time?”

“When I had Jungkook with me.”

You gasp louder this time, making him laugh when you try to run away along with your dramatic gasp.

“I did no such thing! How can you lie like that!” You shout, scrambling away when he continues his laughing fit, reaching for you.

“We may not have remembered each other, but you definitely had a crush on me.” He says cheekily, pulling you away from the door and onto the bed, holding you almost on his lap.

“Liar! Scammer! All lies!” You try your best to wiggle out of his grasp as you hide your face behind your hands, not letting him see you.

“If I’m such a liar, why is your neck red?” He teases, pushing you on the bed and keeping you locked under him.

“Let me see your face.” He grabs your wrists and you shake your head desperately.

“(Y/n), let me see.” He says in a softer tone and you peek through your fingers, slowly letting him move your hands to the sides of your head.

“There’s my pretty girl..” He smiles, your eyes squeezing at his words.

He laughs loudly at your reaction, dipping his head in your shoulder after.

“Can I keep you here forever?” He asks, loosening his grip on your wrists, resting his head in the crook of your neck.

“I wish you could..” You whisper, sliding your hands into his, interlacing your fingers into his.

“Why can’t I?”

You don’t respond.

“(Y/n)..?” He lifts his head from your shoulder and sees tears running down your cheeks, startling him.

“Hey hey, what’s wrong?” He holds your cheeks and wipes your tears, which only makes you cry more.

“I missed you.. I miss you..” You cry out, struggling to breathe.

“I’m right here, you don’t need to miss me anymore..” He holds your face and you watch as tears fill his own eyes, dripping onto your cheeks.

You raise your hands and hold his cheeks, wiping his tears as well.

“Why are you crying..?”

“Seeing you cry makes me realize how much I’ve missed you, even when I didn’t remember you..”

“Can you promise me something..?” You ask, your voice wavering from trying to breathe evenly.

“Of course.”

“Promise we’ll always remember each other..?”

“You don’t have to ask me that.”

You lift your body off the bed and hug his neck, Namjoon hugs your back and hides his face in your shoulder, feeling each other’s body shake from fear and overwhelming emotions.


“Yes, my prince?” You turned to Namjoon, who’s cheeks dusted pink at the use of the nickname every time.

“Will you marry me?”

It’s your turn to turn pink.

“Why the sudden question?”

Namjoon looked at the ground and picked up a wolf plush, petting it gently.

“I want to marry you, in case we don’t get out.”

You put down your water and limped over to him, holding his hands.

“Ask me when we’re older, okay?


“No, ask me when we’re older. It’ll give us motivation to get out of here faster. And when you ask me, we’ll be ready to get married.” You kiss his cheeks and he nods, determined.

You slowly wake up, looking behind you towards the curtain covered window. It’s still night.

You turn back, looking down at the pair of arms wrapped tightly around you as if you’ll disappear into thin air.

You look up at Namjoon who’s sleeping peacefully, no crease in his brow in sight.

You smile, cuddling up to him.

“Mh, noona..?” He mumbles out, his deep voice scaring you.

“Hm?” You respond and he looks down at you, relieved to know you’re still in his arms and it wasn’t a dream.

“Hi..” His deep voice carries out, making you get goosebumps.

“Hi…” You kiss his chin and he sighs happily, his limbs loosening as if he’s on a relaxant.

“I’m hungry..” You tap his chest with your fingers softly, catching his attention.

“I’ll get you food-” He starts getting out of the bed but you grab his arm.

“No, no. I wanna come with.” You play with your fingers, suddenly nervous.

“Okay, let’s go.” He helps you out of bed and follows you downstairs, all the lights in the house off.

You both walk in the kitchen and find the pot of food still on the stove, going cold.

“You sit, I’ll do it.” He shoos you away from the stove and you slowly sit down, looking up at him.

As he begins serving the both of you, you suddenly feel unsure.



“Do you want to do this..?” You ask, voice cracking. He pauses his movements, then faces you.


“This..” You wave a hand between the two of you. He puts down the plate he was holding on the counter and steps closer.

“Why do you ask?”

“I thought you wanted to get to know me better, trust me more, all that..”

“I did.”


“I am. I’m comfortable enough with you to feel good about doing this with you. Why? Is there something you wanted to tell me?”

“No!” You cover your mouth right after you reply a little too loudly.

“No,” You say quieter.

“I just don’t want you to regret not waiting..” You chew on your lip and he leans over, startling you when you see he’s face to face with you.

He frowns and sits next to you, food long forgotten.

“Why would I regret it? I’ve been wanting to be with you since we were kids.”

“That was different..”

He stiffens.

“Is it different now? For you?”

“No, no.” You say hurriedly.

“No, but, things change. A lot of things happened between the time we last saw each other and now.” You rub your arms awkwardly and he takes your hand in his.

“If I didn’t want anything, at this moment, I wouldn’t have held you so close while we napped a few minutes ago. As much as I don’t like to sleep alone, I wouldn’t have slept with you if I wasn’t comfortable with you. I’m sure I know what I’m doing.” He smiles softly and kisses the back of your hand, making you smile.

“You put the plate on the burner that’s on..” You whisper and he jumps away from you, grabbing an oven mitt and removing it, turning off the stove.

“Maybe we should wait. Just to get to know each other more.” You hold out your hand and he pouts, holding it.

“I still want to be with you, but I want to be sure of a few things beforehand.” You reassure him and he tilts his head.

“Not about me?”

“Not about you.”

“Okay, I can wait a little longer.” He smiles and his dimples make your heart flutter.

He continues serving the both of you food and sits directly across from you to get a good look at you as you talk.

“Favorite hobby.” You put a forkful of food in your mouth after asking and he continues chewing his own in thought, looking up.

After swallowing, he shakes his head and responds,

“Don’t ask me that. I have a lot and you work tomorrow.” He laughs and so do you, your smile brightening his heart.

“Okay, what’s your main one?”


“Really!” You say in more of a surprised tone rather than a confused one.

“I haven’t had time to do it recently because of,” He waves a hand at nothing.

“Allthat. But when I got adopted for the first time, my owner had a bunch of little trees everywhere and I would always ask to take care of them with the gardener they had.”

“Would you still like to continue that hobby?”

“Yeah but, with what time and space?” He picks at his food and you tap your plate with your nail.

“I mean, you have a year before your independence years start, so you could get started bit by bit.” You shrug and he smiles at you as you drink your water.

You look at him as you swallow, putting your glass down.


“You’re so pretty, you know that?”

Your face goes red and you scoff, turning your face away from him, making him laugh.

“Don’t tell me you can’t take compliments.” He pokes fun and you roll your eyes even though he can’t see it.

“I can, I just don’t like them.”

He holds your hands from across the table and kisses your fingers gently, making your face heat up even more.

“Stop!” You try to pull your hands away and he laughs at you, interlocking his fingers with you.

“Why? I don’t get to see you blush often and you’re so cute when you do.” He rests his cheek on your interlocked hands and you hide your face in your elbow.

“If I knew you were going to be all sappy like this I wouldn’t have agreed to this.” You joke and he bites your fingers, making you jump.


“You’re not going back on your promise, now are you?” He leans over the island and holds your chin, tilting your face up.

“W-what promise?” You whisper, nervous at his proximity and tone change.

He looks down at your lips briefly and back up at your eyes, smiling.

“When you said you’d marry me?” He whispers, lips ghosting over yours.

“Or did you forget? Sweetheart?” He drags out the last word and you almost become a puddle at the old nickname.

“No, no, no.. I didn’t forget..” You shiver as he kisses you right next to your lips, your eyes closing at the feeling of his plump lips on your skin.

“Good girl. Now go sleep, Yoongi must be waiting.” He holds the back of your head softly and kisses your forehead, pulling away to collect your now empty dishes and cleaning up.

You shiver as you stand up and slowly walk to Yoongi’s door, looking back at him when you’re halfway through the door.

He watches as you shyly bat your eyelashes at him, unsure if you want to go in.

He raises a brow and looks you up and down, making you silently squeak and shut the door with you inside.

He smiles and walks upstairs to his room, turning off the lights in the room.

When he makes it up to his own room, he changes out of his day clothes and takes off his shirt, laying on his bed.

Sliding a lazy hand up and down his torso, he stares at the ceiling, heart in the soil and mind in the clouds.

He suddenly covers his face with his pillow and kicks the air happily, a big smile on his face when he begins to fall asleep.

“Noona? You’re not going to work today?” Jimin sniffs your head as you cuddle under the blankets in the living room.

“No, someone asked to get more hours so I just gave them mine for today.” You pet him and he purrs, crawling over the couch to cuddle up next to you.

“Don’t you need those hours to get money?” Jungkook comes up to you both and sits on the couch next to you, covering his feet with the blanket Taehyung is using.

“I get the same amount of money whether I work or not, so we’ll be okay. Besides, they are training to become a co-manager so I’ll be able to be home more in these coming weeks.” 

“Will you finally be looking for a new space?” Taehyung asks and you frown. Jungkook kicks him lightly.

“No, I’d rather just expand this place. There’s nothing wrong with this place, just a lack of space I suppose.” You look around and sigh.

“You really don’t want to leave this place, do you Noona?” Jimin asks and you smile down at him, ruffling his hair.

“No, I don’t. This is where I found all of you and where I found home. Nothing a couple renovations can’t fix.” You scratch his ears and look at them, frowning again.

“I’m home.” Yoongi comes inside and shivers off the harsh winds from the outside, putting up his jacket.

“Welcome home.” You get up and greet him, hugging him to give him warmth to which he greedily accepts.

“How was it?”

“Fine, the jerk that skipped out yesterday, which is why I came home early, came by today to listen to the samples.”


“He’s taking it.” He smiles and you squeal happily, hugging him again.

“I’m so proud of you!”

He laughs and hugs your back.

“You do this every time I produce a song for someone.”

“And I’m proud of you every time.” You smile and he kisses your forehead, thankful.

“Actually, can we talk about something? It’s kind of important.” You bite your lip and he sniffs you lightly, checking if it’s anything bad. Nothing but nerves.

“Okay.” He looks to his room and you shake your head, looking up to yours.

“Oh,” He says, surprised that you suggested yours. Soundproof.

“Okay, let’s go.” He smiles reassuringly and you hold his hand as you both go upstairs.

Namjoon sleepily comes out of his room when your door shuts, shutting his own as he goes downstairs.

“Good morning sleeping beauty.” Taehyung glances up from his phone when he sees the koala sliding onto the couch by Jimin.


“It’s 2.” Jimin looks up at him and Namjoon stops mid yawn, looking at him.


