#commander data


Mar. 6th, 2021

Today, Data wore a cat-shaped band-aid on his cheek!

Mar. 5th, 2021

Today, Data was gifted a box of novelty cat-shaped band-aids. He has no practical use for them. However, it would certainly be rude not to use the gift.

Mar. 4th, 2021

Today, Data did some spring cleaning! He used the KonMari method to tidy his quarters.

Feb. 28th, 2021

Today, Data chewed bubble gum and blew bubbles with it.

Feb. 27th, 2021

Today, Data played the ancient Earth “Pokémon cards.”

Feb. 26th, 2021

Today, Data portrayed Mordechai in the Enterprise’s Purim play in Ten Forward. Hamantaschen and synthehol was served and enjoyed by the crew, and the celebration was lively!

Feb. 25th, 2021

Today, Data made several batches of hamantaschen in preparation for tomorrow.

Feb. 24th, 2021

Today, Data used washi tape to decorate a notebook.

Feb. 23rd, 2021

Today, Data rehearsed for an Enterprise play that will be performed on Friday.

Feb. 22nd, 2021

Today, Data wore corduroy pants and platform shoes during his recreation time!

Feb. 21st, 2021

Today, Data made bath bombs.

Back when I joined the Baker Street discord, they told me Data’s nips had names. I was impressed to say the least.

I drew the last image because evidently I got the nips switched in the first.

I’ve rewatched “Brothers” (Star Trek: The Next Generation, season 4, episode 3) and after one episode about the family, they decided to make another one right away, but make it creepier. (Spoilers!) Behold: three Brents Spiner in the same scene (not in the same shot, though). Yes, this episode is about Doctor Soong, Data and Lore. Doctor Soong is dying and so he “summons” Data (makes him come to him so that he loses any free will) in a very inconvenient time for Enterprise, because he made him a chip of emotions (oh, this bad boy is going to play its role later). Unfortunately, Lore was also summoned (to his luck, he was reassembled) and now wants revenge. He secretly turns Data off and takes his uniform, so h gets the chip (which he doesn’t need and which can hurt him) and kills doctor Soong. Data says goodbyes to his father and thinks if he can ever forgive his brother.

I’ve rewatched “The Best of Both Worlds” (Star Trek: The Next Generation, season 3, episode 26 – season 4 episode 1). It’s one the most important episodes of those series – it’s a very Borg episode. (Spoilers!) It’s the one in which Captain Picard was kidnapped by Borg and transformed into a Borg himself – Locutus of Borg. It’s very creepy, especially considering that he had all his memories during the experience and that he remembered everything about being a part of Borg afterwards. How Riker has to become a Captain for some time and to make a young recently transferred commander, who reminds him of himself when he only began serving on the Enterprise and who thought that Riker’s going to become a captain on another ship and she’s going to become the first officer on the Enterprise, his first officer was also very tense and interesting to observe. The moment when Data has to connect to Locutus to connect to the Borg cube and take control over it was very cool too, especially when Locutus woke up and tried to attack people around him and Data just disconnected his hand. Wow. It was a great episode and a great way to keep people watching the series (splitting it in two and end the season on the first part).

I’ve rewatched “Transfigurations” (Star Trek: The Next Generation, season 3, episode 25). This episode somehow feels like TOS, I don’t know why – it’s about a race of aliens evolving and a less evolved part is discriminating and repressing the other part. (I guess it was a spoiler already…) One of the more evolved aliens is injured and picked up by Enterprise and healed by Doctor Crusher, but doesn’t remember anything and just live on the ship for some time. It turned out he can heal just by touch. Well, while he was being slowly healed Geordi and Data decoded a capsule with the information they had found with him and so they were able to find his home planet and get him there, even though he was protesting and then they found out about the discrimination and evolution, but everything ended up well, the alien was accepted into the evolved part of the race and has transformed into pure light.

I’ve watched “Star Trek: Insurrection” and liked it. Data singing or “playing” in a rick of hay was vety cute. 


