

01.07.2021//hey everyone!! It’s been a while. I got so busy at the end of last semester and my anxiety kicked in a lot. I hope everyone had a relaxing holiday break. Right now I’m applying to internship positions as part of my program. It’s pretty stressful, especially considering there’s not many positions up right now. However I’m hoping they’ll be updated soon. I also made a vision board collage for the year! It was a super fun activity, I definitely recommend trying it out!

Thought it was time for a logo change!!! It’s so crazy, I remember designing the first logo for this

Thought it was time for a logo change!!! It’s so crazy, I remember designing the first logo for this account, thinking it would go nowhere. And here we are now! I’m so thankful to have met you all, and you make my day so much better. Thank you for sticking with me, and I hope you’re all doing well. Sending love your way

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Thanks so much for the tag @caffeinatedstudies!

Hardcover or paberback / rent or buy/read in silence or read with music / standalone or series / annotations or pristine pages / e book or physical copy/dogearred or bookmarks / mismatched series or complete set /cover matters or you don’t judge / lend books or keep them to yourself / enjoys lit classes or despises them / browses shops or orders online /reads reviews or goes in blind /unreturned books or clean library record / rereads or once is enough / fanfic enthusiast or stickler for canon / deep reader or easily distracted / must read book before the movie or order doesn’t matter / has neat bookshelves or messy bookshelves / skips ahead or resists temptation/read aloud or in your head / guesses plot twists or never sees them coming

I love this so much! I tag @phdead@wedarkacademiaand@literaturencoffee!

10.13.20//hello everyone! So online school has really been ramping up. I find that there are so many more readings to do. Not to mention my politics textbook has some of the longest chapters I’ve had to read for a class. I feel like I’m learning a lot though, and I am somehow keeping afloat. This weekend was Thanksgiving for us Canadians so we had two days off from classes. I took some time to relax because I have been working a lot and deserved a break. It’s too bad I didn’t get to go out much this weekend, we were thinking of putting Halloween decorations up but decided against it. So instead of fall pics I’ve given you one of geese my friend and I saw this summer! I spent a lot of time watching movies and TV shows this weekend, like Big Little Lies (I loved it!) and When Harry Met Sally (finally!) What’s your autumn or quarantine binge?

09.17.2020// I like to move around a bit sometimes, as I do get a little bit cramped working in my room. I have also found the classic Pomodoro technique to be a really useful work tool right now. Currently, I’m working on Italian homework and any other assignments that might be coming around the corner soon! I’m also trying to think up more ways to get involved.

09.10.2020// back to school!! Hi everyone, been a bit since I’ve done an update here. Today we’re back to online classes. Like most people I’m quite nervous about getting used to all the platforms, but my professors seem lovely and accommodating, so that is quite reassuring. One tip I might give is to split up your days based on the kinds of activities you have! For example, I’ve split up my days based on readings, discussion posts, videos and quizzes. It also leaves enough time for me to complete activities and assignments during the week! I hope you are all doing well with this format, and if not I do hope it gets better. I’m always here to offer study tips if anyone needs them!


Hi there everyone! I decided to come back with another article, as I have been spiralling a lot these past few days. I find with quarantine, it’s becoming more and more difficult to get out of these spirals. I thought I’d write about my experiences and what helps in case anyone else was feeling the same way.

Imposter syndrome. Many of us have heard this word before. We feel out of place where we are, like we don’t belong, or that we don’t deserve something that has come our way. I am SO guilty of feeling this way; I think about all the times I’ve told people I didn’t deserve the music award I won at the end of high school, for example. It’s especially difficult when we see everything else that other people have accomplished. When we’re stuck at home during quarantine, these feelings can hit even harder, they have for me. I’m only starting my second year of university in September, but there are SO MANY things happening that I feel like I should be involved in or helping out for. Or that I should be coming up with more ideas. This is especially true for someone who is studying social issues. I feel this way as a writer as well-that my writing isn’t deep enough, or that it doesn’t address certain issues.

I’ll tell you the spirals are difficult, especially when they hit during work and I can’t focus. I’ve found a few things have been quite helpful for this. Take a look at your surroundings and name the things you see, smell, feel. This is a technique used by some during an anxiety/panic attack, but it’s something I’ve tried with my spirals to bring me back to the present moment. Another thing that is very helpful is telling myself “you’re doing great, you still have time, opportunities are always coming your way.”

Yes, opportunities are still coming your way. They can build up your resume and give you new experiences. Stop focusing on what you did or didn’t do in the past, and quit feeling like you should know what to do in the future. This is today. And tomorrow is tomorrow. Each day there’s a new opportunity to learn and grow. Don’t waste it by worrying so much.

