#by others



HMS Erebus and HMS Terror in the Antarctic (detail) by John Wilson Carmichael 1847

indifferent-century:Since I have been interested in paintings from the Ross Antarctic Expedition latindifferent-century:Since I have been interested in paintings from the Ross Antarctic Expedition lat


Since I have been interested in paintings from the Ross Antarctic Expedition lately, how about this painting done by James Ross himself? 
It’s much more of a suggestive rather than detailed piece, but I think it has a very somber mood to it that would have been appropriate for the occasion of reaching “Furthest South.” 

From the collection of the Royal Institute of Great Britain, catalogued at WatercolourWorld.org. 

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more of those new aubreyad covers


Mary Oliver, “Heavy.” Thirst


So yet again, someone decided a fun thing to do on Twitter would be to invite people to give their “cancelable” opinions about fanfic and how so many things are terrible or overrated or not well-written or whatever (not gonna lie, a loooot of the criticisms have real big not-like-other-girls energy). 

An author saw it, leading to them removing all of their fics from AO3.

The pushback to this author being upset has been along the lines of, don’t put your work out on the internet if you don’t want feedback.

I’ve been trying to understand why that response just falls flat for me, and here’s what I’m thinking. That feels very much like a capitalist consumer viewpoint. “Fic is a thing I consume and as a consumer, my opinion is IMPORTANT because you are marketing a PRODUCT to me. This is a transaction.”

And I realized, that’s not how I experience fic or fandom. For me, fic isn’t a thing that I buy and consume, it’s a gift given to me. 

This is the example I keep thinking of. When I got married, we were given a wedding gift by one of my IL’s friends, a hand-painted bone china pitcher (think Spode or Wedgewood). Beautiful. Classic. Elegant. Like, entirely not us at all. You know what we did? We wrote a heartfelt thank you letter, expressing our appreciation of the gift, the thoughtfulness, etc. What we didn’t do, have never done, is tell them that it didn’t work for us. Because that’s just rude.

Engaging with fic, for me anyway, comes from this emotional space in my heart. So the connection between writer and reader for me, is much more a relationship, even if the relationship is simply that we’re both engaging in a fandom around something we love. It’s not a transaction. 

Of course not all fic is for me; I doubt there’s any fic that every single person without exception has adored! And obviously I know my fics aren’t for everyone either! And that’s okay! Fic is such a gorgeous, lush, rich and realized landscape where so many different things flourish together, and I think that’s really beautiful. There’s something for everyone and there’s room for everyone at the table.

So absolutely, you can put your critical and negative opinions of the gifts others have given you out into public spaces, knowing that the people who have given you those gifts occupy those spaces with you. No one can stop you! 

Personally, I’d much rather focus on the joy that fic has given me, and the gratitude I feel for people’s willingness to share their gifts with me and the world.


PERIOD DRAMA WEEK 2022 | Day 5: Favourite Dynamic

Anne + Marilla + Matthew from Anne With an E
You are a wish come true I never knew I was making.


“How strange and yet also how logical it is that so many of our metaphors for storytelling are drawn from the discursive field of textile production. We weave plots, spin stories, fabricate tales, or tell yarns—a reminder of how the works of our hands produced social spaces that promoted the exchange of stories.”

-Maria Tatar, The Heroine with 1001 Faces


ways to reclaim your body:

  • shave your head or cut your hair
  • go for a run, run as hard as you can
  • get a new piercing or tattoo
  • cook a meal from scratch and eat it with no distractions
  • swim in your nearest body of water, or take a cold shower or bath
  • stretch, do a yoga routine and feel every muscle
  • wear clothes that you like, doesnt matter what it looks like
  • avoid mirrors, your body doesnt need to look a certain way to be valuable
  • hold someone close, a loved one or a pet or hold yourself tight
  • lay down on your bed or on grass, close your eyes and feel yourself sink into the surface deeply
  • turn music on loud and dance however feels good
  • drink a a big glass of water or as much as you can, feel the discomfort and let it dissipate
  • try to meditate, do a body scan in whatever position feels comfortable (or uncomfortable) and pay attention to as fine a detail as possible
  • sing or hum or make noise, hear it reflect back at you, feel the way it vibrates your cheeks, your lips, your bones
  • drink some hot tea or any other hot beverage, feel its warmth spread down your throat and into your chest
  • sit outside, no matter the weather and experience it, the wind, the sun, or the rain on your cheeks and your eyelids