I’ve rewatched “Future Imperfect” (Star Trek: The Next Generation, season 4, episode 8). It’s a very interesting episode, as any episode about some kind of parallel universe/unreal future. Riker, Worf and Geordi beam down on some weird empty planet, experience some transporter malfunction (of course, what else?) and… (Spoilers!) Riker wakes up in the sickbay and Beverly says that this weird planet happened sixteen years ago, when he was infected with some virus, which manifested only now and erased all his memories of those sixteen years. So, now he’s the captain of Enterprise, he has a son, whose mother died two years ago. Federation is in the middle of the process of negotiations with the Romulan Empire – they are going to sign the peace treaty (peace treaty. With Romulans. Surprise!). Picard (who’s an admiral now) and Troi (who’s serving with the admiral in command) are persuading the Romulans are sincere and that Riker is a clue person in negotiations. Well, the moment I saw the Romulan ambassador, I remembered the main plot twist, but then it turned out that it was not the last twist. Riker sees Tomalak and doesn’t believe him, but it’s not all. He spends time with his son and decides to see his late wife and she turns out to be Minuet. Riker rushes to the bridge, shouts at Geordi that his diagnostic is taking too long, he asks Data to do some calculations and he’s also doing it too slow. William asks Tomalak directly if it’s enough? Tomalak agrees and Riker finds himself on the Romulan base, he is held hostage and Romulans were using some mind-reading device to find some strategic information. Then it appears that the boy is real and was used to produce those illusions for Riker. The boy helps commander run, but then some more inconsistencies appear, the Romulan base also disappears and Riker stays alone with the boy, who’s member of some extinct race, who was left of the planet with the mind reding devices to provide him with pleasant illusions, but he feels lonely and that’s why he kidnapped Riker. Commander, of course, isn’t offended and takes the boy with him on Enterprise. (I’ve noticed, that more emotions I had while watching/reading something, the longer the post about it is. As you could have noticed I liked that episode very much.) 

I’ve rewatched “Legacy” (Star Trek: The Next Generation, season 4, episode 6). The episode is pretty interesting and dramatic. The plot – a rescue mission for a crewman, who was taken hostage on the planet Tasha was from. Seems simple, doesn’t it. Well, it would be, if the planet wasn’t being torn apart by some kind partisan civil war and if one of the fractions, which promised to help Federation (Enterprise) rescue the crewman didn’t have Tasha’s sister among them. (Spoilers!) She came on Enterprise to help, she got injured on a mission, grew close to Data, whom she reminded of Tasha, and even started thinking about joining Starfleet and made Worf think that Starfleet will be lucky to have her because she’s brave and selfless. She led them to the final rescue mission and then… betrayed them – it turned out that she led them inside the base of the other fraction not only to get the crewman back but to disable their defence systems and let her comrades attack this base. She was even ready to kill Data to do so. He and Riker didn’t let her, took her on the Enterprise and then returned. Data has experienced his first-ever friend betrayal and doubts if the trust is worth “feeling” this.









New Star Trek headcanon just dropped: Geordi and data regularly hang out in the dark and Geordi sometimes forgets that people need light to see

This is so incredibly important how dare you hide this in the tags /lh

Pov you walk into a pitch black room and you see two creepy glowing android eyes, two flashing red lights, and the fucked up thing cats’ eyes do in the dark

Further hc that Data can’t actually see in the dark either.

He’s just never thought to mention this because he has a photographic memory and direct neural access to all of the Enterprise’s schematics, and therefore doesn’t actually need sight to know where everything is.

okay no cause like i love this.


Ok but imagine the Enterprise goes to help people on this planet where everyone lives underground in the dark because of radiation or something. Like it’s bad enough that hundreds of generations have lived underground and, over the course of time, have adapted to the darkness so well that light sources actually hurt them. So Picard has to figure out how to help them without sending people in with lights.

And the obvious answer is to send Geordi down, but the settlements are so far down the communicators cut out and Picard isn’t sending anyone into that alone.

“Data and I should be able to handle it,” Geordi says. “Neither of us need light to see and Engineering can manage fine without us for a few hours.”

Picard nods and is on the verge of sanctioning the mission with his trademark, “Make it so,” when Data speaks up.

“Actually, my visual sensors are designed to be as much like the human eye as possible,” he says. “They only process information transmitted by the reflection of light off physical surfaces. My ability to function onboard Enterprise in unlit spaces is due to my memorization of both the ship’s schematics and the design preferences of those whose quarters I visit regularly.”

Behind his visor, unbeknownst to the rest of the crew, Geordi blinks as he tries to process this new information. He’s almost about to apologize to Picard and Data for the assumption when Data continues.

“However, I would be able to integrate the information from our tricorder scans to navigate without much difficulty. I could accompany Geordi to the settlement and provide some level of assistance.”

Picard looks a bit confused at the correction, but nods. “Make it so.”

Later, when they’ve beamed down into the caverns, Geordi asks why Data never mentioned that he couldn’t actually see in the dark. He would’ve turned the lights on if he’d known.

“I did not need it,” Data answers simply, as if that was explanation enough.

“Data, most people like the lights to be on, even if they don’t need it,” Geordi points out. “It’s a comfort thing. And polite, too, I guess.”

Data pauses, processing. “I was not uncomfortable, nor did I find the lack of light to be rude. I enjoy our conversations in the dark.”

“Huh.” Geordi stops, watching as Data continues down the tunnel a bit further. “But you keep your quarters dark sometimes, too.”

“Spot is nocturnal,” Data explains. “I have read that it is important for cats to maintain a sense of routine, including a regular day and night cycle.”

“You do your work in the dark for Spot?”

“For my friends.”

Oh god this is adorable! I love it!
