#pisces moon

Moon signs aesthetics (12/12): Pisces Moon“Needs fantasy, compassion, escape, creative outlets, secu

Moon signs aesthetics (12/12): Pisces Moon

“Needs fantasy, compassion, escape, creative outlets, security. This dreamy moon sign can be extremely hard to pin down and read… They’re not even sure how to explain or navigate their own depths. Can be powerful healers and drawn to artistic, sensual and spiritual pursuits.”

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aries moons are just as scared of expressing their more gentle emotions that make them vulnerable as aquarius/capricorn/scorpio but they feel anger is an emotion that makes you empowered, not vulnerable, so they often channel every single feeling they have into aggression, rage that can often appear infantile, and thick-skinned hostility. they’re the definition of “looks angry, is actually sad and hurt”. there’s a lot of difficulty in admitting their vulnerability even to themselves.

taurus moon understand people really well but pretend they often end up pretending they don’t understand because they are very protective of themselves and they consider every point of view that’s different from their own to be a threat to their stable and comfortable way of life. that’s why they shut off their natural inclination to be understanding of others and choose, sometimes without even realizing it fully, a lifestyle for themselves that rarely changes, therefore has little room for improvement.

gemini moons create all by themselves so much noise in their heads and hearts just so they can run away from things like commitment, emotions, making choices and knowing what they want. they seek stimulation from various sources all the time so they can be able to switch their focus from their emotional world to…idk, something supposedly more interesting but actually just less scary for them. they use their incessant inner monologue to talk over the voice of their real feelings.

cancer is a peculiar archetype - it’s associated with both the mother and the baby. this shows in cancer moons as an inner indecision which role to take - the nurturer or the nurtured. in the first case, they might feel as if they don’t receive enough love. in the second, they might feel as if they don’t give enough love. that’s why it’s important to remember you can be both and that maturity is often connected to learning how to implement and appreciate ambiguity. other people might make it hard for you too, expecting you to be either baby or a mom person for their peace of mind they find through simplicity, and you may internalize those expectations.

leo as an archetype needs outside validation. or, best case scenario, they don’t need it, they just feel really good when they get it. leo suns often have a natural inclination for attracting attention but leo moons have trouble doing that. they really need praise and appreciation to be happy with anything they do but also they don’t know how to ask for it and feel that if they somehow called forward the appraisal, it’s actually not genuine and given to them out of pity or smth. so they’re often stuck in situations where they can’t really say what they want and count on other ppl to guess it.

virgo moons… actually i have absolutely no fkn idea. like that’s the thing with you guys, you’re so damn secretive. i mean everyone knows capricorn and scorpio are hiding stuff so they’re obvsly not so good at doing it, but you? you really just don’t believe people can understand most of your inner world and you have disillusioned yourself to the point of just believing no one will ever be good enough to comprehend you, that’s why it’s best to pretend there’s nothing to understand in order to make annoying ppl stop trying and let you be.

libra moons are some of the most adapting ppl but this leaves them with a suppressed anger that others dont adapt enough and always demand more flexibility from them. they might end up feeling chronically dissatisfied in their relationships because of this. they’re often switching between extremeties like “it’s all my fault, i am probably really selfish and horrible cuz i did this one thing for myself four years ago” and “you never did enough, i am always so considerate and thoughtful and you’re not at all”. it’s hard to reach balance in that state of mind and that’s what libra is all about after all.

scorpio moons really just need peace but keep starting drama. the intensity of their emotions just really doesn’t leave them much choice, there’s just a natural inclination to control and hide the power of their feelings, but when you do that systematically there is a specific kind of pressure building up inside that demands to be let out in some way. so scorpio moons, unwilling to show how DEEPLY they’re feeling but at the same time needing an outlet of the tension inside, stir up dramatic and extreme situations that they don’t really need to be in. and this disrupts the peace they need in order to express their emotions properly and build some trust.

sagittarius moon is very similar to gemini, after all they’re opposite signs. the difference here is that while gemini moon uses the internal monologue to avoid things, sag uses other people for the same purpose. when they don’t wanna face something, they just get lost in other people’s internal monologues, odd as it is. or in philosophy, or some sort of art or science, something to study in depth. I’ve noticed it’s quite common for sagittarius moons to have people around them that try to make them pay attention to the parts of themselves they’re avoiding. and they just love to argue with said people in order to prove how they’re not avoiding anything at all and they’re just ruining everything.

