#oracle bone

oracleandbone: Blog update! We talk about how we approached set design in the game. Thoughts on the


Blog update! We talk about how we approached set design in the game. Thoughts on the use of colour and style to create mood and atmosphere. https://www.asummersend.com/blog/set-design

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In the ocean I learned to float

April 23 marks the second anniversary of A Summer’s End. Over the past year we have been taking the time to consider what story and game we want to create and share next. We’re sincerely grateful for everyone’s patience and support. We hope you enjoy a preview of the new characters. 

Set in 1988, the story begins with a disappearance. A new cast must navigate their fractured pasts in their pursuit for truth. Who is she and where has she gone? Connected by shared memories, they piece together a story of love and resilience.

In the ocean I learned to float

April 23 marks the second anniversary of A Summer’s End. Over the past year we have been taking the time to consider what story and game we want to create and share next. We’re sincerely grateful for everyone’s patience and support. We hope you enjoy a preview of the new characters. 

Set in 1988, the story begins with a disappearance. A new cast must navigate their fractured pasts in their pursuit for truth. Who is she and where has she gone? Connected by shared memories, they piece together a story of love and resilience.

Just like before, it’s yesterday once more

February 16 is Michelle’s birthday. Happy birthday Michelle!

Year of the Tiger 1986

We would like to wish everyone good health, joy, and prosperity in the Year of the Tiger!

Celebrate with our LNY sale on Steamanditch starting January 27 at 10:00 PST.

We are grateful for everyone’s support this passing year. We hope you will look forward with us to new year. We have a new game project planned and we’re excited to provide more updates regarding this in the near future.

We wish everyone all the best! 福虎生威!

New Year 1988

Bluer than the night were the tears in her eyes. Veiled within the dream was the truth in her sighs.

New project in development.

Get it on. How could it be wrong?
December 28 is Sam’s birthday. Take a ride with our Capricorn lady.

Somewhere in my lifetime you’ve been here with me

Happy holidays! We wish everyone a wonderful holiday season. To celebrate, A Summer’s End will be taking part in the winter sale on Steamanditch.

Slow dance under the moonlight

We wish everyone a wonderful Mid-Autumn Festival. Thank you for being with us all this time.


August 9 is Cecilia’s birthday. Happy birthday to our disco queen!

Cecilia’s character and fashion has been largely inspired by Anita Mui, who is an iconic Hong Kong actress and singer that defined much of 1980s-1990s Cantopop and cinema. She represents the youthful and industrious energy of the era. Bold in her artistry and expression, Anita Mui regularly challenged traditional gender representation on stage in a society that was largely conservative. Her life and legacy is a major inspiration to our team.

龍舌蘭日出 Tequila Sunrise

We are happy to announce the Chinese translation of A Summer’s End is now available as a free update!

In celebration we will be hosting a weeklong sale on Steamanditch.io. Thank you very much for your patience. We appreciate everyone’s interest and support.

Please update the game to version 1.21 to access new Chinese language options. See updated game manuals or follow this link for installation instructions.

Thank you!

謝謝各位耐心等候,非常感謝大家的關注與支持。我們開心宣布將在7月9號推出遊戲的中文翻譯,供大家免費更新。為了慶祝,我們將舉辦為期一周的促銷活動。請將遊戲更新至1.21版本,以獲取中文語言選項。 謝謝!

我们感谢大家的耐心等待,我们感谢每一位玩家的关心与支持。我们很高兴地宣布,官方中文即将在7月9号免费更新。为庆祝官中上线,我们会举办持续一周的促销活动。游戏更新至1.21版本后,可在语言选项中切换中文。 谢谢各位!

We’re grateful and honoured to be featured and share more about A Summer’s End and what

We’re grateful and honoured to be featured and share more about A Summer’s End and what It means to us as a LGBT+ story with Eurogamer and Lottie Lynn. It was a wonderful discussion and interview. We’re so thankful and appreciative of their invitation. We’re glad we could take part. 

Please follow the link to read the article.

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A Summer’s End - Hong Kong 1986 Launch Trailer

Hello! We’re happy to announce the launch trailer of our visual novel, A Summer’s End - Hong Kong 1986. It’ll be available to play April 23, 2020! 

Please take a look at our store page and Wishlist! Thank you so much. It means a lot to us as an independent creators. We can’t do it without your support.

Anniversary sale ends soon at 8:00 AM PDT Friday April 30! Thank you everyone for the amazing year. We cannot express how much all your support means to us. 

Steam | Itch

Spring DayFebruary 16 is Michelle’s birthday. Happy birthday Michelle! 

Spring Day

February 16 is Michelle’s birthday. Happy birthday Michelle! 

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Hit RewindDecember 28 is Sam’s birthday. Happy birthday Sam! 

Hit Rewind

December 28 is Sam’s birthday. Happy birthday Sam! 

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