via wool campaign / Faroese Sheep, native to the Faroe Islands


Seamen have always dwelt on the fringes of settled society. The Greeks hesitated whether to count them among the living or the dead, and eighteenth century Englishmen were not so much better informed.ALT

“Seamen have always dwelt on the fringes of settled society. The Greeks hesitated whether to count them among the living or the dead, and eighteenth century Englishmen were not so much better informed.”

Rodger, Nicholas AM. The wooden world: an anatomy of the Georgian navy. London: Collins, 1986.




I love the Redwall series. It’s just: “And then Colonel Wollywosh, the fastest rabbit in all the land, committed a real ass war crime.”

“Oi no sah, I dunno if oi’ll do ‘at!” ahouted Snotfuck the rat as he tackled Pogwap the stoat, gouging out both of his eyes with his thumbs and biting off his ears and throwing his corpse into a lake

And then all the animals sat down for a picnic of the most delicious food you’ve ever heard described in a book.


treasure island daily. jim hawkins sends you email

firstfullmoon: Tomas Tranströmer, from “The Indoors is Endless,” tr. Robin Fulton[text ID: April May


Tomas Tranströmer, from “The Indoors is Endless,” tr. Robin Fulton

[text ID: April May / and sweet honey dribbling June.]

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Just finished the show for the first time ever and ~ugh! I need more!

In the meanwhile I had a time of my life playing around some more with the character design, hope you enjoy!


to anyone out there who’s struggling with having no friends — wondering where you belong in this world, searching for a place to belong — you matter. you are so important. and you will find your people or maybe just a special person who feels like home. it may seem like your loneliness will last forever, but it won’t. it never does.


i need some of y’all to understand that being nonbinary is a complex relationship with gender and not just Binary Trans Lite™ like not every nonbinary person is gonna be ok with certain gendered terms in either direction and it’s shitty to assume we will



as literally incomprehensible as benji’s pov is for most things… nothing has made me feel as though my brain was getting treated like a yo-yo as much as rory cairo’s pov.

like hello? oh god, hello?


here have this silly excerpt from some dialogue from the only thing I’ve written all week lmao

“Don’t worry about it,” he said. “You’re not the first bloodthirsty rampaging vampire I’ve had to restrain because everyone in this house is an idiot.”

“I bit you in the arm,” Nat mumbled.

“Mm-hmm,” Alex hummed, mouth pressed tightly closed in a firm line.

“I tried to claw your eyes out.”

“Mm-hmm.” This time those pursed lips twitched, obviously and adamantly trying to shut down a smile.

Nat buried his face in his hands, mortified. “I was too short to reach.”

“Funniest fucking thing I’ve seen all week.”


[id: a reference sheet of an original character. on the left a woman with light brown skin, hazel brown eyes and black, wavy hair tied in a low ponytail with a red ribbon, and a crocus flower intervoven near her bangs. she’s wearing a linen shirt, red and yellow beads, a brown furcoat and skirt, a red pleat apron and leather shoes. she’s holding a plant in her right hand. behind her is an antique illustration of the mountain knotgrass, the background is a white house with a brushwood fence and a pond in front of it. on the right is text that reads: RDEST. she/her, of around 20 springs. a spiritual leader and healer of her community; hard-working, patient and warm, but emotionally withdrawn and influenced by others a little too easily. crushed under her mother’s distaste for her, but slowly comes back around. rdest likes a crepuscular lifestyle, being most active at both dawn and dusk. her favorite places to spend time in are riparian buffers, flood meadows and her house. one of her favorite flowers is the great burnet. /end id]

Keep reading
