#reader x avengers


The Country Club ✨

Loki x female reader

Part 2 ~ The Reception

Previous Part

Italics = flashback


You followed your thankful satnav that sent you on the wrong course about three times before you reached your desired destination. Stepping out of the car outside a fancy grandiose looking guiding that had a waterfall at the front, you took advantage of the valet parking, taking your bag out of the car before walking towards the entrance, wheeling it next to you. You walked through the automatic doors, taking in the decor of the place. It could only be described as beautiful. Gold accents running through everything as well as tranquil music in the background. If heaven was a place ok earth, it’d be here.

“Hello.” You greeted the lady at the reception “I’m y/n.” You continued to speak, not knowing what to say to the young looking receptionist who stared blankly back at you. You began to think you were at the wrong place until you spotted Bucky, drink in hand walking inside.

“Y/n!” He cheered, stumbling towards you before pulling you into a hug. You could feel the bit of his drink that sloshed to the side of the glass before falling down your back. “I’ve missed you girl.”

“Bucky, how longs it been? Few months?” You laughed, pulling back from the crushing hug you’d give someone you hadn’t seen in years. “I see you’ve already taken advantage of the bar.” You said, gesturing to the drink in his hand.

“You know me.” He said with a coy smile. “This is Alexa, Janes friend Darcys niece or something like that, she doesn’t really know what she’s doing.” Bucky excused the girl still looking blankly at you both “but you’re trying.” He smiled reassuringly at her before turning back to you and mouthing a quick “she has no clue.”

“Can I have your last name please.” The girl finally spoke. You gave her your full name before she handed you a set of keys. “Would you like to leave your bag here, someone will take it to your room.” She offered.

“Um okay.” You answered, pocketing the key as Bucky grabbed your hand and pulled you to a reception room that looked even more heavenly than the place you just were. The bar was practically yelling at you to explore it.

“Wandas outside.” Bucky informed you before ordering himself another drink “and a gin and tonic.” He added to his order.

“Thanks.” You smiled, knowing it was for you.

“So is Thor, Jane, Steve and Natasha.” He continued. You breathed a sigh of relief not hearing Lokis name. Of course he wouldn’t be here. You felt silly for spritzing yourself with his favourite perfume. He always complimented it whenever you wore it saying no one could ever wear it like you did. You grabbed the gin and tonic and drank it in two quick sips before ordering another.

“Off we go doll.” Bucky said, linking his arm with yours as you both walked outside.

If Medusa decided she wanted to open a country club instead of turning wicked men to stone, it’d be this one. Bright green hedges arranged in a maze like pattern surrounded small statues. The sound of birds singing was a perfect match to the sound of waterfalls in the distance. From where you stood, you could see that the grounds were big, Thor and Jane had outdone themselves. Bucky began guiding you towards the decking where there were tables and chairs as well as all your fiends. Spotting you, Steve stood from his chair and made his way towards you.

“Y/n.” He smiled, pecking you on the cheek as he hugged you.

“Ah y/n is here!” Thor announced, putting his drink on the table as he and Jane made their ways towards you, their arms replacing Steve’s.

“Heyyy.” You replied, hugging them back before making your way to Wanda and Nat who were waiting in line to wrap their arms around you too.

“Looking hot as ever.” Nat winked.

Definitely not for Loki you thought, hugging her back before sitting down at a seat with your own drink as you all caught up. No one mentioned Loki, not even Thor, it was as he never existed. Each of them knew how upset you was when he left so perhaps they weren’t bringing him up for your benefit. After crying your heart out on a Group FaceTime call, you decided it was a ridiculous response considering that Loki and you hadn’t labelled anything. You failed to admit to them that you had admitted your feelings to him the night before he left. They all continued to talk about Thor and Janes new business venture as you thought back to that morning.

Squinting when you woke, you tried to block the sun out of your view as you reached an arm out to feel for Loki. Realising he wasn’t there, you opened your eyes fully to see where he was but he wasn’t in your room. You assumed he was in the kitchen or in the bathroom showering. You called out for him but he didn’t respond. Inside you felt a sinking feeling of dread as if your heart knew what had happened but you didn’t want to face it. You couldn’t. You sat up in the bed, holding the duvet over your naked body, feeling exposed as you called out for him again. The flat was silent, deathly silent and again, you knew something was wrong. You remained in the silence for a while longer, wiping any tears that thought they’d be able to freely fall down your cheeks. You knew that if you stood up and looked for him, he wouldn’t be there and it’d confirm your suspicions and so you didn’t. You sat in the bed, waiting for him to come back.

“So, any dates?” Nat asked, breaking you from your thoughts.

“Don’t make me laugh.” You answered, taking a sip of your drink.

“You know Steve here is just itching to take you out.” She teased causing Steve to spit out his drink as he blushed. You smiled at him before looking back at Nat.

“I don’t think he’d be able to handle it.” You smirked.

“You should go to one of those speed dating things with Darcy.” Jane suggested.

