#grand army of the republic



Captain Keeli sending his men to their deaths

While we provide cover, the Twi’leks will have time to escape with their families over the mountain.

The Clone Wars 3.03 | Supply Lines


Some sketches of some of my fav clone dudes, who’s ur favorite Clone? commissions are open!

The grand army of the Republic arrives at Geonosis, beginning the Clone War.

The grand army of the Republic arrives at Geonosis, beginning the Clone War.

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The symbol of the 267th BattalionGeneral Adira of the Grand Army of the Republic decided she wanted The symbol of the 267th BattalionGeneral Adira of the Grand Army of the Republic decided she wanted

The symbol of the 267th Battalion

General Adira of the Grand Army of the Republic decided she wanted a mark she could wear to represent her loyalty to both the Jedi Order and the men she’s fighting alongside in battle. This is what she came up with: a crude drawing that blended the two insignia of the Army and the Order. She painted it onto her armor in the battalion’s color without telling anyone and went about her duties. The clones were quick to notice. In less than one rotation, almost all of the clones had painted the same symbol on their armor, with some making modifications according to their ranks and experiences. This mark came to unite the battalion, and represented the loyalty, bravery and equality found within. 

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