#canary in the coal mine


Canary!Jimmy angst good, I love it, I adore it so much, but I just. I think it’d be really funny if all of Jimmy’s friends genuinely think his power is some of the best entertainment they’ve ever had. 

Grian is listing out people to invite to Third Life, remembers that he has a friend who sends every server hes on into chaos, destruction & death and immediately invites him because he just has to see what will happen. Scott sticking with Jimmy the whole game is half joked as him ‘taking one for the team’ and half ‘what if Scott is making himself immune to the curse?’ then they learn that, no, there is no such thing. Last Life starts up and Grian kills Jimmy mostly because he was getting bored. He proceeds to get absolutely ragged onfor ‘cheating.’

fWhip invites Jimmy to Empires just because he’s curious how they’ll work around the curse, and at first it’s only the Disc War, which is fine, they resolve it, and then they let their guard down. The world proceeds to then blow itself to smithereens, and everyone just whirls to Jimmy like “DUDE YOU CAN DO THAT??” but in a super excited way and Jimmy’s not got a thought going on in his head. 

Grian invites Jimmy to Hardcore to see how it’ll all fall apart after he dies, before they realize that, oh, you can’t actually exploit Jimmy’s curse, because then it retaliates. Jimmy is extremely apologetic about this, but Joel and Scar are having the time of their life bullying Grian about thinking he could get the upper hand on the Harbinger’s curse of all things.

Y’all know the AU’s where Third/Last Life and Hermitcraft exist in the same universe? Let’s mix that in with Empires and Hardcore.

Everyone is cycling through different appearances at rapid fire. Grian is inviting people to Hardcore for funsies with a knife behind his back. Pearl is desperately trying to avoid that fate in the fear she’ll be the one person uniting them all. Joel is acting the exact same in every world. Jimmy is wondering if his canary-curse transcends into association after hearing about Big Moon. fWhip is worrying about how dangerous the people from Third/Last Life could be to Scott’s face because he can’t keep track of who’s from where. Ren is barely being held back from diving head-first into Empires. People are accidentally entering the wrong servers. All of the apocalypses are happening at the same time. It never ends.