I’ve also found this difficult when it comes to Linkedin, and I think I may be growing a bit of an addiction to it. As someone whose future career is very much make or break with your connections, I get worried about how my profile looks. Do I have enough experience? Volunteer roles? Certifications? I somehow compare myself to my older peers with many research assistant roles. But I’m only a second year, and I know I will gain those opportunities as well in my internship program.

It’s good to step away from Linkedin sometimes. I think I’ve updated my profile five times in the last couple of days, and it just keeps making me more worried. Yes, it is nice to see all your involvement in one place, but it also just keeps you comparing to others. If you feel like you have the same problem, let’s take some time to be away from Linkedin and spend some more time appreciating each day and each opportunity.

As a final reminder: yes, you belong here! Yes you are amazing! Yes you will get your dream career one day! Never feel like you aren’t supposed to be where you are; you worked so hard to get there, and I am so proud of you.

Hey everyone! If anyone in Canada is looking for piano lessons, my friend is offering to teach! She is based in Mississauga, but she is looking for any Canadian prospective students to teach over Zoom. She is a very skilled piano player as well, and has studied up to level 10 with the RCM curriculum. Message me for more info and to get in touch with her! She is a wonderful teacher who was wrongfully fired due to a parent’s complaints and she is starting this practice after bad experiences with private music studios. Thanks for reading!! And reblog if you know anyone who might be interested!

folklore academic/study vibes

hey everyone! so i’ve been listening to taylor swift’s folklore non-stop, and i wanted to create an academic vibes list for all the songs. listen if you haven’t, it’s literally a perfect collection of music!

mirrorball and betty: bright sunny days, studying outside in fields of flowers, daisy chains, vinyl records playing, the hope of second chances, artists and creatives, colourful backpacks, reusable waterbottles

exile and cardigan: writing by candlelight, old books bound in leather, pianos, gothic architecutre, vast foggy forests, psychology, Jane Austen novels, the break of dawn, curly handwriting

the 1 and seven: studying in a coffee chop, staring at passerbys out the window, rainy days with sunshine peeking through, journalling and diaries, biology class, pink and purple clouds, stickers on laptops

epiphany and this is me trying: eureka moments, lonely days studying at home, handwritten letters, dark highway drives, postcards from old friends, English class

august and illicit affairs: a bottle of wine with studying, road trips, secrets whispered between people, running around libraries, mystery novels, language classes, debates and playing devil’s advocate

mad woman and the last great american dynasty: reckless moments running around the schoolyard, reciting poetry on tabletops, obsession with greatness, doodles and procrastination, history class, the Lost Generation

invisible string and peace: friends from grade school, shade under a tree to read, walks in the park, old watches and antique shopping, white wine and rose, trying to study with friends and laughing, tablets to take notes

hoax and my tears richocet: obsession with mythology, button up shirts with slacks, greys and warm netural colours, studying in the stairwell and hallways, political debates, classical music while studying

07.24.20// hey everyone! Thought I’d check in again and see how you’re all doing! I’m still balancing school and work, but I’ve been feeling this creative surge lately that’s just bursting at the seams. I just started writing a short story for the first time ever! I’ve done them for school and everything but I mostly write articles and poetry. Also been listening to folklore from Taylor Swift, and it’s giving me a lot of musical inspo! An amazing album. What is your favourite creative hobby?

Playlist tag!

Hello again!!! I was tagged by the wonderful @caffeinatedstudies for this playlist challenge!

Rule: put any of your playlists on shuffle and listen to the first five songs!

I’ve chosen my ultimate playlist on Spotify, Awesome Mix Biffi Style. I don’t have specific playlists for certain moods, as I love a lot of songs and I know that would take SO MUCH time for me. Here we go!

  1. Please Mr Postman by the Carpenters-a classic! A very cutesy song to listen to if you’re feeling down too
  2. Nights by Frank Ocean-I don’t listen to any other Frank Ocean songs really, but I really should! This came up on a friend’s playlist at a party once and I loved it
  3. Death of a Bachelor by Panic! At the Disco- I love the vibes of this song! Very old school jazz feel
  4. Falling by Harry Styles- this is a really emotional song, and I only listen to it sometimes just because of the sheer power it holds
  5. Gold Dust Woman by Fleetwood Mac-one of my favourite bands ever!!! Who could ever go wrong with these guys??

Thanks so much for the tag!! I’ve never done a challenge like this so it’s really exciting! I tag @future-eng@fireflidesk@ensaimada-roll@zxmed
