


August 9 is Cecilia’s birthday. Happy birthday to our disco queen!

Cecilia’s character and fashion has been largely inspired by Anita Mui, who is an iconic Hong Kong actress and singer that defined much of 1980s-1990s Cantopop and cinema. She represents the youthful and industrious energy of the era. Bold in her artistry and expression, Anita Mui regularly challenged traditional gender representation on stage in a society that was largely conservative. Her life and legacy is a major inspiration to our team.

Eason Chan is an iconic Hong Kong singer with many Cantopop and Mandopop albums. I first heard this song on Youth With You 3 when it was covered in the first performance round. Honestly I didn’t think their cover was that good…but I could tell instantly that I would like the original version of the song. I guess that says a lot about the quality of this song! It’s a rock song that starts somber and slow but then quickly builds. Sadly this song isn’t on US Spotify (there are covers though, as well as another great Eason Chan song with a title that has a similar vibe 《陪你度过漫长岁月》). Really the only flaw is that it’s a short song at only a bit over 3 minutes, so I’m always left wishing it were longer!

陈奕迅 (Eason Chan) - 让我留在你身边

因为我害怕 没有人回答
因为我知道 这世界太大

挣扎 zhēngzhá - to struggle

太多时间浪费 太多事要面对 太多已无所谓

辨 biàn - to distinguish / to recognize
真伪 zhēnwěi - true or bogus / authenticity
纷扰 fēnrǎo - turmoil / unrest / disturbance
是非 shìfēi - right and wrong / quarrel

渺小的我 有大大的梦
时间向前走 一定只有路口没有尽头
纷纷扰扰这个世界 所有的了解
只要 让我留在你身边

渺小 miǎoxiǎo - minute / tiny / negligible / insignificant

最渺小的我 有大大的梦
如果生活还有什么 会让你难过
别怕 让我留在你身边 都陪你度过

度过 dùguò - to pass / to spend (time) / to survive / to get through

最渺小的我 最卑微的梦

卑微 bēiwēi - lowly / humble
不公 bùgōng - unjust / unfair
计较 jìjiào - to bother about / to haggle / to bicker / to argue / plan / stratagem
暴风雨 bàofēngyǔ - rainstorm / storm / tempest

生命中所有的路口 绝不是尽头
别怕 让我留在你身边 都陪你度过

落空 luòkōng - to fail / to fall through / to come to nothing
庸庸碌碌 yōngyōnglùlù - ordinary / mediocre



August 9 is Cecilia’s birthday. Happy birthday to our disco queen!

Cecilia’s character and fashion has been largely inspired by Anita Mui, who is an iconic Hong Kong actress and singer that defined much of 1980s-1990s Cantopop and cinema. She represents the youthful and industrious energy of the era. Bold in her artistry and expression, Anita Mui regularly challenged traditional gender representation on stage in a society that was largely conservative. Her life and legacy is a major inspiration to our team.
