#captain keeli



Only if For a Night

a/n: hey y’all! while the next part Rex/Mechanic!reader is fighting me, enjoy this little piece for Captain Keeli as a late late valentine’s gift! the poor captain deserved better, and i haven’t stopped thinking about giving him a lil’ attention since i watched the episode in which he saves ryloth and lives meets his end.
word count: 1.4k
warnings: angst, suggestive content, and enough fluff to rot your teeth

Wartime romances have a way of cutting through all the bantha fodder. And yet, you still don’t know what to call this… thing… you have with the clone captain standing across from you.

Captain Keeli.

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I’m doing the six fanart challenge on twitter and @khazzman asked for Jedi Master Ima-Gun Di because

I’m doing the six fanart challenge on twitter and @khazzman asked for Jedi Master Ima-Gun Di because Khazz delights in my misery, so here he is with a bonus Captain Keeli and them both being just fine :) I’ll post these on here as I do um 

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Inspired By: Soft Wars

Relationships:Keeli/CC-8826 | Neyo



Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Developing Relationship, Post-Canon, Domestic, Inspired By Soft Wars Series - Project0506

Years ago, CC-8826 slid (sliced) into the DMs of a CT in ARC training. Sure, it was the wrong CT, but you win some, you lose some.

Funny story, when I read soft wars for the first time, it was in a custom order, curated specifically to lure me into an emotional pit trap and shove me into a new fandom. It worked. But a fun quirk was that in the order I read, I met Keeli much earlier than I met Vaughn. Vaughn’s lovely, but I really, really thought that Neyo and Keeli were making their way through a slow-burn relationship, paralleling Rex and Bacara. That wasn’t the case, but the idea haunted me, so… here we are! I tried to include reference links for some of the details that these short fics call back to, haha. I may add more later, but I wanted to get this online before the verse has it’s two-year anniversary at the end of the month, and I’m glad to finally be sharing!


tumblr folks get to see something first for once because I have no self control and decided to finish this (I cannot say I’m surprised by myself). I’ve always liked the headcanon of Rex and Keeli being batchmates tbh, and well, I felt inspired draw something after taking a trip down memory lane when thinking about Ryloth. Keeli’s death always stuck with me as a kid, as did many clone deaths, though I haven’t really thought about his character until now. I highly recommend reading taab’echaaj’laby@mageofcole on AO3 since that’s what this piece is based off of, their writing is absolutely phenomenal (also that’s Cody handing Rex Keeli’s helmet)

RBs are very appreciated!!!

Rex and keeli being batch mates makes so much sense


Captain Keeli sending his men to their deaths

While we provide cover, the Twi’leks will have time to escape with their families over the mountain.

The Clone Wars 3.03 | Supply Lines


@itsstrangelypermanent basically turned Keeli into an OC at this point, so we decided he needed a character sheet as well ^^

(Doesn’t he look handsome in Wolfpack grey?)

Other character sheets

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