#bungou stray dogs x yn


Akutagawa x Reader | Dark Chocolate

Pairing: Ryuunosuke Akutagawa x Reader
Warnings: Gender neutral reader (they/them), probably uncorrect english, curses, verbal aggression. 
Notes:Nobody asked for it, this Headcanon is just my way to wish you a happy St. Valentine’s Day, full of love, warmth and affection; even if you’re single, you deserve to celebrate love. Love for yourself, love for you significant others, love for your life! I hope you’ll enjoy it.
Small reminder: In Japanese tradition, only women give chocolates to men, but I wanted to write a more inclusive Headcanon, so I used Gender Neutral pronouns. There’s a huge difference between Honmei Choco and Giri Choco. The so-called Honmei choco (known as the “true feeling chocolate”) is given by women to men whom they have romantic feelings for, like husbands, boyfriends or desired partners. It is a qualitatively better chocolate, and it’s generally quite expensive, but sometimes it can be home-made. The so-called Giri choco (known as "obligation chocolate") is given by women to male co-workers or friends, as a customary gift. It’s cheaper and less refined, but it’s a very apreciated symbol of respect and friendship.

◈ ━━━━━━━━  Headcanon ━━━━━━━━ ◈

  • Akutagawa is totally clueless about St. Valentine’s day. Seriously, he knows nothing about it! He has no idea of the cultural meanings of February 14th and he doesn’t know much about traditional gifts linked to this celebration.
  • First of all, he never had time to devote to such a nonsensical feast. And then, he never cared about useless things like romance and love. They’re like profanities to him. 
  • So, when he sees you offer him an elegant and refined dark red box full of assorted chocolate, he’s a bit confused. Like…what the hell are you doing, exactly? His deep and grey eyes sharpen in a frown, his cheek muscles unconsciously contract, but even in his confusion he looks so cute and adorable at your eyes.
  • He quietly stares at the box for almost five minutes, exploring every single detail of it, careful not to touch it. It’s a big and rectangular pack, he notices, closed with a thin ribbon, and he doesn’t imagine what it could contain.
  • It takes a while before Ryuunosuke finds the courage to look at you in the eyes and ask for clarifications. 
  • “What is it?”
  • Poor boy. It’s not his fault, he’s just a bit (a lot, actually) ignorant about certain things. 
  • He notices your bizarre and inexplicable look, that makes his gaze sharpen more and more by the second. His irises linger on your red cheeks, he can see how desperately you try to avoid eye contact and that makes him a little suspicious. Your entire body is shaking, it’s really a weird behavior…
  • “It’s a…gift. A Valentine’s gift, actually.” You try to explain, with trembling voice.
  • “A… what?”
  • Your heart beats so fast, in this moment. You don’t understand if the young man appreciates it or not, he just stands there, right in front of you, with a stern look and crossed arms. An unconquerable stronghold that turns your heart in dust every single time you’re in the same room. 
  • You don’t even know when you started being so attracted to him, nor when attraction became love. You really thought offer him Honmei Choco was the most natural way to express your feelings and confess to him. But…
  • “Chocolate, Akutagawa-san. Just chocolate.” You murmur, now embarrassed and quite in panic. You really don’t understand if he’s rejecting you or not.
  • Being in love with him is a daily challenge. Akutagawa is unpredictable, fierce, a broken soul… and, well, he totally lacks in social skills. You know it, you always knew it, but that doesn’t cushion the blow when it arrives.
  • “Are you trying to poison me or what?”
  • Oh god. Is he allergic or something? Does he hate chocolate? What did you do wrong?
  • Your eyes widen and you finally meet his gaze. He seems angry.
  • The truth is Akutagawa is not used to kindness. He doesn’t know what it means to receive a gift and something like pure and selfless love, so he just thinks the worst option is the most credible.
  • “N-No, Akutagawa-san, I could never…” 
  • “So is this because you failed your last mission? You really think you could corrupt me?”
  • His voice raises in a rough expression of anger, he makes you feel so small and defenseless. Ryuunosuke totally misunderstands your intentions, but you know you don’t deserve such a treatment, even if you love him and even if he’s your superior.
