#chris evans fanfic


Chris Evans - Messy Monkey

Chris swooned as he picked up the little bib that said Messy Monkey on the front. “Fucking Christ that’s so cute,”

I giggled at his fowl mouth. “Can we carry on shopping now?” I asked.

“Oh look at this!” As he leant down and picked up a onesie that said Daddy’s Girl. “I wonder if they make one big enough for you?”

I snorted and snatched the clothing from him, hanging it up. “Shut up,”

We carried on around the store, not entirely following the list as we seemed to walk out with a lot more than we had planned. Chris spent the rest of the day cooing at children’s clothing online, showing me a very sweet and adorable thing he came across.

We went to sleep happily, the world passing by. I was woken up with Chris nudging my shoulder and shoving his phone in my face.

“Look,” I groggily sat up and took the phone from him, my eyes adjusting and looking down.

Chris and Y/N Expecting? Couple Seen Looking At Baby Clothes

Chris to be a Father: The Latest in Hollywood Couples

“Daddy’s Girl”: Chris Evans to be the Father of a Baby Girl

I giggled a little. “God they can really make a story out of anything, can’t they?”

“Hilarious, right?” Chris chuckled. “I personally think we should fulfil those headlines,”

I laughed. “Maybe not right now, but we could practice?”

“Enough said,” I squealed as Chris tackled me to the bed.

Chris Evans - Do It Again

“Good girl,” Chris groaned beneath me.

I whined at the praise and leant forward to plant my hands on his chest. Chris smacked my behind harshly, a moan falling past my parted lips as my head rolled back.

Chris looked up at me with dark eyes, his hips shifting beneath mine which caused only buried himself deeper inside me. I hissed, a small sting of pain before being replaced by pleasure. A smirk graced his lips.

“Too big for you?” He teased in his thick, deep accent.

I nodded pathetically and carried on with my rushed movements. I gazed down and an idea popped into my head. Slowly, my right hand inched up his chest. I felt over his hard pecks, over his collarbone until I reached the base of his neck. Chris was far too enthralled in pleasure to notice my intention. My fingers wrapped around his neck, Chris’ eyes snapping open.

“Baby?” He questioned.

“Shh,” I cooed softly.

I squeezed lightly, testing the waters. Chris groaned a little and bucked his hips again. I squeezed tightly, putting pressure on either side of his neck. Chris’ cheeks flushed red as he pinched his eyes shut. His breath grew a little ragged, strained and I let go.

Confidence escaped me as I went to take my hand away. Chris quickly caught my wrist and forced my hand back around his neck. I bit my lip and squeezed again. Chris groaned deeply, the vibrations were felt through my hand. His hips stuttered before he came, a low moan falling past his lips. I continued to squeeze his neck through his orgasm.

My fingers soothed over the red skin gently as his eyes opened. “Fuck,” he sighed.

I giggled. “Who knew,”

“Not me,” he said back. “Did you like doing it?” He asked.

I blushed and shrugged my shoulders. “A little,”

Chris smirked up at me. “Do it again,”

Chris Evans - Accents


“Please stop-“


“Y/N, I’m not kidding,”


Chris dropped his book into his lap and lulled his head to look at me. “You aren’t funny,”

“I beg to differ,” I giggled as I sat on the sofa next to him. “I love when you talk to other Bostonians,”

“Stop,” he whined.

“Your accent gets all thick and manly,” I playfully said. “And you start talking about cars and plumping and mechanics-“

“Seriously, I’m gonna need you to stop,” he smiled. “Besides, you’re the one with the posh accent,”

“I do not have a posh accent,” I scoffed.

Spiffing, crumpets and tea, I get to differ darling!” Chris put on a terrible British accent.

“I don’t sound like that,” I grumbled.

Oh Mama and Papa, do pass the chutney and cheese!

“I have never once said that!” I defended.

“See? Isn’t so fun when you’re the butt of the joke,” Chris nudged my arm lightly.

“Your accent is worse than mine,” I huffed, giggling a little as Chris rolled his eyes.

“Don’t mind it when I’m talking filth into your-“

“Ew! Gross, stop that,” he snorted and pressed a heavy kiss to my cheek, standing up and sauntering out of the room.

I’m off to the drawing room to touch myself, care to join me my dear?” Chris said.

“We don’t have a drawing room,”

“Bedroom it is,”

Chris Evans - You Want One

I never wanted children, and Chris wanted me, so we met in the middle with marriage. We lived happily but each time chris saw a baby he let out a little coo of sadness knowing he’d never have one.

For years I stuck to my beliefs and refused to even entertain the idea: that was until my friend, Charlotte, gave birth and for the first time I saw Chris with a newborn.

His large body encompassing the small baby, strong arms holding her closely. His nose would lean down and softly run across her cheeks, causing the little creature to offer out a whine of happiness. Chris seemed to have a permanent smile on his face and my mind began to wander.

What would he be like with our child? Would he be a good father? Did he resent me for never giving him a child? How would he fuck one into me…

“Y/N?” My head snapped to Chris who was carefully passing the baby over to Charlotte. “They’re heading off now,”

“Oh! So soon?” I stood.

Charlotte cooed down to the small baby. “Mommy is very tired, isn’t she?”

I softly chuckled and followed as we walked towards the door. “Same time next week?” I asked.