“P.M, Namjoon.” Jungkook raises a brow and Namjoon nods, not bothering to hide his embarrassment.

“Namjoon, Jungkook?” Hoseok comes out of his room in a dark green hoodie and black sweatpants, brushing his hair away from his face.

They both look up at him and he waves them over, both of them looking at each other for context, but none of them know.

They both get up and Namjoon adjusts the strings on his hoodie as they both make their way to his room.

“You okay?” Namjoon watches as Hoseok closes the door, his small deer ears twitching whenever Jungkook moves around.

“Yes, but I think it’s time I told you both,” He takes a seat in a nearby chair and waves a hand to the bed for them to sit as well.

“How I got here.” He smiles.

“So suddenly?” Jungkook pipes up.

“You’ve been here for a while, and it seems you’ll be staying for longer.” He turns up the music in his room loud enough to muffle his voice from the outside, not that anyone would eavesdrop.

“I, was born as a deer. Clearly.” He waves an obvious hand at his small horns.

“I was supposed to be a male deer, or so I was told.” He rolls his eyes and both boys tilt their heads in confusion.

“In my family, the men’s antlers grew pretty large. Not as big as an actual deer, because our heads wouldn’t be able to carry that weight, but a little more than half of a full grown antler. Anyway, the women would be the same, so they would only grow up to 10 inches. My antlers never grew.” He taps the small nub growing from his head by his deer ears.

“I had the parts of a male, but didn’t have the deer genetics for it. So everyone thought I was female until I hit puberty, where nothing of the sort grew. Everyone thought I would be a late bloomer, but they always stayed this way, and my family didn’t want me for it. So, when the age came of when my antlers were supposed to be fully grown and I was proven male, they threw me out.” He keeps his smile but there’s something sad behind it, not letting itself show.

Jungkook doesn’t look at his tiny horns, but rather his face.

“Of course, I was young, slim, and attractive to others. But no one would hire some kid with no experience, no owner, nothing. So, in order to survive, I did what I could. Borrow.” He looks at the ground, ashamed.

“But in order to borrow, you have to return. I did the only easy thing I could do, where no one could tell what I was.”

“Stripping?” Namjoon asks and Hoseok smiles sadly, nodding.

“Exactly. Fortunately for me, I didn’t have to. I just danced on the pole and kept the mystery of what I was alive, bringing in more people to see what I could be.”

“What happened?” Jungkook asks and Hoseok sighs.

“It wasn’t enough. With the amount I had borrowed, and the money I owed to the clubs I worked at to provide me a place to survive, it was never enough. So, I resorted to sex trafficking. I was dumb, of course. I didn’t know what else to do but use my body to the best of my abilities. I was so desperate, I thought I was going to stay in that hell for the rest of my life. Until I met,”

“(Y/n)..” Both Namjoon and Jungkook finish for him and Hoseok smiles again, nodding.

“She had gone to one of those disgusting auctions where they would sell people who were all desperate for a better life. She had a few friends join her, so that all of them could be bought off by them to get a chance.”

“And for the final prize, the main attraction!” The old man pulled the large curtain off a human sized cage, a shivering deer hybrid sitting in the center dressed in all white lace and silk, showing off his curves and body.

“The Sweetest Deer of them all!” The man walked up to the podium and began looking around for bids.

The hybrid shivered from the cold metal under him but tried his best to look appealing to the crowd.

“Six hundred.” A woman’s voice boomed through the venue, silencing the crowd, a mask covering her face.

“Six hundred and one!” Someone opposed.

“Seven hundred.” The woman opposed again, her tone as if bored of the situation.

“Seven hundred fifty!”

“One thousand.” She said, the crowd silencing again.

“Any bidders? One thousand going once!”


“One thousand going twice!”

She crossed her arms and stared at the poor deer in the cage, a tear sliding down his soft cheek as he watched her.

“Sold! To the lady In the back!”

They quickly wheel off the cage backstage and into a private room along with the other hybrids that were being sold off.

When everyone who is needed is in the room, the woman pulls out her phone and calls someone, everyone pulling off their hoods and masks.

"You can start the collection. Thank you.” She says and turns to a box, unlocking all the cages.

All the hybrids rush away from her to the farthest end of the cage, watching as everyone grabs a large black item from the box. The woman holds out the item to the deer, eyes closed.

“Put this on.” She instructs, everyone doing the same.

They all put on the item and stand when they are covered in a large black cloak, a hood to cover their faces from the public.

“Let’s get you home.” The woman smiled at the deer, holding out a hand for him.

He hesitantly takes her hand and follows her into a black car, waiting for him to get in.

Once he’s secure in the car, she drives off. He doesn’t say a word as she drives away from the venue surrounded by cop cars, the other hybrids being driven away in the same way he was.

When she arrived at a small house, a cat hybrid immediately opened the door when she parked, watching as she led him out of the car, another hamster hybrid coming to the door.

They don’t speak as she leads him inside into the bathroom.

“You can shower first if you’d like. I’d rather you get out of these things then eat and get settled.” She smiled at him softly and he slowly began removing what little clothing he had, startling her.

“Wait wait, you don’t have to do that in front of me. You’re in a safe space, I’m not going to use you.”

For the first time in a few days, he spoke, voice hoarse.

“Why did you buy me, then..?”

She gave him a glass of water to which he gladly took, drinking it so fast some of it spilled down his cheeks.

“So you could start again. Have a place you could call home. Nothing more.” She reassured him and he suddenly engulfed her in a hug, startling her.

“Thank you..”

She smiled again and returned the gesture, rubbing his naked back comfortingly.

“Let’s get you started, hm? I’m (Y/n).” You pulled away, turning on the hot shower for him.

“I’m Hoseok. Jung Hoseok..”



Stubborn Hugs Pt. 24

Pairing: Hybrid Namjoon x Reader, Occasional OT7 x Reader, Occasional character x character ✨

Warnings: Angst

Word count: 3k

“What are you going to do today?” Namjoon begins a conversation with you once everyone has left the island.

“I have to take Jungkook to his session, then I’ll be going to the store to work since I can’t keep staying away for long periods of time.” You sigh and he glances at Yoongi.

“You sure that won’t be too much for you? Especially with your arm?”

“I won’t have to do too much today, luckily for me I mostly have to do markdowns and reorganize some stations.” You wave your healthy hand dismissively and Yoongi walks over.

“I can’t keep watch over her today, so you’re going to watch over her for the day.” Yoongi pats Namjoon’s shoulder and your jaw drops in disbelief.


“Don’tYoongi me.” He points a stern finger in your direction and goes to his room to change for the day.

“Everyone else is going to be working today so they can’t watch over you, and Jungkook is busy, so that leaves me.” Namjoon scratches at the island counter and you sit up straight.

“Right, we’ll be alone.” You drag out, catching his attention.

“Well only a little.” He rolls his lips between his teeth and nods slowly, looking away.

“Could you two be any more awkward?” Jin fixes his jacket and you both jump.

“Leave them alone.” Yoongi gives Jin a pointed look and walks over to you, giving you a soft kiss in your hair.

“I’ll see you later, yeah?” He smiles and you blush, nodding slightly.

“Okay, be safe.”

He walks out the house and drives off, the rest of the boys coming to exit greet you with kisses and well wishes.

When you’re alone again, you slide out of your chair and pick up Jungkook’s food, heating it up.

Namjoon stares at your back and taps the counter top, debating if he should say something.


“Noona I’m ready!” Jungkook comes down the stairs and Namjoon shuts his eyes.

“Good, here.” You take out the food from the microwave that finished heating his food and hand it to him.

“Eat, I can smell your hunger from upstairs.”

“You’re not going?”

“I didn’t say that. I just want you to eat.” You take his bookbag off him and make him sit, handing him a utensil.

“I’m gonna get dressed, be right back.” You ruffle his hair between his tall bunny ears and head upstairs.

Jungkook quietly starts eating, not minding Namjoon’s presence.

“Thanks..” Jungkook murmurs, his cheek full of food.

“For?” Namjoon asks, understanding what he said regardless.

“Last night.” He tugs softly at his shirt.

“Oh, no need to thank me. I know you would have done the same.” Namjoon smooths his long hair and thinks about cutting it, pulling up a strand.

“You’ve been getting closer to her, that’s good.” Jungkook picks at his food and takes another mouthful before he can say anything else.

“That doesn’t seem good.” Namjoon raises a brow, eyeing the bunny.

He shakes his head.

“I’m happy for you.” He stuffs his cheeks again and Namjoon frowns.

“Is this about what happened last time? You think I’ll leave you?”

Jungkook swallows down his food and gulps down his juice, slamming the glass down so hard it nearly shatters.

“No no, I’m not doing this. I’m going to speak about it with my therapist and we won’t have to put Noona in danger. None of this is going to happen.” Jungkook stiffly smiles and picks up his plate, aggressively washing it.

“Alright, I am set- Namjoon, why haven’t you gotten dressed?” You stop at the bottom of the stairs, wearing a knit (f/c) sweater and black jeans, boots to match.

“I was just about to. Didn’t want to leave him alone.” He stiffly gets up and leaves the room, jogging upstairs.

“How was breakfast?”


“Did you get enough sleep?”


“Did you want something from my store?”


“Is there anything you’re forgetting?”


You nod, used to this type of response from Yoongi and Taehyung when you first took them in, Yoongi lasted about 2 years and Taehyung 1.

“If we have time, do you want to go to a gym?” You ask, this time Jungkook doesn’t answer immediately.

“What for?”

Got him.

“So you can find another outlet, besides talking.” You smile at him and he side-eyes you.

“How would that help me?”

“Some people find the adrenaline rush freeing, you get to get into shape while releasing some of the stress. Without hurting anyone, of course.”

Jungkook casts his gaze to the ground, thinking.

“What do you think I should do?”

“Well, you could start with basic training first. You look like someone who would get into boxing, too.” You sit on the counter and he follows you with his eyes.


“Yeah, punching, tactics, self defense as well.” You tilt your head from side to side and he frowns, giving it some thought.

“I’m done.” Namjoon comes down and you stare at his white fitted sweater complimented by a dark green plaid jacket, black corduroy pants to tie it all together.

“Okay, let’s go.” You quickly hop off the counter and take your keys along with your bag and go outside, waiting for the boys to exit until you close the door, locking it.

“Don’t carry that.” Namjoon takes a small box full of books from your arms, taking it with him.

“Namjoon, I’ll be fine.” You smile at him and thank him when he places it down on a small table by the register.

“I don’t need your cut to open up again.” He frowns when you start slipping temporary bookmarks in the book, a clearance price on it.

“My cut is basically closed. I’ll be okay.”

