

My buddy got some great 24% Blue Coral shake in a shake sale, and let me roll a nice ass blunt

Great joints, delicious sangria, beautiful sunsets

And 2,000 followers! I love you guys so much!


Black Cherry Meduro

I’ve been hunting for something really purple, and I was gifted this gorgeous bud

My best girl @princessxoxo94 got me the best birthday gifts! She knows me so well

Smelly stuff, planty stuff, sugary stuff, wine, weed, snacks I love it. She’s the bomb.

Got myself some new candles for my birthday, going to try my hand at a banishing ✨

Wish us luck.

I am seriously OBSESSED with these new plants!!!

“Miss Muffet” Caladium and a Coleus

This listerine commercial brought to you by; dosido nugs, my bong Paisley, and my obsession with not letting my teeth look like the inside of my bong

Dude, do you think my eyes are a little red?

Baby had some work to do in Philly this morning, so I rode along to take in the sights and smoke

ANNNDDD I hit 420 followers!!! Expect some fun content to celebrate!!!

Looks like I’ll have 420 followers in the next 24hrs!

So, how would you guys like to see me celebrate?! I’m not working with a ton of bud, so I need some fun ideas!

Getting some inspiration from the urban dictionary card game! Lol

Boosting creativity by getting baked, while I bake Mother’s Day cupcakes

A very happy Mother’s Day to all the stoner moms out there slaying mom life and staying lifted


I got Paisley (my new bong) a lighter leash yesterday! And I woke up with 300 followers! I’m living my best life thanks guys