Charlotte nodded. “Absolutely, thanks!”

The door slammed shut and I cast my eye to Chris. He was still smiling happily and leant down to kiss my cheek, moving past me to the living room. I watched as he collected the coffee cups scattered around the table.

“You okay?” He asked.

I nodded. “Baby was cute,”

Chris groaned. “Don’t get me started, she was adorable,”

He stood, cups in hand. “You looked good with her,”

Chris wiggled his brows. “Why thank you,”

I followed him into the kitchen. “Really good, actually,” I leant against the doorway.

“How so?” Chris ask, clanking the cups into the sink.

I shrugged. “Just liked seeing you hold her, she looked tiny in your arms,”

Chris folded his arms. “Okay…”

“You looked like a dad,” I said. “You looked happy,”

Chris slowly walked towards me. “Is there something you wanna talk to me about?”

I pressed my back flush against the doorway, Chris placing his arm over my head and leant into me. I peered up at him with wide eyes, my hands slowly coming up to plant on his chest.

“I thought, maybe…if you wanted-“


“Maybe we could make one,” I whispered. “A baby,”

Chris paused for a moment, brows tugging down a little. He shuffled on his feet. “But you don’t want kids,”

I shrugged. “I don’t think it would be all bad if it was with you,”

A slow smile tugged on his lips. “You want one?”

Quickly I looped my arms around his neck and pressed my body to his. “If you’ll let me,”

His arms wrapped around my waist. “You have no idea how long I’ve thought about this,”

Chris pressed a kiss to my cheek before trailing them down my neck. My breath quickened as my hands slid into his hair, softly tugging. My lips ticked his ear.

“Please put a baby in me,” I lowly whispered.

“You fucking minx,” I squeaked as Chris hoisted me up. I wrapped my legs securely around his waist as Chris began to march us to the bedroom.

I giggled in his ear as he pinched my behind before delivering a slap. Chris kicked the door open with his foot, his lips sucking on my neck as I let out a small whine. He collapsed onto the bed, me on top, and ran his hands over my thighs.

“Are we really doing this?” I asked breathily as I eased his t shirt over his head.

“If you want to,” he mumbled as my top followed suit.

“I do,” I cupped his cheeks and pressed my lips to his. “I do,”

I shouted out a laugh as Chris quickly rolled us over, his face burying into my neck. I gasped as his teeth sank into my flesh, my hips bucking up against his. Chris growled against me.

“Never fucked you without a condom,” Chris hummed lowly.

“You excited?” I giggled back.

I gasped as Chris rolled his hips, letting me feel how painfully hard he was. I whimpered softly and peered up at him.

Chris hasilty bunched my skirt around my waist and pulled my underwear down my legs, throwing them haphazardly with the shirts. He struggled to undo his belt, allowing my small hands to do the work for him. Once the button was popped, I eased my hand into his jeans and cupped his length. Chris shut his eyes and breathed out a sigh of relief.

“That’s my good girl,” he croaked.

I bit my lip. “Fuck a baby into me Daddy,”

Chris groaned as I slipped my hand from his underwear and softly giggled. He eased himself out and gave a few leisurely strokes, casually running his tip up and down me. I jumped as he nudged my bundle of nerves.

“You gonna take what I give you?” He asked, easing his tip in.

I let out a high pitched moan. “Yes!”

Chris’ jaw slacked, a breathy moan escaping him as he bottomed out. He dropped down onto his forearms and caged me in, nose bumping mine which caused a faint giggle to muscle past my lips. Chris sheepishly smile down at me.

“Sowarm,” he softly mused. “So fucking snug,”

“Just for you,” I softly cooed, my eyes rolling to the back of my head and Chris began to thrust.

He moved quickly and tightly, a man in a mission. Small grunts fell from Chris as my high pitched whines and moans filled the room. He buried his head into the crook of my neck and nipped the skin, my back arching into him as my stomach bubbled.

“I’m gonna-Chris!” My hands flew to his shoulders and my nails bit his skin.

Chris hissed softly into my ear, pushing me through my high. “Take it,” he huffed. “Take it,”

He came with a long, low groan. I could almost feel the vibration in my chest. Chris let out a soft sigh, face moving to look down at me. My hands softly stroked over his beard as a wide smile came across both our faces.

Chris’ large hand came to stroke over my forehead. “Feeling good?” I nodded at his question. “Still…still okay with what we just did?”

“Yes,” I blushed. “Are you?”

“I’m gonna be a Dad,” he lightly whispered. “We’re gonna be parents,”

I giggled softly, leaning up to kiss his lips. “Yeah we are baby.”

Chris Evans - Cigarettes

I scrunched my nose as Chris pulled out a pack of cigarettes and put one to his lips. He lit it and happily puffed away. His eyes met mine and Chris furrowed his brows.

“What?” He asked, taking a long drag.

“I hate when you smoke,” I said as I ran my hand over the wooden garden table before me.

Chris rolled his eyes and puffed out a blume of smoke. “It’s fine,”

I huffed. “What a waste of money just to give yourself lung cancer, I can take you to a radioactive plant and shove you in the reactor if you want it that bad,”

Chris chuckled at my remark. “It helps my anxiety,”

“I’ll show you anxiety when you’re getting chemo,” I quipped as I stood and grabbed his empty beer bottle.