“Then why are you still wearing the bandage?”

“Because Yoongi thinks a cut is fully healed when it’s scarred or gone.” You stop, resting your arm on the box.

“He’s not wrong.”

You squint at him and continue labeling.

“Do me a favor, get the other boxes for me and help me label them.” You shoo him away and he jogs to the back, carrying 2 more boxes.



Namjoon stops in front of a girl with fox ears, her piercings glinting in the light whenever she moves them.

“Sorry, I didn’t see you there.” Namjoon bows slightly and nearly drops the boxes, the girl immediately stopping them from falling over.

“It’s okay, I’m sorry for bumping into you. I’ve never seen you here before, I’m a regular.”

“I’m just helping out my, caretaker.” Namjoon winces at the name and tilts his head.

“Probably should have used a different term.” He chuckles and she laughs, agreeing.

“Yeah, I saw you immediately cringe right after. I’m Nora.”

“Namjoon, it’s nice to meet you.” He smiles and she goes to pick up a box.

“Here, I’ll help you since it’s the last box anyway.”

“You sure? There’s a lot in there.”

“I’m a strong fox, I got it.” She winks at him and he smiles again, leading her to the register.

“How long have you been coming here?” He asks her, watching her ears twitch at the sound of his voice.

“A little after they opened. I don’t remember when they did, I think it’s been a while.” She scrunches her nose.

You look up from ringing someone out and nearly shout when you see a fox girl carrying a box next to Namjoon.

You rush over and take the box from her arms, startling both of them.


“Namjoon, you can’t let customers carry inventory.” You look up at him and he suddenly looks flustered, setting down his own boxes by the last one.

“We were just making conversation, she just happened to help me.”

“That’s fine, but you can’t let them help like that, they could get hurt.”

“Excuse me, I’m completely capable of taking care of myself.”

“I’m sure you can, but it’s company policy and I’m not having any cases started here.” You look at her and she scoffs.

“Who are you?”

“I’m the owner of this store.” You raise a brow at her and she looks flushed as well.

“(Y/n) your arm-”

“I’m fine, Namjoon.” You look up at him and drop the box on top of the others, walking back around the register.

He flinches when you drop the box, surprising him with your tone.

“Mh, I should get going. It was nice meeting you, I hope we can see each other again.” She smiles at him and he nods, smiling slightly at her.

“Same here. Have a nice day.”

She walks out of the store and you make your progress through all the books, a crease between your brow the entire time.

“Why couldn’t she help me?”

“Because she doesn’t work here. It’s one thing helping you with something small like putting back a book into your box if you dropped it but it’s another thing carrying an entire box with you. Some people demand compensation for it.”

You quickly finish your boxes and Namjoon looks through them.

“You finished fast.”

You tap your fingernails on the counter and your manager, Jeongyeon, comes in, waving to you.

You smile and wave back, your frown reappearing when she disappears in the back.

“Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.” You clock out when Jeongyeon comes back and clocks in, telling her everything that needs to be done.

“Let’s go.” You walk to the back and get all of your stuff, handing him his jacket as you make your way outside.

“Wait, (Y/n). Why are you in such a rush?”

“Jungkook’s session is ending soon. I don’t like to keep him waiting.” You climb into your car and so does he, both strapping on your seatbelts and driving in silence.

“I made my first friend..” Namjoon whispers and you grip the steering wheel tighter.

“That’s good.” You say, your eyes flitting from mirror to mirror.

He glances at your creased eyebrows and holds his hands together.

“She was nice.” He continues and you try your best not to squeeze the wheel any tighter in fear you’ll pull it off.

“Was she? What did you talk about? She seemed, interested in you.” You smile and park in front of Jungkook’s therapy building.

“She called my ears cute, I said hers were pretty, too.” He scratches his cheek and you click off your seatbelt.

“Let’s go get Jungkook.” You get out of your car and he hurriedly follows, struggling to keep up with your pace.

You walk inside and tell the receptionist you’re here to pick up Jungkook. She lets you know he’s almost done and tells you to have a seat in the waiting room.

You thank her and head over, taking a seat with your eyes closed.

Tapping a silent finger on your wrist, the crease in your eyebrow never disappears.

“Are you okay?” Namjoon gently takes a seat next to you and you nod, your eyes remaining closed.

“You don’t seem okay.”

“Namjoon, a moment of silence please.” You whisper and he jumps, blushing at your soft tone.

Nodding even though you can’t see him, he silences.

After 20 minutes or so, Jungkook comes out of the room looking for you.

“Noona?” He whispers timidly around the few people in the quiet room, but your head immediately perks up.

Shooting up, you rush over to him, sensing his heart rate.

“What happened?”

“Nothing,” He laughs, sniffling right after.

“We just talked about a couple serious things, I’ll be okay, Noona.” He sniffles again and you dig in your bookbag, taking out a mini packet of tissues, handing it to him. He chuckles and tears it open, using one,

“Thanks. Can we go? I’m hungry.” He sniffles out and you hold his hand, walking out with him.

Namjoon stares at Jungkook’s hunched posture as he pretends to bite your hand to lighten the mood.

“I don’t want take out, can you make me something?”

“Of course, what are you in the mood for?”

“Maybe naengmyeon or Bibimbap?”

“Well, now you made me hungry for both.” You smile at him and he chuckles evilly, his plan all along.

“You didn’t want to go check out a gym like we had planned earlier?”

He shakes his head.

“I’ve had enough exhaustion for a day, I just want to sleep and eat.” He gets in the car with you and Namjoon sits in the back, silently putting on his seatbelt.

He doesn’t want to interrupt his time with you.

“Yoongi won’t be home until like 5 am, he has a few things to do today.” You mention, Jungkook pouts.

“I wanted to watch a new movie with him..”

“He would fall asleep halfway, Jungkook.” You tease, making him scoff.

“He’s not that old to do that.” He waves you off and suddenly taps his chin in thought, turning back to you.

“Is he..?”

“That depends on the movie you were planning on watching and how tired he is.” You pat his hand softly and he groans, leaning his head back.

When you arrive home, you get started on the food Jungkook wanted, making enough for the whole house, and seconds.

“Noona, let’s watch this movie!” Jungkook seems in a better mood than in the morning, bouncing in his seat as he flicks through movies on the tv.

“Tell me what it’s about and maybe I will.”

“It’s about zombies-”


“Wh- I wasn’t done!”

“Last time we watched a zombie movie together, you almost kicked Yoongi for waking up in the middle of the night.”

“Hey, it’s not my fault he walks so slow and groans like one when he’s barely awake.” He points an upset finger at you and continues to look through the selections.

“(Y/n)?” Namjoon startles you when he calls out directly behind you, jumping away when you toss the metal spoon behind you.

“Yes?” You respond, going to pick it up.

“You have a minute?” He plays with his sweater and you wash the spoon, nodding.

“While I make this, yes.” You look up at him and he rolls his lips between his teeth, teetering on what to say.

“I, want to make more friends.”


“You’re not upset?”

You blink.

“Why would I be upset over you wanting to socialize?”

“You looked a little upset earlier, with the girl with the pretty ears.” He scratches his neck and you stop cutting the vegetables.

“I, was only upset because you let her do more than she should have.” You smile stiffly, going back to cutting.

“So, you don’t mind if I’m friends with girls?”

“Namjoon, you’re a grown man. I can’t control who you’re friends with.”

“Great, can you take me back to the bookstore tomorrow so that I can get the girl’s number?” He smiles and you suddenly cut the vegetables with so much aggression your finger becomes one.

Noona!” Jungkook jumps up when he hears you stop and smells the blood, pulling Namjoon out of the way and running your finger under the water.

“Noona are you okay?” He asks, watching as the blood goes down the sink.


“Noona!” He shakes you and you blink, only realizing what happened.

“Oh my god-” You pull your hand out from under the water and grab a few paper towels, squeezing your finger with them.

“I’m okay, this happens all the time. Do me a favor and get me the aid kit from the bathroom, please?” You smile at Jungkook and he hesitantly leaves to get it.

You take a seat on the chair by the island and Namjoon stares at you.



“Are you upset?”

“I’m upset I hurt myself when I just got healed. Another thing for Yoongi to scold me over.” You sigh, watching Jungkook rush back with the box.

He opens it and does as he’s told, carefully disinfecting you and wrapping up your finger in gauze.

“Thank you, Kookie. You took care of me very well.” You ruffle his hair with your right hand and go to finish cooking.

You clean the knife and throw away the soiled vegetables, cleaning the cutting board and starting over.

Jungkook pulls Namjoon away from you into the living room.

“You can’t distract her when she’s using sharp utensils, Namjoon.” He scolds him, sitting back down.

Yoongi walks through the door later in the day right when the food is finished, taking a deep inhale at the smell.

“Something smells-” He stops as he’s putting his jacket up, looking at you as you serve the two boys a plate.

“Like blood, what did you do?” He rushes over and tosses the rest of his stuff on the floor.

You wave your left injured pointer finger.

“Accident.” You smile, making him uneasy.

“Yoongi hyung!” Jungkook jumps off the couch and Yoongi sniffs him, startling the bunny.

“You helped her.”

“And he did a very good job of it.” You look at him pointedly and Yoongi gives him a soft pat on the shoulder.

“Thanks.” He walks back to his discarded items and Jungkook is beaming at you, his little tail wiggling in pride and excitement.

Yoongi takes his stuff to his room and Namjoon knocks on his door before entering his territory.

“Come in.”

He opens the door slowly, looking around the room and closing the door behind him.

“What is it?” Yoongi charges his electronics and Namjoon pushes his hair out of his face.

“It’s about (Y/n)..”

Yoongi takes a seat on the bed, waiting.

“She’s been acting, stiff..around me..”


“This morning.”

“What happened?”

“Nothing really. She got upset that I let a fox girl help me with some stuff and then proceeded to ask me about what we talked about.”

Yoongi waits for him to finish. He doesn’t.


“And what?”

“What did you talk about?”

“Oh! Uh, I told her about how the girl said my ears were cute, and I said hers were pretty.”

Yoongi’s face drops.

“Then I asked her if she was upset about said girl with the pretty ears, and asked if she could take me back so I could get her number.”

Yoongi has his head in his hands by the time Namjoon is done talking, making him worry more.

“Okay, so, couple discrepancies here. One, you’re talking about a,” He waves his hands around to find a word but decides he can’t find a better one.

Prettygirl, around her. Two, you’re asking her to help you be with said girl. Three, did you ever say anything to (Y/n) about her ears, when she had them?”

Namjoon slowly shakes his head.