  • You put the box on his desk, firmly (because you’re upset, and you got the right to) but gently not to ruin it.
  •  “I don’t want to disrespect you, Akutagawa-san, you know, or at least you should know, how much I admire you. Think what you want about this gift, I let it here. Now excuse me, I have work to do.”
  • You get out of his office with fast pace, your eyes shining with tears you proudly don’t cry. 
  • At the door, you almost bump into Chuuya; the redhead was right there with a raised fist, ready to knock, but you barely notice him. You have rush to walk away.
  • “…The fuck happened?” He whsipers, following your silhouette with his eyes before enter Akutagawa’s office.
  • Obviously, the Port Mafia rabid dog has a terrible pout drawn on his face. He’s even more confused than he was before and now he even feels inexplicably weird. His chest is so heavy he’s not sure he can normally breath, his hands are closed in fists.
  • “Akutagawa.” Chuuya says. 
  •  “Chuuya-san.” The ravenette murmurs in response, looking at him and trying to mentally come back to his work. He has no time to think about these strange feelings, okay? He has no time to investigate why the hell he suddenly feels so bad.
  • “Here is a message from the Boss. He wants you to… wohoh! What do we have here?” The redhaired executive notices the box on Akutagawa’s desk and a sly smirk appears on his lips. He looks like knowing a thing or two.
  • “A box.” Akutagawa answers laconically. What kind of problem do they all have with boxes, today?!
  • “This is not just a box, man.” Chuuya seems quite intrigued and he delicately opens the box, peeking inside it. His ocean’s eyes widen a little and the older man whistles in appreciation. “My, my…”
  • “What?”  
  • “This is the most fucking expensive chocolate in town. The logo is unmistakable, it comes from a famous and refined bakery.” He explains, grinning while he crosses his arms. “From whom is it? I didn’t know you were such a successful Don Juan. No offense.”
  • Wait, a successful WHAT?!
  • Akutagawa’s pale cheeks are suddenly touched by a peach colored shade of pink but there’s something in his eyes that suggests Chuuya he not fully understand the situation. The two of them looks at each other for a while, the one with a perturbed expression, the other trying not to laugh. 
  • It’s Nakahara that breaks the silence: “Seriously, man. It’s St. Valentine’s Day, if you recieve such an expensive gift today, well… you know what it means, don’t you?” 
  • But, against Chuuya’s expectation, Ryuunosuke perseveres in his silence. The black-coated man starts feeling uncomfortable, realizing he truly has no idea of what the other executive is talking about and rapidly avoids his inquisitive gaze. Akutagawa is clueless, okay, but he’s not stupid at all. He perfectly understands he’s not perfect (someone in his past never missed a chance to remember it to him) and he can recognize his lacks.
  • Chuuya, on the other hand, he’s quite more understanding than other Port Mafia members, especially when it comes to emotions and feelings. No, obviously he’s not a softie, he just understands a little more human beings and their emotive nature, so when he sees how confused Akutagawa is he sighs in exasperation.
  • “Man, if someone gives you expensive chocolate on St. Valentine’s Day, it’s because they have feelings for you. They like you that way. It’s a way to confess and, trust me, this is clearly the chocolate box I would only give to someone I fell fucking hard for.” 
  • First reaction: shock!* 
  • To our poor Ryuunosuke it’s like receiving a punch right in the stomach. His cloudy eyes widen in surprise and he’s quite sure his not-so-stoned heart lost a beat or two. So… is this the true meaning of your gift? You were trying to confess to him? You wanted to make him feel your affection? You wanted him to feel…loved?
  • He hisses a curse and slowly hides his face behind his left hand. Shit. He yelled at you. He accused you, just because he never thought he deserves love and affection. 
  • “So? Whose heart did you broke?” Chuuya jokes, hearing Ryuunosuke swearing.
  • “Y/n L/n. I asked them if they were trying to corrupt me or poison me.” He admits with a gloomy and yet shocked tone. 
