#county down

Looking down from the lower slopes of Slieve Donard. It kept raining on and off and you can just abo

Looking down from the lower slopes of Slieve Donard. It kept raining on and off and you can just about see the rainbow that formed over the sea. It sure made for a pretty view this day :)

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Mute swan taking off from the Main Lake at WWT Castle Espie.

Sometimes it’s best to hold the shutter button, track and hope for the best…

Had a rare close encounter with a lovely wee Common Sandpiper at WWT Castle Espie this morning!

A pair of wrens have moved into last year’s swallow nest - they’re in for a surprise when they return from Africa!

The hoards are assembling once again. Black-headed gulls joining the colony at WWT Castle Espie, near Scrabo Tower.

Soft furnishings…

Bluetit refreshing one of the nestboxes at WWT Castle Espie.

It’s that time of year again. A pair of black-headed gulls sharing a “special hug” on the reserve at WWT Castle Espie today

One of three common lizards at my usual spot this morning. Didn’t stay long as the long-tailed tits were constructing an architectural masterpiece close by.

This very confused long-tailed tit has a problem; there’s an intruder in his territory.

Every time he lands on the shiny, stainless steel Sam Thompson Bridge, an identical long-tailed tit lands right beside him.

For such a tiny bird, it’s all very frustrating…

First of the greater stitchwort in bloom along the Stoney Road, Dundonald.

This tiny monster is Bilobella braunerae, a bright pink springtail about 2-3mm in length.

Taken on Canon EOS 70D with Tamron 90mm Macro lens + 60mm extension tubes. Processed in Affinity Photo.

A couple of tiny weevils making the most of a sunny spot along the Comber Greenway in Dundonald today. They were only about 4mm long so weren’t going to shock anyone