capricorn moon culture is caring so much about some things that you totally suppress your care and come out as completely uncaring and freezingly cold so you have to pretend to care about shit you don’t care about in order to appear at least a tad bit caring - as you really are. like you gotta fake who you really are cuz you can’t show it truthfully cuz it’s too much if you know what i mean. so you end up expressing real traits of your character but in a fake way and this confuses you emotionally even further.

aquarius moons are the most fragile ones imo. they’ve usually had a detached mother figure that didn’t provide them the attention they needed and didn’t really trust their feelings. that’s why it’s difficult for them to trust someone with their vulnerabilities. yet they really crave the type of intimacy that comes by sharing the sensitive parts of you - and let me tell you aquarius moons are really sensitive. so their reaction when they’re in a rut and realize they wish they could share why they’re upset to someone is to detach. to just run away somewhere, close themselves in their cage and deal with this on their own. they want someone to show them they care but every attempt of doing so may feel like an intrusion to the safety of detachment.

pisces moons are basically a bundle of self-sabotaging mechanisms. honestly it may really take a while with this moon to figure out which mechanism started where and how it intertwines with another and cancels a third one and so on. they’re both detached from their feelings - yes they are - and very emotional, both deeply emotionally intelligent and kind of dumb with feelings. they know what they feel but they don’t if it’s them feeling it or someone else. it’s basically a mess of contradictions and they must implement some strict routine of introspection, meditation or some form of creating art in order to receive the clarity they so desperately need.

/this was originally just a rant exposing my capricorn moon ass but i started thinking about similar mechanisms working with the rest of the moon signs and this happened lmao/

#astrology    #moon signs    #zodiac    #zodiac signs    #taurus    #gemini    #cancer    #scorpio    #sagittarius    #capricorn    #aquarius    #pisces    #aries moon    #taurus moon    #gemini moon    #cancer moon    #leo moon    #virgo moon    #libra moon    #scorpio moon    #sagittarius moon    #capricorn moon    #aquarius moon    #pisces moon    #reblog    

Aries Moon: the ‘you’re giving your Mother a headache’ child

Taurus Moon: the ‘are you sure it costs that much?’ child

Gemini Moon: the ‘do you ever stop asking questions?’ child

Cancer Moon: the ‘do you really have a tummy ache or do you not want to go?’ child

Leo Moon: the ‘yes we will still love you if you don’t get an A/come first’ child

Virgo Moon: the ‘do you have to eat differently from the others?’ child

Libra Moon: the ‘you know you don’t have to be friends with them if they are mean to you?’ child

Scorpio Moon: the ‘where have you been? Haven’t heard from you all day’ child

Sagittarius Moon: the ‘yes it’s only five more minutes away’ child

Capricorn Moon: the ‘how did you figure out how to do that?!’ child

Aquarius Moon: the ‘I think those friends are a bit old for you..’ child

Pisces Moon: the ‘no that just a dream you had’ child


#moon signs    #aries moon    #taurus moon    #leo moon    #virgo moon    #libra moon    #scorpio moon    #capricorn moon    #aquarius moon    #pisces moon    

Moon Signs +-

~Aries Moon
1. Protective/Loyal
2. Authentic/Heart on sleeve
3. Attempts to learn from past mistakes

  1. Emotional Recklessness
  2. Allows people who have hurt/angered them to live rent-free in their inner life
  3. Seeks justice for past betrayals in present relationships

~Taurus Moon
1. Pure intentions
2. Generous with internal and external resources
3. Relieves stress by being alone

  1. Emotionally stoic/unresponsive
  2. Attachment-Detachment relating style
  3. Hedonistic behaviour as a form of emotional avoidance

~Gemini Moon
1. Always there to let you talk about it
2. Humour as a form of resilience
3. Does not dwell on negative interactions/disagreements

  1. Purposely evasive in revealing true feelings
  2. Troubles with anxiety
  3. Loses sight of the bigger picture/emotional tunnel vision