I left Chris laughing as I walked back into the house. Chris had smoked for as long as I could remember. He seemed to permanently have a cigarette between his fingers and always a pack in his back pocket. He promised he’d quit when we first started dating but never did, so now I simply rolled my eyes and left him to his cancer sticks.

In all honesty, I couldn’t be too proud about it as I used to smoke too. Chris didn’t know that, and if he ever found out I’d be painfully teased for it.

A few weeks passed and I was at work, handling carefully an old vase someone had donated to the museum. The gloves made it hard to hold still the slippy china, and before I could even catch it, it fell and shattered on the floor.

Fellow historians around me winced at my mistake. Fuck. I was going to be fired. My boss assured me that these things happen and although it would have added to the collection, at the end of the day, it was simply a vase with no real historical importance. Still, my stress levels had never been so high.

So, without thinking on the way home, I bought a pack of cigarettes. I pulled into the driveway and saw Chris was out. I rummaged through the draws in the kitchen and found a lighter. Standing outside, I lit one and took a long awaited drag. I sighed happily, taking another puff.

“I fucking knew it,” I jumped and swung round to see Chris with a big smirk on his lips.

“Wait, no, it isn’t what it looks like,” I panicked, stubbing out the stick.

“Really? Cos it looks like you’re smoking,” he said.

“Look, I had a really stressful day-“

“Oh, but why would use cigarettes to curb anxiety?” He quipped. “What a stupid thing, you’ll get cancer you know, then you’ll know anxiety,”

I rolled my eyes. “Fine, you’re right,”

Chris bellowed a laugh. “Come on then, what happened?”

“I dropped an artefact at work and broke it,” I said.

Chris’ face dropped. “Oh,”

“It was awful, my boss said not to worry but fuck!” I practically fell into his chest.

Chris cooed me softly. He pulled away and grabbed the small box from my hand, taking two and lighting them both. He gave me one as we sat on the edge of the back step and smoked silently, my head resting on his shoulder.

“I’m never letting this go,” Chris said after a moment.

“Yeah, I know,”

Chris Evans - Alright

I walked around the backyard, talking to our guests and smiling happily at their praises for our BBQ. My husband, Harry, was manning the grill, all the men scattered around him, listening to his secret tips in how to grill the perfect burger. Well, nearly all the men.

Chris stood near the back garden doors, beer in hand, eyes on me. I caught his gaze a few times and blushed at the secret winks he’d throw my way. I never had any intention of having an affair, and I did love my husband dearly. He was kind, tentative and sickeningly supportive.

But he was boring.

He’d been pulling the same moves since we were seventeen and I needed something else. I’d tried, embarrassingly, to spice things up with him. Costumes, whips, even chains once, but each time he turned his nose up and went back to missionary. I’d tried to suggest semi-public sex but he didn’t get it, I’d tried a daddy-kink, but he hated it. He was just a plain, simple guy.

And I wasn’t.

I needed someone to fulfil my sexual fantasies. I’d stuck to porn and whatever toys I’d bought, but I needed human contact. Harry had made us move to Boston for work, and we’d settled in nicely to the community. They’d thrown a welcome party for us the second week we’d been here; and that’s when I met Chris.

He’d been funny and charming, and that night we swapped numbers. We became friends. Chris showed me the city while Harry was at work, he showed me everything it felt like. And on one lunch date, he kissed me, and I liked it.

We went home that day and had sex for the first time. He was so responsive to me, asking what I wanted, how it felt. Two years later and we’re still running around in the shadows together, a friends-with-benefits situation.

“Baby, could you grab some more buns for me?” Harry called from the BBQ.

“Will do!” I smiled back.

“I love you,” the girls cooed at his display of affection.

Harry smirked as I blushed. “I love you too,”

I walked past Chris who had a sour expression on his face, following closely behind me. “What a tactical move,” Chris said. “I love you,” 

“He does love me, you know,” I quipped back with a smile.

“Yeah yeah, do you love him?” Chris swigged his beer.

“Of course I do,” I laughed.

Chris rolled his eyes. We never usually spoke about my marriage, Chris grumbling any time he even saw Harry and I together.

“Great,” he said.

I walked past with buns in my hand. Carefully, I looked around. The coast was clear and I leant up to sponge a quick kiss to his lips.

“Jealousy doesn’t look cute on you,” I teased. I squeaked as Chris pinched my behind.

“Your husband awaits,” he whispered into my ear.

I skipped out with a beaming smile and handed Harry the buns. He kissed me in front of everyone and I wondered if he could taste Chris’ beer on my lips. The day went on and the crowd thinned until it was just Chris, Harry and I. Chris was helping me wash up.

“I’m gonna shower,” Harry said as he kissed my cheek. “Be a bit,”

He left the room and I smiled warmly at Chris. I continued to wash the plethora of dishes that were stacked beside me, Chris drying a plate and bumping his hip with him. I giggled and bumped him back.

Chris peered over his shoulder to the empty kitchen, waiting a moment before putting down his dish towel and moving to stand behind me.

“What are you doing?” I whispered.

His hands smoothed over my hips. “Shh,” he cooed into my ear.

We’d never done anything with Harry in the house. “Stop, he’ll catch us,”

“And?” My breath hitched as Chris eased the skirt of my dress up.