“Where is Darcy?” You questioned. You and her didn’t hang out much but whenever you did, it was hilarious. She’s definitely someone you’d want to drown your sadness away with.

“She’s—” Jane began before she was interrupted.

“Brother, this place is spectacular.”

Your heart stopped.


“Well, apart from that incompetent receptionist.” He added.


“Hey.” Darcy warned, appearing from behind him as she lightly patted his chest. “She’s my niece.”


The Taipan, the prince and the winter soldier ❄️

Chapter 3

Previous Chapter

Next Chapter


“So I really have to stay here.” You sighed, sitting on Bucky’s bed in his room at the compound which was a stark difference to the place you both used to live back when you were with HYDRA. For example this place had pillows.

“Yes y/n. If we’re really going to take down Strucker once and for all, I need to make sure you’re safe.” He answered, sitting at his desk chair.

“Do I at least get to go home and grab some things then?” You questioned, laying back against the bed “I need clothes, my skincare bag, my blades.” You listed.

“We can go back there together later on—”

“I’ll go alone.” You interjected.

“But for now, let me introduce you to the gang, they should be back now.” He said excitedly, standing up.

“Gang?” You snorted.

“My palls.”

“You’re gonna make me gag.” You huffed as Bucky took your hand, pulling you up before you both left the room. You both headed back towards floor 7 which you assumed was the common area considering that when you arrived, everyone who you assumed were Becky’s ‘palls’ were there. They all seemed lost in a task before they sighted you and Bucky walking in. You felt slightly nervous under their gazes but you took a deep breath, relaxing yourself especially when your gaze met Lokis. He gave a curt nod of acknowledgement that you were thankful for. You shuffled closer to Bucky.

“Who’s your friend?” A man who you definitely recognised as Captain America asked, wriggling his brows as he stepped towards you.

“Take another step pretty boy and I’ll castrate you.” You grinned.

“Y/N!” Bucky exclaimed.

“Feisty.” Loki smirked.

“She’s not a friendly.” Steve murmured, taking a step backwards. 

“Y/n, this is Steve.” Bucky introduced. You replied with a quick smile before your stoic expression returned. “And this is Wanda.” He continued, gesturing to the girl that had a wide smile as she looked at you. You returned it recognising it’s falseness. It hid pain.

“I recognise you.” She spoke.

“I must have one of those faces.” You lied knowing that she looked familiar too.

“Remind me, how do you know eachother again?” Steve interjected. You glanced at Bucky who visibly winced. Looking away from him, your eyes met a different pair. Clearly she realised to.

“We used to date.” You smiled seeing that Bucky clearly wasn’t going to answer.

“No.” The red head who you recognised as Natasha Romanoff interrupted “they’re bound by trauma. Look at how close they’re standing plus Bucky gulped when you asked.” She continued, talking to Steve.

“Oh you’re good.” You smirked, looking at her.

“Oh you have no idea.” She winked.

“As the hot redhead put it, we’re bound by trauma.” You announced.

“Trauma?” Steve questioned.

“HYDRA.” Bucky murmured as you nodded.

“Baron Wolfgang von Strucker” Wanda spoke just above a whisper “that’s where I know you from.”

“We were there together. We took HYDRA down together and now we’ve got to team up again to take down Strucker because apparently we missed him last time. One final fight. That’s why I’ve been grounded here.” You huffed.

“You’re not grounded.” Bucky clarified.

“Course not, I just can’t can’t leave.” You sighed.

“She’s here because if anyone finds out what we’re doing, she’ll be in a lot of danger. We have to protect her.” Bucky said to the group who were watching you both bickering.

“If I needed to I could protect myself.” You opined, gesturing to yourself as your sleeve rode slightly up exposing the tattoo on your arm.

“You’re the Taipan.” Natasha said with a small gasp, noticing the snake tattoo. It was your turn to wink. “I knew you were a woman, a man could never be so swift.”

You looked over at Loki, giving him a small smile remembering his earlier remark. He returned the gesture by rolling his eyes.

“Why thank you Romanoff. I’m a fan of your work too well, your work before you teamed up with these lot.” You praised.

“Well an ally of Bucky’s is an ally of ours, you have my protection.” Steve assured. “Regardless of how violent you are.” He said under his breath. You gave him a small smile.

“I will do everything in my power to help you take down Strucker.” Wanda agreed.

“I’d be honoured to work with the Taipan plus I’m never one to turn down a fight.” Natasha said with a coy smile. You gave her a thankful one before you turned your attention towards Loki who was yet to speak.

“Hm, this could be fun.” He sniggered “count me in, I’ll protect you y/n.” He teased, raising his brow as if he was your knight in shining armour.

“Don’t need your protection.” You answered quickly.

“Y/n.” Bucky warned.

“Thank you Loki, thank you for your protection.” You answered.

“Right so you’ve met Steve, Wanda, Natasha and Loki, that concludes my friends, the rest are either on a mission or off earth.” Bucky said, saying the last bit slightly uncomfortably.