~Cancer Moon
1. In touch with the inner life/responsive to the feeling state
2. Emotionally in tune with Feminine intuition
3. High emotional resilience

  1. Lack of interpersonal boundaries
  2. Sense of losing control
  3. Gastric sicknesses caused by emotional distress

~Leo Moon
1. Emotional warmth and responsiveness
2. Willingness to be vulnerable/ask for help
3. Unrestrained compassion

  1. Difficulty sitting with discomforting emotions for any amount of time
  2. High emotional demands
  3. Theatrics

~Virgo Moon
1. Natural ‘pause to respond and not react’ type
2. Finds solutions to problems at the worst of signs
3. Respectful of interpersonal boundaries

  1. Usually emotionally unsettled by something
  2. Conversion to gastric sickness
  3. Tells nobody what they are going through

~Libra Moon
1. Honours the unseen struggle in others
2. Reads emotions like a book
3. Does not judge natural emotions of the human condition

  1. Poor interpersonal boundaries
  2. Over reliance on a certain person
  3. Relationships as avoidance for dealing with past issues

~Scorpio Moon
1. Understands the depths of the human condition
2. People feel safe revealing traumas/secrets
3. Past pains become reborn psychic gifts

  1. Refusal to let others in - emotional islander
  2. Unrelenting sense of being wrong done-by
  3. Emotional compulsions

~Sagittarius Moon
1. Genuinely interested in the experiences of others
2. Finder of the silver lining
3. Emotionally idyllic; 'the best is yet to come’

  1. Flight or flight from anything that hurts inside
  2. Emotional distress = hostility/frustration
  3. Low distress tolerance

~ Capricorn Moon
1. Inner strength to confront past issues alone
2. A safe place for others
3. Wants to take care of someone

  1. Overly internalised - shuts people out
  2. Excess analysing of emotions/responses
  3. Work/activity as a form of emotional avoidance

~ Aquarius Moon
1. Compassionate fascination
2. Ability to view the scenario with a clear emotional head
3. Does the inner work to respond better in the future

  1. Intellectualises emotions to a state of numbness
  2. Rejects advice of others
  3. Withdraws and blames the world

~ Pisces Moon
1. Provides a safe and soothing refuge
2. Emotional telepath, experiences feelings belonging to others
3. High emotional IQ

  1. Relationships as a form of escapism
  2. Emotional distress = stops drinking water
  3. Sensitivity that is taken advantage of easily


 Libra Sun, Pisces Moon and Gemini Rising aesthetic for @marianikolaides (:

Libra Sun, Pisces Moon and Gemini Rising aesthetic for @marianikolaides(:

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astrology notes x pt.3

■ aquarius can’t stand being forgotten/ignored.

□ Mars in virgo is indeed one of the kinkiest placements out there, and are very straightforward in how, when and where they like it.

■ pisces moon can cry over the thought of them crying.

□ capricorn moon is very sensitive but you’ll never catch them crying.

■ your 7th and 8th houses hold the sign of your best lover or worst enemy.

□ venus in virgo way of showing love is by never asking you to change, instead they’ll let you change at your own pace.

■ mercury and Jupiter both also indicate your type of humour.

□ mercury in the 12th are usually talking to themselves when alone.

■ Mars in cancer love language is physical touch. Specially in love relationship, they will literally cry if you don’t touch them.

□ sagittarius tells lies to be liked while Gemini just lies bc they don’t ever want to stop talking.

■ scorpios hide their feelings so well, they don’t even know them themselves.

□ mars in scorpio & leo love watching other people fight or get mad. It’s attractive.

■ Aries risings females are more straightforward and tomboy-ish than suns.

□ Aries & Leo hate copycats.

■ Cancer, Pisces, Gemini, Libra are most likely to be copycats.

□ your toughest relationship w a family member is usually with someone whose moon conjunct your sun or vice versa (Ex. Their moon in Scorpio - your sun in scorpio) it takes a while for both of you to get along and you will need to learn to understand each other in order to have a healthy relationship.

■ capricorn, sagittarius & gemini placements don’t believe in astrology (or prolly do but will never admit it)

□ Aquarius risings have an unconventional beauty, I’ve notice most of them have their eyes kinda far apart.