“And it’ll ruin what we have,” I said.

“Or make it better,” his hand dipped into the front of my underwear and immediately found my bundle of nerves.

My head tilted back against his shoulder as I ground my backside into his crotch. Chris toyed teasingly with me for a few moments before drawing lazy circles into me.

“Chris,” I breathily sighed.

“So wet, so responsive,” he gently cooed into my hair. “You like the idea of your little husband walking in?”

I blushed and shook my head. “No,”

“Liar,” he nipped my earlobe. “Know you love being fucked in public, maybe even in front of people,”

My wet and soapy hand came out of the water and grab his forearm, squeezing tightly. “Fuck,”

“You like that? Might get some buddies ‘round one night and fuck your brains out in front of them,” Chris lowly promised. “Maybe even invite Harry,”

I whined loudly and Chris immediately cupped my hand. “Gotta be quiet doll,”

I nodded and softly whimpered, grinding my hips against his hand. Chris quickened his fingers as my teeth sank into his palm, he winced in my ear.

“You gonna cum?” I nodded. “Do it, cum on my fingers,”

I came with a whimper and a jump, Chris working me through my high as my eyes rolled to the back of my head. I slumped against him, his hand falling from my mouth. Chris wrapped his arms warmly around me, holding me tight.

“Fuck,” I swore with a giggle.

He didn’t say anything, just squeezed me tighter. “I think I lo-“ he stopped talking as we heard footsteps trotting down the stairs.

Chris quickly moved away and picked up a plate as Harry walked back in. His hair was wet and tousled, pyjamas on and an easy smile on his face. Harry looked at me and furrowed his brows.

“You feeling okay? You look really flushed,” his hand cupped my cheek.

“Just tired,” it wasn’t exactly a lie.

“I’ll get off,” Chris said.

Chris patted my shoulder and squeezed softly before sticking his hand out for Harry to shake. My blush deepened as I realised it was the hand that was just down my underwear. Harry took his and I wanted to laugh.

“Thanks man, see you around,” they both smiled. Chris shot me a cheeky wink and left the house. “I like that guy, seems nice,”

“Oh he’s alright,”

Chris Evans - Master Bedroom

“And this is the master bedroom,” the estate agent gestured to the sizeable room.

Chris kept a poker face, however I softly smiled. “It’s big,”

“It really is,” the agent mused. “I’ll leave you guys to take a look around on your own,”

As soon as we were alone, Chris tugged me into his chest and looked around. “It’s nice,” he said.

I scrunched my nose. “But it isn’t home,”

Chris agreed and shook his head, pecking my lips once. “I want somewhere smaller, further away from the city,”

I nodded in agreement. “But we need some space if we want to start having kids,” I noted casually, my stomach flipping at the thought.

Chris smiled. “I still get excited when you say that,”

“Me too,” Chris leant down and pressed a heavier kiss to my lips, tongue skimming over my bottom lip before tangling with my own.

I looped my arms around his neck as Chris eased his hands down to cup my behind through the flowy skirt I wore. I squeaked and giggled against his lips.

“Not here,” I mumbled.

“We have at least twenty minutes,” Chris hummed as he trailed his lips down my neck.

I sighed. “It’s so inappropriate,” I whispered.

Chris simply squeezed my behind tightly and pulled back, looking down at me with that oh so familiar glint in his eye.

“You said you wanted kids,” he wiggled his eyebrows. “Come on, lemme give you a baby,”

My sense began to slacken as I peered into his eyes. Warily I looked at the door, before looking back up to Chris. I didn’t say a word, simply leant up on my tiptoes and pressed a kiss to his lips.

Chris immediately lifted me up and pressed me against the nearest wall. My legs wrapped around his waist as my fingers weaved into his hair, lightly tugging and leading his lips back to my neck. His teeth sunk into the flesh of my collar bone, making me mewl.

“Gotta be quiet,” Chris grumbled against my shoulder, easing my skirt to bunch up around my thighs.

“Sorry,” I whispered.

Chris skilfully unbuckled his belt with one hand and pulled out his aching cock. My mouth watered as he ran his tip over my clothed core before his fingers pushed the material to the side.

“I’m gonna be quick,” he breathed.

I nodded and closed my eyes, my head resting back against the wall. My breath hitched as he nudged into me before easing himself in. A deep sigh left his lips, his hands pressing my tightly against the wall.

“Fuck,” I swore quietly.

Chris began his bruising pace, hips snapping relentlessly into me. My body jerked against the wall and I wondered if the estate agent was nearby. My thoughts soon melted away as Chris began to suck on my neck again, leaving a deep purple bruise.

“Take it,” he muttered quietly.

My fist came to my mouth as I bit down on my knuckles, my eyes pleadingly looking at Chris who had taken a moment to watch me. A cocky smirk graced his face for a second before his brows pinched down. His jaw began to slacken and I knew what was coming.

“Please,” I quietly begged.

“Oh fuck,” his hips stilled as he filled me up.

Chris rest his forehead against mine as he slowly thrust through his orgasm. I whimpered at the feeling of him twitching, legs constricting tighter around him.

There was a pause before Chris placed me down on the floor. A blush crept up my cheeks as I sorted out my under under Chris’ intense gaze. As soon as I was done Chris pulled me close and pressed a heavy kiss to my lips.