“Ah, that makes it worse. Okay, (Y/n) has this, ordeal, about her wolf ears. She misses them, of course, but doesn’t like the problems they come with.”

“I don’t understand..”

“She thinks she looks better with them, but doesn’t want another identity crisis to happen. Or another hospital experiment to happen.”

“She wants them back?”

“I don’t know, what she wants. She’s always changing her mind. Point is, don’t talk about girls with her. Especially not about their ears.”


“What is it now?”

“I still, kind of don’t understand why not.”

“She’s jealous, you dolt. She’s jealous that another girl has your attention, god.” Yoongi throws his hands up in the air and Namjoon’s cheeks redden.

“Why would she be jealous?”

“Namjoon, get out.” Yoongi hides his face behind his hand and points out the door.

“Don’t eat so quickly you’re going to choke.” You pat a coughing Jungkook’s back, fanning him with a nearby notebook.

“Too late.” He chokes out between coughs, trying not to let food fly out of his mouth.

You refill his glass of water and continue patting him until he finishes coughing.

“(Y/n)?” Namjoon finally speaks up when Jungkook finishes choking, catching your attention.

“Can we talk? Alone?” He plays with the strings of his sweater and you look down at Jungkook who’s already eating again.

“Yeah.” You follow him as he leads you up to his room and Yoongi comes out of his, going to serve himself.

When you both make it up to his room, you stand aside as he closes the door behind him.

“Everything okay?” You ask.

“Are you jealous?” He suddenly asks and your face flushes.

“I’m sorry?”

“Of the girl?”

You stiffen.


“There, you’re doing it again!”

“What am I doing?!”

“Getting all stiff and weird!” He sits on the bed and you frown.

“Why are you getting jealous over some girl?”

You scoff loudly.

“I have no reason to get jealous over her.”

“Then why areyou?”

You stare at each other and you look at his koala ears, feeling your own flick, if you had them.

You slide down the wall and curl up your knees to your chest.

You mumble something and he leans forward.


“I miss them..and you’ve never said mine were pretty..” You’re too embarrassed to look anywhere but the floor, realizing how stupid you’re being.

He straightens and watches your unmoving nature, watching your chest struggle to take deep, full breaths.

“I didn’t think I needed to..” He says and you wince, hiding your face in your arms that are resting on your knees. He said the wrong thing.

“I didn’t mean it like that.” He gets off the bed and sits next to you, your shoulder touching his arm.

“I meant, I didn’t think I needed to say they were pretty because I thought you knew.” He looks down at you and you don’t face him.

“No one ever called them pretty…or anything nice..” You sniffle and he realizes you’re crying, something you don’t do often in front of anyone.

“I liked them, but the more I got tested on, the worse they got…” You quickly wipe your face and his eyes never leave you.

“Even before I got played with, no one ever said anything good about them.. So I thought it was for the best that they got removed.” You laugh to choke back a sob, not daring to look at him.

“I miss them.. Even if no one said anything good about them..I felt like they added onto me, like earrings on a pretty girl..It made her look prettier with such a small detail..” You sniffle and wipe your face with your sleeve again.

Namjoon digs in his pocket and pulls out the pack of tissues you gave Jungkook earlier, taking one out and tapping your arm softly.

When you look up at him, he holds your chin and wipes your face from your tears gently, your eyes closing when he dabs them.

“I think you look pretty with and without them. You’ve always been the same pretty girl to me, hybrid or not.” He rubs his thumb over your cheek and you keep your eyes on him, feeling your neck heat up.

“Am I prettier than her?” You whisper, slightly embarrassed.

He chuckles deeply, pressing his forehead to yours.

“She doesn’t even compare to you.”



Stubborn Hugs Pt.23

Pairing: Hybrid Namjoon x Reader, Occasional OT7 x Reader, Occasional character x character ✨

Warnings: Angst

Word count: 3k

“Hey, you don’t have to answer this if you don’t want to, but why doesn’t Jimin have to wear a bracelet even though he’s recently adopted?? Namjoon sits up in the car and Taehyung glances at him.

“He was adopted under different circumstances.” You keep your answer vague, Namjoon understands it’s not your place to explain. Although, Jimin might not even remember.

“So? How did you get adopted?” Taehyung suddenly asks and everyone looks at him.

“Taehyung.” You stop him but Namjoon decides otherwise.

“What time?”


“What adoption are you asking me about?”

“Namjoon.” You stop him as well.

The car is silent for a few minutes and you continue looking outside.

“I only asked because he asked about Jimin-”

“Taehyung, he gave me the option to not answer and I kept it vague. We’re not doing this again.”

Taehyung rolls his eyes and looks outside, crossing his arms.

You all quietly let the music play in the car and Namjoon stares at your head, trying to imagine what your wolf ears would look like if you kept them. Not like you had a choice, of course.

You shake your head aggressively as if you feel something land on you, turning your head in his direction.

Namjoon keeps his big eyes on you and you unknowingly begin a staring contest with him, making him smile when he realizes what you’re doing.

He keeps it up until his eyes are watering, your own still not unwavering.

“Augh-” He blinks harshly and tears run down his face, making you laugh.

“I win!”

“No fair! Again!”

“No, not again. Your eyes are dry.” You giggle and he smiles, looking outside the window.

Taehyung stares into the rearview mirror and Yoongi glances at it to look behind him on the road, but jumps when he sees Taehyung’s dark eyes staring him dead in the face.

“I’m driving Taehyung, no I am not going to play staring contest with you.”


When you all arrive at the restaurant, Jimin hops out of Hoseok’s car and Jungkook holds his hand as to not let him wander away from the group. Namjoon stares at their hands and glances at yours when you reach for the seatbelt once Yoongi parks the car.

He takes off his seatbelt and walks behind you, watching your hair flutter around in the wind.

“Namjoon?” You call after him and he jumps, blinking rapidly.


“I said you’re gonna get run over, come on.” You wave him over hurriedly when a car beeps at him, scaring him over to your side.

You hum in amusement, keeping the two newbies close to you.

“What kind of restaurant is this?” Jungkook asks and Jin talks to the hostess about your reservation.

“It’s mostly for hybrids, but they welcome regular people if they decide to come in.” Yoongi explains as the hostess walks you all over to a private soundproof room.

Jungkook, Namjoon, and Jimin look around as you all walk in the room, the door shutting behind you.

“Why do we need a private room?” Jungkook asks.

“We usually ask for one whenever we bring (Y/n) along, or whenever the whole group comes. Some people get upset that a human is coming into a hybrid safe space, even though humans come in sometimes.” Hoseok looks at the menus left on the table.

“This place is usually mindful of loud noises, since most of the hybrids here have sensitive hearing.” Taehyung glances at Yoongi and Yoongi immediately glances back, making Taehyung look away.

“You work in a studio..” Namjoon comments and Yoongi looks at him.

“I keep the volume on low unless needed otherwise.” He shrugs.

“He do be sensitive.” Jimin whispers.

“Taehyung, stop teaching him that.” Jin squints and Taehyung chuckles evilly.

Everyone begins to look through the menu, Namjoon and Jungkook going to both the Herbivore and Carnivore mix of the menu.

“This is so nice, it seems to be really inclusive.” Namjoon praises and you lean over to look at what he’s looking at.

Different foods that have different amounts of either more vegetables than meat or vice versa, giving them the option to make their own food at their comfort.

You stay in the carnivore section of the menu and Yoongi peeks over to your menu as if he doesn’t have the same exact section open.

“What are you getting?” He whispers to you and you whip your head around from his sudden proximity.

“I don’t know yet, I’ll probably get what I always get here.” You whisper back and he nods, looking through your menu instead of his own.

“Flip the page.” He says and you follow, stammering when you realize what you did.

“Yoongi.” You say in amusement.


“Flip your page for me.” You say, watching him.

“Oh, sorry.” He flips his page for you and you snort, browsing through hismenu.

When the waiter comes, he closes the door behind him and pauses when he sees you.

“Are you all ready to order?” He starts, taking out his notepad and pen.

You let everyone order first and he nods, writing everything down.

When it comes to you, you barely have the chance to open your mouth before he begins to walk away.

“Excuse me,” You say loud enough that you know he can’t ignore you. He turns around and you raise a brow at him.

“I would like to order something as well.” You pile everyone’s menus on top of yours, not taking your eyes off him. His black wolf ears flick in annoyance, his tail smacking the door.

“Okay.” He doesn’t take out his notepad and you just take it as he’ll remember your order.

You say what you would like and he keeps his arms crossed as you speak. When you finish, you look up at him.

“Thank you.” You flash your eyes golden for a second and he jumps, taken aback.

He searches for the doorknob behind him and stumbles out of the room.

“Why did he do that?” Jungkook asks, leaning over the table to get a good look at you.

“Why did he run away or why was he rude?” Hoseok picks at the table.


“She looks human, not a lot of people have good experiences with them, as you would know. And he ran away because she did that.” Jin points to you and you continuously change your eye color from (e/c) to golden. You suddenly get a headache and you stop, closing your eyes and holding your head.

“I told you not to do it so fast like that.” Yoongi says worried, making sure you’re okay.

“It..looks kind of suspicious when you have one human and almost ten hybrids.” Hoseok says gently and Jungkook looks at everyone.

“We all look healthy, why is that suspicious?”

“Just because we look the part, doesn’t mean we are, Jungkook.” Namjoon reminds him.


“Regardless, I don’t think he should have been rude. I didn’t do anything to offend him, other than the fact that I’m technically human.” You lean your cheek in your hand and rest your elbow on the table, sighing.

“No, you didn’t do anything.” Taehyung reassures and Yoongi keeps his eyes on the door.

“Does that happen often?” Namjoon raises the question.

You shrug.

“Depends on the situation and location. So as long as I look human, most hybrids dislike me.”

“But if you still had your animal features, humans would hate you..” Jungkook says sadly and you shrug again, not fazed by his words.

“You never win in this situation, huh?” Namjoon says and you smile sadly, shaking your head.

“So as long as I’m alive, I will never win.”

After dinner, Yoongi had driven back home again, watching you struggle to keep your eyes open in the car.

“You can go to sleep, (Y/n).” He says in your head and you shake your head in response.

“I want to keep you company..”

“You can keep me company in the house.”

You shake your head softly and he sighs, knowing you’re not going to listen to him.

Yoongi glances at you every now and then during the ride, a small entertained smile on his lips whenever your head lolls a little too much, causing you to wake up and start all over again.

He gently holds your hand and you smile sleepily when you feel his familiar warmth, holding it as tight as you can in your sleepy state.

When you all arrive home, he takes you inside first quietly along with Hoseok who’s carrying Jimin. He places you in his bed and comes back out to the car full of sleeping hybrids.