AESTHETICS (updated): Libra Sun / Pisces Moon / Taurus Ascendant

#astrology    #the signs    #the signs as    #zodiac    #aesthetic    #my posts    #libra sun    #taurus    #taurus rising    #taurus ascendant    #pisces    #pisces moon    

AESTHETICS (updated): Leo Sun / Pisces Moon / Leo Ascendant

*REQUESTED (my requests are currently closed)

#astrology    #the signs    #the signs as    #zodiac    #aesthetic    #my posts    #leo sun    #leo rising    #leo ascendant    #pisces    #pisces moon    #astrolyogy    

AESTHETICS: Aquarius Sun / Pisces Moon / Pisces Ascendant

*REQUESTED (my requests are currently closed)

#astrology    #the signs    #the signs as    #zodiac    #aesthetic    #my posts    #astrolyogy    #aquarius    #aquarius sun    #pisces    #pisces moon    #pisces ascendant    #pisces rising    

sagittarius sun : pisces moon : scorpio venus

#pisces    #scorpio    #sagittarius    #sagittarius sun    #scorpio venus    #pisces moon    #aesthetic    #moodboard    #astrology    

capricorn sun : pisces moon : virgo rising

#astrology    #aesthetic    #moodboard    #capricorn    #capricorn sun    #pisces    #pisces moon    #virgo rising    

Moon signs (part 2)

The harmony comes when you understand who you are and what’s your needs, however, very often people don’t have answers for such important questions. There’re descriptions for each moon sign that can help to find the answer.

Libra Moon:

a lot of complexes; doubting too much about everything; can’t find compromises; high expectations from people.

✔ can find the balance of feeling and emotions; polite and tactful; a good sense of beauty; know what they worth; try to make this world more beautiful place; caring about social problems; the life and soul of the party.

Scorpio Moon:

revenge to everybody who insulted them; remember how their neighbor didn’t wave them back two years ago; want to kill everyone and especially themselves; don’t trust anyone

✔ understand how the life is working; amazing at giving advises; magnetic; can control others; brilliant businessmen; easy to forget and let things go.

Sagittarius Moon:

try to run away somewhere else; however, can’t do it because laziness is their second name; eat as much as they want at anytime; never finish things they started.

✔ best philosophers ever; enjoy to get deep down in other cultures but don’t forget about their owns; can control their diet and never give up until the end

Capricorn Moon:

waste their lives; no goals and plans; don’t tell how they feel and what bothering them; absence of steady job and place of living; depression; closed from people

✔ have a plan for everything; know who they want to be and do all that possible for reaching the perfection; can express their emotions and worries; very patient; have steady incomes and can guarantee no worries about money

Aquarius Moon:

always ran away from ordinary life; unstable emotionally; concentration problems; rejection of reality; dreams are better then real life

✔ acceptation of reality, but still being an unique person; optimistic as hell; try to make this world optimistic too; friendly to everybody no matter who they are; equality is their second name

Pisces Moon:

apathy; closed from this world; reject own feelings; never helps others; naive; alcohol addiction; loneliness

✔ try to help everybody who is in needs; feeling love to everyone and especially to themselves; creative and intuitive; big hearts; try to make the world a better place


The New Moon will be in full swing at exactly 08:54 PM EST. Not only that but it’ll be a super moon eclipse!

This is a time for:






The Pisces New Moon is a powerful life altering shift. Pisces is a sweet, sensitive, and romantic time. This New Moon will be a pivotal moment for the emotions in your life. Take this time to review how you feel about your friends, loved ones, and yourself.

This is a time to press forward in your goals. This moment could make or break whatever projects you have going on. Because this solar eclipse occurs in the sign of Pisces, imagination, service, dreams, ideals, and compassion will be in focus. Let go of the old stagnant shell you’ve created for yourself. Break free from old habits and hone your skills.

The Pisces Super moon and eclipse provides a rich and powerful energy. This energy can be harnessed to support your dreams. Pisces is a mutable water sign. It is a symbol of the unlimited possibility that is your life. This Pisces energy will help you engage in your wildest dreams. This is a time to dream big and even walk a little a taller. Act as if your life is exactly where you want it to be financially, emotionally, and physically. Accept this new life as a truth and everything will fall into place.