“That was so immoral,” I whined.

“It was fun though,” he winked back. “I like the idea of you talking to someone with my cum leaking down your legs,”

I shoved him away as my face turned red, Chris bellowing out a laugh. “Shut up,”

His fingers laced through mine as he led me through the house, the estate agent standing by the front door. “Any good?” She asked.

“Not exactly what we’re looking for,” Chris said.

“That’s fine, but that master bedroom is beautiful,” she chatted as we left the house.

“Oh yeah, bet you can get up to a lot in there,” I hit Chris’ chest as he laughed, the estate agent giving us a funny looking before locking the door.

Chris Evans - Sweet and Slow

Chris’ hand was tightly held over my mouth, my wide eyes peering up at him as his rolled to the back of his head. His hips snapped at a ruthless pace, the moonlight streaming in through the open window which allowed me a good look at the man in heaven above me.

“Gotta be quiet,” he groaned. “Don’t want Scott hearing you whine like a fucking slut.”

I shook my head in response, mewling at his words and arching my back. His bottom lip caught between his teeth as he squeezed his eyes tightly shut.

“So fucking tight.” He quietly swore, dropping down onto his forearm and caging me in. “Look at you, so good for me.”

His hand fell away from my mouth and the moan I was about to let out was swallowed by his kiss. His teeth scraped over my bottom lip and gently tugged the swollen skin, hands soothing over my hair.

“Please, please,” I whispered against his lips breathlessly.

“It’s okay baby, I got you.” He reassured as he nuzzled into the crook of my neck, heavy pants fanning over my hot skin.

His hips had slowed slightly, the pace now calm as he eased in and out of me. His hands continued to soothingly stroke over my hair, fingers becoming entangled in the curls which enticed a small giggle from my lips.

Chris peered down at me with a lopsided grin, rosy cheeks resting under his long eyelashes. His eyes seemed to sparkle as the mood changed from hot and heavy, to sweet and slow.

“So beautiful.” He mumbled, thumb running over my cheek. “All mine.”

“A-All yours.” I smiled back, running my hands over his chest and base of his neck.

He quickly gathered my wrists in his large hand and gently raised them above my head, stretching my body a little. His eyes peered down to where we were intimate and flicked his gaze to meet mine.

“Such a sweet thing.” He moaned as he squeezed my wrists tightly, causing a small whimper to escape my lips. “Am I hurting you baby?”

“No.” I whispered back.

“No?” His hips snapped. “Kinda want to honey, want you to feel me tomorrow.”

“I-I will, I always do.” I confessed with a gasp.

“Yeah?” His pace began to pick up as the familiar bubbling began to bloom in my stomach. “My cock too big for this little cunt?”

I nodded and whined again. “So big.”

“Gonna cum? Can feel you squeezing me.” He groaned, one hand falling between us and rubbing tight circles into my bundle of nerves.

“Yes!” I quietly gasped, bucking my hips against his hand. “There, there!”

“Please honey, give me what’s mine.” He darkly whispered into my ear.

I saw stars as he tipped me over the edge. My hands flexed against his fingers, which were still wound against my wrist, and tilted my head back into the pillow. I squeezed impossibly tight around him which pulled him over the edge with me. His hips stuttered and his body dropped onto mine, spilling into me.

His breath came out in heavy pants that fanned over my face. Chris let go of my hands and cupped my cheeks, pressing a heavy kiss to my lips. I giggled against him and cupped his bearded jaw.

“Do you think Scott heard?” I asked.


Both our eyes widened at his shout before we burst into a fit of giggles.


I had other plans for today’s drabble, but they didn’t end up working out. But I refused to give up and finally something worked.

Becca’s Sugary Sweet Dad Collection Masterlist

Title: Birthday Surprise for Dad

Pairing:Chris Evans x reader



Disclaimer:This work of fiction is not to be reposted, used or translated without my permission.


“We’re back,” Chris called as he came into the house with Dodger.

“He’s back!” he heard one of the kids exclaim before they were shushed by the others.

Smirking, he hung up Dodger’s leash and then called out again, seeing if anyone would answer. No one did, but he heard noises coming from the kitchen.

“I wonder where they are,” he said, conversationally to Dodger. “Guess I’ll go make myself a sandwich.”

“NO!” he heard a shout from the kitchen. “Hide!”

Before he could reach the kitchen, you stepped out.

“There you are,” he said. “What’s going on?”

“The kids are working on a surprise for you,” you explained giving him a pointed look. “Why don’t you go read for awhile.”

Chris nodded and then went into the living room to read, expecting Dodger to follow him. Instead, the dog went into the kitchen with you. After all that’s where his other favorites were.

Going back into the kitchen, you assured yours and Chris’s kids that he wouldn’t come into the room.

It took another fifteen minutes to finish the surprise and an addition fifteen minutes to clean up the kids and the kitchen.

Finally, though, the surprise was ready and you sent them to the living room to tell Chris to close his eyes.

Once he was ready, you carried out the plate of cupcakes you had helped the kids decorate. You set them down on the coffee table and then led the kids through a lively, though sloppy, rendition of “Happy Birthday”. 

As the song ended, yours and Chris’s youngest, aged 4, grabbed a cupcake and held it out for his dad. Unfortunately, Chris chose that second to turn his face to look at your twin girls, aged 6, and ended up bumping into the cupcake, nose and chin first.