He would shake them awake, but he doesn’t know if that would cause a bad reaction in either of them.

“Namjoon, Taehyung, let’s go, we’re back.” Yoongi taps their legs from the front seat and Namjoon immediately sits up, startling Yoongi.

“Jesus Christ, you fucking demon. Get inside you’re gonna give me a heart attack, you look like you saw a damn ghost.” Yoongi slaps his thigh and Namjoon’s wide eyes go back to their sleepy state, sluggishly heading inside.

Taehyung doesn’t seem like he’ll be waking up anytime soon.

Hoseok and Jin come by once Jungkook has been woken up and inside, checking on Yoongi.

“Is he awake?” Jin crawls in the backseat and Yoongi shakes his head.

Hoseok stares at him and his brows furrow, getting closer.

“He doesn’t look like he’s breathing..” He comments and both of them whip their heads in his direction, eyes wide with fear.

Jin quickly puts his ear in front of Taehyung’s mouth and presses two fingers on his neck where the easiest spot of his pulse would be.

They both stare at the oldest in anticipation.

Jin sighs out a breath of relief and pulls away when he knows the bear is alive.

“He’s okay. Don’t say that shit Hoseok you’re gonna kill both of us.” Jin leans back into the bear’s neck and Hoseok flushes.


Jin suddenly bites into Taehyung’s neck and the two gasp, jumping back when Taehyung’s eyes shoot open and attempt to grab at whoever attacked him.

Jin grabs his wrist and pins them to the back of Taehyung’s neck, crossing them.

“Relax, breathe, it’s just me.” Jin lets Taehyung take a couple seconds to realize who bit him, closing his eyes and taking in Jin’s scent.

Taehyung sighs, relaxing his stiff and tense body, Jin releasing him.

“You need to find a different way of waking me up. I don’t want to hurt you.”

“And leave you to get sick in the car? Not an option. Let’s go.” Jin leads his leg out first and crawls out, Taehyung following Hoseok inside.

Yoongi shuts the door and Jin walks inside with him.

“I usually just wait it out.” He says, catching Jin’s attention.

“That’s a waste of time. And he’s told me he doesn’t like that, he feels like he’s being watched.”

Yoongi stops right in front of the door.

“Why didn’t he say anything?”

“He knows that you are helping, and that’s the safest way for everyone, but he says it brings back memories sometimes.”

“I don’t think I know his whole story, then..” Yoongi walks inside the house and Jin walks with him, shutting the door behind them.

Namjoon heads into his room and opens the door, frowning when he sees his bed is still done. He changes into his pajamas and brushes his teeth, staring at his bed.

He goes to your room and opens the door quietly, finding Jungkook already fast asleep, fully dressed. Namjoon sighs and walks over to him, picking out his pajamas and closing his eyes, undressing him carefully and putting his pajamas on.

Jungkook can sleep now, but he’ll be uncomfortable for the rest of the night and be too lazy to change in the middle of the night.

Namjoon leaves the room after he’s done and goes down to the living room, looking around.

“If you’re looking for her, she’s staying in my room.” Yoongi says with a toothbrush in his hand.

Namjoon jumps.

“Ah, no I wasn’t looking for her.” He scratches the back of his head and Yoongi stares at him, continuing to brush his teeth.

Namjoon blinks and looks around the room, unsure of what to say or do next.

Yoongi doesn’t stop brushing, raising a brow.

“Okay I was.” His cheeks dust pink and Yoongi goes back to the bathroom, rinsing and drying his mouth.

When he finishes, he comes back out and stops in front of Namjoon.

“She’s still recovering, so she’ll be staying with me. Is there a reason you’re looking for her?”

Namjoon looks down at him.

Just a general question, no judgement.

“Yeah, I.. I don’t like to sleep alone.” Namjoon squeezes his eyes shut and opens them when he doesn’t hear Yoongi laughing.

Yoongi just stares at him and walks into Hoseok’s room, both of them coming out.

“I can sleep with Jin today, you can go ahead and sleep with Mimi today.” Hoseok smiles at him and Namjoon’s cheeks turn a darker shade of pink.


“Jimin, I mean. Or would you prefer to sleep with me?” Hoseok tilts his head and Namjoon looks into his room.

“I’ll..sleep with him today..” Namjoon whispers and both of them nod, heading into their rooms.

Namjoon shuffles into Hoseok’s room and crawls into the bed, blushing at the thought of crawling into someone else’s bed.

Jimin frowns, rolling from his side to his back, making a little ‘mrrp’ noise.

Namjoon stills, afraid he’ll wake the cat.

When Jimin’s breathing slows, Namjoon lays down and Jimin shimmies his way into Namjoon’s side, taking in his warmth.

He stares down at the cat, unsure of what to do. Jimin begins quietly purring when he senses Namjoon’s stress, calming him down.

Eventually, Namjoon falls asleep and cuddles Jimin closer to him, huddled under the blanket together.

Yoongi sits on his bed and watches you roll around after you’ve slowly and sleepily changed into one of his shirts, digging your head into his sheets.

He hums in amusement and pets your hair, brushing it away from your face.

“One day you’ll win. I will make sure of it..”

Jimin slowly uncurls from his ball position, stretching out his entire body and embraces Hoseok’s body, smiling when he moves around.

Jimin digs his head in Hoseok’s chest, pausing when he feels more muscle than normal, a deep sound resonating from the body.

He slowly looks up and sees Namjoon’s faded purple hair and koala ears, flicking when he hears movement.

Jimin looks down at Namjoon’s large chest and wiggles away, face red.

“Jimin..?” Namjoon says groggily, looking around for him.

He leans over the side of the bed and sees a cowering Jimin, not able to look at him.

“Why are you on the floor..?” Namjoon pets his ears and smiles slightly when he hears the cat purring, leaning in closer to his hand.

“Come on, get on the bed.” He tells him, pulling him up softly.

Jimin crawls back on the bed, keeping his eyes away from the koala’s chest so as to not run away again.

They lay under the covers a little longer until Jimin sits up, hearing footsteps coming down from the stairs.

Four knocks touch the door and Jimin crawls over Namjoon’s legs.

“Hobi!” Jimin runs to the door and whips it open, excited to see his favorite person.

Besides you, of course.

“Mimi!” Hoseok whisper yells, hugging him.

Namjoon turns over in the bed and Hoseok walks into the room, Jimin trailing after him.

“How did you sleep?”

“Good.” Namjoon whispers and he nods, patting Jimin’s back.

“Go wake up the others for me.” He tells him, ruffling Jimin’s already messy bed hair.

He does as he’s told and heads to Jin’s room first.

“How did you actually sleep?” Hoseok asks again, knowing Joon was just lying for Jimin’s sake.

“I didn’t sleep much, I was worried I was going to scare him awake..” Namjoon rubs the sleepiness out of his eyes and Hoseok frowns.

“Why would you scare him awake?”


“Yoongi, I’m fine. Thank you for waking me up, Jimin.” Both of them turn their heads in the direction of the door where you’re standing.

“Good morning you two.” You greet, your arm already covered in new bandages.

“Morning.” They both reply, exiting the room and going into the kitchen, taking a seat when you and Jin head for the stove.

Yoongi and Hoseok momentarily leave the house to get all the plushes left in the cars, coming back in and tossing them in the living room.

“Hey, no. Go sit down.” Jin blocks you from getting near the stove and you frown.


“Sit.” Yoongi gently yet firmly guides you to your spot at the head of the island, giving your head a soft kiss.


“I got it, I got it.” Taehyung gets dragged by Jimin out of his room, sitting him down next to Yoongi.

“Where’s Jungkook?” You ask.

“He didn’t want to wake up.” Jimin says, leaning his head on a sleepy Taehyung’s shoulder.

“I’ll go get him. Yoongi, you cook.” Hoseok leaves the room and Yoongi rolls his eyes, getting off his seat and going to help Jin.

When Hoseok gets to your room and knocks four times, he opens the door when he doesn’t respond.

“Jungkook?” He pokes his head in, looking around the room for the bunny.


“Jungkook, it’s breakfast time.”

“I’m not hungry..”

“Huh? You’re always hungry. What’s wrong?” Hoseok steps into the room and sits next to the unmoving lump in the bed.

“I’m just tired.”

“Mm. Okay, do you want me to save you some food for later when you feel hungry?”


“Alright, I’ll come up every now and then to check on you.” Hoseok rubs his cheek on the blanket where Jungkook’s head is, leaving a comforting scent behind.

He leaves the room and comes back down, seeing you staring outside.

“She’ll probably come back in a month. Jiu likes to make sure you guys are doing okay. And she probably knows what you did.” Yoongi places freshly cooked eggs on everyone’s plates and Namjoon cringes.

“Don’t remind me.”

“Why, you having regrets?” Jin turns to him and wiggles his eyebrows knowingly, making Namjoon blush.

“Change the subject.”

“He’s lonely.” You say suddenly, not giving context. Everyone looks at Hoseok and he nods.

“He said he’s tired. Besides Taehyung, he’s the only one that slept alone last night.” Hobi ruffles the back of his hair and Taehyung looks up.

“I’m, not too comfortable when sleeping with people often.” Taehyung explains for Namjoon to understand.

“We’ll have to pair up. Jin usually sleeps alone, and the two don’t interact as much. Jungkook will sleep with Jin.” You stare at Jin and he nods, continuing to make french toast.

“Sleeping with Yoongi doesn’t happen often, I know he likes his space. This is just until he decides I’m fully healed.” You close your eyes and wince when you accidentally bump your arm into the counter, making Yoongi whip his head around.

“Which doesn’t seem to be happening any time soon.” Namjoon comments and clears his throat, making you slap his wrist.

“Ow.” He chuckles and Hoseok sits down.

“So, Jin and Jungkook, Yoongi and (Y/N), Jimin, me and Namjoon can sleep together. Or I could sleep alone.”

“I’ll take Jimin, you can sleep with the kid.” Taehyung leans his cheek in his palm and Namjoon sits up, opening his hands up to the air like what the hell.

“I’m older than you.”

“Not by how long you’ve lived in this house, you’re not.”

Namjoon raises a finger in Taehyung’s direction, wagging it to come up with a point, then setting it back down when he doesn’t have an argument.

“You got me there.”

“Are you sure you’ll be okay, Taehyung?” You voice your concern.

“I have to hold something when I sleep, and from what Hobi has told me, Jimin sleeps like a log. I don’t think I’ll notice too much. And if I do, I’ll just give him back.”

“He’s not a pillow, Taehyung.” Jin sets the french toast on everyone’s plate and takes a seat after covering Jungkook’s plate with aluminum.