Tonight is meant for emotions, dreams, and outlandish possibilities. Go-with-the-flow Pisces is telling you today that the world is your oyster. Today is a day for scary decision making. There might be some opportunity or life change you’ve been mulling over and holding yourself back from, today is the day to dive head first into it! It’s going to be scary, it’s going to be hard, but it’s time to make some drastic moves. Plus if this possibility doesn’t work out, there’s always more fish in the sea!


#wiccan    #wiccan    #paganism    #paganism    #witchcraft    #witchcraft    #witchy    #witch stuff    #pisces    #new moon    #new moon in pisces    #new moon pisces    #pisces moon    #moon magic    #horoscope    #zodiac    #march 8th    #march 8th new moon    #super moon    #super moon eclipse    #eclipse    

PISCES: Everything Is Changing For The Better! - Spiritual Reading June 2022

#pisces    #pisces venus    #pisces rising    #pisces moon    #pisces mars    #pisces mercury    #pisces stellium    #pisces tarot    #tarot pisces    #pisces horoscope    #pisces forecast    #pisces love    #pisces tarot reading    #astrology    #zodiac    #taurus    #gemini    #cancer    #scorpio    #sagittarius    #capricorn    #aquarius    

pisces moon, cancer rising, scorpio venus

#astrology    #astrology moodboard    #pisces    #pisces moon    #cancer    #cancer rising    #scorpio    #scorpio venus    

libra sun, pisces moon, aquarius rising

#astrology    #astrology moodboard    #pisces    #aquarius    #ibra sun    #pisces moon    #aquarius rising    

Today, October 27, 2020

Astrology Transits by TripleAqua

  • Pisces Moon 20° conjunct Pisces Neptune 18° (2° orb)- 0535 EST

Dreamy, passive, unbalanced. This is the energy that can be felt today. This can make us hypersensitive, which can weaken our nervous system and create unknown or easily influenced anxiety. We may want to be alone with our thoughts early in the morning. Avoiding the truth could be possible as well. Expect to have realistically, vivid dreams with a heightened imagination. Emotions run high, so unexplained crying or overreactions can become present.

  • Scorpio Mercury rx opposite Taurus Lilith- 0633 EST

Challenging secrets may be revealed. Taurus Lilith encourages us to survive & stand our ground. With this energy, some may have to do whatever is needed to be done to survive, despite external judgement. In turn, this can create a hostile conversation or unpleasant realization. Something that no one wants to acknowledge could find its way to the surface.

  • Pisces Moon 20° sextile Capricorn Jupiter 20° (exact 0° orb)- 0950 EST 

A really positive energy that can bring us social success and material gains today. Can create a positive outlook on life with the feeling of sincerity. Interests may peak in art/crafts. Optimistic & feeling good.

  • Pisces Moon 20° sextile Capricorn Pluto 2 2° (2° orb)- 1353 EST

This energy awakens our sentimental endeavors. We actually will feel enjoyment with action and adventure. There may be a desire to travel or plan a trip. Be sure to double check any reservations or planning with Mercury & Mars still in retrograde!

*The 3 favorable aspects of the Pisces Moon and Neptune, Jupiter, and Pluto gives us a powerful opening for spiritual stimulation. Meditation could bring an awakening or epiphany. These aspects also gives us stronger imaginations, gain in sympathy, positive outcomes in legal cases, and intense feelings of love and interests.*

  • Venus leaves Virgo & enters Libra ♎️- 2133 EST (ends November 21, 2020)

Today is a big Libra energy day! With both Venus & Mercury entering Libra within minutes apart, a break from any negative astrological transits should be in order. Venus enters it’s home sign of Libra bringing friendly, kind, and extremely personable influences. We can find us taking interest in all things beautiful; music, art, fashion, creativity, poetry. Libra Venus can help us remember what we love about the people closest to us & put us in a better mood for compromising.

