
We designed a custom website and rebranding for wireless audio guru, Telesonix.Based in Los Angeles

We designed a custom website and rebranding for wireless audio guru, Telesonix.Based in Los Angeles and shipping overnight audio solutions worldwide! telesonix.net

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A nice day for a consultation on the golf course. ⛳️ Partners love our flexible packages, soaking up

A nice day for a consultation on the golf course. ⛳️ Partners love our flexible packages, soaking up sun and methods for increasing exposure at the same time. What more could you ask for?

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Well-composed interview frames should further reinforce the message or brand being highlighted. Stro

Well-composed interview frames should further reinforce the message or brand being highlighted. Strong storytelling is all in the details! #herbpharm #tbt #videoproduction

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‪Always loving Pacific Northwest vibes when covered in snow. ❄️ Even more so from aerial views. Full drone videos at pardonmedia.com‬

#consultation    #oregon    #snowpocalypse    #commercial    #oregonvideo    #videomarketing    #hatsoff    #productioncompany    #aerial    #promovideo    #marketing    #pdxsnow    #webdesign    #seattle    #videoproduction    #portland    #pardonme    #pacificnorthwest    #portlandvideo    #pardonmedia    #branding    
Pardon me, but what was once a dapper snowman, is now just dapper snow. ⛄️ Ahh the circle of life (u

Pardon me, but what was once a dapper snowman, is now just dapper snow. ⛄️ Ahh the circle of life (use imagination here). We’re enjoying the intermittent Portland snowfall, how about you?

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 We’re all about new wave crowdfunding. We’ve made multiple videos for successful Kickstarter campai

We’re all about new wave crowdfunding. We’ve made multiple videos for successful Kickstarter campaigns and we also love backing innovative products. Excited to use the Pinhole Pro multi-aperture lens!

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‪We’ve met some truly inspiring people and partners through the Portland Small Business Network, the

‪We’ve met some truly inspiring people and partners through the Portland Small Business Network, they meet twice a month. Stop by tonight and say hello, we hope to connect with you! ‍♂️

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Time flies when you’re having fun. Drones fly when you’re in the sun. Looking back on our journey is

Time flies when you’re having fun. Drones fly when you’re in the sun. Looking back on our journey is rewarding, the amount of growth we’ve seen simply by helping others grow. Cheers to 5 amazing years! ❤️

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 Did you know we can save you 20% off hosting a new website or ecommerce online store for the first

Did you know we can save you 20% off hosting a new website or ecommerce online store for the first year? We’re now members of the circle! Just one of the many perks of working with us, examples and more at pardonmedia.com

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‪They say the complexity and overlap of getting our UAS drone license is halfway to a private pilots

‪They say the complexity and overlap of getting our UAS drone license is halfway to a private pilots license. Flying through fiery skies brings temptation for more, but we’ll focus on what we do best for now ‍♂️‬

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‪ We just launched a website and store for The Chic Coop! A family run start-up that’s not only an o

‪ We just launched a website and store for The Chic Coop! A family run start-up that’s not only an online shop, it’s a mobile kiosk made from a chicken coop! They had a pop-up shop at Pioneer Place and were featured on the news. Check out their jewelry! TheChicCoop.com‬

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When I’m consulting with a medical provider on our shared client and they tell me what I should do in counseling with the client, I’m just like,

Sometimes patients bring their children into the consultation with them. I like when they do, I like children and sometimes, they say things that break up the monotony of a standard consultation…

During a consultation this week, a middle-aged man came in for a pre-employment health care check and brought his two young daughters with him. It was relatively straight forward with nothing significant to note, but during some of the routine questions, his youngest daughter decided to add her thoughts… 

Me:Any history of heart disease?


Me: Any history of diabetes?

Him: Not that I know of. 

Daughter: What do you mean daddy? You get diarrhoea all the time!




It takes a great deal of professionalism to not burst out laughing at that point. Unfortunately, I lacked that professionalism… 

 BLACK MEDECINE : A CONSULTATIONPo B. K. Lomami & Claire Obscurecrédit photo: Valérie Bah, Po B.

Po B. K. Lomami & Claire Obscure

crédit photo: Valérie Bah, Po B. K. Lomami & Claire Obscure

Éprouvez-vous un malaise systématique dès que les oppressions s’invitent dans la conversation?

Dre Batamu et Dre Voldenoire, expertes émérites en intervention médicale, déconstruction systémique et exorcisme théorique en milieu monochrome sont également connues et reconnues comme étrangères de proximité en public et agentes du grand remplacement dans l'ombre.

Dans le cadre de leur programme d'intervention pilote et interdisciplinaire, Dre Batamu et Dre Voldenoire ouvriront leur cabinet dans la galerie de La Centrale afin de prodiguer des consultations à destination de la communauté de La Centrale Galerie Powerhouse et de son public.

Nous vous encourageons à venir vous faire diagnostiquer 

le samedi 9 juin 2018, entre 14h30 et 16h30

au 4296, boulevard Saint-Laurent à Montréal, territoire non-cédé.


Po B. K. Lomami et Claire Obscure propose une intervention expérimentale, performative et collaborative avec un ancrage afroféministe et anti-impérialisme. ‘BLACK MEDECINE : a consultation’ est une performance d’intrusion et d’ingérence qui vise à retourner le contexte dans lequel elle prend place. Elles cherchent à générer l’auto-questionnement et l’auto-critique et placent les visiteurs.euses dans une ambivalence entre le désir de maintenir le statu quo par le déni et la volonté de s’exposer pour avancer. En renversant le regard, l’expérience individuelle amènera le public à s’interroger sur les dynamiques de pouvoir, les privilèges sociaux, la sous/non-représentation des racisé.e.s et l’institutionnalisation.