After seeing everyone has begun eating, you begin to eat as well, making Namjoon smile with your habits.



Stubborn Hugs Pt. 22

Pairing: Hybrid Namjoon x Reader, Occasional OT7 x Reader, Occasional character x character ✨

Warnings: None

Word count: 3k

When you arrive at the arcade, Yoongi barely parks when you shoot out the car, startling Namjoon.

You jump and run around excitedly and the boys smile at your excited puppy likeness.

“She reminds me of a golden retriever..” Namjoon comments and Jin smiles.

“It is part of her genetics.” He stands next to him and cringes when he sees the bracelet on Namjoon’s wrist.

“Don’t make that face, you’re not the one wearing it.” Namjoon squints and Hoseok collects you, making you giggle when he finally catches you.

“Alright, let’s head inside.” Yoongi holds your right hand and leads everyone inside.

“How does this work?” Jungkook looks at a sign reading the instructions of how the game cards work.

“We have one card, and we put at least 50 dollars for each person that works, and since we haven’t been here since before we got Jimin, we’ll have to find a new method.” Hoseok taps his chin and you look up at the board for how the cards work.

“Each of you pays 80.” Namjoon suddenly says as Hoseok is taking his phone out.

“What? You ask.

“If you all usually pay 50 for each person, but there’s only three of us that are jobless and five of you, the even distribution between you five would be 30 for us. 50 times 3 is 150 but 150 divided by 5 is 30. You’d pay 80 each in total.” He explains and everyone suddenly looks at you, who is staring at him with wide eyes.

“(Y/n), you’re in public.” Jin reminds you and you jump, your face beet red.

“Okay! 30 it is!” You start walking towards the registers and Yoongi follows.

“80.” He corrects and you whip your head in his direction, startling him.

“Just send me the money.” You whisper and he blushes, nodding.


Everyone sends you money and you wait until they all come through into your account, making sure the three newbies stay close.

When you put the money in the account, Jimin tries to see the receipt but you hide it before he can.

“How much was it in total, Noona?”

“Nothing to worry about, Jiminie.”

“400.” Namjoon butts in and you swat him away.

“T-that’s a lot, Noona!” He looks at you worried and you kiss his forehead.”

“I didn’t pay all that myself so it’s okay, it’s fair.” You smile at him and all of you walk to where the games are.

“Why do you only use one card?” Jungkook asks and you hand it to Yoongi who has already found a game.

“We get points faster that way. The more points we earn, the more rewards we can get.” You follow Yoongi and watch as he hands the card to Jin and Hoseok, who go straight to the air hockey table.

“But doesn’t that mean you have to stay close by to pass the card around?”

“We’re patient. Besides, we have all day to play all the games we want.” You watch Yoongi make a character jump up on platforms to reach the top without falling.

“Do we have to stay close to you?” Namjoon asks and you look up at him.

“Not here no, but here.” You take their wrists and rub them against yours, taking their scents onto your skin.

“I’ll be able to find you regardless of distance since I’ve memorized your scent and breathing pattern, this is just for you. Besides, you have our trust link.” You tap your head and they nod.

“Just meet up with me when you’re done.” You smile and they walk away except for Jimin, whose eyes are trained on the jumping character, his tail flicking whenever it jumps on a higher platform.

Namjoon walks to Hoseok and watches both him and Jin hit the disk across the table, jumping away when Hoseok accidentally hits it hard enough that it flies off the table.

“Watch it man, almost hit my dick.” Jin swears and Namjoon snorts, turning away when Jin’s sugar glider ear flicks in his direction in annoyance.

“Wah..” Jungkook stares at the two girls playing a dancing game with arrows at a rapid speed.

His bunny ears twitch with every step they take and you cheer Yoongi on when he finishes the game, reaching the very end and receiving a large sum of points.

“You wanna play?” Taehyung walks up to him and Jungkook plays with his shirt.


“You’ve been staring at it since we got here.” He looks towards the game.

“I don’t know how to play.” He says sheepishly and Taehyung walks to Hoseok, taking the card out of his pocket and makes his way to the dance game, dragging Jungkook with him.

“W-wait they’re still playing!” Jungkook panics and Taehyung stops right behind them, watching them finish up a song.

“We’ll queue. I’ll show you how to play.” He smiles at him and Jungkook stares at the screen as the girls hit every move.

“See? They’re done.” He walks up closer and clears his throat, catching their attention before they pick another song.

“Can we play next?” Taehyung asks with a soft smile, his bear ears flicking at them.

“O-oh, sure.” They hurriedly hop off and Taehyung pulls Jungkook onto the platform.

“I’ll pick the easy mode so that you don’t get too overwhelmed.” He uses the arrows on the floor to navigate through the songs and Jungkook jumps when he feels a hand on his back.

“I knew you’d come to this game first.” Hoseok says and leans against the railing leading to the bathrooms.

“But I don’t even know what this is..”

“You’ll know.” He waves him off and Taehyung chooses a song by a japanese girl with colored hair.

“Who is that?”

“I can never remember the name but all I know is that she’s not real.” He shrugs and the song starts.

Jungkook struggles to time the steps but eventually gets the hang of it, his bunny smile coming into view and he progressively gets better.

When the song ends, Hoseok claps for him excitedly.

“You did good for someone who didn’t know what this is.” He pats Jungkook on the back and you come by and take the card from Taehyung.

“Can we do another one?” Jungkook looks up at him and he nods, stealing the card from your hands before you even have the chance to turn away.


“Just one second.” Taehyung swipes the card on the machine, handing the card back to you.

You follow Jimin to a game he wanted to play and Jin along with Namjoon join the boys.

“You can pick the next song you wanna play.” Taehyung steps off the platform and Hoseok stands in his place.

“You’re playing next?” Jungkook seems a little nervous to dance with the dance teacher of the group.

“Don’t worry, I’m not too good at these.” He takes Jungkook’s worry away and Jungkook doesn’t seem so sure.

He picks out a song from a famous girl group and sets it to moderate speed.

“Uh, you sure you wanna go that fast already?” Jin steps next to Taehyung, leaning on the railing to get a better view.

“It was a little too slow at first for me.” He cracks his knuckles and both Jin and Hoseok raise their eyebrows at each other.

After some time of using the game, Jungkook had beaten every member and the two girls who were playing earlier.

“Luckily for you, the girls had used their cards for their rounds with you so you still have money to play other games.” Yoongi watches you come up with Jimin, water bottles in both of your hands.

“Here.” You hand each of them a water bottle and they gladfully take it.

“Maybe you should come to my class, you certainly have the energy for it.” Hoseok says slightly out of breath.

Namjoon looks at a mario kart section and wanders over to it.

A woman stares at him and Namjoon frowns, turning away and walking back to you.

“Can we play that one?” He taps your shoulder, catching your attention.

You lean over to look at the game and you nod, following him to the mario kart section.

The others follow you and you take your place in the first seat, Namjoon in the second.

Hoseok rushes into the third seat and Jin sits in the last seat.

You swipe the card and pass it down along the line, Yoongi taking it away from Jin when he swipes it.

The same woman from before comes by to watch and stands behind Namjoon’s seat.

You laugh when the race starts and Namjoon starts screaming in panic.

“I can’t drive!” Namjoon announces and you struggle to keep your eyes on the road.

You suggested this game!” Jin shouts, cursing when he gets hit by a red shell.

“Hoseok, I will eat you.” He threatens, making Hoseok laugh loudly.

“No, no no! Namjoon!!” You kick your feet exasperatedly when he throws a blue shell at you, making you lose your number one spot.

“Literally, how are you in first place?” Yoongi comments, shooing the woman away.

She scowls and takes her leave, but never takes her eyes off him.

“Asking the real questions.” Taehyung wags his finger at Yoongi and Namjoon throws his hands in the air when you hit him with a shell as well, losing his number one spot and so graciously handing it to you.

“Spoke too soon.” Yoongi covers his mouth in amusement and Namjoon hops off, letting the others play.

“Hungry?” You ask.

“Yeah, how did you know?”

“I can smell your desperation for food off of you.”

“Who is that?” Jimin cuts in, pointing behind you.

“Jimin, no pointing.” You cover his finger and look, the woman from before standing there.

“I don’t know.”

“She’s been staring at me since we got here..” Namjoon looks everywhere but at her, making you frown.

You let go of Jimin and begin walking in the lady’s direction but Namjoon suddenly picks you up and walks away.


“She’s gonna fight that lady, watch over her.” Namjoon places you in Taehyung’s lap who is now sitting in the mario kart seat, ready to play.


“Not the point. Don’t let her get away.”

Taehyung happily wraps his arms around you and keeps you facing the other members next to him. Which was a mistake on his part. Because now you’re death glaring at the lady and Namjoon is trying his best not to laugh.

“Noona, why are you glaring at the woman?” Jimin asks but Namjoon gently hovers his hand over Jimin’s mouth.

“I don’t think she’s gonna wanna answer that question.” Namjoon ruffles his hair softly and Jimin giggles, suddenly hugging him.

Namjoon stays still and Jimin rubs his cheeks into his chest.

“I win!” Jin shoots up from his seat and Yoongi whines, leaning his head on the headrest.

“Woah, (Y/n), you okay?” Jin stops his triumph and stands behind you.

“Someone’s been making Namjoon uncomfortable.” Taehyung pets your hair and you sit alert when she starts walking over.

“No, I’m not getting between this.” Taehyung lets you go and you pull Namjoon and Jimin behind you.

“Relax lady, I’m here to adopt.” She crosses her arms and your face doesn’t falter.

“They’re not adoptable.”

“Then why do you have so many?”

“They’re my family.”

She laughs, not taking you seriously.

“They’re not family, they’re pets.”

“Which explains why you don’t have any hybrids around you.” You spit, making her frown.

“Just give me the adoption papers for the koala and we’ll be through here.”

“The hell I will.”

You don’t get to keep so many hybrids to yourself. You’re being selfish.”

“For what, letting them get a chance to have their independence years?”

She gasps as if you said you eat them for a living.

“You’re letting them roam free?!”

“Watch it.” You pull Jungkook behind you along with Taehyung.

She scoffs.

“What, are you so desperate to be a hybrid you’ve surrounded yourself with them? Is that why you’re so desperate to keep all of them? Just hand the most recent one over, you’ll be less attached to it.” She snaps her fingers in demand and Taehyung grabs your wrist before you’re able to step closer to her.

“How cute, you have to have your little bear stop you.” She gets closer and reaches for Namjoon’s wrist but you, Yoongi, and Jin dig your claws into her arm before she even gets near him.

She gasps and tries pulling herself away from you three.

