#call out post


It’s actually kinda funny how with Jon and Martin tma has two main characters that between them pretty much cover 80% of my issues and yet whenever I write tma fics I still choose to project onto Peter fucking Lukas, of all people.

Calling out homophobes on here: GO REPORT THEM! PLZ!!!

I went to the comments- and:

Plz go report and block. This is just straight up homophobia. I don’t care if you agree with the top statement or not, this is disgusting.

If I see one more time that user oceanian piss milk or any other user talk about how “antis” making the show a better success because of our “hate” [of that goddamn ship], I am going to self combust.

Is this what we as fandoms been reduced to? To only see the surface level pettiness drama of a ship and not all angles of problematic aspects, from a story point as well? Like yeah I talked about the shipping aspect of Loki but it’s a lot more than “hurr durr Tommy Hiddlies kissed another wahman1!1!1!” It’s been more than that. You can not tell me all this time you somehow avoided all the new (bad) takes this show keeps popping up with that people rightfully are criticizing.

Yes the selfcest shit is still gross but we are beyond that point. It’s like y’all are aware y’all have selective hearing and are deliberately ignoring the other crap besides selfcest, the other characters and their crappy treatment, development and how that also affected the plot and people’s perception: of the show and outside of it.

I beg you if you do not want to participate in critical discussions of a show (which it’s fine, you do you), don’t hijack it by trying to pretend to be this holier than thou fan who feels superior because you suck disney and marvel execs’ toes harder than everybody else.


normal people: *going to bed & falling asleep*

me: *imagining a story with my favorite character to escape the sad reality which is my life*


i got bored so i made a 10-question uquiz for you to find out what type of guy you are and i think its fun. enjoy

dilfosaur: i noticed my burnout comic was making rounds but the full comic is no longer available afdilfosaur: i noticed my burnout comic was making rounds but the full comic is no longer available afdilfosaur: i noticed my burnout comic was making rounds but the full comic is no longer available afdilfosaur: i noticed my burnout comic was making rounds but the full comic is no longer available afdilfosaur: i noticed my burnout comic was making rounds but the full comic is no longer available afdilfosaur: i noticed my burnout comic was making rounds but the full comic is no longer available afdilfosaur: i noticed my burnout comic was making rounds but the full comic is no longer available af


i noticed my burnout comic was making rounds but the full comic is no longer available after the collegehumor website went offline…. so here it is!!!

i wrote/drew this back in 2018 when i was struggling w hella burnout and depression. i hope everyone is taking care of themselves :3

Post link