#lore soong


Back when I joined the Baker Street discord, they told me Data’s nips had names. I was impressed to say the least.

I drew the last image because evidently I got the nips switched in the first.

Wait I don’t know how I missed this one when I was posting my caleb drawings

Oh yeah my OC I made specifically to hang out with Lore (most of these drawings are a few weeks old)

Plagues - Star Trek animatic

Posting this in tumblr’s video format as well as on YouTube. Data and Lore animatic, woohoo! As of right now I don’t know what happens in Lore’s storyline beyond him getting Data’s emotion chip, so please don’t spoil anything for me!

Hey I made a Star Trek: TNG animatic centered around Data and Lore. You should really really watch it I think



TNG: The Soong family is a little bit silly

ENT: The Soong family is uhh… maybe kinda fucked up?

STP: The Soong family is an absolute menace to the community and they must be stopped.

a drawing of Data and Lore sitting in a sofa, with Spot the cat being petted on Data's lap. Lore is lounging back onto Data's shoulder, looking bored, and says "Dates, this movie suxx. Imma swap to something with more violence and misery." He holds a control pad in his hand. Data, who wears redundant 3D-glasses, replies, "No, please. Spot enjoys romantic comedies." The room is dark, and there are fragments of colourful holo-figures visible in front of the camera.ALT

holo-movie night! Data and Lore decide to spend a cozy space evening watching a holo-film. Spot is present.
this was inspired by @galaxsphere347’s lovely drawing!

“And why are you wearing those stupid glasses anyway?”

this was for a project in my digital arts class but i thought y’all would enjoy. the assignment was to make a horror movie poster

In honor of Eurovision/Mika…here’s the animatic I made the other week with Lore and Rowan! And the context, as written by my dear friend, @intergalacticpanic!:

“It’s for our OC and Lore in a modern AU. The two of them work in an office, which Rowan has worked his way up in overtime. There’s been a lot of toing and froing, a lot of unresolved tension, and unclarified feelings between them! Lore has gotten real tired of that, and of keeping things professional, so he interrupts a meeting between Rowan and a client (and her dog Humphrey!) to confront him.”

The other week I made a 3 minute animatic featuring Lore and @intergalacticpanic and I’s OC, Rowan! She pointed out to me that this frame in particular was very familiar…so I made it a reality! Original and phaser versions.

Welcome to Commission Information Post Part Two, Electric Boogaloo! This time, we’ll be going over my $10 doodle commissions!

First things first: they’re $10! Whether your character is a cat, or an 8-limbed Dragon/Human hybrid.** Do you want another character interacting with the first one? That’ll be +$5 for each additional character! Do you have an idea of a character you want to create, but don’t have a reference drawn? We can make it come alive together! If you’re interested, shoot me a DM!

I have decided to give these guys slots! 10 of them, to be precise. Slot status and more examples under the cut. Thank you!

**Something I will say about very detailed designs is that my doodle style is simplified, and some details will be lost. But all the important ones will stay!

Number one: Taken!

Number two: Taken!

Number three: Taken!

Number four: Taken!

Number five: OPEN

Number six: OPEN

Number seven: OPEN

Number eight: OPEN

Number nine: OPEN

Number ten: OPEN

Come get your Star Trek content! We’ve got Daforge, Lal, Spot, Lore, Leah Brahms, Romulans, Tasha, Deanna, fluff, angst, and more!

I decided to redraw my favorite song lyric pieces that I did a long while ago, if anyone was around to remember those!

(I don’t normally say this, but because they’re so small, click for better quality!)

Doodling in the middle of playing Terraria last night. May or may not return to this one.

Doodling in the middle of playing Terraria last night. May or may not return to this one.

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