The room fell into a stunned silence and then you snorted with laughter. Chris and the kids own laughter soon followed.

Once you had all calmed down, the five of you ate the cupcakes, with Chris eating the one that had been accidentally smashed into his face.

To the kids joy, Chris deemed the cupcake, the best one he’d ever had.

Of course it was the best! Domestic bliss! I love it❤️


Pairing: Chris Evans × Actress!Reader

Summary: You find out your crush actually likes you back in the best of ways.

Word count:1.8k

Warning: Poorly written smut (+18 only, please), masturbation (m), slight panties kink (?), voyeurism, oral sex (m receiving), a bit of gagging, kinda face fucking, some dirty talk and hair pulling, mention of unprotected sex at the end (don’t do that, kids. be responsible), this is a RPF fic so, don’t read if you’re not comfortable with it. And I think that’s it.

A/N: So, it’s Chris’s birthday and I couldn’t let this day pass by without writing some p0rn about him. I’m sorry it took me so long to post again. As always, lack of vocabulary and grammatical mistakes abound. *apologizes in español*. Lmk your guys’ thoughts. I love that shit.

You were not supposed to be back in the hotel until later that night, but like many things in life, your plans changed so you decided to return to your room earlier and study your lines for tomorrow’s call.

This situation could have been avoided if you stuck to the schedule of the day.

But in your defense, he wasn’t supposed to be there either.

Not because it was early, not because you didn’t plan on meeting that afternoon, but because it was your room, not his, the one he was in.

He wasn’t supposed to be there at all.

The strange, muffled sounds caught your ear as soon as you approached the door, and having known him for a while now, you knew how his voice sounded even from afar, even if it sounded raspy as it did now. The thing you didn’t know though, was the reason he snaked into your room when you were out.

As you closed the door behind you, the question was answered, stopping you in your tracks with the key still held between your fingers.

Keep reading

Why isn’t this how I spent Chris’ bday. OofYES PLEASE


This is the last week I plan on writing stuff for my Sugary Sweet Dad Collection.. but since Chris’s bday is tomorrow and Father’s Day is next Sunday.. my goal is to write something short every day and post it… we’ll see how well I do haha.

That said, if you have an idea for a sugary sweet dad drabble for Chris or one of his characters, I’m going open up prompts up again until Wednesday, June 15th. So if you have a prompt, send it in!

Ok, so this drabble is inspired by the 6 hours I spent yesterday playing with the marble run at my mom’s house with my niece and nephew. We call it Marbleworks because that’s the brand we had in the 1980s/90s. They are still around, but my niece and nephew have Marble Genius ones now. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, I’m including a youtube video at the end of the story.

Title: Marble Run

Pairing:Chris Evans x reader



Disclaimer:This work of fiction is not to be reposted, used or translated without my permission.

You paused as you came into the family room, seeing your husband sitting on the floor surrounded by marble run pieces while the kids sat coloring at the table.

You and Chris had both grown up playing with marble run and had loved them. Naturally, when the two of you had discovered that they were still for sale, and with way cooler accessories than either of you had had, you’d bought them.

For the kids, of course.

You were pretty good at reminding yourself of that fact, but Chris… well, Chris was a bit of a control freak when it came to the builds. He had a certain way of doing things and didn’t like it when pieces were randomly added, messing up his creative genius.

Clearing your throat, you crossed your arms and saw the guilty look come across Chris’s face as he realized he had been caught.

“They asked me to build the best track ever,” he stated.

“We did!” your five your old daughter chimed in. “We asked for the biggest, coolest -”

“And HHHHHUUUUUGGGGGGEEEEESSSSSTTTT,” her four year old exclaimed, cutting her off.

She shot him an annoyed look.

“How about we all work together then,” you suggested. “We can help dad finish and then we can all have fun playing together.”

The kids quickly abandoned their coloring, which told you exactly what you had assumed, Chris had wanted to build alone.

Sitting down on the floor with your family, you worked together to complete the marble track. Despite Chris’s initial annoyance at having to share the task, he was soon laughing with the kids as the three of them combined their brains to create a wild design while you followed behind, adding extra support to the structure.

Within twenty minutes, the build was completed and you were all standing up, a handful of marbles in your hands waiting for Chris to start the countdown.



Before he could say 1, both kids dumped their handfuls of marbles into their designated starting spots and the room was suddenly filled with glass marbles going down plastic tubes.

Chris shook his head and said, “1.”

Smiling, you added your own marbles to the sound as he did the same.

Stepping to his side, you wrapped your arm around his waist and leaned into him as the kids squealed and clapped their hands as the first marbles reached the end.

“Again! Again!” your son shouted.

While the kids collected marbles to run again, you sighed and said, “This is my favorite part.”

Chris nodded his head in agreement. Then whispered, “But we’re still totally having a race with this tonight, right?”

“Oh absolutely,” you told him. “And I’m going to kick your butt again.”

Hehehehehe this is so fun! Love that the parents get some fun later too! Yay

First, thank you so much to everyone for commenting, reblogging, sending messages, and liking the first part of this story. I was a little overwhelmed by how much everyone enjoyed the first part; thus, I knew I needed to continue. Once again, thank you so much for reading! 

