#but not really ahaha


That’s such a good question!!!! Bravo!!~

So naturally, it ALLLL started when I was a teeny tiny bambino!! Of course, it’s strange that nations have genders in the first place, but regardless, I was poofed into existence in a female body. Ya kno’ how society is, dresses and all that junk! I mean yeah!! Dresses are pretty and lovely and swooshy in the wind!! But some people don’t wanna wear them so it’s kinda silly.

When I got older, like being a teenager, I still felt sorta normalish. So-so and all that mediocre jazz! I did wonder why the girl’s uniforms were all swooshy and had skirts on em’. You wouldn’t believe the number of rips and tears that I had to fix after returning from the front lines!! ughh, not fun at all!!! bleh~

But my REAL gripes with the clothing choices started happening when I became an adult. Or, however ageing works for us nations, even I’m a bit confused by it all. whoops!! Ok so The shirts had these stupid lil holes for the cleavage, ya see??? But I felt like the only girl who didn’t understand?? I mean when Hungary wore stuff like this she was super cute and also seemed super fine with it?? My boobs were cold and I felt defenceless!! eeek!!

This is the same time as me and Mr.Germany, or Ludwig as I call him, started being a thing!! Like, a thing, as in, mwah mwah!! Kissy kissy!! That kinda stuff!! Yeah, so anyways, that happened alright!

But I felt weirdly icky about being his “girlfriend”. Not because I didn’t love him with all the passion in my strong, Italian heart, It’s just that whenever he’d call me bellissima or put his hand on my waist (which for boring n’ tough ol’ Germany wasn’t very often) it felt..ahh I don’t know?? icky!? ahh~ 

I told him about everything!! Every last word!! And you know I talk a lot so I’m sure I didn’t forget anything! But he had no idea!! None!! Like I said how it’s sorta weird when he calls me his girly-friendy. He just said somethin like “what, should I call you my boyfriend instead??” and of course since the terms “Transgender” and “LGBT” hadn’t been invented by some awesome person yet, we laughed it off sorta? Though I didn’t feel very funny about it  I mean these feelings of mine only got weirder as the decades went on, seriously!~

But then, in the faaaar future, something happened! So far you couldn’t even take an afternoon drive to it!!That thingy-ma-bob was… THE INTERNET!! It was so cool!!!!! You could surf it and see all the best kinds of pictures and words that people wrote!! Like these ones I’m writing on my tumblr blog!! And speaking of tumblr!! Without it, I wouldn’t have found out what the heck these feelings are called!!! I woulda been stuck like an Italian in the desert who can’t tie his shoes!!..oh wait, that’s me!! exactly!! ahaha~

So,grazie!!! That means, for the non-Italians who follow me, thank you!! Thank you to everyone on this cool, fantastic blue website!!~