  • In his defense, he had no idea you could have feelings for him. Let’s be honest: he never cared about certain things, but he’s not blind nor deaf. You are good looking, understanding, kind, diligent, resourceful, supportive. He is…well, he’s a demon. How could he even imagine someone like you falling in love with someone like him?
  • Chuuya sighs again. 
  • “You rejected Y/n. Good fucking job, man, only an idiot like shitty Dazai could do something so stupid, you really are his worthy heir.” He says sarcastically. “They gave me chocolate too. But not such an expensive one, so I can assume their feelings are stronger then we can even imagine. Maybe you’re still in time to fix the situation. If you’re interested, of course. Are you?” 
  • His final question sounds definetly like an insinuation and a provocation at the same time. Akutagawa narrows his feral gaze in Chuuya’s direction, meeting his allusive smirk. 
  • He doesn’t say a single word. But he knows the answer. 
  • Later that night, you come back from your daily mission. A successful mission, you want to specify, just to prove yourself (and someone else) you don’t need to corrupt your superior, because you’re the best in your job. Failure can occur, of course, but it’s a true rarity for you. 
  • You just endend report to the Boss himself when you see a familiar shape standing in the corridor, next to one of the polychrome windows. 
  • Your steps hesitate, you’re still upset and embarassed so you’re not in the right mood to face Akutagawa again, but just a second later you see he’s holding your chocolate box. 
  • You just stop your walk, a couple of meters separate you from the man and despite distance you can see how nervous he is. 
  • “Dark chocolate.” He suddenly says. “Dark chocolate is my favourite. But I didn’t know it before tasting one of each kind in this box.”
  • He avoids your gaze and his words kinda hurt you. He never tasted different kind of chocolate before today?
  • “The box is still full. I…I thought, maybe… sharing such a good chocolate with you would be a good idea.” 
  • “It would be nice.” You say softly. “Dark chocolate is my favourite too.” 
  • Your voice is trembling again. You didn’t like at all the way he treated you some hours ago, but you can see in his gesture how hard he’s trying to remediate.
  • “I have to apologize.” He suddenly says, and your e/c eyes widens with emotion and surprise. You perfectly know how hard is to say sorry, for a man like him, but he did it. He really did it.
  • “No matter what you say, I have to.” He continues. “I just… had no idea. I’m not used to all of this, and probably I’m not wort-”
  • “Please, don’t say that.” You firmly interrupt him and he finally looks at you. 
  • “That’s not true. I made you the gift you deserve. And I…”
  • Now or never, Y/n. Now or never. 
  • “ …If you let me, I will give you the love you deserve, too.” 
  • Ryuunosuke needs some time to process what you said. He stays there, his eyes in yours, incredulous. Now he feels even more guilty about the way he treated you. 
  • How is it possible? Even after that, you still have feelings for him? Even if he yelled at you, even if he’s nothing more than a cruel and merciless rabid dog?
  • The silence between the two of you is dense and heavy, but not as much as your breath. He doesn’t say a word, again, and you have no idea of what to do. You did your best, today, and more. 
  • But, you know, Akutagawa is not a word man. He doesn’t know well how to verbally express his feelings, he’s instinctive, a man of action.
  • “Can I kiss you, Y/n?” 
  • Honestly, he thinks it’s kinda weird to ask something like that. But Chuuya always says consent is important and Ryuunosuke is a quiet learner. He doesn’t want to desrespect you, ever again. 
  • You are so surprised to hear this question, and yet so happy, your eyes are filled with tears. So…does he accept your feelings? And even return them? 
  • You slowly nod in affirmation, walking at his direction, and just a second later you wrap your arms around his body in a strong hug he tries to return properly. He’s a bit tense and awkward, but he holds you very tight. 
  • And then he does it. 
  • He presses his lips against yours, not gently, not softly, but with the quiet and passionate desperation of someone always yerned for love.
  • Yes, Akutagawa is totally clueless about love, St. Valentine’s Day, affection, human feelings. Totally clueless.
  • But he will learn, with you by his side. He will. 