“Nice. Can I go home and grab some clothes now?”

“Grab something from my room to sleep in, we’ll sort out you going home tomorrow.” Bucky decided.


The Taipan, the prince and the Winter soldier ❄️

Chapter 2

Previous Chapter

Next Chapter


You reluctantly followed Bucky to where you knew he often stayed. The Avengers Compound. You grimaced as you both entered the private car park. After extensive security procedures that mostly consisted of Bucky saying you were one of his very close ‘lady friends’, you were allowed inside the building. Unfortunately you had no weapons on you as Bucky had made you leave them all in the car knowing you’d never get through security with them. Luckily enough, you were confident that Bucky wasn’t going to hurt you, if he was, he would have done it by now. He guided you both towards an elevator before pressing the button to the seventh floor.

“You hungry?” He asked, breaking the silence.

“You tell me that Strucker, who I thought we had dealt with is alive and you’re asking me if I’m hungry.” You scoffed. “Unbelievable.”

“If you’re not hungry all you had to do was say, geez.” He replied.

“No James, no I’m not hungry.” You replied as the doors opened revealing what appeared to be some sort of common room. Bucky stepped out and you followed cautiously along with him into the seemingly empty room.

“It’s just Bucky here.” He said, glancing down towards you next to him.

“What’s wrong with James?” You queried “it’s what I’ve always called you.”

“I prefer Bucky.” He stated.

“Fine, Bucky.” You answered with no arguments as you both entered a kitchen.

“Now I know you said you’re not hungry but I am.”

Ignoring him as he opened the fridge, pulling out different ingredients, you glanced around the kitchen, taking everything in. It was honestly huge. It had an island in the middle that had stools coming out of it as well as a huge window on the far wall that overlooked a lovely area of greenery and hills. You continued to look before something on the floor caught your attention.

“So, with a place like this, it’s not uncommon to see various different wildlife animals. You know, because of the location” You assumed, speaking aloud.

“I suppose so.” Bucky answered, making a sandwich.

“So it’s not uncommon to see snakes in the kitchen then?” You smiled, looking down at the snake that was continuing to slither towards you.

“What!” Bucky exclaimed.

“Don’t tell me you’re scared of this little thing.” You cooed, picking the snake up.

“That looks venomous. Put it down!” Bucky instructed, abandoning the butter knife as he stepped away from the counter.

“It’s not venomous.” You spoke absentmindedly, allowing it to wrap around your arm.

“H-how do you know?” He stuttered.

“You forget that I am nicknamed the Taipan. The most dangerous snake in this room is me.” You remarked, still looking at the snake “although you do look a little different don’t you? What’s your name eh?” You asked before the snake disappeared from your hand causing your eyes to widen in alarm.

“So you’re the famous Taipan, I thought you’d be a man.” You heard a voice from over your shoulder. Quickly spinning on your heels you were met with a face you had recognised. The man grinned at you as you glared at him.

“And you’re the man who tried to take over New York, I thought you’d be successful.” You quipped with a grin of your own as his fell. There were a few tense moments of silence between you both as you eyed each other up to see who’d pounce first before the sound of Bucky clearing his throat broke you both from the trance.

“Loki.” He greeted, offering his hand.

“Call me Taipan.” You answered, shaking it.

“That’s your name?” He asked.

Nodding, you smiled at him.

“Come on y/n, eat something.” Bucky called, gesturing to a sandwich he had made you.

“See you around Taipan.” Loki smirked before practically disappearing from his spot.

“What’s he, a magician?” You chuckled, picking up the sandwich from the plate and taking a bite of it.

“He’s Loki.” Bucky answered.

“So what’s the plan, when do we you know, kill Strucker?” You asked, continuing to eat the sandwich.

“It’s not that simple y/n.” He sighed.

“Not that simple? Why not?” You asked, furrowing your brows.

“He’s probably set up a whole network by now. Our job is to find out exactly who it is he’s working with and their plans. Once we’ve done that, we can breakdown everything he’s built.” Bucky explained, eating his own sandwich.

“We already know Struckers motives. What we need to do is find him and then kill him.” You countered.

“No y/n that’s now we’re doing this, we have to play this smart.” Bucky insisted.

“You can waste your time playing this smart but I’d much rather get my hands dirty.” You said, putting the rest of the sandwich on the plate.

“Look y/n we’re doing this my way or we’re not doing it.” Bucky stated.

“Your way? You think I can’t track down Strucker on my own?” You asked, slightly offended.

“If you could you would have known he was alive.”

“I thought he was DEAD!” You shouted.

“Fine, let’s say you do find him which I highly doubt you will, what then? What then huh? You wait for him to say a couple words and then you’re back to being his killing machine?” Bucky taunted.

“That’s not fair.” You spoke quieter, looking down.

“Look, it’s in both our best interests for us to work together. We ground each other okay.” He consoled, tilting your chin upwards “now finish your sandwich.”