  • Mercury rx leaves Scorpio & enters Libra ♎️- 2149 EST (Libra Mercury rx goes direct November 3, 2020 & enters back into Scorpio on November 10, 2020)

With all the Libra energy happening at once, the urge to show off our artistic talents can emerge. The collective should show a higher aesthetic sense and we should all seek harmony & balance more than usual. Mercury rx encourages us to face our shadow, and in Libra, it brings out relationship issues & karma once again to make sure we are working on finding healthier connections & eliminating any extra baggage that is in the way of finding balance. It can bring up issues from September (when Mercury was in Libra then) and invite us to review the lessons we went through before entering intense, deep Scorpio for a second time. Any underlying manipulation or controlling dynamic needs to be uncovered and solved. This means communication with the people we love needs to be open & honest.


Natal Chart Interpretations, Tarot Readings , Holistic Healer, Crystal Healer

“Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” - Carl Jung




Venmo~ TripleAqua


Credit: tumblr blog @tripleaqua

Moon sign descriptions part 2

~Taurus Moon~Leo Moon~Virgo Moon~Pisces Moon~

*Always look at your other signs and placements as well as the house in which your moon is placed. These descriptions will only be a part of your astro personality*

Taurus Moon - These moons hate change and are the most stubborn of the moon Signs. These moons thrive on predictability and stability in order to feel at ease. Taurus Moon individuals are very head strong and will work hard towards whatever goal they set their mind to. They love the finer things in life and love anything to do with the senses, and may be a regular buyer of extravagant perfumes, silky fabrics, soothing moisturisers and bath oils or anything that’s pleasing to the eye. Taurus moons often have a natural grace and serenity that draws people in. These people are not unpredicatable as this is something they do not stand by, instead they are often the most stable people you will ever meet. Taurus moons will probably have a beautiful home and someone that has good taste. Taurus moons can be a lover of tradition, especially if tradition was exposed to them growing up. They may dream of a a fairytale wedding or having a perfect family as a child, and they will probably end up living this dream as they will usually end up completing any goal that falls onto their lap. Their stubbornness can sometimes get the best of them, because their opinions and ideas are rarely changed and they may have trouble listening to other people’s side of the story, which can cause issues if they get into an argument. Taurus moons sometimes struggle with new situations and unpredictable environments as they tend to very fixed characters and adaptability and spontaneity is not their strong suit.

Leo Moon - Leo moons aren’t always as outgoing as some may like to think. Sometimes people with a Leo Moon might be described as someone who is shy or quiet especially around new people, until they get to know you, in which you start to see they are more outgoing. But that doesn’t mean that these moons are not outgoing, it just means that not all of them are as outgoing as you’d think. These individuals will usually have strong ‘Leo’ traits, and depending on the persons chart, this Leo energy may not be noticed until you really get to know the person. Leo moons are usually very generous people to those that they love as well as very loyal, even to people that may not treat them the same in return, which could be an issue. They often have strong leadership abilities, so don’t be surprised if you see a Leo Moon take charge of a situation with ease, it comes very naturally to them. Leo moons can be very dramatic and always caught up in the latest gossip (can depend on how strong Leo is in your chart). They can be attracted to the performing arts and anything which has the spotlight on them. One of the problems this moon could face is self-esteem issues if they don’t receive enough compliments and are criticised by other people. These moons don’t take criticism lightly. Even though these moons tend to be generous and loving, this doesn’t stop them from sometimes acting conceited and like they’re better than everyone, they will tend to do this when they’re going through a lot of emotional turmoil or if people allow them to act this way.

Virgo Moon - Virgo moons are structured and critical. When it comes to organisation, these moons are pros. Their everyday life will seem perfectly structured and this is something people will often pick up from a Virgo Moon individual when they first meet them. They hate a messy schedule and environment and they are excellent when it comes to getting things done. They are the epitome of a perfect employer and student and this is what will help them in life. They are perfectionists when it comes to anything and will strive to perfect their knowledge and ability on anything that interests them. There is however a couple of negatives associated with their perfectionism, and this is what makes them come over as overly critical, especially towards other people. Virgo moons will often pick out the flaws in others and this may cause them to have high standards when it comes to friends and relationships. They are one of the most likely to bitch about someone, for being bitchy (the irony) as well as pretty much any flaw to everyone they meet because they can be so sensitive to the negative attributes in people as well as themselves that they fail to pick up the good. These individuals need to focus more on the good things in life, because focusing on the negatives is what brings you down and you know it. Being critical isn’t a bad thing, it just depends on how you use it. If Virgo moons used their criticism to help others instead of putting them down, it may help them a great deal.

