#carmen carnero

Catching up on tumblr posts again and I wanted to start with the fantastic new line-up of X-men thatCatching up on tumblr posts again and I wanted to start with the fantastic new line-up of X-men that

Catching up on tumblr posts again and I wanted to start with the fantastic new line-up of X-men that is set to be announced during the upcoming X-men: Hellfire Gala!

Marvel had fans vote for one member, and it was revealed that Polaris was the winner. I personally voted for her, and I am so excited because I feel like Polaris was one of those characters that has gotten a really great arc yet. I kind of feel like she is always kind of side-lined or given inconsistent arcs that focus more on the drama than her character. I am ready for her to real spotlight, and I hope this is it.

In addition to Polaris, I am excited to see Synch all get full members, the return of Sunfire, and X-23 taking up the official mantle of Wolverine in an actual X-men team. I am super excited for this roster and I can’t wait to see what kind of epic adventures they embark on. 

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