“I’ll report you to the hybrid control! Let me go!”

“And what will you report? That you harassed my family and proceeded to threaten their safety when they’re rescues?”

“You have no proof.” She manages to rip her arm away from Jin and Yoongi, but not you.

Hoseok pulls out his phone and plays back the video of the entire interaction, making her eyes go wide.

“Run that by me again?” You dig your nails deeper into her skin and she hisses.

“I don’t want to see your face back here again. You’re wasting my time and their comfort.” You release her and she rushes away, holding her arm.

“Noona!” Jimin runs to you and checks your nails which are now back to normal.

“I’m alright. Are you all okay?” You look at them and they nod, checking on Namjoon.

“You good, man?” Taehyung sniffs Namjoon to make sure but Namjoon doesn’t respond.

“You can keep playing, I’ll keep watch.” You hold Jimin’s hand as Taehyung gives the card to Hoseok.

“Are you sure we shouldn’t stick close?” Jungkook steps up and you shake your head.

“As long as the four of you are with one of us four, you’re safe. Usually Taehyung is able to wander but since this incident happened, we’re going to have to be paired. If one of you wants to play with a different member, just switch, yeah?” You explain and they nod, Jimin wanders over to Hoseok, Jungkook to Yoongi, Taehyung to Jin, and Namjoon to you.

You all follow each other to the first game you’ve decided to play and pass the card around as time goes by.

Namjoon has been choosing games that won’t strain your arm but will still let you have fun.

“Thanks, by the way.” He says loudly over the arcade noises.


“You didn’t let her take me.” He says and you look up at him.

“Don’t thank me for something like that. She should have some respect. She’s lucky we were in public.” You cross your arms and he hums in amusement.

“I don’t think being in public would stop you.” He teases, not paying attention to any of the games around him.

You scoff.

“I have decency. I didn’t want to do anything in public because it means risking the four of you.” You glance at him and he seems confused.

“Why do you keep saying four? Isn’t it just Jungkook, Jimin and I?”

“No, Taehyung isn’t done with his year of working.”


“He’s 24. I found him when he was 23, and his birthday is late in the year. They start the 2 year process on their birthday regardless of the time you adopt them.”

“You found me in like, November of last year.”

“I know. Unfortunately, since you weren’t adopted by the time your birthday came around, you’ll have to wait until next year for your years to start, along with Jungkook.”

“That’s stupid.”

“It is, I’m sorry.” You frown at him and he rubs his neck.

“I’ve been..restarting for so long so another year couldn’t hurt.” He smiles at you and you blush, thanking the flashing lights of the arcade for covering you.

“Mm..” You respond.

“Do you wanna play something else before we go?” He walks closer to you as people pass by him.

“No, I spent all my money.” You shrug and he looks around.

“We should eat, then.”

“Already ahead of you.” Jin walks up to you with Taehyung, waving his phone.

“I called the nearest kbbq for a reservation.” He smirks proudly.

“Thanks.” You smile at him and the others come up.

“Alright, that’s all my money.” Hoseok pulls out his bare pockets as if he was carrying cash.

“We’re gonna go to Itaewon since it’s already night time.” Jin begins walking to the nearby register to check the points on the machine.

“How do you know it’s night time?” Taehyung asks.

“My phone tells time, Taehyung.” Jin remarks and Taehyung’s cheeks dust pink.

“Ah, we can get a 200 hundred point plush for each member.” Jin says and you look around his arm.

“That’s it?”

“What, did you want to buy half the shop because we have more than enough to do so.” He brags.

“No, no. We don’t need so much crap in the house.” Yoongi butts in and you all pick out a giant plush.

Walking out of the arcade, you carry your silver-blue wolf plush to the car, using both arms to hold it properly.

“Well, at least we have more pillows for the couch.” Hoseok says, carrying his deer plush.

“As if we needed any more.” Yoongi rolls his eyes and you stare at his black cat plush.

“You didn’t need to get the plush, Yoongi.” You raise a brow and he glances at his plush, turning away from you as if you’ll take it from him.

“Shut up.”

You unlock your car and stack each other’s plush on top of each other in your trunk, Hoseok doing the same with his car.

“Alright, let’s get going.” Jin claps his hands together and you all get in your cars, watching Yoongi not even giving you the chance to get in the driver’s seat.

“How’s your arm? You didn’t play anything too rough did you?” Yoongi begins driving behind Hoseok’s car that’s leading him to the restaurant.

“I couldn’t even if I wanted to.” You joke.

“Why? Did it hurt a lot? Why didn’t you say anything? Do you need your bandages changed? Call Jin and we’ll stop so he can-”

“Yoongi, relax. I’m fine.” You hold his hand and he makes a painfully worried expression, squeezing your hand softly.

“I said that because Namjoon wouldn’t let me.” You give him a smile and he glances in the rearview mirror Namjoon looking directly back at him.

“That’s good.” He looks away and you continue the car ride in silence.


Stubborn Hugs Pt.21

Pairing: Hybrid Namjoon x Reader, Occasional OT7 x Reader, Occasional character x character ✨

Warnings: Angst

Word count: 3k

“I won’t go out, then.” You pout to Yoongi, to which he doesn’t believe but he’ll drop the topic for now.

Your eyes land on a strand of Namjoon’s hair that’s sticking up from his pillow fight earlier with Jin.

“Are you going to do anything tomorrow?” Jungkook asks Namjoon, his eyes glancing at you coming over and fixing Namjoon’s hair.

He jumps at the touch, but recognizes your touch and scent.

“No, I don’t have anything to do. Why?”

“Just..asking..” He watches you brush his hair down with your fingers, petting his koala ears as well.

Namjoon suddenly shakes his head aggressively to adjust to the feeling, then goes back to looking at Jungkook.

“What did you end up doing today?” He asks the bunny.

“Huh? Oh, I… went to talk to a doctor.” He replies, tearing his eyes away from you, grooming Namjoon.

“Are you okay? Is it your heart again?”

“No, no. My heart is fine.”

You pat Namjoon’s head when you’re done and walk to the living room, taking a seat next to Hoseok.

“What was that?” Jungkook whispers even though you can probably hear anyway.

“What was what”


“What grooming?”

“Wh- yo-” Jungkook sits straight up and blinks as if someone just spilled lipstick in his valentino white bag.

He reaches for Namjoon’s head to show him an example but Namjoon’s head flinches away, startling Jungkook.

He blinks again, trying to comprehend what just happened.

“Did- did you just flinch?” Jungkook asks, afraid of the answer.

“Well, yeah. You just went straight for it, it scared me.”

“You’ve never flinched from me.

Namjoon stares at him and thinks back.

“Oh, I haven’t, now that I think about it..”

“Then why did you do it now?”

Namjoon pauses, thinking back to what happened the other day.

No one has put him in such a low mental state like Jungkook did, not since you left the hospital and he didn’t know why you left.

Maybe that’s why he felt so harsh about you but he didn’t remember why.

“I don’t trust you.” He suddenly says and Jungkook’s eyes widen, his bunny ears flat against his head.

“What?You don’t trust me?” He stands up and you look at them.


You don’t have the right to not trust me.”

Namjoon scoffs.

“Excuse me?”

“You heard me. I never gave you any reason to distrust me.”

“Really, what about the time you made me have a severe panic attack in front of everyone? I haven’t had one of those since No-(Y/n) left the hospital. Or when you left me in the shelter even though you said you wouldn’t go anywhere without me? Or the reason for (Y/n)’s injury?”

“Don’t pin the shelter part on me, you chose to leave me here.”

“And yet, before that, you said you wouldn’t stay without me.”

“That still doesn’t excuse the fact that you should be distrusting me. Only I get to distrust you because of what you did.” Jungkook gets closer to him and you sit up in case it gets too far.

“Ineversaid you couldn’t lose trust in me. Go for it.” He shrugs and goes back to your phone which you let him borrow.

“You know, it’s unfair that you didn’t remember her and you didn’t trust her, but now that you do remember her, you trust her now despite the fact that she left you alone in that hospital. How does that make any sense?”

Namjoon tosses your phone on the counter aggressively and stands, getting in Jungkook’s face.

You hold your hand against Hoseok’s chest, who is ready to break up the fight.

“The only difference between you and her, is that she didn’t mean to leave me in that hospital and tried to keep me safe whilst she stayed. Meanwhile, you took everything I did for you as a threat, and you didn’t bother to try and keep me safe.” Namjoon laces his words with poison and watches as Jungkook’s eyes begin to water, watching Namjoon walk away to the backyard.

Yoongi stares at you and you keep your lip between your teeth, unsure of what move to make next.

If you go to Namjoon, Jungkook will begin to think you only care for him. If you go to Jungkook, Namjoon will begin to think you agree with Jungkook’s words.

Hoseok walks up to Jungkook and Yoongi walks to you, giving you a soft peck on your forehead.

“We got it.” He walks outside where Namjoon is sitting on a bench, his head in his hands.

“Hm.” Yoongi catches his attention, his head lifting from his hands.

“You two were inseparable when we met you. What happened?” Yoongi takes his spot on the swinging bench and Namjoon sighs.

“His persistence for getting out of that shelter..”

“Well, I don’t think anyone would want to stay for long.”

“Obviously not. But it was just, everyday. ‘When are we leaving again? Do you think they’ll keep us? What about Noona? Will Noona keep us?’ He kept asking things I had no answers to, and when he got approved, I obviously didn’t know what would come next. I didn’t want to leave him, but I knew one day he wouldn’t wait for me any longer.” He sighs again and leans back, staring at the sky now turning dark.

“I knew what they would have done to him had I not been there to take care of him.”

“What do you mean?”

Namjoon rolls his eyes.

“He’s young, innocent, attractive, and a bunny hybrid. That should speak for itself.” He crosses his arms and Yoongi looks through the window to see Hoseok talking to Jungkook.

“I don’t trust him because I hadn’t been in a mental state like that in so long, and he’s the last person that I thought would put me in that space again. Noon- (Y/N)!!” He shouts exasperatedly and you burst through the door, startling everyone.

“Are you okay?!”

“I-I’m fine, sorry. I was correcting myself and I got upset.” He rubs his neck and you take a deep breath, walking back inside.

“I was going to say, that (Y/n) had a different reaction because when we were younger, I would get scared and she would distract me from it. I began to..trust her again because she’s someone who took care of me and earned my respect. Of course, regardless if I remembered her or not, I don’t agree with a few things she’s said to me or done, but she’s proving to me I can trust her. And the more time I spend with her, the more she reminds me of her younger self.”

Yoongi keeps an eye on Namjoon’s reactions when you pass by the window, slight admiration in his eyes.