Accessibilité de La Centrale Galerie Powerhouse pour les personnes en fauteuils roulants : la galerie est accessible, la salle de bain n'est pas accessible

514 871 0268 - [email protected]


Photographie, musique, vidéo, peinture, poésie, sculpture, Claire Obscure se définit comme artiviste et repousse sans cesse ses limites techniques et expressives. Elle propose un art en lutte qui évolue dans un continuum expérimental, de sa plateforme afroféministe anti-impérialiste 'La Toile d’Alma’ à ses projets actuels.

Dans son court-métrage 'Intégrée mais pas Assimilée’ (2016), elle invitait sa mère à se raconter à travers l’intimité d’une conversation sur la transmission d’un héritage familial perdu. 'Résilience(s)’ (2017) offre une perspective subjective assumée sur des résistances de femmes noires et afrodescendantes dans la France d’aujourd’hui. Claire Obscure vit à Montréal, travaille à la librairie féministe L’Euguélionne et perfectionne sa pratique des arts visuels et performatifs.

cl4ire0bscure.com - latoiledalma.wordpress.com


Po B. K. Lomami est une programmatrice et coordinatrice de projets socio-artistiques, performeuse, écrivaine, musicienne, créatrice de zine et activiste Congodescendante (RDC) de Belgique. Elle traite notamment de négritude, handicap, queer, diaspora, transmission, perte, alternative avec un agenda anticolonial, afroféministe et anticapitaliste. Après avoir simultanément cumulé un master en business engineering et cinq ans d’engagement dans des organizations LGBT, queers et de santé sexuelle, elle crée plusieurs projets comme 'Intersectionnalité TMTC Bruxelles’ (2015, BE) et 'EXTRACT’ (2016, SE). Ses travaux politico-artistiques comptent entre autres la performance 'Consultation d’une afro-ratée’, le zine 'LITTLE RADICAL SECRET’ et le projet photo-zine 'Montreal, 1985’. Elle écrit pour plusieurs médias afro ou racisés dont 'AssiégéEs’ et 'Q-zine’. Elle travaille en ce moment à La Centrale en tant que coordinatrice de l'administration et est membre d'articule.

pobklomami.org - equimauves.wordpress.com



Po B. K. Lomami & Claire Obscure

Do you feel systematically uncomfortable when oppressions pop in the conversation ?

Dr Batamu and Dr Voldenoire, experts emeritus in medical intervention, systemic deconstruction and theoretical exorcism in monochrome environment are also well-known and renowned as familiar foreigners in public and Great Replacement agents in the shadows.

As part of their pilote interdisciplinary intervention programme, Dr Batamu and Dr Voldenoire will open their consultation room in the gallery in order to provide short sessions for La Centrale Galerie Powerhouse community and its public.

We encourage you to come to get your diagnosis

on Saturday June 9, from 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm

at 4296, Saint-Laurent boulevard in Montreal, unceded territory.


Po B. K. Lomami and Claire Obscure propose an experimental, performative and collaborative intervention with an afrofeminist and anti-imperialist anchorage. 'Black medecine : a consultation 'is a performance of intrusion and interference that aims to turn the context inside out. They want to foster self-examiniation and self- criticism and place the visitors in an ambivalent situation : between the desire to maintain the status quo through denial and the will to get exposed to move forward. By reversing the gaze, the individual experience will lead the audience to reflect on power dynamics, social privilege, under/non-representation of BIPOC (black people, indigenous people and people of color) and institutionnalisation.

Wheelchair accessibility of La Centrale Galerie Powerhouse: the gallery space is accessible, the washroom is not accessible

514 871 0268 - [email protected]


Photography, music, video, painting, poetry, sculpture, Claire Obscure identifies as an artivist and keeps pushing her expressive and technical boundaries. Her art is one of an existential struggle evolving in an experimental continuum, from her afrofeminist anti-imperialist plateforme 'La Toile d’Alma’ to her current projects. In her short documentary 'Integrated But Not Assimilated’ (2016), she invited her mother to tell their story of a lost family heritage in the intimacy of a conversation about transmission. 'Resilience(s)’ (2017) displays an unapologetic subjective perspective on the resistance of black women in contemporary France. Claire Obscure now lives in Montreal, works at the feminist bookstore L’Euguélionne while perfecting her visual and performative arts practices.

cl4ire0bscure.com - latoiledalma.wordpress.com


Po B. K. Lomami is an Congodesendant (DRC) activist, socio-artistic project programmer and coordinator, performer, writer, musician and zine maker from Belgium. Her work deals with négritude, disability, queerness, diaspora, transmission, loss, alternative with an anticolonial, afrofeminist and anticapitalist agenda. After simultaneously getting a master degree in business engineering and being involved with LGBT, queer and sexual health organizations for five years, she created several projects, including 'Intersectionnalité TMTC Bruxelles’ (2015, BE) and 'EXTRACT’ (2016, SE). She writes for afro and poc media such as 'AssiégéEs’ and 'Q-zine’. Her latest political-artistic work includes the performance 'Consultation d’une afro-ratée’, the zine 'LITTLE RADICAL SECRET’ and the photo-zine project 'Montreal, 1985’. She currently works at La Centrale as the administrative coordinator and she is a member of articule.

pobklomami.org - equimauves.wordpress.com

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