

y'all if the collector luz theory ends up not happening we’re all gonna look so silly with our overanalyzing of shadows on luz’s face and panicking over similar circumstantial evidence


Hey, here’s another fun one for the Collector!Luz theorists (though it might’ve been said before):

I remember someone saying that while Belos says the day of unity is happening when the tide is low, king tide (like king’s tide) is actually high tide, so what’s up with that?

And so I looked it up to see if it had any other facts or symbolism, and uh

We already know what the sun and the moon are. And Belos mentioned that they’d be aligned.

But the earth… don’t they live on the boiling isles? There is no “earth” here. Why reference king tide if-


every day is a day closer to king’s tide and i dont think im ready bro

anyway its cool to get some aussie representation/jjj CLOUDS ON THE HORIZON STABBED ME AND THEN STABBED ME AGAIN WITH THE KISS AND THE END

love luz’s ponytail tho like slayyyy