“What was she like?” He asks and Namjoon looks back at him.


“When she was with you.”

“Oh, she was like how she is now, just less knowledgeable, more immature, yet she grew up too soon..”

“She still wanted to be a kid when she had the chance.”

“Something like that. I remember she would play with me when we were on our own, she would make me stay as quiet as possible but try to let me have fun. One time, they gave me a plate of tangerines and they had said that if I didn’t eat them in 5 minutes, they’d test me on my appetite. I obviously wasn’t able to do that at that age, so, once they left, she took them from me and ate them all, shoving four at a time in her mouth and gave me a piece so that when they came back, it’d look like I ate them all.” He smiles at the memory and Yoongi chuckles.

“When she would come back from being tested, she would have prick holes and red skin from all the needles and I would hug her, not knowing how much pain she was in. She would always hold me whenever I got tested once a month for my health because I was in pain and I wouldn’t be in pain anymore due to her hugs. So, I thought that would help her as well.” Namjoon’s smile becomes a sad frown.

“Whenever they would try to test me for something other than my health, she would bare her fangs in such a terrifying way, her claws would come out in the size of an adult wolf and her eyes would be so red from the strain of intimidating them. They knew not to mess with her when she got like that, she put one of the new doctors in the hospital when he pushed past her to grab me.” He rubs his arms and Yoongi’s eyes become as wide as saucers.

“Did he touch you?”

“Barely even got to look at me until she attacked him. She taught me to cover my eyes and ears whenever they would come into the room in case it got to that point. I haven’t seen her gone feral since the day before she left.” He takes a deep breath and Yoongi looks at his hands.

“What did she call you, when she was there?”

Namjoon’s ears turn red.

“Namjoon. Just Namjoon.”

“Your face says otherwise.”

“She..she would call me Joon, Joonie, Namu, Nam, Monie, prince, her little koala..” Namjoon’s face turns redder and his hands creep higher up his face at every name.


“S-she would call me special and only a prince should be so taken care of, and a prince should get everything he wants in the outside world.”

“So, you were spoiled?”

“I was not!”

“Sure you weren’t, prince.” Yoongi pokes fun at him and Namjoon’s face is so red he could be mistaken for a fresh, fully grown tomato.

“Anyway, I didn’t get tested often after she left. I would threaten that she would find out and come back and they would laugh it off, not knowing that was exactly what happened. Ididn’t even know. She would always play with me even though she was all bruised and abused, never letting her pain show. She had a huge bruise on her back when they removed her tail, but I didn’t even know what they had done because she said it was broken and they were going to give her a new one. She couldn’t even stand that day without nearly falling over, she couldn’t sit down so I would play with her laying down.” Namjoon’s voice cracks and he clears his throat. Yoongi’s brows furrowed in worry.

“She got her ears removed, I think some time before she left. But I didn’t notice because she would always wear a hat around that time, so I thought she was cold in the room.” He shrugs and drags a rough hand over his mouth towards his chin, crossing his hands again.

“Seeing her like this, I’m happy she made it out alive and healthy. But I wish I would have recognized her sooner, she’s gone through enough because of me and she went through even more when we met because of me again.”

“Did you love her?” Yoongi asks. The question stuns Namjoon into silence for a few minutes.

“She was the only one who gave me a chance, even when she didn’t know who I was, twice. I fell in love with the idea of her because I didn’t even know if she would make it out alive from that hospital..” Namjoon sniffles.

“She took so much from herself, only to give it to someone so ungrateful.” Namjoon hiccups and wipes his face when a tear rolls down.

“I loved her so much when we were younger, and it kills me knowing I didn’t bother looking for her after I got out because I thought she was either dead, or just left me behind, or took too long to find me.”

“There were so many misunderstandings I think about every day, and yet when I see her trying her hardest to take care of me like back then, to give me what I need and what I want, regardless of the misunderstandings and past, it reminds me of how much I love her..” His cheeks are wet with tears and Yoongi doesn’t move.

“Because no matter how much time, trauma, and pain has passed, she’s still that little girl that took care of me with her whole being, hybrid or not.”

“Alright boys, call off because we’re going to the arcade.” You put your hands on your hips in front of everyone in the living room.

They look you up and down, dressed in a tan comfy sweater with a white collared shirt under and a (f/c) skirt, your (f/c) converse to match.

“W-we are?” Jimin asks, not used to seeing you in a skirt.

“Yes, we are.” You walk past him and shake Yoongi awake, everyone staring at your skirt from behind.

Except Namjoon and Jungkook.

But a little bit of Namjoon.

“Yoongi, stop pretending to be asleep.” You crawl over him and he peeks, jumping when he sees your exposed legs.

“You aren’t going anywhere with that skirt.”

“Why not? You like it when I wear skirts.” You sit on his chest and he slides his hands up your thighs and up your skirt, grabbing a handful of your ass.

“I do, so unless you want me to eat you in front of everyone, I suggest you change.” His eyes turn a dark shade of yellow, his fangs coming out.

“Now, now.” Hoseok carries you off Yoongi like a kitten, his hands under your armpits.

You hang limply and Taehyung’s face finds its way under your skirt, licking a stripe on the exposed skin of your ass by your underwear.

You scream and kick your legs forward, curling your knees up to your chest.

In the process, your skirt flips up and both Jimin and Namjoon’s face turn red seeing your underwear.

Namjoon turns away immediately and Yoongi covers Jimin’s eyes, startling him.

“Taehyung!” Jin swats the bear away who’s cackling maniacally as he runs away from Jin’s hands.

Hoseok carries you bridal style while holding the bottom of your skirt against your skin to keep the prying eyes away.

Jungkook watches as Yoongi growls at Hoseok for pulling you away from him.

“Quit being horny, let’s go to the arcade.” He taps Yoongi’s forehead away from you and you giggle as Yoongi hisses when Hoseok carries you away.

“You tease.” You kiss Hoseok’s cheek and he glances at you.

“Don’t say that or else I’llbe the one to fuck you.” He threatens, making you giggle at his response.

“I wanna lick Noona, too!” Jimin jumps up from his seat and Jin hugs his face to silence the cat, pushing Jimin’s face between his chest.

“Anyway, let’s get dressed for today.” Jin cocks his head to the ones on the couch in the direction of their bedrooms.

They all leave to get dressed and Jungkook bumps into Namjoon on the way, startling him.

Namjoon walks into his own room and Jungkook walks into yours, not saying a word to each other.

You watch Hoseok undress in his room, taking off his shirt and showing his toned skin.

“You’ve been earning his trust, (Y/n).” He smiles as he takes off his pants, looking for other clothing in just his boxers.

“Only a little.” You smile and lay down on your side, your legs curling up to cover your underwear.

“You say a little, but he’s been playing with Jin lately.”

“That has nothing to do with me, Hobi.”

“He’s only getting comfortable because he’s learning to trust you.” He raises a brow as he puts on some baggy pants with pockets and belts on the sides.

“Yeah, I guess.” You play with his sun shaped pillow, hugging it close to your chest.

“He has been arguing with Jungkook a lot more, though.”

“I know..”

“Hey, maybe this will be good for them. Getting to have fun with us like the childhood we never had.” He slips on a white shirt and a baggy tan sweater, smiling at you when his head pops out of it.

You hum with amusement, his hair now all messy. You stand up and fix it for him.


“I wanna ride with Noona!” Jimin starts walking towards your car until Jin holds his hand.

“No, we do this rock paper scissors.”

“Oldest ones first. Whoever pulls the same is the riding buddy.” You put your hands and start.

Both you and Yoongi pull rock and both Jin and Hoseok pull paper.

“Okay, you guys next. Whoever wins comes with us.” You step aside and the maknaes begin.

Namjoon and Taehyung pull scissors as Jungkook and Jimin pull paper.

The oldest members glance at you quickly and act like they didn’t when you glance back.

“Well, let’s get going.”

Everyone gets into their picked cars but Yoongi gets in the driver’s seat before you can, making you scoff in disbelief.

“Quit driving, you’re still injured.”

“I drive with my left.”

“Well, now you’re not driving at all.” He says smugly and you stare him down as you make your way to the passengers seat.

“You have your bracelet, right?” You ask Namjoon and he freezes.

“No, I forgot it…” He plays with his fingers and you get out of the car, walking to Hoseok’s car, waving him down.

He rolls down his window and you lean in.

“Jungkook, do you have your bracelet?”

His bunny ears shoot up so fast and hit the ceiling of the car with a thump.


You nod and walk back inside, going up to your room and taking the bracelets off your bed, then walk back to the cars.

You stop when you see Namjoon getting out of the car.

“Where are you going?” You ask.

“I-I had to use the bathroom.” He stutters and you step to the side until he grabs your sweater subtly.

“Can you come?” He whispers and you look up at him, his eyes pleading.

“Okay.” You walk back inside and he follows. He pulls you to your bedroom bathroom and shuts the door, locking it.


“Don’t. Just..give me a second.” He makes you stand flush against the wall and he stands flush with the sink, staring at you.

You blink and open your mouth, but he steps closer to you and digs his nose in your neck, making you go stiff.

“You look pretty, you smell nice, too..” He whispers, his fingers digging into your back as he holds you close.

You shiver as he drags his nose up your neck and chuckles, his breath hitting your skin.

“Sorry, I couldn’t stand being in that car with you when you smell like this…”


He takes a big inhale as he detaches himself from your neck, keeping his hands to himself. He clears his throat.

“I can see why they’re usually all over you..” He whispers and your cheeks dust pink.

“T-Thanks..” You look away from his dark eyes and he unlocks the door, letting you leave first.

When you both get to the car, Taehyung raises a brow at you in the mirror when he smells you.

Yoongi doesn’t think about it and begins driving to the arcade, leading Hoseok.  




Story Key: =Alt Universe; =x Reader; =Character x Character


  • Coming soon





  • Coming soon


  • Coming soon


  • Coming soon

Stubborn Hugs Masterlist

Pairing: Hybrid Namjoon x reader; occasional ot7 x reader; ot7 x ot7

Chapter Key: ☁️=Fluff; =Smut; =Angst/Tough Topic; =Suggestive



Summary: After helping out a koala and bunny hybrid, your bring them home with your other hybrids to adjust. But a certain koala doesn’t seem tho get the concept of being cared for without a catch. Having your own set of secrets, it already proves difficult to gain their trust and getting them to stay with you at the same time. Your hybrids already know everything about you and are willing to sacrifice whatever it takes to keep you safe.

ㅤㅤㅤㅤ      sana + taehyung messylayouts

please, fav or reblog if you save – loeychurros on twitter.