Loki bath bomb

The Taipan, the prince and the Winter soldier ❄️

Bucky x Reader x Loki

Chapter 1

Next Chapter


“You.” You scoffed, lowering your weapon as your eyes met Bucky’s.

“Why am I not surprised?” He sighed, lowering his weapon too.

“Look, stay out of my way. I’m not here for you or any of yours.” You assured.

“You might not be here to kill me today but there’s always tomorrow.” He countered.

“You’re right James, you should stay vigilant.” You grinned darkly “now are you going to let me pass or am I going to have to bring your death prematurely?” You questioned nonchalantly, running your eyes over your nails.

“Y/n, you know I can’t let you go.” He said, shaking his head.

“I thought you’d say something stupid like that. You never fail to disappoint.” You answered unamused.

“Well you know me doll, ever the pleaser.” He smiled, opening his arms.

“Move.” You commanded.

“Can’t do that.”

“Move now or I really will kill you.” You said again.

“Not gonna happen.” He tutted.

“Moveee!” You shouted, pushing Bucky out of the way as your target raised an axe ready to hit him with it. You quickly disarmed him before swiping his legs, bringing him crashing to the floor. You got on top of him, tightly gripping his throat with one hand as you slapped him across the face with the other. “Naughty boy.” You scolded.

Bucky stood up, blinking the dizziness away that he felt after being pushed to the floor unexpectedly by you. Looking down at you, he saw you straddling a man on the floor as you strangled him.

“Y/n stop!” He ordered, pulling your arm to drag you off of him.

“James get off of me.” You shrugged him off, gripping the man below you’s throat with two hands now.

Bucky pulled you off of the man, pinning you to the ground.

“Do you have any idea what you’ve just done!” You screeched as your target quickly stood to his feet before trudging out of the room, holding his neck.

“I can’t knowingly let you kill people.” Bucky answered, knitting his brows.

“He was my target you dick and a very dangerous one. It’s taken me weeks to finally track him down and now I’ve lost him again.” You stressed.

“Tough.” Bucky stated, still pinning you to the floor.

“How did you even know I was here?” You asked, as Bucky eventually got off of you when he was certain the man had gotten far enough away from you.

“You’re not the only one who’s been tracking someone down.” He replied knowingly, helping you to stand.

“So you’re following me now, great.” You sighed, holding his arm as you stood up.

“I wouldn’t say following—” he began.

“Stalking.” You cut in.

“Keeping an eye on you.”



“I’m not a weirdo, I was curious to see what you’ve been up to since—.” He began to speak before pausing as if lost for words as he looked down at the ground.

“Before we destroyed HYDRA?” You finished for him.


“Bit of this bit of that.” You sniggered.

“But nothing meaningful, nothing you’re proud of.” He spoke, looking back up at you.

“I am very proud to have earned the name The Taipan unlike you, what is it they call you again? Bucky?” You chuckled.

“Seems I’m not the only one who’s been keeping tabs.” He quipped.

“You’re not special, I keep tabs on everyone I’ve had some sort of past with, especially those concerning HYDRA.” You answered causing Bucky to slightly wince at the mention of the awful organisation.

“I’ll take your word for it.” He winked, quickly recovering.

“Well it’s been nice talking but I’ve got a job to fulfil.”

“Unfortunately I cannot let you do that. The man that you just tried to kill is under the protection of SHIELD.”

“The good guys I am to assume? You do remember that he literally just tried to kill you.” You huffed.

“Well—that’s besides the point.” Bucky quickly answered.

“So where do we go from here then?”

“You follow me.” He suggested.

“And why would I do that?” You tittered.

“Because there’s one last person we missed.” He answered.

You inhaled sharply knowing what he was referring to, narrowing your gaze as you took a step closer to Bucky. Missed? Who could you both have possibly missed you thought, panic and anger rising through your body.

“Who?“ you demanded.

“Strucker.” Bucky answered lowly.

“Strucker?” You gasped, swallowing thickly “th—that can’t be possible. We torched that building, the whole lot. How can he have survived?” You rambled, anxiously running a hand through your hair.

“I don’t know. All I know is that he is alive, laying dormant but alive.” Bucky answered.

“And what have you and your new friends been doing about it? Sitting around? Pretending you’re a superhero when you’re nothing but a coward.” You seethed.

“You know just as well as I do that it’s not as simple as just taking Strucker out. If he’s alive then he’s not working alone. We have to divide and conquer. Now, I could do this by myself or you could join me.” He offered.

“I will not stop until that bastard is in hell.” You said through gritted teeth.