Read the first part here: Drowning 


In the beginning, he used to joke that getting you to share anything was like pulling teeth. You were so guarded. It took months for you to tell him the basics. Three months to learn your favorite color, four to learn your favorite food, and six to learn your middle name. Each reveal was a badge of honor that he wore with pride. Chris was an affectionate guy, almost vulnerable to a fault. It was in his nature to wear his heart on his sleeve. Although, it took a minute, you learned to adapt, and he learned to wait. Except right now, it felt like he was done waiting – done trying. The game had ended, and you were suddenly standing there with the broken pieces of your heart.

You thought you would cry, but you didn’t. Maybe, it was the shock that allowed you to keep your composure. This was your last day at the hotel, so your bags were already packed. You moved mindlessly as you collected your things and left the room key on the table. The buzzer on your phone pinged, reminding you of your flight departure. You wanted to say something, but his focus was on the person on the other end of the phone. You quietly opened the door, your heart shattering with every step, and left.

This was more than a breakup. It was a confirmation – your worst fears brought to life. You were hopeful, which was your first mistake. Hope is what kept you in it, after the third weekend alone. You liked who you were when you were with him. It was cliché, but he brought out the best in you. He made you want more, to be better. As selfish as it sounded, you weren’t ready to let go of the person you were when you were around him. He was this huge character who filled up your world with bright, untainted color. Everything was brighter, sharper, more focused. Somehow, he made your world less fuzzy. Except, now everything was a blur.

Thus, a haze followed you as you entered the car to the airport. You closed your eyes as you zoomed through the city. You should’ve been eating pastries and going to museums, wandering through coffee shops and exploring downtown. This wasn’t how your day was supposed to end. The first tear fell. Maybe, you expected too much from this, from him. Maybe, it was his fault. He was so good at playing the good guy that somehow you expected nothing else. He allowed you to hope and dream. That’s what his love did to you. It was bold. It didn’t waver or change. When he declared his love, it was final. No doubt. No regrets.

“I love you,” he whispered, as his hands traced your skin.

You tilted your head up to meet his eyes. At this point, you were used to silent nights and empty beds. You were in a relationship, yet you spent most nights alone. This was now your life. You had chosen this: the lonely nights, the months-on-end without seeing each other, the lack of time. You were in a relationship with someone who was never there – not physically anyways, and the daily mundane activities of your life couldn’t distract you from it.

Thus, when the bed shifted and you felt him snuggle into bed for the first time in months, you thought you were dreaming. But he was there – he was real. You turned off your laptop, happy to leave your work for the company of him and dove into the covers. Naturally, you found yourself wrapped up in his arms, nestled in his chest, listening to the sound of nothing. You used to hate the silence, the emptiness of noise – of chaos. Yet, with him, you could spend hours in his arms doing nothing, but being silent. Your grandmother would be amused. All it took was one man and you suddenly found a way to “stop fussing and making all that noise.”

You stared up at him quizzically, doubting your own hearing. Maybe, you imagined those three little words. He smirked, his blue eyes sparkling under the dim lights. In the shadows, you could make out the creases near his eyes, the bags that couldn’t be concealed. It reminded you of this other world that consumed him when he wasn’t with you – his other love: the reason that you spent most nights alone, the root of your frustrations, yet the source of his happiness. It fulfilled him in a way that you imagined you never could, which is why you were hesitant to start this in the beginning, and why you couldn’t believe what he was saying now.

He smiled, and you leaned back, trying to read the expression on his face. You wanted to ask if he was okay, but he was calm, peaceful in his demeanor. He was tired, yet he wore this sated glow. The man looked happy – genuinely happy. You brushed it off, attributing his break from filming to his current mood, but he said it again.

This had to be the twilight zone. You blinked again and again, waiting for him to make sense. So many nights were spent thinking of this moment, but those were just dreams – hidden desires. It was too early, right? If you were better at relationships, you would know how to navigate this, but you didn’t. The only thing you knew was your grandmother’s advice – “find a man who loves you more than you love him.” Thus, when you were first falling for him, you had pushed down those feelings, terrified of being the first one to say it. Except, he was saying it now, and you didn’t know what to do.

Chris deepened his smile, his eyes amused by you. His hands traced your jaw before settling on the curve of your lips. He shifted from your lips to your nose, writing some unspoken language with his fingers. Your eyes softened, but the questions still marred your face. He didn’t say it again, letting the silence accompany his touch. You sighed, closing your eyes, as he lulled you to sleep.

He replaced his fingers with his lips, placing a gentle kiss on your lips, and then your nose, before kissing your head. “I love you.”

You opened your eyes, looking up at him again. This time, he didn’t give you time to rationalize it away. He cupped your face, keeping his blue eyes trained on you. They were steady, communicating everything he’d been trying to say with those words. You blinked, surprised by the admission in his eyes, and the steadiness in his voice. He left you with no room to guess or overthink.

“I love you.”

You smiled, chuckling before finally laughing. This wasn’t a dream. You buried your face in his chest, a sigh escaping your breath, before looking up at him. “Say it again,” you whispered.

“I love you.”


“I love you.”

You held your breath and closed your eyes, savoring the moment. “Again.”