* Sorry, only Italian readers will fully understand this, but I had to.

A Wish

Summary: Wishing on Dandelions with Dazai

Pairing: Dazai x reader

Genre: Comfort, Drabble


A/N: [repost beacause of tag issues] Having tried to write fluff and failing three times, this is the closest I got, just a rather soft and comforting scenario for Dazai because I’ve been really craving that with him. It’s a little different from my usual fics since I tend to gravitate towards writing established relationship which is not the case here so it’s an experiment you can say.

My Masterlist

Spring swept in quietly with a breeze, quieting the whispers of winter and filling the air with the lullaby of her song. She came almost unnoticed, painting his mornings with the sound of birds, adorning each day with the sweet smell of flowers, extending the days until darkness fell. Every moment felt even more fleeting as the world evolved so swiftly around him. Yet, still trapped with the feeling akin to a hole in his heart gnawing with emptiness, Dazai could only wonder if these feelings would ever change.  

But even as Spring swept into his life without a care for his sentiments, livening the world around him, but seemingly falling just slightly out of his grasp to change him along with it, he couldn’t bring it in him to fall into contempt. Not when it meant having you sitting beside him, with sunlight filtering through the leaves shining against your hair, light in your eyes as life returned to the Earth after the winter, and a wide smile on your face while you spoke to him picnicking among the flowers.

“Dazai,“ slipping out of his thoughts when he heard his name leaving your lips, a fond smile found its way to his lips. He admits that it caught him slightly off guard, how he finds himself showing some of his true emotions around you even when he is so often wearing such well-practised masks, with his walls up against the world. But when alone with you by his side and filled with tender feelings for you…

"Why don’t we make a wish?” He carefully observed you as you picked two dandelions from around you and held up one to him to take before taking a seat back next to him. "Did you know, they say that if you can blow off all the pappus in one breath your wish will come true?”

Though Dazai was not one to believe in superstitions. Watching you next to him, blowing the dandelion puffs into the sky with a small smile on your face, as if without a care in the world in that singular moment. With the two of you away from the bustling sounds of the cars in the city, and the sky rise buildings that he was so used to looming over him. It felt almost peaceful, like a daydream. And Dazai couldn’t help but feel that there was almost something domestic and even precious about this moment with you that he wants nothing but to cherish and protect, even if it meant from his own negative thoughts.

But seeing so clearly as the pappus float away from you slowly, there was a sense of poignancy that filled him at the elusiveness of them, like a deep sense of longing to hold on to them but never quite able to as if a reminder for Dazai of the people whom he had lost. And gazing at you with faraway eyes, he could only wish that it will not happen with you.

Hearing you usher him to do the same, he could only put on his usual smile to hide his true thoughts before replicating your movements.

As the pappus on his dandelion slowly floats away from him with a puff of his breath with a hint of despondency. Dazai soon noticed a few of the seeds clinging onto the dandelion, refusing to let go.

“Ahh, it seems my wish won’t come true!” Though a dramatic whine filled his voice which he knew would make you laugh, he felt quite differently inside. Even if he felt in slightly low spirits earlier, the sight of the dandelion dissipated those feelings.

“But it’s alright, for now, I already have everything I need.” His sincere thoughts left his lips, with a small smile accompanying it.

Though acutely conscious of being but a small part in an uncaring universe, Dazai found himself reminded, it is not a cruel one. And maybe he can find it in him to soften upon companionship again. And perhaps even intimacy.

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