  •  Y/n just wanted a nice Thanksgiving dinner with everyone together since no one really had a family to go home to.
  • ·         Wanda had never celebrated Thanksgiving before and was doing her best to help Y/N in the kitchen
  • ·         Vision was trying the discuss the deeper meaning of Thanksgiving with an already tipsy Tony.
  • ·         Steve thought the idea was wonderful but when Y/N realized how horrible his cooking skills were she kicked him out.  
  • ·         Rhodey and Sam would try to steal bites of food, but Wanda would literallythrow them across the room.
  • ·         Y/N appreciated Wanda wanting to help cook but no Wanda there is no Beef Stroganoff at Thanksgiving!
  • ·         Steve ended tried hiding the alcohol from Tony again, but Tony had put a tracker in the cart.
  • ·         Y/n furiously whipped and peeled potatoes because Sam liked his, but Tony only ate the box kind, Clint didn’t like his without a bit of garlic, but Natasha hated garlic, and Steve would not eat them unless every lump was gone!
  • ·         Y/N’s hands shook with anger as she peeled another potato.  She’d be damned if she let these idiots ruin her Thanksgiving.  She was an agent of Shield! A feared assassin! She could make five kinds of mashed potatoes, bread dressing, a turkey, two kinds of pies, and cranberry sauce even if it killed her!
  • ·         The fifth time Y/N caught Clint reaching towards the turkey from the vent above she chucked a potato at him
  • ·         In the end though once everything was finally cooked and they all sat down and ate it wasn’t that bad.  Everyone laughed, joked, told stories, and all five kinds of mashed potatoes has been eaten by the end of meal
  • ·         It didn’t even matter they didn’t eat dinner till twelve in the morning which meant it wasn’t even Thanksgiving anymore (Y/N threw another potato at Clint when he pointed this out)


  •  No one made any comments when Y/N started listening to Christmas music in September(Mainly because when Clint tried to she gave him the look which then led to him hiding in the vents for two hours)
  •  But! Thanksgiving was finally over so the Avengers finally let Y/N decorate.
  •   Steve even surprised her with a real pine tree!
  • It was Y/N’s first Christmas with the Avengers, so they wanted to make it extra special for her.
  • One the tree was all decorated (which took like eight hours because they all kept arguing about which ornaments to use and color scheme to do) it was time for Christmas cookies!!!!
  • The problem was, no one knew how to make cookies….
  •   A special pray of thanks for google was made that day by the team
  •  Everything was great till Sam and Rhodey started an icing fight and then got Steve and Bucky involved, then Tony threw an egg, Natasha attacked with flour, and Y/N just dumped sugar on Steve’s head.
  • Tony was suspiciously excited about putting up the mistletoe.  They couldn’t figure out why till they realized it was hung up in every single doorway in the tower
  •   This led to Natasha kissing Vision, Clint kissing Y/N, Sam and Bucky got caught under the mistletoe too at one point (Sam kissed Bucky to piss him off.  It worked).
  • Steve kept trying to get caught under the mistletoe with Y/N but kept failing. Miserably. Vision is not the greatest kisser.
  •  They watched a different Christmas movie every night! Well… almost every night.  They watched Rudolph three times, A Nightmare before Christmas eight, Frosty the Snowman four, and Santa Claus is coming to town twelve times.
  •   It took a lot of convincing, but Y/N finally got everyone to go Christmas caroling with her.  They may have all only agreed because she gave them the look… but that’s not important.
  •  No one really knew the words and Bucky could not carry a tune even if his life depended on it, but they had fun.  Until they all realized Tony had the voice of an angel and he wouldn’t stop bragging about it till they pushed him into the snow and left him there to freeze (don’t worry, he didn’t)
  •  It was getting to the point where Steve had kissed almost everyone exceptY/N
  •  So, Steve did the only thing he could think of.  He took Y/N by the hand, dragged her over to the mistletoe and kissed her.
  •  After, she then admitted to getting others to appear under the mistletoe whenever he tried to get her under the mistletoe cause she thought it’d be funny. 
  •   Steve did not find this funny. (Y/N made it up to him with a few more kisses).
  •  Christmas Eve was probably Y/N’s favorite night out of the whole month.
  •  It didn’t take twenty minutes to pick a movie, they all had cocoa and cookies (from the store), and they all fell asleep in the living room.
  •  It was Y/N’s favorite Christmas of all time

Type: Series

Warnings: Swearing


AN: We’re getting close to the end… just thought I should warn you…


“Does anybody listen to me? No! They think it’s a good idea to go running down a highway, flipping cars, doing flips off motorcycles, fighting foreign kings…”


“Shut up I’m still not done mocking your stupidity!” Jo growled as she continued to pace.  Steve and Sam currently sat at the conference table while Jo paced around the glass box they were currently in.  Surrounded by the CIA.  Bucky was in the basement actually locked up in a box.  At least theirs had comfy chairs.  

“Did you get someone to look at your injuries?”

“You’re going to need to someone to look at your injuries if you don’t piss off!” Jo snapped.  Why did Steve had to be such an idiot where Bucky was concerned? Didn’t think! Didn’t plan! Just when in there thinking it would be all fine! Jo shook her head, resisting the urge to hit Steve again. She finally sat down, at the other end of the table away from Steve, when the pain in her side started to bother her.  It was no cakewalk getting hit by multiple cars and having the Winter Soldier shove you through a concrete wall.  

“So, what’s our next move?” Sam asked trying to break the tension.

“We wait.”

