#but thats it



increasingly fascinated by the number of artists i encounter who also have aphantasia. i was talking to someone who has a vivid visual imagination and they said they get so frustrated when drawing because they can’t make the picture look like they can imagine it in their head. i personally can’t imagine images at all so whenever i draw i just get in there and whatever happens, happens, and at the end i go “cool not bad” or “i don’t like that” but i can’t compare it to anything

idk it’s just like. hm. interesting

So my activity is probably going to continue to be a mess especially with the next week looking ridiculously hectic help me, but I just watched the newest Pokemon Sun and Moon trailer and I just want to say UB-03 is now my child and I will protect him at all costs.

I don’t know if catching or battling with ultra beasts is a thing but I will protect him at a distance if need be because he foR SOME INEXPLICABLE REASON ADORABLE TO ME.

i have officially graduated



Does anyone genuinely call their siblings sis, sister, little/big sis, bro, brother, little/big brother etc. as constantly as this appears to be portrayed in media? I’m extremely sceptical. Now, affectionally addressing them by something like “slug”, “toad”, “fool”, and “bitch”, or even dare I say it, their gotdamn name, is, from my experience, so much more natural. 

ok guys, reblog and put in the tag how you name your siblings 