“I lo – “

“I love you too,” you cut him off. This time, he was left speechless as he gazed at you. Chris bit his lip, crinkling his nose, as he looked up at the wall. You couldn’t stop smiling as you watched him.


He covered his face with his hands. “Yeah?”

You moved his hand from his face, seeing the tears that he was trying to hide. As if you didn’t already love him, this just made you love him more. You tilted his face towards you, so that you could wipe his cheeks and fully see him. “Did you hear me?”

He laughed, before pulling you to his chest. “Yeah.”  

“I love you,” you repeated.

“I love you,” he smiled as he kissed your lips. This wasn’t a dream.

 You opened your eyes as the memory faded, and reality set in. That night felt so distant and dream-like now. Those people wouldn’t have argued, but maybe you were never those people. Maybe, this was just the end of the honeymoon stage and you were both settling into your true selves. Except, the pieces didn’t fit anymore, and you couldn’t make it work.

You couldn’t remember how, but you were now sitting in your seat, waiting for the plane to take-off. Three hours and you’d be home – the three-bedroom walk-up that was now filled with his stuff. It wasn’t just your apartment anymore; it was his home too. You sighed. No, you couldn’t go back there, not yet. A hotel for tonight, then tomorrow you would figure out the unraveling mess that was your life. Nothing from the past 12 hours had truly registered. All you could think about was his stupid phone, and how it wouldn’t stop vibrating.

You closed your eyes, trying to focus on anything else. Boarding was taking longer than expected. Usually, you wouldn’t care, but right now, you needed to be anywhere else but here. “Holy shit.” You could hear a growing commotion roaring from the front of the plane. You were hiding out in the back, switching seats with an elderly woman who needed the leg room more than you. The tears that you’d been holding on too were threatening to spill, and there was no place better to hide your sobs than in the back of the plane. Thus, you left the comfort of first class for the solitude in economy. At least here, you could nurse your tears alone. You closed your eyes, trying to ignore the growing fervor among the passengers. Everyone was whispering about something, but you were too tired to figure it out, until you heard his voice.

“Excuse me, sir,” he tapped your seatmate’s shoulder, “how much do I have to pay to get you to switch seats with me. See, I really need to talk to the woman sitting beside you. Usually, I wouldn’t do this, but it’s a life or death type thing.”

You refused to open your eyes and look at him. He was using his “public voice,” tapping into his Chris Evans, the celebrity, persona. Hence, the reason for the commotion. He probably took a million selfies on his way to your seat. Knowing the power of his charm, you already knew that your seatmate was about to abandon you for a selfie with Captain America. A second later, you found yourself sitting next to Chris.

It wasn’t enough that he picked his phone over you. Now, you were subjected to a three hour-long flight with Captain America, and the last thing you wanted to do was talk. Even if you could muster the words to speak to him, everyone on the plane was watching him, which meant they were watching you.

“Fuck,” you mumbled under your breath.


Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed it. Should I continue?

Taglist:@hyejooismybaby,@lareine-c-blog, @malecordie,  @inlovewith3,@bitchacho25,@amelatonin,@shiseru, @lostennyc,@crushed-pink-petals, @tessvillegas,@tfandtws,@violetadefebrero,@marvelousunderneath,@jetaimeamore, @wellthirsted,@valkyriesnymph,@iwantitiwriteit,@give-me-a-million-dollars-pls,@coffeebooksandfandom,@jnp0905, @everythingstucky, @marvels-gurl,@bakarilennox,@champagnesugamama,@rosey1981,@renesmeeharelds,@akiasi,@rhyrhy462,@wondergirl711,@chaneajoyyy,@titty-teetee


Hello my friends, I hope you are all doing well. Or as well as can be expected. My heart is hurting this week.. between what happened in Texas as well as the death of two elderly family members during the last 48 hours. Neither death came as a shock, but to come back to back like that was a shock to the sense.

Thank you as always for being patient with me when it comes to updating this story. It’s actually been almost 6 years to the day that I started writing this series. And if I can get my writing mojo back on track for these two, I’m hoping to finish it in the next year.

xoxo Becca xoxo

Pairing: Chris Evans x Ellie Spencer (OFC)



Episode Summary: Chris and Ellie go on their first date

Disclaimer: This work of fiction is not to be reposted, used or translated without my permission.

This episode can also be read on AO3.

The Chris and Ellie series is primarily chronological. It begins with a flash forward to 2016 and has a few other scenes in the future. However, the majority of their story is told in chronological order starting in 2013 and going through 2017. Each episode starts with a date to help you place it within the story.

The Chris & Ellie Series Masterlist|Chris & Ellie Masterlist

Episode 29

Episode 30: The First Date

January 8, 2015

“Are you going to tell me where we’re going yet?” Ellie asked as Chris navigated LA traffic.

“If I told you, it’d ruin the surprise,” he replied, tossing her a coy grin.

“Fine, but remember what goes around comes around,” Ellie replied, playfully crossing her arms with a huff. “And I will figure this out.”

“You’re welcome to try,” Chris teased.

Ellie spent the next thirty minutes or so trying to guess their destination, using highway signs as clues, with little success. It wasn’t until she started seeing the signs for the Griffith Observatory that she figured it out.

Wanting to test her theory, she made what she hoped came out as an offhand comment. “You know, I’ve never been to the observatory. I hear it’s a great place.”

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