“I can’t just- “

“Oh, no! We did it your way now we do it mine!” Jo ordered.  “We wait because we won’t walk out of here alive with Barnes unless we do just that.  No more going in guns blazing.  You’re going to sit there, answer their questions, do as they ask, and be a good little prisoner till the opportunity we need shows itself.”

“Should I sign the accords if Tony asks again?”

“You sign those things and I’ll be the one to make sure you don’t walk out of here alive.”

“Man, have you ever seen her this mad?” Sam mumbled.  

“I think Tony putting Wanda on house arrest didn’t do much to calm her.”

“Don’t forget your stupidity” Jo stated glancing at Steve.   Jo stood up again and looked out of the glass.  

“Jo, I am- “

“Shut up and look at this!” Jo whispered.  Steve walked over and looked at the monitors showing Bucky’s cell.  A man was sitting down at a table across of Bucky’s box.

“The receipt for your suit,” Sharon stated walking in.

“Bird costume? Come on!”

“I didn’t write it,” Sharon defended.  Jo and Steve were still looking out of the glass when Sharon pressed a button turning on the monitor in their room.  They could now see and hear the conversation between Bucky and the man.

“I am not here to judge you.  I just want to ask you a few questions.” The man spoke.  He had an accent Jo didn’t recognize but it sounded familiar.  “Do you know where you are James?”

Bucky did not respond.

“I can’t help you if you don’t talk to me, James.  James?”

“My name is Bucky,” Bucky finally said.  His voice was sound rough.  

Jo looked away from the monitor and picked up the photo that had been released when they announced Bucky as their prime suspect.  “Why would the task force release this photo to begin with?”

“Get the word out, involve as many eyes as we can?” Sharon suggested.  

“Right. It’s a good way to flush a guy out of hiding.  Set off a bomb.  Get your picture taken.  Now you got seven billion people looking for the Winter Soldier.”

“You’re saying someone framed him to find him?” Steve asked turning to Jo.  

“But Jo, we looked for the guy for two years and found nothing.”

“But we didn’t bomb the UN,” Steve put in.  “That turns a lot of heads.”

“Yeah, but that doesn’t guarantee who framed him would get him. It guarantees that we would.”

“Yeah…” Jo whispered looking back up at the monitor.  Suddenly, the room went dark and emergency lights started to flash.

“Sublevel five, east wing!” Sharon spoke up.

“Is this our opportunity?”

“You bet it is!” Jo growled as they took off.

They arrived to find bodies all over the room.

“Help me… help me…” The man was laying on the floor of the cell.

“Get up,” Steve ordered. He grabbed the man by his shirt and slammed him against the wall.  “Who are you? What do you want?”

“To see an empire fall.”

When Jo entered the room, she ducked just in time to avoid Bucky’s swing.  She rolled out of his way and Sam hit him from behind.  Jo threw herself at Bucky’s middle and shoved him against the wall. Bucky lifted his legs and kicked Jo across the room before shoving Sam to the ground.

Steve jumped into action throwing hits where he could while dodging the metal arm as they headed out of the room.  

Jo got to up in time to see the man standing by an elevator with broken doors.

“Hey!” Sam called out as he stumbled to her feet. The man disappeared down the hallway.  

Jo rushed over to the elevator and looked down. “Steve!”

“Go! Get Bucky!”

Jo nodded and she and Sam took off in the direction the man had gone.  

They exited the building along with the crowd of screaming people.  Jo spotted a familiar sweater on the ground and picked it up.

“Damn…” She whispered. It was the sweater the man had been wearing.

“Look!” Sam pointed at a helicopter as it fell into the lake.

“Steve!” Jo whispered as they took off running.  

Bucky let out a groan as he began to wake up.  He looked over at his metal arm, that was currently jammed into some contraption.

“Hey Cap!” Sam called out and Steve came running over.

Jo remained in the shadows, unsure if it was a good idea for Bucky to see her.  

“Steve…” Bucky groaned.

“Which Bucky am I talking to?”

“Your mom’s name was Sarah. You used to wear newspapers in your shoes.” Bucky slightly laughed.

“Can’t read that in a museum.”

“Just like that was supposed to be cool?” Sam asked.

“What did I do?”


“Oh, God, I knew this would happen,” Bucky sighed.  “Everything Hydra put inside of me is still there.  All he had to do was say the god damn words.”

“Who was he?”

“I don’t know…”

“People are dead. The bombing, the setup, the doctor did all that just to get ten minutes with you.  I need you to do better than “I don’t know”” Steve ordered.

Bucky bit his lip, clearly trying to remember anything he could.  “He wanted to know about Siberia.  Where I was kept.  He wanted to know exactly where.”

“Why would he need to know that?”

“Because I’m not the only Winter Soldier,” Bucky answered.  

“Who were they?”

“Their most elite death squad.  More kills than anyone in Hydra’s history.  And that was before the serum.”

“They all turn out like you?” Sam asked.  Jo could hear a slight bit of sarcasm in his tone.  She could already tell how that friendship was going to go.