Pisces Moon - Pisces moons are one of the most moody, if not the moodiest sign there is. They tend not to hold grudges for long but they are easily hurt and very sensitive to how you treat them. You may never know that they are mad at you until you try and confront them because they always use an indirect approach to conflict, but if you confront them during the time they are mad at you, don’t expect them to be nice, passive-aggression comes quite naturally to them, especially when they are mad. But, Pisces moons will love you again in no time, they get over fall-outs pretty quickly. Pisces can be shy and quiet, but may have loads of friends as they can empathise and read pretty much anyone. Pisces moons can be extremely creative, probably the most creative out of all the moons and often finding themself in artistic careers such as arts and crafts, acting, music and dancing. They tend to give off a vulnerability that can cause people to take advantage of them, but luckily their psychic ability (look at your chart) can often prevent them from letting those people get to them because they are usually the first to sense if someone has bad intentions or is up to no good. However they may sometimes be easily led or influenced by other people, especially if that person takes advantage of their empathetic nature. They may be called ‘cute’ and ‘sweet’ often by anyone they come into contact with. These signs may seem innocent and dreamy when you first meet them, but don’t let that side to them fool you. Pisces moons tend to have a darkness hidden beneath a layer of warmth and light, with the succeptability to turning to drugs, alcohol, sex, crime and self destruction. If you hurt them enough you will know, and you will probably find yourself feeling so bad for what you did that you will be begging on your knees for their forgiveness. Don’t underestimate these moons, no matter how vulnerable and innocent that they seem.

#moon signs    #taurus moon    #leo moon    #virgo moon    #pisces moon    #part 2    #moon sign descriptions    #astrology    #taurus    #pisces    #zodiac    #moon sign    

Pisces Moon ☪️♓️

#pisces moon    #astrology    

Sagittarius sun / pisces moon

Requested by @felisa-wanders


_____________ how they feel _____________

they are emotional and sometimes moody, experiencing fluctuations of feeling that they often find inexpressible. the moon in pisces individual can be sensitive and sentimental. they can also be highly intuitive and emotionally tuned in.

impressionable and easily influenced when their emotions are appealed to, the moon in pisces individual can be led in a lot of directions. easily seduced by everything that appeals to their senses, they yearn for the divine highs of life, sometimes regardless of the cost. sensual and searching for something more than a limited earthbound existence, they are most at home in their soul in some creative or spiritual capacity.

dreamy, changeable, and known to vacillate emotionally, they can be an enigma unto themself. because this sign is so connected to the unconscious, it can take this individual a long time to process emotions and know what they are really feeling. for example, sometimes they may not realize they are even angry at someone’s actions, only to be besieged a day later with a bad mood.

from time to time they need to tune the world out and have some time alone to emotionally regenerate. without even realizing it, they can absorb the negativity that surrounds them and suffer through subtle depressions and periods of apathy.

the moon in pisces individual lives in their own world. they are not open about their feelings. it is not that they are intentionally secretive, it is just that they often change so rapidly that it leaves them confused. their emotional style is to go with the flow from moment to moment, never really certain of where that might take them but being open to all that comes their way.

_______ how they show their feelings _______

while at times this person may be curiously quiet and elusive, they are at others open and expressive. there is a strong element of unpredictability to this individual. emotionally subjective - sometimes sad and sometimes happy for no apparent reason - their emotional landscape is constantly changing.

they can be tender, caring, and compassionate. they can also be confused and not able to get in touch with their elusive inner feelings. at times they can be as sympathetic and empathetic an individual as you’ll ever find. at other times, they can be detached, preoccupied, and caught up in a world of their own.

a confluence of emotions, feelings, and impressions run through them at any given time period. therefore, sometimes the moon in pisces individual is not in touch with them because they are confused by the changing nature of them. it is not uncommon for them to also be blocked because so much is going on inside of them that the contents of their mind are like a psychic stew that is bubbling over.

who they are emotionally