“The doctor, could he control them?” Steve inquired.


“Said he wanted to see an empire fall…”

“With these guys, he could do it.  They speak thirty languages, can hide in plain sight, infiltrate, assassinate, destabilize.  They could take a whole country down in one night and you’d never see them coming.”

Sam walked over to Steve and they began talking quietly to each other.  Steve looked to wear Jo had been standing, out of sight, and motioned her over.  

“We already know we’re on our on with this one,” She whispered upon reaching them.  

“Sam doesn’t think so, says he knows a guy.”

“You talking about tic-tac?” Jo asked surprised.  

Sam nodded.

“You…. How are you…”

Jo turned to see the shock on Bucky’s face at the sight of her,

“You know each other?” Steve demanded.

“I… I killed her,” Bucky whispered.  

“You tried to at least,” Jo sighed.  

“How did you survive?”

“The super soldier serum. If I had been a simple human I would have frozen to death within minutes, and there was no place close to go.”

“That’s what I had assumed…” Bucky muttered.

“Okay, explain, now.”

“Steve listen, I- “

“Nope.  You got to give orders now it’s my turn.  Explain. Now.” Steve ordered.

Jo sighed, she walked out of the room and Steve followed.

“Why can’t Sam hear this?”

“Because he already knows,” Jo answered.  Steve was clearly not happy about that.  “Look, the only reason I never told you this was because I knew it would not do any good. After I escaped Hydra, I was not… a good person.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, I spent a good ten years hunting down Hydra operatives and killing them, and I had my work on the side.”

“You were a hitman, I know this.”

“Yeah, but you don’t know most of it,” Jo muttered.  “Anyways, I came across a Hydra compound out in the middle of Russia.  My info told me it was abandoned, figured I could see if there was any useful information left behind so I made my way to it.  Upon arriving, I found it was not abandoned, but in fact, occupied by the Winter Soldier team.”

“You fought Bucky…”

“Yeah.  It was early on in my years of hiding.  I was untrained and unprepared.  Anything I had done before had been petty work, child’s play compared to what he could do to me.”

“How did you get out?”

“I managed to get outside but there was nothing for miles, Bucky was right on my tale and could outrun any vehicle I could have tried to take.  So, I let him throw me into the ocean.  Swam for a couple miles before climbing out at a bank and hiking to the nearest village.”

“My God… Jo you could have- “

“Died, drowned, frozen to death. Trust me I know.” Jo reassured waving him off.  “I was young, stupid, filled with anger, and alone. After I recovered I did some research and found out who Bucky was.  I did try and go back to find him, but by the time I got there they had left without a trace. I could never find anything on him.”

“Why did you try and find him again?”

“He had been your best friend, I figured that’s what you would have done.”

Steve sighed and grabbed Jo by the shoulder and pulled her in for a hug.  “I love you, you know that?”

“Love you too pops,” Jo sighed pulling away.  “But, we should go.  Who knows how much longer this warehouse will be safe.”

Steve nodded.  “Come on, we got a world to save.”

“Again…” Jo muttered as they headed back over to Bucky and Sam.  

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Type: Series

Warnings: Swearing


The church was completely packed.  The choir sang as the men carried in the casket, Steve was among them.  There was a large portrait Margret Carter at the front with some white flowers in front of it.  Jo did not sit beside her father.  In fact, Steve didn’t even know she was there.  Jo stood all the way in the back, in a corner where she remained unnoticed by the crowd.  

“I would like to invite Joanne Carter, to come say a few words.” The Priest said.  Jo sighed and made her way to the podium.  

Ignoring the surprised look on both Steve and Sam’s faces, Jo cleared her throat and began to speak.

“Everyone knew Margret Carter as the founder of Shield, one of the best agents the government has ever had, a hero, someone who helped shape the world we live in today.  But I knew her as Mom.” Jo paused for a second, it had been many years since the last time she had talked about Peggy.  It had taken an hour-long conversation with Coulson just to convince her to do this.  “She may have been the woman who fought the bad guys, but she was also the woman who walked me to school and made pancakes every Saturday morning. She taught me how to fight and to stand up for what I believe.  She proved that even in a world that seemed impossible for women to succeed in, she went against the odds and proved everyone wrong.  Hell, she even bought me my first holster.”  This earned a bit of laughter from the crowd.  “So, sure she met John F Kennedy, fought the Nazis, and is the girl who took Captain America’s virginity, but even though she did all that, the best thing she ever to me was being my mother.”

Jo took another sip from the bottle of vodka she had managed to get out of the storage closet in the bar she was now sitting outside of in back alley.  One of the downsides of not aging is that you never look old enough to buy alcohol.  

“How did you know she took your dad’s virginity?” Sam took the bottle from her as he sat down on the ground and took a sip.

“Uncle Howard had a bit too much to drink one time when he was watching me,” Jo answered taking back the bottle.  

“You okay?”

Jo nodded, “Yeah, I mean, I knew this was coming.  It just felt weird to be there, to talk about her and tell stories.  In a way, she had already been dead to me, but now she truly is gone…”

“She was proud of you, you know.”

Jo scoffed.  “Sure, proud her daughter turned into a cold-blooded assassin.  She would be so proud of the woman who let Hydra take her a second time.  She would absolutely love how I failed to fight them, how I failed to stop their experiments and what they were doing.”

“You’re not invincible you know,” Sam insisted.  “Not to mention you shouldn’t be fighting this all on your own.  None of that was your fault anyhow.”

“But I’m tired of fighting!” Jo exclaimed.  “There’s always someone who needs saving! Always another Hydra to fight! People I care about are always dying! I’m tired of it!”

“So, what? You gonna quit?”

Jo didn’t have a response to that because she herself did not know the answer. Or it was more likely she was not ready to admit what she wanted to herself.   “Where’s Steve?”

“I left him back at the church.  He didn’t seem ready to leave.”

“Natasha is probably with him”

“Is there something between those two?”

“God, I hope so!” Jo exclaimed.  “It’s better than the alternative,” Jo cringed at the possibility of Steve having feelings for Sharon.

“What’s the alternative?

“I should go see him,” Jo stood up, ignoring Sam’s question, finished the bottle and tossed it into the nearby dumpster.  Before she could set off for the church both hers and Sam’s phones began blowing up with notifications.

“Looks like the worlds in chaos.”

“When is it not?” Jo groaned.

Jo and Sam arrived at Steve’s location, which was a hotel.  It had not taken much convincing to get Sam to promise to not tell Steve about the tracker Jo had planted on his phone.  

“Hey, Steve, you need to-“Jo stopped when she noticed Steve was not standing by the elevator alone.

“What is it?” Steve asked, looking between Sharon and Jo completely confused.”


“You can’t tell- “

“I said no, and that means no, so no,” Jo growled starring Sharon down. “And as I was saying, Steve, there’s something you need to see.”

Steve, Sam, and Jo stood in front of the TV in Sharon’s hotel room. Listening to the news broadcaster explain the explosion in Vienna.  Sharon was on the phone with a co-worker trying to find out what she could.

“Oh God,” Jo whispered as the news broadcaster named James Buchanan Barnes as their number one suspect.  

Sharon put down her phone and looked at the TV.  “I have to go to work.”

“So do we,” Jo grumbled.

Jo sat beside Sam at the bar.  Sam wore a baseball cap and sunglasses, while Jo wore jut the sunglasses and had dyed her short hair brown.  She was tired of blonde anyways.  Steve was outside on the phone with Natasha.  

“Did you have any run-ins with Barnes when you worked for Shield?”

“No, but I did before Shield recruited me.”

Sam looked at Jo slightly surprised.  He took another bite of his food and motioned for her to continue.

“After I escaped Hydra, and had spent a couple years learning how to live in hiding, I started hunting down Hydra operatives who had escaped the war. There were many who did not hide as well as the rest.” Jo explained.  “One night, I infiltrated an old Hydra compound in Russia that was said to be abandoned.  I figured there might be some useful files left there or something.  I usually sent such things to Shield anonymously.  The problem was, it was not abandoned.  It was set up similarly to the first place Hydra did experiments on me.  Though I was in no way prepared to fight someone like Barnes.”

“How so?”

“He was ruthless.  I may have matched him in strength and speed, but I was sloppy, untrained.  While he had years of experience in the army and had been trained by Hydra’s finest.  I didn’t stand a chance.”

“How did you even survive?”

“Only way I could, I died.” Jo took a sip of her beet before continuing. “The compound was near the ocean, so, I let him get a few hits in before I fell in.”

“In Russia! The water must have been freezing!”

“I had pneumonia for three months.” Jo chuckled.

“Does Steve know this?”

Jo shook her head, “No, I never saw any good in telling him this. When I figured out who had tried to kill me I did try and find him again.  He had been my father’s best friend, I figured Steve would have wanted me to at least try and save him.  But he was a ghost but the time I was strong enough to return to the compound.”

Jo stopped when she saw Steve walk in with a grim look on his face.

“She tell you to stay out of it?” Sam asked.  “Might have a point.”

“He’d do it for me.”

“1945, maybe, I just want to make sure we consider all our options. The people that shoot at you, usually wind up shooting at us.” Sam motioned over to Jo and himself as he spoke.

Sharon stepped up beside Steve before he could respond.  “Tips have been pouring in since the footage went public.  Everybody thinks the Winter Soldier goes to their gym. Most of its noise.  Except for this.” Sharon slid a file over to Steve. “My boss expects a briefing, pretty much now… So that’s all the head start you’re gonna get.”

“Thank you.”

“You’re gonna have to hurry, we have orders to shoot on sight.” Sharon looked over at Jo before leaving.

Jo said no in sign language before Sharon disappeared out the door.

“You wanna explain what you keep saying no to?”

“No,” Jo answered taking the file from Steve and walking out of the bar.

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